Skyrim Anniversary Edition: How to Max all skills fast! Level 252 build (all 251 perks!)

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how's it going guys I'm at the gaming Dad here and welcome back to the channel so in a few of my build videos I've covered up how to level certain skills quickly I realize though that in the more than 10 years I've been playing Skyrim I've never actually fully maxed the Dragonborn before what do I mean by maxed well I've completed the game with 100 but I mean taking a build all the way to level 252 which is where you unlock every perk in the game so this is what this video is going to cover off how to level every skill and a fast way to get every perk in the game now this isn't a speed run definitely not an 80 video maybe a few faster ways to level some skills this is just the way I would do it if there are any faster ways let me know in the comments I hope you found this useful so just to show you what we have got here already as I've started the video after Helgen we've only really been grabbing a few weapons not many at all and on the armor side of things um it's all light armor remember the value to weight ratio and that's about it really I've not taken any food or ingredients or miscellaneous items the only potions I picked up frostbite Venom from the spiders just because we can sell those and that's our main aim right at the start here gathering enough gold so we can start leveling our first skills so right now it's about accumulating items so first things first head over this Ridge just to the west through these trees and once past this rock turned slightly left and head south and now just go straight ahead over here we'll find our first skill book which will level light armor pick this up and loot the chest and then kill the three Bandits that attack you follow the same process when looting them value to weight ratio just take the light armor and any valuable items now swinger 180 and head north back up the hill and this time stick close to the mountain on the left hand side once up the hill turn west we've come here for the armor we aren't going to use it but it's useful to see the sell for gold or disenchant a little enchanting the agent will also carry a random Enchanted item now head east and grab the enchanted robes at the Bandit Camp one of these Bandits carries treasure map 1 which we'll also get shortly there is also a one-handed skill book inside the tent opposite so grab that as well Slightly North from here are the standing stones and the first one we will take is the Thief Stone we're now going to jump down here and cross the river and over the side not far from anissa's Cabin we can pick up a Flawless Emerald which we can sell for a lot of gold the final bits of our gold hunting Mission takes us back across the river and into ambushard mine in here there's a smithing scalable which you can pick up if you wish but what we want in here is right at the end and it's the chest of gold plus the golden jewels on the table now once you are back outside we need to go mushroom picking we are looking for more tapanella and there are quite a few dotted around Riverwood we only need a couple of them I grabbed five in total I think but we might only need I think it's two for what we're about to do soon if you head over the river inside this tree trunk is the location of treasure map one some more random loot inside here which is always welcome beautiful woman once in the town of Riverwood speak to Fain doll who will play a big part in leveling our first few skills in Skyrim do the dialogue regarding Camilla and say you'll deliver his letter now we can sell a lot of our junk to the shopkeeper once he has run out of gold sell any other bits you have to the blacksmith as well and now head back to FanDuel lead the way we can now make fiend of our follower and do the archery training trick this won't work with the unofficial patch install by the way I just wanted to flag that as I've got zero mods installed currently but we're just going to ask him to train us five times the gold we have accumulated will help with this and then we're going to level up and take our goal back and ask him to train us again as simple as that a very quick boost to our archery skills it is possible for feignal to train you to level 50. I got to level 35 this way but then needed to level up again so we will use him for the other 15 levels later one final thing in Hell gun speak to girder for a few more free things and to progress to questline onto Whiterun which is where we are heading next now we aren't actually heading inside Whiterun just yet I'd speak to The Coachman and ask him to take you to Marvel first of all and this is where we're going to level up our first skill to 100. once in Marvel heading off over the bridge and then turn right past the mill eventually you'll reach mere watch now faintel can come in handy here Mia watch is always guarded by this chorus and at this early level this thing might kill you so be cautious and use your follower to help kill it once it's dealt with read Han's journal to start the short Quest cast a flame spell on the seal in front of the door and the door will be unlocked once inside had left and up to the second level up here there is a garden where we can grow our Alchemy ingredients which would be our first and probably most important skill this skill is very underrated I want to grab the creek cluster the more a tapinella and the scaly fellow to you which are already growing here and in the fertile soil you want to plant a three Creek cluster five more tapanelia and three scale of falloutier it has to be this number because this will give us 15 of each ingredient every time now head downstairs sleep for three days and your ingredients will have grown you can pick to receive 15 of each and just repeat this process sleep for three days and collect your ingredients sleep for three days and so on you want to do this until you have about 370 to 380 of each ingredient as shown here now head over to the alchemy table and this process is quite important first of all make enough potions to get to level 20 Alchemy then use per Pines to unlock the first two levels of Alchemist then make enough potions to get to the next level up point and now put a perfect Point into physician now make enough potions to get to the next level up point and this time put a per point in benefactor then make enough potions for another level up point and put a third perk Point into Alchemist what we're doing here guys is ensuring our potions are maxed each of these punch will make them stronger which will in turn make them worth more and level Alchemy faster now you want to accelerate to Alchemy level 60 and put a fourth poke point in Alchemist and now finally to level 80 Alchemy to put the fifth and final per point in Alchemist and now you can make potions until you'll get level 100. and that's it it'll take you maybe an hour to do the sleeping and collecting of ingredients but it's worth it this is such a useful skill to have at level 100 it unlocks so many doors and this skill plus the extremely valuable potions we've just made will help us progress our next lot of skills now we want to catch a ride over to Dawnstar once in Dawnstar wait outside until eventually the Khajiit Caravans appear once they do head inside the inn and sleep to get the well-rested perk and now you want to head over to the east side of the town hidden just next to these rocks inside the trees is an invisible chest which actually contains the Khajiit caravan's items it's quite a well-known Easter egg now but this is what we are going to level up our next skill to 100 speech you can grab all the stuff in this chest if you want to before I forget we've leveled up a few times since we last used FanDuel so get five more free levels into archery remember he can take us all the way to level 50 for free Now using all the stuff we've just took from the chest head inside the yards long house and disenchant a load of the stuff we just looted to get a load of free levels into enchanting which is nice we've also leveled up again which is cool so we can get five more free levels of archery from feindle what do you want now what I actually did now is go back to Whiterun and use the cell attack and reload trick at the shop to get a load of gold as for some reason I thought space was leveled by the exchange of gold it's not it's the exchange of the value of the item so you don't need to do this the more valuable item the greater the level gain remember all those potions we made go to the Khajiit Caravans and just sell them all even if she has no gold do it anyway and it'll level speech very fast and once you've got rid of them all run back to the chest I showed you and you can just take all your potions back and then go back to the Khajiit Caravans and just repeat that process once you level up you can also get more archery levels from final don't forget and doing this process you'll be able to get speech to 100 in absolutely no time at all when completed don't forget to go back to the chest one final time and grab all your potions back selling them for gold is going to be helpful in leveling our next skill what I'm going to do in order to speed this up is level the left hand side of the speech tree all the way to the top so shopkeepers have more gold to trade with now we're head to faringa the wizard in Whiterun what you want to do now is invest 500 gold with him and then buy any filled Soul Gems it doesn't matter which size is just get them all then you want to sell him the potions we've made save your game attack and load your game and this will reset his inventory and then you can just buy the Soul Gems again and selling potions repeat this until all your potions are gone I recommend also buying from him the spell books fast healing muffle Stone flesh and soul trap as well as we'll need these later after selling all the potions and buying the Soul Gems I now have I think it's about 300 across all the different sizes which is what we'll need to get Enchanting to level 100 but what we're going to do first is head north of Whiterun to Halton Street mine deal with the bandits outside here first and then fight your way inside the main reason we are here is for the transmute mineral or spell which turns iron ore into silver ore and then silver or into gold also mine all that I know whilst you're here now go back to Whiterun and using the transmute spell turn the iron into gold just wait each time to restore your Magicka which make it faster once you have the gold ore I had 43 in total turn this into gold ingots of the smelter now comes another weird glitch if you drop a load of the ingots on the floor as shown here you can use follower commands to ask Vandal to pick it all up one by one okay got it once you've done this just fast travel away from this location and then fast travel back again all the gold bars will be on the floor but fainter will also have them in his inventory it just duplicates them so we're going to repeat this to multiply these gold bars so just keep asking him to pick them up and then fast traveling away and back to this location and they'll be there again I did it until eventually I had like 500 of these I forgot to show it here but make sure you pick up the warrior Stone as well and sleep for faster leveling and now turn all these gold bars into gold rings which is a really fast way of leveling smithing I didn't quite hit level 100 but it's okay as we need to craft a load of Vine daggers anyway I'm also going to get a few perk points to get Dwarven smithing and buy some Dwarven Metal from the blacksmith as well which is making Dwarven bows also level smithing really quickly we want to craft about 300 iron daggers in total plus a few Dwarven bows if you needed to get smitting all the way to 100. so keep saving attacking and reloading until you've got about 300 iron ingots or iron ore so now just get Crafting those 300 iron daggers for sunny Dwarven bows for fast level smitting all the way to level 100. now that we have Alchemy speech and smithing at 100 we can concentrate on the fourth skill which unlocks a lot of doors and chanting but first we need to head to Solitude in solitude go to the Fletcher and buy a weapon with the banishing enchantment then head to radiant Raymond and buy items that have Alchemy plus all the skills of Magicka restoration alteration and so on and now go to the standing stones and switch to the Mage Stone what do you want me to carry feinder was carrying some iron daggers for me as I couldn't carry everything so I'm going to grab those of him now for the leveling and chanting part now what we need to do is disenchant the Enchanted out since we bought in solitude and start to enchant the iron daggers with banishing using our soul gems you can start filling up the left and middle of the skill tree as well if you wish enchant the daggers until you hit Level 100 easy and once that is done make sure you pick up the top enchanting perk extra effect as we need this to do the next part head down to the blacksmith and buy yourself a set of light armor and a set of Heavy Armor Plus get a necklace and ring as well I bought this leather set and then the steel play set but it doesn't need to be a full set though I ended up buying ebony boots as the blacksmith didn't have any steel ones now say goodbye to FanDuel we need to not have a follower for this part at the enchanting table enchant 45 restoration and alteration on the necklace ring and both the light and heavy chest plate plus the light and heavy helmet at enchanting 100 each item will have 25 magical cost reduction as shown here meaning we can cast both skills of magic indefinitely now here comes the fun part unequip all items and go and punch someone in the face then quickly equip the stone flesh spell and fast healings everyone in Dragon's reach will attack you so start spamming the Spells and you'll start leveling restoration alteration and light armor at the same time and just keep spamming and make sure you don't die every time you level up you can throw points into light armor if you wish to increase your survivability now you want to do this until you hit Level 50 in restoration and alteration and achieve your spells and pay your measly bounty I got both of these spells to level 50 as shown here plus light armor to level 53 in no time at all you can do the same for heavy armor now if you wish I'm gonna do that after this next part so head up to Winterhold and join the college in the college van Colette morens the restoration professor and buy from her the turn on dead spell and then speak to tolfdir and by the telekinesis spell now go and sleep for the well-rested perk and then head down through the trap door into the midden down here you will find a solitary drauga cast turn Undead on it continually to level your restoration skill to level 75 this will take you long at all and is faster to do this once we have 100 cost reduction if you don't need to wait Now find Colette again and by the turn greater Undead spell plus the grand healing spell go back to the drowger and cast turn greater Undead this will help us get to level 100 restoration quicker now we are going to Hobbs fall cave just west of Winterhold as shown here on the map before we head inside however I recommend picking up the perk recipe from the restoration tree this will restore stamina as well as hell from healing spells the reason I recommend this is there are a lot of Mages in this section and they will likely be high levels by now and we haven't really focused on much combat skills so we'll likely struggle so we're going to get sprinting through this location casting restoration magic to keep our stamina topped up when you get into the main room in the far left corner get all the spell books from the ancient tone chest then make a swift exit once you are back outside equip the telekinesis spell and use it on any item you can pick up make sure you keep hold of the spell and then fast travel back to Whiterun and this will instantly level Alteration all the way to 100 and this is the fastest skill to max level in the game now this section we will take a few more skills to level 100 in no time at all and these are the quickest skills to level up they just needed all the prep work beforehand first sleep to get the well-rested perk and then you want to Smith a few more Rings more amulets chest plates and helmets as shown here now go up to dragon's reach and what I recommend doing is enchanting fortified destruction fortify conjuration fortify illusion and finally Alchemy on these Rings amulets chest plates and helmets it doesn't matter which way you do it I went for Destruction and conjuration on one set and then illusion on one set and Alchemy on the last set but I don't know why I didn't double up on these sets but hey ho than just like our restoration and alteration armor you'll have sets which cover off the other schools of Magicka plus Alchemy equip your 100 illusion cost reduction set and then repeated the cast Muffler over and over again as shown here this will level up illusion extremely quickly before you know it another skill to level 100 now I am going to unequip this set and equip the set I made that as fortify destruction and fortified conjuration on it and also switch over to the soul trap spell Now find yourself a body here is one I made earlier and this time spam cast soul trap on the body and this will level up conjuration fast like really fast and there you go conjuration to level 100 in no time at all either now without even pausing we want to switch over to the unbounded storm spell which is one of the ones that we found inside the spell term chest in Hobbs fall cave cast a spell and like we did with telekinesis to the held down fast travel across the map to instantly level this skill up wiring is quite Central this might not do its first time so I'll repeat this back down to the standing stones and there we have it look at how many levels we've increased here I've gone from overall 48 to 58 destruction magic is also at level 100 now the mage skills really are the quickest they just need the prep work to achieve it how many skills do we have at 100 now one two three four five six seven eight nine okay so we're halfway at the standing stones I'm gonna switch back to the feast Stone now and I'm also going to re-equip the restoration and alteration armor that we have because we're going to start leveling light arm back up again so go sleep and then punch someone in Dragon's reach again I'd recommend doing this until you hit around light armor level 80 and then achieving your spells no I love how everyone just stops and Carries on their business now equip your heavy armor set that has restoration and alteration on it and go back to the standing stones and this time get the warrior Stone go sleep in the bed you know the drill by now and punch someone else in Dragon's reach I bet they're like not this idea again and repeat the pros of casting Grand healing whilst all the guards attack you it does level this skill quickly this way I think I also recommend taking heavy armor all the way up to level 80 and when you hit this you can sheave your spells and pay the fine go back to radiant Raymond and buy an item with 45 block on it and then go back to White run and get yourself a shield I grabbed an ebony one sleep in the bed and then enchant the shield with 45 block you can put another enchantment on it if you wish but this is the main one we need I also went for Fortify health you can also put the 45 block enchantment on your gauntlets now take your shield and go find your nearest giant camel you're clearly skilled at ryling got everyone in Dragon's reach so won't have any trouble getting the Giants to attack you which is exactly what we want having a giant hit your Shield is the fastest way of leveling block that I know of they do hit very hard though especially direct hits so I recommend having Grand healing in your other hand and use this to heal yourself whenever your health drops low and this will level block really quickly now the reason I didn't say to take light armor and heavy armor higher than level 80 is I think the Giants are the better method to level up these last few levels it is a bit quicker I think when using the dragon's reach method so you can deliberately take a few hits if you wish to level it up and using the Giants we are going to get our heavy armor skill to 100 shortly followed by our block skill to 100 now go grab the feast Stone and sleep again and this time we will use the Giants to level up our light armor skill to 100. only I think six more skills to go guys almost at the end for the next skill I'm going to employ one of the most broken tricks in the game I don't tend to use this as I don't really like it I think it breaks the mechanics too much to do this you want to buy apathy and longfin and assault pile from The Alchemist in Whiterun then find FanDuel again and do the drop and command pickup trick to multiply these we want maybe 10 of them I think in total maybe a bit more we also want to buy blister wall and sprig and sat from The Alchemist as well then equip the four pieces of alchemy gear that we made earlier and combine the abyssey and long fin with salt pile to create a fortify restoration potion now follow these steps very carefully if you want to do this take the potion and then unequip all of your gear and now re-equip your gear create the same potion again and notice how this one is now stronger it was 120 before and it's now four to two percent take this potion and unequip and re-equip your Alchemy gear again and this is called the Restoration Loop and is a bug create another potion and this time it's at 1948 percent and you can repeat this and make insanely broken potions look at this one 4.2 million percent and this isn't even that high now I'm going to combine the blister wall and sprig and sap and this makes a smithing potion and this one will improve weapons and armor over 2.5 million percent apparently and I only went a few more Loops up I bought a load of ebony weapons so I'm going to take this potion I made and improve them now as I said I didn't even take this as crazy as it can be taken and these weapons will probably one shot everything even on legendary difficulty still I personally don't like this trick as it renders combat pointless but it will help us level sneak up now so I wanted to show you how to do it if you wanted to make a monster crazy build now we want to progress the main story forward past Bleak Falls Barrow and the dragon attack up to the quest called way of the voice where we can go speak to the greybeards now it's a level sneak equipped the broken dagger we have made and hide behind the gray beards and attack them the gray beards cannot die and have a really high Health stool the dagger will do a lot of damage and this will level your sneak skill quicker if you have enough perk points you can even grab assassin's blade if you wish although I think with weapons like these we don't really need the extra damage I found it fastest if you can get two of the gray beards in this room and you can switch between the two if you attack one of them too quickly they may become hostile towards you so be careful but this is a quick method to get sneak up to level 100. and there we go five more skills to go the next three skills are going to be combat skills so go and pick up the warrior Stone and sleep in bed again and now go speak to the stable owner outside White Run and buy yourself a horse I recommend putting your difficulty up to Legendary here so we don't accidentally kill the horse also don't use your broken weapons just buy some new ones those will kill it in one hit I wish I knew a better method for leveling combat than this let me know in the comments if there is a way but I just repeatedly attacked the horse and then heal it and these are probably the longest of the skills in the game to level up you can use the shout that increases your weapon's swing speed to do this I can't remember the name of it but yeah basically it's time to grind and grind hard for one-handed two-handed and archery when you have done 100 and 200 for archery I recommend traveling to fought a mall here on the map inside the photomult prison there is a bucket next to a bookcase with a lantern in it remove the Lantern and there will be a spell book conjugboat hidden inside this is the best way of leveling archery is gives you unlimited arrows and I'll just do as before shoot arrows at the horse to level up this skill just remember to heal the horse when his health drops low you don't want to kill it or maybe you will have to level up these skills I don't know but there we have it on the two more skills to go guys lock picking and pickpocket go back to the Thief Stone and to level up lock picking we are going to have to go lock picking I recommend starting with all the major cities first of all just waiting them until it is night time and then the doors will be locked just go around unlocking them to level this skill up I recommend using wooden film though in the far left corner of Windhelm there are a few houses that have Master Locks and these are harder to open and will break lock picks a lot faster but we'll also level the skill up a lot faster this can be a tedious skill to level up so I also recommend joining the Thieves Guild and speaking to Vex she can help train you up to level 90 lock picking so whenever you level up go and buy five levels from her to speed it up I actually leveled up here again so I was able to progress 10 levels at this point and because we've got so much gold it doesn't really matter how much it costs time is money right another good place to go level up your lock picking is the dwema museum inside Marcus speak to calcimo and offer to kill the spider nimhi for him which is causing his excavation attempts a few problems doing this will grant you access inside the dweller Museum now at this point if you haven't already done so I recommend fully maxing the sneak skill tree this place is full of guards and although we're allowed inside they may not take kindly to you unlocking everything a fully Max sneak tree means even if they are right in front of you they probably won't notice there are a ton of locks to pick in here which should progress you on quite a few levels if you ever look like I did again make sure to get five more levels from vex and now once you hit Level 95 what I recommend doing is using skill books to get the last five levels as these take the longest skillboard one is inside the Thieves Guild in one of the training rooms on a barrel this is the advances in lock picking book skill book 2 is inside misfail keep head behind the yells thrown and into the Yale's quarters and you'll find the book next to the bed it's called Safety of Thieves skill book 3 is located inside the Yale's Longhouse in morphle and it's actually really hard to find it's upstairs in the room on the right and is right in the very corner of the bookcase it's called the lock room skill book 4 is located inside Dawnstar prison to do what we do best and punch a guard to get in once inside the wolf Queen version 1 is located behind the pillar in the far corner the final skill Booker is located in faldar's tooth just west of Riften to find this one head up to the top of the tower can this Bandit actually seen it that was weird anyway head up to the top of the tower like so [Music] foreign this skill book on a table and it's called proper lock design and there we go lock picking 100. now to level up pickpocket what I recommend doing here is grabbing all of the perks in the lock picking tree if you don't have enough then make alteration legendary and use the telekinesis trick to Max this repeat a few times and you'll have enough points we'll be doing this shortly anyway I'm also going to put one perfect Point into pickpocket and then finally put a few points into illusion to get quiet casting this is important for this step so we outspotted we also need the invisibility spell you can get this from drevis inside the college if you don't already have it now we may as well stick to our script right go to Riften and punch a guard look I just can't help myself take me to jail it's fine once inside sneak and pick this lock it'll be easy with Max lock picking in all the perks now casting visibility and you want to turn left down this hallway and then left and left again and into this room at the back of this room you'll find a chest and this chest has all your gear in it so grab all that put on your illusion armor and then cast invisibility again as your spell will drop as soon as you interact with the chest the guard in the room opposite will get up shortly and do the round so follow him out keep your invisibility up now in this dresser here you want to store most of your gold just leave yourself about 200. cast invisibility again and I recommend saving your game here in case you're spotted by the guard what you want to do is put the 200 gold in this prisoner's pocket and then just pick it again and I'll just keep repeating this it doesn't matter if it fails it's only the guards we don't want the seals and just keep repeating this to fast level pickpocket you can also grab the cut purse perk if you want a level 40. it doesn't take any time at all to level this skill when you can at high levels if you won't go and take more gold to live a little faster at level 70 I went and increased the amount to about 750 gold and then at level 80 I increased it to a thousand gold and there we go level 100 pickpocket super fast before we escape make sure you pick up all your gold from the chest I don't want to leave that in there congratulations that's how we get every skill to level 100 in Skyrim now to get every single perk you want to re-equip your alteration armor to get to level 252 which is where we'll have all 251 perks in the game make alteration legendary this is the fastest and easiest skill to get to level 100 then cast telekinesis on an item fast travel make the skill legendary again and then just repeat this in total you want to do this 147 times and you'll now be level 252 and can have every single perk now it almost seems fitting now we're fully marked to go and find the ebony warrior right here he is need something um this is odd okay is this is this a glitch he isn't fighting what do you need something oh no it's the need something glitch is the quest equipped yeah it looks to be okay okay let's try fast traveling back here right here we go you need something I'm still doing it fight me dammit what do you need should we just attack at last oh okay we killed the ebony warrior one here well that was a Nazi climax I hope you found this guide useful if you do please subscribe to my channel that way you won't miss any of my future Skyrim content see you next time
Channel: Mike - The Gaming Dad
Views: 842,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rpg, the elder scrolls, skyrim
Id: 667pXachU5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 41sec (2021 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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