Skyrim and RuneScape Cross Over For An Exceptional RPG - The Bloodline

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what's up guys and gals welcome back to the nerd Castle today in the world of Indie Games we're going to be taking a look at a title called The Bloodline this is one of the more unique RPGs on Steam as of right now and honestly it's one of those titles that's been in development now for about six or seven months years before that but it's been released in Early Access for a while and it's an open world RPG that focuses just on pure Mayhem it's got a verman tide a verman tide style combat system there we go I can get the words out I believe in myself this morning it's also got lots of loot it's got crafting systems it's got things like you can be a street sweeper for a living and you can mess around just like cleaning up the town to make everybody like you you can mine you can Harvest very much a cross-section between something like Skyrim something like Vermin tide with all the crafting systems and things to fool around with from a game you might have seen called RuneScape So today we're going to take a look at the game for about 30 minutes we're going to see if it's something you wanted to add your wish list or if it's a game that you wanted to pass on if after watching this you wanted to get the game for yourself I got a link for you down below in the description but let's jump right on into it so what is this game why should you care why is it an RPG that's worth anyone's notice why is it being featured on the channel right now it's being featured on the channel right now because this is a game that focuses on clear and utter Mayhem and it seems like the developer is sat down and tried to make a game that focuses entirely on just being fun no matter what if nothing else the game is focused on being ridiculous combat as you can see is very much like Vermin tide you've got little Shields that you block with when the enemy hits you oh I broke his armor off good when the enemy hits you it drains that they get on through it's going to start dealing damage to you but there's also other fun little things you can do like charge the enemy and smash on into him and then it'll Roll Along the ground and be prone and you can just beat the hell out of him I've got a musket over here that I can break out so I could take out a gun if I wanted to and just like shoot a guy if I was done reloading right now apparently I forgot to reload the last time before I started recording but you've got guns you've got bows you've got Claymores You' got knives it's got a stealth and a crime system if you steal from towns and things people will get upset with you and they'll get cranky and they'll have different voice lines when they address you so there's all these little immersive features combined with the fact that you can do all kinds of ridiculous stuff like can I attached to that right there you have a grappling hook you can use this whenever you want I mean if I jumped off of this right here I can also show you wall running uh you can run along walls just like that right there and it's actually probably one of the better implementations of wall running that I think I've ever seen in a video game it actually feels pretty good to fool around with there's little bashes you can do I've got like big sword swings I've got you know shouts and things that I can do there's also these little immersive elements throughout the game where you'll pick up spells that activate certain kinds of shrines that will reveal hidden stuff oh we got another guy in armor over here let's see if we can put a little bit of oomph on him come on there we go get that armor all nice and off you slam into him right there bash him into the wall do a good amount of damage this guy's not really like trying to close with me right now so I'm going to go ahead and whip out the old mosquet and we'll just zap him real fast uh the game is also influenced by Mountain blade warband it tells you the distance of all of the shots that you've taken so far the difficulty and all that kind of stuff and then the amount of XP and the amount of loot that the enemy dropped most of the loot is handled in this game just sort of Auto so when you kill something it automatically goes into your inventory but if anything special drops it uses the engram system from Destiny where like a big orb will pop out of the enemy and sit on the ground and you've actually got to go and collect those inside all these areas that you're adventuring inside of there will be optional areas that you can play around with there will be little mines there'll be little side areas there will be lumberjacking camps and Goblin camps and things like that the last time I played the game these weren't implemented yet but these right here yeah looky there you can walk on in and there's like a secret little cave over here that we can investigate that one might have been there the last time I played the game but I went into a cave earlier that I distinctly remember it being a clipping plane and this time it let me walk on through and it's all seamless there's no load screens on anything in this game except for when you go into a map from the Overworld and we'll take a look at the Overworld in just a little while I don't know what I can attach to around here can I pull you off the ground no you can also throw your grappling hook at enemies and if there's smaller enemies you can pull him and launch them all over the place there we go we'll get you right there like so he'll fly through the air and you can kind of like sweep the leg on him I don't really have any stamina left so I got to wait for my stamina meter to come back this guy's just levitating but this is the kind of game that when I see Jank like this it's endearing rather than being annoying this is one of those games it's able to cross the Jank Pipeline and end up with when you seeing Jank it'll endend up being endearing and enjoyable rather than being anything that frustrates you and thus far all the stuff that is needed to work has worked we'll take the gold off the shelves right there we've got a whole bunch of crafting materials over there there is crafting in this game there's cooking I haven't gotten around a blacksmithing yet I don't know if that's like fully implemented or whatnot you also get to build a village so in this game in the storyline and narrative you are a Lord that's trying to return your house to Noble glory and so you have your own castle you can build it up you can do Renovations and stuff like that you can add buildings that will put new vendors and cooking stations and things of that nature inside your village there's also a ton of stardew Valley decorative stuff you can do with your village if you want to everything from planting trees to crop roads to fields to fences to statues and stuff like that looks like there's maybe like a way to get this gate open around here somewhere or maybe I can just go up and over the top does it go up and over the top it does not but you've got to check in this game because sometimes things are accessible just by you going up and over the top of areas I'm going to get this little Co vein right here while I'm in the neighborhood there's lots of gathering professions there's everything from foraging to picking up mushrooms which are used for potion brewing which I have done inside of this game the potion brewing is very much Skyrim influenced where every single herb in the game has a thing that it will add to a recipe so it'll be like what are those guys doing where it'll be like plus five to Healing plus five to like stamina or something like that and then you just just combine various herbs and the potion will do exactly what it says on the tin via combination this guy right here is all over the place man what are you trying to do now I'm going to bash you can I pull your leg out from underneath you I cannot we got some Goblin shivs right there all right well I'll try a little bit later the game does have music but I had it turned off because I forgot I was listening to like a podcast prior to starting the recording while I was getting myself ready and compiling my thoughts does that Crystal do anything over there let's find out what does this Crystal do can I break it sometimes there like breakable objects and this game draws on a lot of influences I've seen a lot of things inside of this game those flavorings of RuneScape and veronte and Skyrim are not the only things that I've seen around I've been trying to guess the developers influences while I've been playing and along the way there's like these little public events you'll find sometimes there's no public in this game it's single player but there there's like these events you'll come across that very much remind me of Warhammer online's public event system where you'll go through and do certain things and they'll tear up if you complete it and they get stronger and stronger until you get like a big loot basket or something like that in some cases it actually changes the way the map looks entirely so I came across a tree on this map right here that we're currently playing and it was corrupted by like these weird little uhoh that's probably not good I all right so I'm trapped underneath stuff right now there we go let's get up on this little scaffold and I'll try to get back over to there there we go perfect oh there's a big guy over there what's the big guy going to do let's pull out the cat and see how much this hurts him I don't know if he's got a way to get across this Gap or if it's going to be one of those situations where he's just going to let me look oh he's big he's big and he's angry all right I'm going to guess that I'm not going to be able to charge him so I'll use my CC on this little guy right here just to get him out of the way you get pulled off right there you're going to hurt aren't you I can tell you're going to hurt when you hit me you get out of the way grappling hook just jerk him all over the universe oh he doesn't hurt that badly he stings like a little bit but we have consumables we can use in combat and whatnot I'm almost going to guarantee that tugging on the Rope is not going to do anything to him but that fall damage was appreciated let me see if I can maybe go over here if you don't like the grappling hook there are other things you can put on your F key so I've got like a Mana Crystal for example that'll recharge your Mana if you're playing a mage build actually it might not be a terrible idea to get some magic spells lined up o that dropped him something fierce nice well it just goes to show no matter how big you are you catch a 30 mm ball to the face that's going to be a wrap knock him out right there that guy's jumping at me I don't even know if I hit that I think I did because his leg is flying off into this guy so I think I got him there are Level UPS there are skills in this game there are proficiencies so everything from running around the map to fighting with a sword is going to level itself up you will occasionally be prompted that you've gained Proficiency in that task proficiency points allow you to get special abilities like my big sword swing right here or my charge uh if you've got the gun I can break that on out you can swap between hot bars I've got a shotgun blast right there I've also got a sniper shot I think is the what's on my one key I don't remember what I assigned to my one key yeah it gives you like a super sniper shot that if you time it right it does ridiculous 6X damage and so you'll get extra abilities and things there's also magic spells you find around I haven't looked at the Magic Tree altogether that much but I'm guessing yeah there's a whole bunch of different types of magic you can do inside the game I haven't done anything with it so far I think I've only leveled it up once I do like electrom manes so I think I would strongly consider that I can Channel a spark I can do an arc bolt a short-range bolt that hits an enemy and arcs to other enemies an orb of energy that will seek out enemies that tread too close and might Electrify them let's go for that right there that sounds good and then we'll take it on back to the skill book and I'll break out the Magic Tree over here these are all the spells that I've pulled across right now some of them are just for fun so there are some polymorph spells and things that you can do to turn yourself into various animals and things around the map yeah that was pretty fun I want to do that again there we go zap his ass up perfect nope well shoot now I feel kind of foolish for taking the gun the zappy abil is pretty sick is there any loot around here I don't even know what this place is but I guess we'll get to the bottom of it few more goblins in here zap you up drop them zap you it looks like there's no cool down on it really it's only got like a two second cool down so I'm going to spam that thing it's extra supplemental DPS and I'm here for it zap you and get rid of you nice little rug over here but it doesn't look like there's anything loot was there anything on that table over there hold on I see thingies on a table loose loot is one of my favorite things in video games and I love it when developers do it so we've got a copper Ingot right there we've got old parchment paper got a little bit of cash money cheddar Stacks another old parchment a pack of nails nuts and bolts it looks like somebody was doing some light renovation around here and probably a good idea it seems like there's a lot of loadbearing surfaces around that probably haven't been taken a look at by a contracted professional in a good long time looks like I can get up and in over there too oh I see treasure chests yeah all right well let's see what we can pull off here we'll grapple on over here and yeah that's looking like a spicy chest right there that looks like the good stuff what is this guy ooh ah it's giving us two forging hammers not quite as explosive as I was hoping it would be but that's life well that broke when I threw it down there cool well let's just wall run our way back I suppose up to the top of the stairs and is there any particular reason we wanted to be up here or was it just being used as a scaffold to show us that over there I think it was all right well let's get on out of the cave and we'll keep on exploring this area I don't think we went up that way so if we can kind like sneak our way up that way I'd be here for it accidentally hit the consumables key got to swing outwards and then yeah it looks like there's something up here I'm all out of stamina though so I can't jump there we go everything in this game cost you stamina and I think I have a level up ready to go when you level up it's very simple stuff you just go through and you pick whether you want health or whether you want Mana or whether you want stamina I'm going to keep increasing stamina like wild because I feel like my stamina is always falling apart on me I don't know if maybe there' be like a switch or something up here that I could flick that would open those Gates over there I don't know how to open those Gates doesn't look like there's any kind of like gate switches or anything up here we can play around with there we go knock his ass out it's what happens when you run on me bro you get dropped we're the king of the realm okay not technically the king like a lesser Noble but still well I think we are actually the king because I'm going up to the top of this mountain right now to like conclude my christening or whatever that will like officially make me the kingly guy impacts and combat in this game all feel pretty good I haven't really had any problems with it gun shouts gutshot sounds sound great weapon sounds sound good they all have impact they all have weight they all feel pretty good to me oh it's night time out here now huh all right let's get let's get you dis robed damn bro slow down this is not that serious health looking a little bit mangy right now I got any consumables I can eat I got to have some food or something around here got some bread it's not much but the game lets you eat like crazy just like if you were playing something along the lines of Skyrim so if you're not healing just load up on even more Healy stuff I think where is the path there it is we got to get to these stairs there is bullet drop in this game so you will have to learn to aim over enemies heads enemies are not going to be fooled by tactics like this a lot of the time they can climb they can jump they can clamber the exact same way that you do but for now it seems like the Goblins are a little bit confused about how they want to get up here so this should be just easy peasy free kills and I'm trying to level up my gun skills anyways so trees I don't think I need any more trees right now I think I'm good on wood chopping experience at the moment I think I have all the things that I need to like upgrade the town a little bit too so let's continue our way up here we'll kind of see how this all plays I don't think they're just going to let become Crown King without some kind of Showdown all right so there's the spot over there let's see if we can actually inherit a realm technically we were supposed to do this pilgrimage with our dad but I think he's like dead I don't know if you got assassinated or what happened to him but I got to go up to the top of the steps of ezos this is one of the first quests the games give you but I was fooling around kind of flying around the valley and like doing all kinds of open world free roaming stuff and just kind of never got around to it I am the king of ezrath all look upon me and despair the death n [Music] to it is time the deafening voice of ezis Thunders through the sky but only you can hear him every word he utters makes the Earth shake under your feet Harbinger how good it is to see you who are you he lets out a booming laugh and you clasp your hands over your ears but it does nothing to silence his voice my child I am ezis the god of wisdom and foresight and my blood runs in your veins I come bearing bad Tidings I'm afraid a fog is beginning to cover my Visions upon the future of the realm without a firm tether between our blood your ability to tap into my power will be greatly hindered okay now the quest log is overlaying right here you probably want the quest log to fade out since you've got these in the same spot either that shift them over to the other side uh how can we strengthen the tther warp stones have been appearing throughout OS the mere existence of these Stones makes it difficult for us to maintain our tether how can I find them that is something we're going to test right now as you approach the steps I felt a strain on the tether I suspect there's a warp Stone within the caves under the steps find the entrance to the caves and see if you can locate the warpstone if you do find it destroy it I will do that these warp stones are enchanted by Strange Magic from the realm of The Unforgiven thousands of souls are contained in the heart of every stone to properly destroy them you must perform a prayer I will teach you it now bear with me a cold shiver runs up your spine emanating throughout your skull you feel hands lay upon your head followed by an unfamiliar feeling that flows through your body almost like a warm liquid under your SK I peed myself didn't I you open your eyes tears flowing down your cheeks you were given knowledge use it to destroy any warp stones that you come across make haste we have no time to lose all right so like where's this Cave thing it wants me to investigate I think I saw a cave down there oh was it the cave that I was literally just in all right fair enough there is fall damage in this game but you can tether to the ground to stop yourself from getting hurt so like it functions on Deep Rock Galactic rules uh the downwards gravity doesn't matter so long as you're attached to a rope uh it was in the cave that we were just in so I kind of got ahead of myself I suppose the game is filled with achievements everything from running a certain distance to spending a certain amount of time Airborne is inside of this game and the nice thing is it has weaponized achievements as well the achievements actually give you XP pretty sizable chunks like the same amount as doing a quest and they also give you gold so you can financially you know support yourself with all these weapons for the hackings and the slashings and the want on murder hobo all right well let's bust up this Stone I guess oh yeah if to use the prayer don't I all right let's put that in the skill book and we'll just put the prayer like on the five key right [Music] there all right you drop any loot or anything now that you've restored your tether with ezis you can glimpse into the future and see what events await you oh so I've got like a a time I've got like a Time Lord thing going on we can go to the harbingers calendar in the radio menu oh so it'll tell me where the events are happening on various Maps gotcha so this is actually going to have help you track down things to do inside of the game and apparently from what it's telling me in the tutorial isation if we ignore some of these events bad things will happen like the map will be inexorably changed into like a new form or something like that which is kind of a cool emergent way for the universe to interact I like that a lot but let's get back outside I originally came here to hunt some Bandit that stole some guy's pickaxe that's like an heirloom pickaxe and it's daytime now I don't know if I fixed the universe or what happened but it's daytime now that's good because I'm filming and having daytime when you're filming is good oh okay never mind the Rope doesn't save you I was wrong I made a mistake I messed up real bad I don't feel good I think I need an adult yeah zap them up dude there we go get them get them all off my business right now well that experiment went tremendously poorly I don't know what I'm looking for in this Zone it said there's a bandit guy around here who stole something but the world maps are quite large you can get lost in them they take time to search through and find all the stuff the good news is they've given you a handy dandy Steed there's different mounts in the game I just have like a bige headed jackass for right now but later on maybe I'll have something more befitting of a king this was just kind of like the starter Mount that they let you start out with looks like there's a magic spell over here throughout the world you're going to find little spots like this you should definitely investigate them cranial rupture I can explode a guy's head hold up I got to investigate this this let's see here can be used with any weapon it ignites the target's insides and a magical stream of fire will make their head pop off when they die the game is full of fun things like that there's a skill for two-handed weapons that's a passive that makes it so when that you decapitate people their head becomes a flying projectile that seeks out other enemies and Deals damage to them as I mentioned previously the developer of this game seems to be only entirely focused on things that are a spectacle and things that are really fun and things that are really ridiculous and will generate humorous clips and I think that's a really good way to develop a game like there's a lot of people that forget about there's this idea in tabletop gaming called the rule of cool where if it's cool you should probably let your players do it because it makes them enjoy the game more and it makes them have fun that looked like a druid Circle for a second so I thought maybe I could turn it on or something what's over here a beetle all right I don't know why I want to pick up bugs and stuff but I guess I'll pick up a bug this area does have mild druidic Vibes to it doesn't it can I get a birch log in here I don't know if I need those for anything but we go ahead and grab them there's no bad guys around the magic Beatles all right I don't know what I want said magic Beatles for but the Azure lover cool cool go ahead and pick that up don't want to know how that mushroom got its name dead definitely feel like there was some debauchery [Music] involved there's a little hoodie boy over here let's go ahead and check that and see if there's anything inside the little hoodie boy nope nothing inside the hut something about this place resonates with your Divine blood all right I think I see treasure chests up there so let's see what's cracking inside this place got like a little drawer full of crafting Goods even more crafting Goods I need to figure out how to make myself some new weapons and armor and stuff that's what I need to figure out there is lore around so that you can learn about locations that's probably a hint or something as to how this place functions but since we're doing a video let's see what's on the top floor here anything worth sifting through because I am kind of the guy when it comes through sifting piles finding what is worthwhile all that sort of amusing stuff don't look like there's anything really else here that we wanted to take a look at since we're getting long in the video let's take it out to the Overworld here's the Overworld map it's pretty SI it's it's pretty primitive but at the end of the day it gets the idea across and like traveling in between places is not really the main point of this game there's towns uh there's adventuring areas free roaming areas there's also enemies on the road that will attack you and try to chase you down they're pretty frequent as of right now but they haven't really been an issue but a cool feature about that is that when you get into a fight with somebody on the road it procedurally generates like a little Adventure area that you can look around for Loot and like crafting materials and things of that nature as well so when you do get interdicted by a bunch of enemies not really that big of a problem and so before too long we have arrived at my settlement my thief the town of Glorious bootyville uh let's head on into bootyville and I'll show you our stronghold I haven't really built up altogether that much because I've been out farming for the last couple hours but you've got building slots so like all of these destroyed buildings out here are things that you can build up more of them have been implemented since the last time I played the game we'll go ahead and throw some weed inside of there now we have a bakery so let's see what the B oh look at that they've got pretzels what's up man what you got going on inside of here if nothing else he'll buy all the crap that I've had B me here I would like it if they added a thing that allowed you to sell all junk with one button push but I don't see it around because right now it's kind of hard to tell what's junk and what's not a lot of the time copper Claymores I got all kinds of things to sell man I've been out farming and just having a great old RuneScape time there are named weapons as well there are really really nice weapons that you can find all throughout the game some of them are rare drops off of certain types of enemies some of them are the result of you doing puzzles in locations or figuring out how things work really just sort of depends there's a lot of activities and there's a lot of stuff you can get up to in this game apparently you can also play musical instruments if that suits your fancy since I completed the quest to build the bakery I'm going to go ahead and talk to my Town's folk and be like hey I did that dredge work that you expected of a king bakery's done I can't wait to eat freshly baked bread every day yeah that would be nice dude freshly baked bread is kind of the slappers what is this building going to be what do I want to do over here here a wizard tower an Engineers Workshop what if I do like a Smithy I want to do a Smithy let's do that let's build up the Smithy real fast and I don't really have any iron ore and I don't have enough Pine logs to make this thing happen so we're going to have to farm out a little bit more but this is where I'm going to be able to craft weapons and also make myself more gear uh all of the places in this game are very wellapp appointed it's clear that somebody cared when they were designing all of this this and while the game is comprised mostly of cinti assets there's a difference between what this game is doing and an asset flop this game is the perfect Sterling example of a game that makes exclusive use of of assets like store-bought assets and does it right where the developer was just trying to streamline the process and make it so they could build a game quickly and they didn't necessarily have an art budget or maybe they didn't want to deal with all of the texturing and everything else so they bought a bunch of assets but there's a lot of modified assets in this game too so it's clear the developer knows how to model and knows how to animate because I've seen enemies doing things in this game that I don't think are part of like the normal cinti asset animation pack and whatnot either like if you do this job for long enough you will start to notice a commonality between a lot of CTI games where you'll recognize animations and you'll recognize things they didn't just leave it to that with this game they went to work and they started tinkering making those assets work for the game and so I think this game is fantastic I would say to keep an eye on the Early Access because this one's going to be a mover and a Shaker just from what they've got right now 6 months into their Early Access the game is already a Bop like it's fun to play it's enjoyable there's a lot of stuff to do there's a lot of things to dig in and to consume and to participate in there's a lot of great ideas being implemented here and most importantly the entire game is built around like what if every aspect of a game was fun what if everything was just awesome and what if it was all a spectacle and and what if exploration was always rewarding and what if your abilities were Dragon Ball Z powered up and you could knock enemies across the entire Arena and slam them into a wall with your kingly God powers like your Demi God Powers just a lot of great stuff going on with this title and so check it out it's called The Bloodline hopefully you guys enjoyed it my name is splatter cat I sifted the pile to find what's worthwhile in the world of indie games every single day so that you don't have to today it was the bloodline tomorrow it's going to be something else thanks for hang out with me and that's about all I got for you take care folks
Channel: Splattercatgaming
Views: 131,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the bloodline gameplay, the bloodline walkthrough, the bloodline playthrough, the bloodline review, the bloodline preview, the bloodline impressions, the bloodline download, the bloodline trailer, the bloodline guide, the bloodline video game, the bloodline pc game, the bloodline shieldbearer, the bloodline soundtrack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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