Post Apocalyptic Dwarf Fortress Building Survival - First Dwarf

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what's up guys and gals welcome back to the nerd Castle today in the world of Indie Games we're going to be checking out a title called the first dwarf uh this is a play test for the game that's gotten a little bit of coverage here and there about a post-apocalyptic dwarf who lands on a shattered aisle with a Mech it seems to have a lot in common with something like the rift breaker so that'll probably be my main point of comparison having fiddled with it for a minute or two but I'm mostly going in blind here just because it's a play test you know what I mean why you get to D seven or eight hours into a play test uh so you can get this game the play test is I think accepting applications I'll put the steam link Down Below on top of the that you can take a look down there you'll find a Discord and twitch stream link just in case you wanted to hang out live but let's not waste any more time talking let's go ahead and throw ourselves straight on into the game and see how this whole thing turns [Music] out [Music] no [Music] pretty solid opening animation if I'm going to be honest looks like it would fit right in on Cartoon Network or something like that whoever did it did a good job with it looks pretty rad thank heavens you're still breathing what was that storm it wasn't natural for sure but next time maybe work on your Landing technique yeah it did seem a little bit bumpy they didn't turn the turbulence light on I didn't have myself like fastened on in or anything all right so what's going on over here repair the me oh I can just okay there we go repair the mech yeah get on in that groin everybody knows that the most functional part of the the most functional part of the mech is the groin all right so if you got to hammer something if you got to wrench something make sure you do it around the wenus of the the mech all right I will return to my Mech cool so I've got myself I don't know what that blue goo is is that flammable I feel like I need to be aware of things that are flammable all right so let's grab I guess all the spare parts off the ship that we possibly can oh my hammer good thing it didn't fall far little bit jarring on the jump out right there I'm guessing maybe I was supposed to loot this stuff before I get inside of the mech I don't know a little bit of a jarring animation right there all right so we've got our Mech back up and running there's some gears over here sure that's solid dwarfish workmanship right there did I get everything so far we still have something laying around oh there's something laying over here I can see it on the mini map there we go let's grab the chimney right there good we can look around some pieces might have landed elsewhere but I think it's a good spot just smell the forest time to build a base okay oh yeah we've got like a build mode that's been enabled now well first and foremost we got to get all these pesky trees out of here and then we need to select like a sexy spot too it looks like we have some kind of fuel gauge that was added onto the HUD right there that's going to indicate I don't know if our Mech can actually run out of it though maybe there's like superpowers or something that the mech does because General functionality doesn't really seem to affect the mech in any way from what I can tell can I mine Rock from inside this thing too that chopping animation's pretty good right there what happens if I hop out of the mech there we go I figured out how to do it there's like a radio menu what happens if I harvest this stuff over here okay so those animations are a little bit more Loosey Goosey those are probably going to need to be a little bit snappier a little bit more impactful stuff like let's test it out on a tree real quick yeah same thing right there it's a little bit slow and sluggish it doesn't really imply the power of chopping cuz it's like a wrist flick you know what I mean you chop down trees before you ever you ever used an axe for long periods of time I had to chop firewood in the winter time all the time when I was growing up as a kid there's like a there's a wrist flick to it there's a flickin to it but we are getting resources right now which is good can I just hop back in right here I can just hop back in so we need to find a good spot to build up our base before we go into the control mode to get it done it looks like there's something over here what is this my Mech has stamina interesting extract an oh I've just got like a little booty pipe right there and I just like vacuum it straight on up huh is the tank actually indicative of how full we are I think it is I think it's going up and down that's a nice little detail got a little bit of like a dead space vibe to it I guess with the contextual emergent UI I usually prefer that things be done that way I actually like it when games don't have a full-on UI you can just look at your character and tell what your health is or tell what your Mana is just by looking then it again having the little integer numbers right there and whatnot could be good too maybe I'll just build up I figure we probably want like a clear open space right there's like an area where we've got room so there's our main base right there and it looks like we can rotate clockwise using the arrow keys gotcha where's the door on this thing looks like it's on the front right there okay so we kind of want that to be facing like that way there we go build that thing on up it definitely kind of reminds me of Rift breaker a little little bit it's definitely got that vibe to it to start a new Colony wood and stone or how they say it uh sir I believe the phrase is finally wood dries or rots and stone lasts for ages you can build a shelter out of wood but you cannot build a house without Stone okay so if I close that is that like the only thing that I can build right there so it looks like I need Hull roof and Rudder in order to make a main base oh it wants me to find a quarry all right well let's go find a quarry then we'll hunt our Quarry the best that we possibly can was that a pun it kind of feels like a punt that sort of looks like one right there place to dig wait a moment look at these scratches somebody has been here before us a rock must have broken off that's it these are wild lands we are the first to explore here what's that sound what is it I think something that doesn't want to be our friend okay but you're a dragon though how about you get a little bit bigger and like breathe some fire on him or something do I have oh I do have like a Dodge okay yeah get worked on son oh do I have to like do something while oh there's like a combo okay I see what's going on right there there's a little combo meter you got to bust out anal St put this I think it used to be a wild animal what on Earth happened to it interesting but I think it was something even the songs are afraid to mention are dragons a musical people I feel like there's so much cultural exchange that could be going on right now I'm like all right so tell me a little bit about dragons it looks like we can cleave too if we get in tighten up yeah there we go multi-tree combos [Music] all right so it wants me to break down the monster Nest I I went back to chopping trees because I'm a survival game of fish andado all right yeah you've got like a four hit combo right there but you got to time it properly in order to get all the attacks to go off I do like the degradation of the thing that I'm smacking though done no such things never appear one at a time it's like an illness spreading through the body it's only the beginning think so huh enough digging yes that's it now we can build a well on the Mana spring The Colony buildings need Mana just like my armor all right is there anyone closer oh there is there's like one right over here I'm going to get this one instead this one's in my ey line I prefer that very much sorry I'm addicted to chopping down trees something about fer goie sent the wrong message to me and I just got to kill all the trees right now in case ooze comes out of them and tries to kill us all I get the wrong message from a lot of movies I got the wrong message from Like the Wolf of Wall Street I got the wrong message from like that medich TV show like the message that I got was like if you have money you get to just do whatever the hell you want and nobody can stop you I think I have to build on this one it won't let me build on the other one so there's the Mana Spring right there we go into like the control mode and build a Mana well there's like little QE indicators right there gotta okay I didn't see those things down there there goes the Mana well you think we're going to make the Mana into beer Stone all day but I've sure had enough of cutting wood it's high time to build a saw power it up with a Mana pipeline all right yeah I could do that is this the Sawmill right here that's the the Mana pipeline okay oh and there's our little Sawmill right there okay so let's hook that up real quick don't know what that's going to looks like it's 30 wood 15 Stone all right and then like we tab back and is this thing like a conduit like how does this work let's find out oh okay so yeah it's kind of like a cond it's a pipe all right I guess we'll just hook that in right there and hook that in right there Stone mine in a quarry connected to the pipeline you said you could dig Stone all day work first play later all right we'll put that in right there and do these pipes come with Splitters by default like let's say that I start from oh they do they come with Splitters by default goody all right I thought I was going to have to engineer some kind of solution out of that or have like multiple Wells or something we still haven't prepared for unwanted guests expecting someone all the filthiest things in this world like to come out at night I can breed fire but I'm afraid you won't make it we can use some defensive turrets let's hurry up my poor defenseless true okay okay okay but also is there like an indicator of where the bad guys are going to come from because my my question that I'm levying right now is that my Mana well is way over here but my base is like back over here is this a thing that I can move around maybe I'll just migrate it so good news everyone you can just move the base around and it actually doesn't look like it really cost us that much so I'll put it right here just so it's clustered together with everything else and now we have access to a defensive tab I've got walls out here but it looks like I need to clear the space first before that's going to be useful to me it looks like we can't build wherever there's a tree so we're going to have to go like like absolute Mayhem on this thing all right well I got some of the stuff out of the way so let's see if we can knock out and build nope don't remove that that would be an enormous mistake all right so let's see what's going on with these walls over here that actually seems to work reasonably well not that difficult to set up how far out do I have to go though in order to protect that place I got to go pretty far out so I think I'm going have to chop down some more trees and then remove all these so I was sort of thinking we just like land grab that was kind of my initial thought is that if I can get something like this over here out of the way we can just run the wall from the Mountain Cliff in order to save all materials for having to go completely and totally around the base that feels like the best start to me it's been slow going clearing out all the trees and whatnot but I think we're about ready and it looks like you can actually plot on the diagonals as well although I don't know if oh no my plan my plan might be a failure all right it might be a resounding failure we'll see if the monsters get through all right well like a few little connectivity things like I can't seem to get a wall in right there to cover that Gap I may have to like dist let's try and deconstruct from this side maybe it'll work that way I don't think it likes to connect like non-contiguous walls it likes you to do them all in one go for the snapping to function and see so if I go back in right there what's going to happen here I mean that looks okay to me it looks like we're secured and tied off and then we need defensive turrets Okay so we've got a defensive turret right there let's just put one to a corner for right now and so we'll try to have one or two over by the Gap over here too I can't Sprint when I'm inside building mode so we'll have to figure it out as we go doesn't seem to mind over there and then I think we've still got a gap that's behind the camp that I'm going to have to sort out at some point but I'm low on Stone right now so we got to wait for that trickle to come back on in I do like the fact that they turn on a little headlight right there when night night time arrives like the game is Just aware of that so that's kind of cool while we wait for stone to trickle in let's maybe just like run a wall back and over this way just to just to cover us I mean there's still like a sizable Gap over here but I kind of need to be able to get out on that side of the base anyways so why stress about it and then this guy right here will'll just put you right there to help defend now that I've got that all set up they want me to Mana pipeline everything which I will obviously do we'll just run the Mana pipelines around the edge of the base just to keep it all neat and tidy all right now I have effectively connected all of the things that they wanted me to connect it won't I will keep silent but remember it's an anxious kind of silence all right so I got to build up three houses now let's see if we can find a few more Stone mines because something really bad is going on here I can see that the monsters are coming out of this Nest it's not about the monsters something much worse as if all magic in this place we have to destroy the nest otherwise the settlers don't stand a chance otherwise nobody stands a chance where's the nest at I didn't actually particularly see a nest Purge the islands of monsters and their nests oh they're like little lightning Towers oh yeah dude we're beefing over here okay I didn't realize those were Tesla Towers that's pretty sick we got a lot of monsters coming in though I'm a little bit worried about the generalized overall safety of my base hold on let's go back around and we'll help out with the defense real fast we may need a little bit more umph going out here there we go they look like frog monsters or something I do like how they had like a little specialized attack animation right there though that was kind of sick how he rolled up in a ball I'm going to get the timing of these down where's that monster Nest at it's over there all right I keep missing the first swing it's faster and choppier than I thought there we go perfect all right and I'm not just being punny about my axe now we got to go handle this I like that lightning effect though too that looked pretty good all right let's haul ass over here if my Mech doesn't get too tired first because my Mech has stamina I'm just going to assume if that's like a heat gauge or something thing all right there's our monster Nest what's a dark stone do is it just like a crafting resource maybe waiting for my stamina to come back there we go and the clan Council wants to send settlers here I'm a bit worried as well but oh who are we to criticize the verdicts of the noble Council they must have had their reasons well they might have and we have our tasks to dig a well to build houses for the settlers we'll get ripped apart by wild beasts but at least we know where they are coming from and we can destroy their nest what's that dark stone concentration of dark magic maybe it would be better not to leave it here you're right that monster and stone are made from the same Source oh my ow okay perfect apparently those stones were like some trampoline Stone out they give you a little bit of a vertical boost all right let's keep whittling away at rocks over here there we go all right how do I fix this stuff can this stuff be fixed oh I like how the planks get out or I like how the poles get out of alignment it's kind of nice interesting little detail right there I didn't even notice that the building was getting damaged along the way so are we still under attack from somewhere oh we are unfortunate all right let me go around the other side did you guys get him hopefully they got I think they got him but I just needed to check real fast so I guess whenever the rain comes in is when the enem is going to come around looks like they busted a wider hole in the fence over here too yeah they did and then they destroyed the building too okay let's go ahead and wipe that out real quick got to figure out how to bridge these gaps in the fence oh they destroyed my stone mine as well okay so they actually like come after you out here sucks that they snuck through but that's the way she goes all right so we'll build another one over there it's obviously going to cost us but like the slow tick of resources I think is worth it and then we'll grab that right there connect that on in there we go now we have stone again I was kind of wondering why my stone wasn't ticking upwards apparently there were threats that I did not realize we need four more Stone if we want to bang out these houses I'll probably keep them up against The Rock Bluff over here might be safer that way with all the attacks and whatnot coming on in let's see what's up with these houses though so we got a house right there do these need to be hooked up to the Mana as well I think there a strong chance that they may okay we we'll put one in right there I'm going to go deal with this real F I don't know if they're regrowing or what I feel like I'm doing an awful awful lot of just general gardening right now but I suppose that's a big part of building a colony we need to make it safe for rock and stone that in right there nice World building too while you're running around like there's some cool environmental objects here that I'm definitely interested in going and exploring and effectively seeing what they are I need a few more houses I prefer to keep them like l kind up over here just to make things easier there we go that should make life simpler and then we just got to get this hooked up to the conduit now I think we just need to run conduits I'm just going to daisy chain everything because every good electrical engineer will tell you that daisy chaining the hell out of everything is factually the most efficient way to build any society no Deadly Frost no do you know how many have said this before Generation after generation it's good to finally understand them let's go what you want me to build now oh I can get a water well cool do I just put that wherever does it matter yeah we'll probably put this over here by the housing then there we go oh that's got to be hooked up to the Mana well oh so we're like highly as a society we are kind of like dependent on the Mana stream for something to drink you gave us plain water you Twi that we will go to your well and right there without Much Ado take a examine an ancient mysterious Tower well the only one of those that I've seen is up on the hill so let's go take a look up on the hill and see what's going on there I think our defenses should be good for where they're at right now I hope although I did find gates in the defensive menu so slapping one of those bad boys down probably a good idea and then seeing if we can maybe connect that over to there and then connect that over to there there we go we've actually got like an official looking Township now ah the destruction of nature it brings a tear to an old dwarf's eye what is nature there for except to be burnt into charcoal and then used to fuel industry I'm almost certain that this is one of the ancient Esco s these half buildings half machines guided air look Esco ruins they have stood here for thousands of years look here this looks like some Esco blueprint of some kind of thrust engine think I know how to improve my armor using this technology so that it can jump much higher we have to go to the workshop to see if it works it will be a waste of resources okay I'm going to keep just chucking up the hill right here to see if we can get to this magic Tower oh look dude there's a doggy it is a slightly tainted Fox all right who drugged their taint across this fox is disrespectful of nature you're going to get in trouble with Peta something's not right here the tower is saturated with dark magic this Crystal is the source of it let's take it off all right let's grab this Crystal off the front of here all the gearing looks good but we need a navigation stone for the port to function correctly navigation Stone I read about it let's search the crash site perhaps the navigation stone is still there buried among the rubble but if to find the wheel we have to look for it near the airship dwarves used such stones in their airships haven't they yes that's why we are going to the crash site does it hurt my buildings when I land on top of them with my giant Robo ass I guess not let's go check the crash site for whatever this thing is that they're prompting me for crash Trail Ends Here navigation stone is not here must have fallen off somewhere else must find it I have an idea where it might be okay there we go oh dude I can play as the dragon that kind of reminds me of jetforce Gemini like when you would take the little drone and it could go through different little areas and whatnot oh it breathes fire too I'm a flamethrower this view has no comparison to the closed spaces of the great Dwarven Library so we've actually got like multiple character interactions here which could be interesting for like puzzle solving or other things like that all right got it back to the grumpy dwarf there's a ruin down in here too though we can explore once you're Airborne it's actually a lot more visually stimulating too they're playing around some interesting ideas here I kind of dig what they got going on it's like a little bit heavier that's actually what I would recommend is for the base building stuff over there like repairing walls and everything I would take a look if I was the developers at the rift breaker almost everything about that game is functionally perfect like when it comes to UI design and just quality of life get all that into here cuz quality of life is really the only thing that I've noticed so far everything else seems to be animated reasonably well the voice acting seems to be okay and wants me to put that in there all right I'll go back up here and put that in there but most of the things here all seem to be good environmental design looks good lighting looks good animations could use a little tuning up on the dwarf end but all the mech animations and the dragon animations seem to be pretty good so I think they're off to a pretty good start from what I've seen so far all right let's slot this bad boy in here and see what it does for us let me get the navigational Stone it fits did it do anything nothing just as I expected wait a minute the Esco also used Mana let's connect a pipe and see what happens okay I've just been farming resources this entire time so it shouldn't be that big of a deal was that in the settlement menu yeah there it is right there although we are going to have to defend this thing which is the part that actually makes my booty a little itchy it might be kind of a a pain let the Mana flow there's light what do you know it worked well our first colony is ready we can send a raven and wait for the colonists I didn't even know I was going to have colonists so let's go ahead and do precisely that so let got this building tagged over here send the Raven send it away I have a good trip I can't believe it I hope he succeeds he will succeed I believe in it the first colony is finished this is just the beginning get a little bit of redundancy right there meet the arriving dwarves well something just loaded cuz the frame rate just hitched so it definitely it loaded some kind of texture or something oh and the gate has a toggle on it too like I control whether it opens or closes or not it's kind of cool although it doesn't seem to want to reopen now I'll just make sure I drop back down into my base maybe it only opens and closes from the inside I I closed it from the inside then ran out so it's possible that's the way it functions we have greeted the dwarves and they have arrived Now isn't this a nice place oh I know just a moment and it will be ready all right so we've got a new building that it wants me to put in called a workshop it looks like we got to find a good place for it though it may not necessarily be like a universal placement type deal oh it just tacks onto the side it's a good thing I noticed that I would have I the only reason I noticed that it's cuz I walked by it and because it was tagged on the mini map like a drunk without a cup it's a nasty way of putting it well you got a point all right so inside the workshop it looks like we can actually fabricate things that we want here so we've got high pump capacity esm technology install install the high jump technology so it's this esm technology right here let's go ahead and knock that out simp and Dr why did none of us ever come up with this look I can jump so high I could catch birds in Flight how on Earth could we find something like this in Esco ruins I have no idea maybe the construction of the armor is based on Esco ideas or maybe something really strange is going on I think we're about to be under attack the little stormy boys came back yeah we are about to be under attack so that's a little bit of an issue huh the gate toggle is not working for me so I don't know if it's bugged or whatever but there we go now the en they were stuck cuz there was no way into our base but now they're headed over here so we'll square off with them on this side they're attacking on the corner down here little inconvenient there we go just make sure you fight inside the range of the turrets the rest of it doesn't really matter just capitalize on the fact that we have turrets there we go bury that guy real fast there's another one inside the base attacking the Mana well another one bites the dust I wonder if that's that layer up there that was closed just a minute ago do they like reopen with time there we go light them up I think we're going to need some more defensive Towers too it seems to me like that might be an adaptation we want to develop here I don't think I hit chunky hard enough to hold off a wave all by my lonesome all right let's go find this Lair it's got to be up top it does appear to be at the top of the up on so let's go ahead and wipe that out oh they fighting back now that's how it's going to go huh they're tough they got a chin on them without my turrets adding supplementary damage to this whole thing I'm now regretting all of my decisions to haphazardly launch myself off of cliffs and drain down my HP I actually don't know how to heal myself right now I should probably figure that out there are like berries and stuff around but somehow I don't feel like that's going to help out with the Mech I probably have to hop out and work on it like Mad Mac Style on the Nintendo and I think this should be like the last burst of damage that brings it down there we go that's all nice and finished off if I hop out like let's say I hop out can I fix the mech I can there we go so you actually got to hop out and do maintenance on the thing so I dig it it's a little bit Loosey Goosey it's a play test you know there still rough edges that need to be smoothed on out but I can see the Promise here especially if you're a big rock and stone dwarf fan like I am my name is splatter cat I'll leave something to the imagination here if you want to check it out go look at the play test go sign up go help out with the development uh my name is splatter cat I sifted the file to find what's wor wild in the world of indie games every single day so that you don't have to today up on the chopping block we were messing around with first dwarf tomorrow will we messing around with something different for now it's time for me to beg my leave I'll catch yall tomorrow with something hot and fresh up off the Indie Skillet but that's all I got for you bye folks
Channel: Splattercatgaming
Views: 181,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firset Dwarf GAmeplay, first dwarf walkthrough, first dwarf playthrough, lets play first dwarf, first dwarf review, first dwarf preview, first dwarf impressions, first dwarf download, first dwarf trailer, first dwarf video game, first dwarf soundtrack, first dwarf music, first dwarf steam
Id: eMH1SzhbaTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 8sec (2048 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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