Skyrim: The Ultimate Collection of Werewolf Mods

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werewolves ferocious creatures with an insatiable hunger at the whims of the cycles of the Moon and forced to transform their bodies into creatures that resemble both man and wolf viewed as a curse by many but as a gift by some they are irrefutably some of the most powerful beings to Rome Tamriel yet players often Overlook becoming a werewolf in favor of choosing to become a vampire instead and for good reason the benefits of becoming a vampire far outweigh where and the form doesn't scale well with your character at higher levels today we're going to take a look at a series of mods that not only fix these issues but enhance the game playay Visual and role playing elements of werewolves to make the choice of embracing Lan be to be one that's worthwhile the first mod will be looking at as Moonlight Tales mini not to be confused with the original Moonlight Tales mod that was released several years ago this is a relatively new mod that's condensed many of the features from the original as well as made a few new additions all designed with compatibility in mind which is very important because we'll be combining this mod with another major werewolf overhaul but more on that later one of my favorite features added by Moonlight taals mini is a lunar transformation system which provides a chance of forc transformation occurring during the night the chance of transforming is dependent on the in-game phases of the moon with a higher chance of transformation the full of the Moon and a 100% chance to transform on the night of the full moon the mod is a few predefined presets to tailor your lunar Transformations the span anywhere from a preset that will cause you to transform only in the night of the full moon to a preset that will cause you to transform every single night regardless of the moon phase your choice will greatly influence your play Style by making your life as a werewolf bound to the stages of the Moon we've introduced an interesting role playing element to the game Moonlight Tales also reintroduces the Sous lupinus disease from morwin this disease can be contracted from either being struck by a werewolf or bitten by a wolf as the disease progresses you'll experience ominous visions that if not cured within 3 days you'll be transformed into a werewolf providing an immersive alternative way of gaining Beast Hood besides the companion's quest line a major quality of life addition made by this mod is the introduction of a combat menu that could be accessed by sheathing your claws this menu will allow you to not only switch between your house but also revert form and toggle night vision you may have also noticed that the appearance of my games werewolves are quite different from vanilla Skyrim this can be attributed to the Moonlight tailes skin system that allows you to customize the appearance of your Beast form with varying fur and eye color options and if you're planning on going the wear bear route there's quite a number of skins for that as well these new skins apply to werewolf MPCs as well and they will be randomized for increased variety with moonlight Tales you'll be encountering werewolf NPCs much more frequently with the new world encounter system this introduces wild werewolf encounters that can occur throughout the night if you opt to use the wolfkin alliance feature then all wild werewolves and wolves will be Allied to the player meaning if you you so choose you can join up with these Rogue packs of werewolves and partake in the Carnage they cause throughout the night as you can see Moonlight Tail's mini makes a ton of additions to Skyrim's werewolves but it doesn't touch any fundamental aspects of the form for that we need another major werewolf overhaul mod but before we get into that first a quick shout out to flexi spot for sponsoring this video as someone who spends a lot of time working at a desk I was excited when flexi Spa reached out to me to try out one of their standing desks I've been using it for a few weeks now and it wouldn't be understatement to say that's completely changed my workflow the desk is constructed from a solid durable bamboo sitting on top of fully adjustable legs that can be controlled from a Sleek keypad the desk has a large range of motion and you could set multiple presets at the heights that are most suitable for you it comes in a plethora of different sizes and besides bamboo it also comes in a few other wood options like mahogany and maple flexi spot is running a Black Friday and Cyber Monday deal with up to 50% off their standing desks and 70% off other items items they're also doing free giveaways between now and November 27th click on the link in the description if you're interested in checking it out and thanks again to flexy spot for sponsoring this video now let's take a look at growl a comprehensive werewolf overall that makes many changes and improvements to we Beast without straying too far away from its core elements offering a strictly vanilla plus experience growl makes a number of really impactful quality of life changes to werewolves including the ability to now interact with containers collecting greed and luk corpses while in Beast form the werewolf power has also been changed from a once a day power to one that could be used on a 90-second cool down with the ability to change back at any time by holding the power button providing far greater control over your Beast blood growl also solves a major drawback of we beast in Skyrim that being the lack of skill scaling and inability to gain experience now your damage and armor and Beast form scales with your highest weapon and armor skills and you'll gain experience in these skills when feeding on corpses with the amount of of experience varying based on The Corpse's level in addition to that when your character's overall level increases so twoo does your base damage armor and Magic resistance this mitigates the Beast form becoming weaker at higher levels so Beast form will be viable both level five as well as at level 50 growl also adds 11 new perks besides increasing your basic stats a number of which will further expand your abilities by causing your claw attacks to do additional bleed damage your power attacks to cleave multiple enemies as well as one that causes your leaping Sprint attack to critically strike and throw your target Beyond improving your Beast form a few perks have added benefits that also improve your human form if that's something that interests you I'd recommend using the mod growl tweaks which modifies some of the perks have been added by grow to make them more impactful on your mortal form meaning your growth as a werewolf will be further tied to your character's growth and reflective at all times the modified perks have added benefits that increase movement speed damage magic resistance and armor while in mortal form along with the introduction of a few new abilities with one of the more notable ones being moonwell which increases your health stamina magic of regeneration when outside during the night time providing that extra bit of encouragement to play at night to take advantage of these benefits growl also makes fundamental changes to Beast blood firstly depending on your character's race Beast blood mixes with your Race's blood in unique ways providing different benefits for example argonians will attain rabies making attacks and Beast form deal additional poison damage whereas Orcs gain Primal Rage having the damage they take within the first 15 seconds upon activating their Beast form as you probably already know Beast blood and Skyrim is obtained exclusively through the companions Quest line growl aims to add a few new methods to obtain Beast blood a new event could take place once per playthrough when you sleep Outdoors under a clear night sky you will experience a dream in which hering will offer to Grant you his gift you can also find and consume we Beast blood directly which is now a rare alchemy ingredient that could be obtained from a handful full of alchemy vendors or occasionally found when looting warlocks Force sworn or taken directly from the corpses of wild werewolves Beast blood could be given to your followers as well to transform them into werewolves followers that have Beast blood will now actually utilize their Beast form in combat combine this with a mod that allows you to have multiple followers such as Nethers followers framework and you could create and lead your very own pack of werewolves to wreak havoc across Skyrim to further emphasize this idea the mod sharing is carrying alter's NPC feed Behavior so you can now feed on your victims like a true pack of wolves when you start feeding it will prompt other werewolves around you to join in for the meal feeding will now also leave behind a pile of bones making it feel that much more immersive the group feeding effect applies to all non-hostile werewolves which has great Synergy with the wolfkin alliance feature added by Moonlight tales as this makes all were beasts non-hostile to the player this applies even to werewolves added by other mods which creates extra value for the next mod more werewolves this mod greatly improves the number of werewolf Encounters in the game you'll discover caged werewolves placed in a number of Skyrims dungeons as well as several new wild packs of werewolves roaming across Skyrim the werewolves you encounter in the wilderness can be seen doing anything from fighting off the vigilance of sendar to chasing a deer to feeding and if you so choose you can opt to enable attacks on towns and cities on the night of the full moon not only can you side with the werewolves and participate in these raids but it also does an amazing job of enforcing the idea that there's a werewolf epidemic in Skyrim another mod that will immersively increase the presence of werewolves in Skyrim is foresworn skin Changers a mod that adds new for sworn enemies that are capable of transforming into we beasts this isn't an unusual notion as the for sworn are known to worship dri princes including herine so it's no surprise that you would encounter were Beast among them with that we've greatly increased the presence and threat of werewolves to the residents of Skyrim it would be unreasonable to not also expand on the silver hand the organization that's devoted themselves to hunting down and Exterminating werewolves besides brandishing silver Weaponry the silver hand can easily be confused for mere Bandits they attack anyone on site and a lot of them wear fur armor which definitely isn't the most practical for fighting werewolves the mod reasonable silver hand makes it so the members of the silver hand no longer attack on site however this won't be the case if you're a werewolf or a member of the companions if you don't fall under that criteria and want to go more the direction of an anti- werewolf playthrough you'll be able to speak to some of the silverhand members and they'll even offer a quest to become a part of their organization if we combine this mod with silver hand armored all members of the faction will now wear steel plate armor that is unless you select one of the other options within the mods installer which includes patches for some other popular armor mods such as Haw Troopers immersive armors which will make silverhand boss NPCs we the mantle of silver hand making them much more distinguishable another immersive addition is the the mod werewolf narrative expansion which adds a plethora of new clutter to Silver hand related locations this includes severed werewolf heads and corpses scattered about that reinforce the gruesomeness of the silver hand in their pursuit to purge werewolves from Skyrim next let's take a look at a series of mods that make some general improvements to werewolves starting with Precision creatures a mod that adds precise hitboxes to a number of Skyrim's creatures including werewolves this essentially makes it so attacks more accurately Collide With the Enemy and follow the general reach that would be expected from an attacks animation furthermore the mod fixes the janky camera movements that occur when sprinting as a werewolf it also eliminates the notorious werewolf kill move delay that kept you Frozen for a few seconds while waiting the animation to begin now let's touch on a more overlooked aspect of werewolves and that would be their sound design the mod hyper trosa werewolf sounds reworked greatly improves nearly every werewolf sound effect to make them more beastly and vicious this includes new transformations sounds claw attacks injury noises hows as well as feeding with the extra gory option providing further emphasis on the sound of Flesh tearing and Bone snapping one area this mod overlooks is werewolf footsteps which in vanilla skym are extremely underwhelming and quiet that's where the mod werewolf footstep effects improve comes in this mod makes the footsteps sound louder and more menacing this is much more fitting especially for a creature of this size that's all the mods for today and as usual will they all be linked down in the description let me know if there's any others you felt should have been included and if you have any video idea suggestions for the future leave a like if you enjoyed the video and consider subscribing to the channel if you're new and as always thank you for [Music] watching
Channel: Doctor Nostalgia
Views: 40,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bEXc0Ywcah8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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