Characters' Reactions to the Dragonborn's Lycanthropy in Skyrim

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is that fur coming out of your ears I find your wolf is green unsettling oh been tending your hounds you smell like a wet dog with respect to companion I'd ask that you and your friends muzzled that dog of yours the howling coming from your basket has gotten out of hand there is but one gift I can give that is equal in value to the Elder Scroll and my daughter I offer you my blood take it and you will walk as a lion among sheep men will tremble at your approach and you will never fear death again yes I can smell it on you the power of my blood will Purge that filth and make you whole again I will banish you from this Castle I will spare your life this once but after that you are prey perhaps you still need convincing behold the power the power that I offer now make your choice so be it you are praying like all emotions I vanish well well it's raw meat oh my beautiful wife has told me all about you I'll give you a week before you end up dead in a ditch I might ask the same of you for you are more than mortal you are moonborn you are wolf so you're a companion then I can't imagine you got your gift anywhere else I hope you have better luck with them than I did oh yes I was once brother to the companions let's just say they found my methods unsettling the Dark Brotherhood obviously feels differently foreign traveler you have no business here be on your way wait you you're one of us aren't you a werewolf then perhaps you do have business here forgive me I'm Raquel of the frost Moon pack welcome brother hail brother I am Raquel of the frost Moon pack you are welcome among us so long as you mean no harm since I was born my parents were members of the pack back when majni's father was Alpha after they died majni and akkar took care of me taught me to hunt I'm not as good as they are but I do my best person go with you I don't trust you well keep that in mind welcome brother it's been too long since we met another who shares our blood [Music]
Channel: TopGameWorld
Views: 344,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Skyrim, skyrim gameplay, elder scrolls, skyrim montage, skyrim reactions, characters reactions, topgameworld
Id: 6rdL7PC1AGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 22sec (262 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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