Skyrim: How to Make an OP NO CRAFTING ARCANE ARCHER BUILD (Legendary)

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[Music] [Applause] are you ready kids [Music] so [Music] hey you are finally awake end of the line who are you [Music] i will eat you holy [Applause] [Music] get over here let's go [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] daddy's home [Music] so [Music] be sure to visit the black [Music] [Music] oh thank you divines bless your kind heart [Music] at bard mikhail is begging for a dagger up against his throat the way he goes on about me on my honor i won't bother carlotta ever again here's some coin for your help so you repel you saw this dragon with your own eyes come let's go find firengar my court wizard so you wish to master the arcane arts [Music] i believe i am yes technically speaking of course ah that reminds me speaking of alchemists i have some frost salts for arcadia would you be so kind as to deliver the frost salts for me two hours later splendid it's for a special brew i'm working on i love elixir like none other maybe i'll test it on foreign first here these potions should suffice [Music] feign doll thinks he can move camilla valerius away from me she's already mine i keep telling him camilla valerius knows i'm the best man in riverwood yeah well not anymore you're not here give camilo this letter it's full of venomous nonsense tell her it's from feindle oh my thank you for telling me the truth could you talk to feindahl as well i'm sure he'll want to thank you for standing up for him i appreciate your help please take this some gold i've saved up from working at the mill lead the way i'll show you what i know what do you want me to carry i'll show you what i know i'll show you what i know [Music] your usefulness has ended i'll head back home if you need me [Music] ever been to windhelm oldest city in skyrim by summer [Music] [Music] so [Music] go you suck [Music] target neutralized [Music] nice ever been to markarth some say it was built by the dwarves that reminds me i was going to deliver some dog food to the keep spiced beef their favorite wow look at you thanks take it to valada she handles all the dogs [Music] are you serious bro i can't believe you've done this finally now get lost can't talk alice will beat me if i stop working all right all right i'll give them a break here it's a week's wages for me but you've hurt every coin see i even have a little potion for the steward mind handing it over to him just say it should solve that problem he has um thank you here you go for your assistance oh thank you the dogs were getting restless here this is for you nice weather for a ride hope it lasts [Music] cross the bridge at your own peril a small test if you will no matter what well done i think you'll be a superb addition well first you'll need these while you're not required to wear them you may find them more to your liking than your current clothes are you ready to begin if you require assistance with summoning techniques please let me know take a look how quickly you've advanced most impressive there are spells yet to be learned powerful spells you must summon and command an unbound remora easy boys oh no run [Music] thanks honey you have done well [Music] oh my god finally my prayers have been answered god damn right an assassin from the dark brotherhood killed the kind really you killed the old hag before i even asked thank you again [Music] sleep well make your choice make your kill i just want to observe and admire check this out well well aren't we the overachiever i would like to officially extend to you an invitation to join my family the dark brotherhood i'll see you at home a welcome home present the armor of the dark brotherhood introduce yourself to your new family members they're all very eager [Music] there could be let's just take a look then [Music] dear you really ought to put some clothes on you're embarrassing yourself shut up mom so [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] to receive the touch of mara you must first act as her hands in the world i love you fenrir carry the blessings of mara with you so the rest of the province may shine with her glories go to each focal point and remove whatever impurities you may find [Music] illusions [Music] so go to high horizon learn what the graveyards can teach nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] um [Music] so [Music] oh
Channel: Fevvy
Views: 541,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim OP, Skyrim no crafting build, Skyrim no crafting Archer Build, Skyrim no crafting legendary difficulty, Skyrim Legendary difficulty builds, Skyrim builds, Fevvy, Fevvy Skyrim, Skyrim Arcane Archer build, Skyrim ranger build, Skyrim overpowered, Skyrim best non crafting build, Skyrim best no crafting build legendary, Skyrim how to make an archery build, Skyrim best builds, Skyrim op fevvy builds, Skyrim legendary difficulty, Skyrim conjuration archer, Skyrim, Elder scrolls
Id: YxMdUNUhzr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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