The Disturbing Details Of Darkwood - Story Explained

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it is the 1980s a plague originating from an unknown source deep from within the heart of the Polish Forest Darkwood is infecting its inhabitants to protect the outside world the government has contained the plague by isolating the inhabitants and sending in teams to investigate the source you were on one such team but things went wrong after an attack on your camp and you are now alone now you must find your way home or be consumed by the woods [Music] [Music] One Night in August 1975 a bright object of Unknown Origin was seen falling from the sky over the heart of the forest Darkwood the infection began to spread fairly rapidly the trees began to grow impossibly fast and thickly animals and people began to develop symptoms of unknown and incurable diseases the sector 3C Village which happened to be the closest Village in the vicinity was the first to be affected and attempts were made by the government to contain the disease such as having infested livestock and houses burnt to the ground roads that allowed access to the heart of Darkwood were closed but these barriers were then consumed by the growing Forest the forest began to form its own barriers many hundreds of square kilometers were encompassed and much of the surrounding landscape the structure resembles a honeycomb the surface of particular cells varies from 80 to as many as 360 Square km the cells gradually divide into smaller ones it can be assumed that with time the forest will achieve a homogeneous form the trees grow with remarkable regularity forming walls with the average thickness of 50 m the distances between trunks are never higher than t cenm according to preliminary analysis only 15% of the total volume consists of actual trees although this figure is hard to verify when seen from above it became clear the forest was taking on a honeycomb like structure with thick walls of trees forming barriers and slowly dividing up the forest interior into smaller cells within these cells the inhabitants of the wood were unable to leave and they became completely isolated in order to continue monitoring the situ situation from ground level the government built a series of tunnels beneath the ground to travel safely between the cells by 1983 the village of sector 3C had been on their own for a long time their fields had flooded and they were all beginning to slowly starve to death after years of not seeing anyone from the outside world they notice groups of strange people appear in the forest carrying guns these secret groups were sent in by the government to continue their research on the source and nature of the infection to contain the infection and to reduce the risk posed to The Outsiders by the increasing mental instability of the local inhabitants any surviving villagers were not helped and those that tried to use the tunnels to escape were shot as the infection grew worse so did the situation the ever growing roots of the forest increasingly replacing the Earth in which they grew began to cause small local earthquakes and many of the tunnels began to collapse attempts to study the forest had limited success but knowledge was gathered on electrical activity within the root system on the shapeshifting properties of the fluid and patterns of forest growth but the absolute cause and means to control the woods remained Out Of Reach The Roots have made it impossible to dig further specialist tools will be needed if we are to go deeper observation the roots of individual trees intertwined to create bundles braids with thickness of 120 CM the ones we analyzed always grow towards the Northeast taking into account the results from the dig sites from other regions we can assume that the bundles come together in sector zero we have accumulated about 5 L of the substance that flows through the roots as expected it has lost its shape-shifting abilities after being disconnected from the roof the stream to be exact in 1987 the infection would at last come to an end when Darkwood and much of the surrounding Woodland caught fire and the Mysterious infection seized the being arrived in August 1975 most likely during the night as a bright shining object that fell from the sky over the heart of the Darkwood in Poland we haven't slept again another mad man came here at night the second one this month he jumped over the fence and tried to Ram the door door with his head I shot him in the ass with the tranquilizer today we're going to transport him outside since that accursed tree appeared in the village and increasing number of savages roam around hideouts how do they know about us they're psychos they can barely talk the villagers in our sector still have no clue what's going on it's been 10 years or so but when they lose it all they need to do is go into the woods put some mud on their face and they come sniffing Stefan told me that in the neighboring sector the Wild Ones appear mainly in the vicinity of the Hideout located near the tunnel entrance I don't think it's a coincidence supposedly the being is of extraterrestrial Origins but it's also possible that whatever fell from the sky could have interacted or cause a change in something that was already present in the Darkwood all that we know is the being made its home in a valley in the heart of the Darkwood surrounding itself in thick layers of tree roots before extending this root Network across the region marking the beginning of the plague only a few years later substance is described as a clear white fluid fluid which the being uses to grow similar to the melium of a fungus the being does not appear to have direct control over the substance as it seemingly acts more autonomously like cells in a body this is suggested by the Paradox of the being beaming called being directly opposed by its own growth preventing many inhabitants from reaching it the talking tree is said to have grown extremely rapidly even by the local standards like a growth or a tumor and blocked any further flow of survivors from reaching the being the fluid has shape-shifting properties and can take on forms after it has been in contact with them as long as the replicated object remains in contact with this network it can regrow rapidly this makes it nearly impossible to break down any part of the being's Network for long the being is seemingly incapable of direct speech and must either communicate through radio signals or through essence or infection induced dreams or hallucinations heavily associated with light the being is near incomprehensive hble to humans and merely being close to it proves overwhelming it is unknown why it wants people to come to it or how it benefits from them sleeping at its roots as these sleepers do not appear to get consumed by the being and merely wisen until they die but once they are in the valley they are trapped even if they break free from its psychic control the tunnels out of the valley are kept sealed by the being so that people may come in but they may never leave the plague is the influence of the being capable infecting all living organisms the symptoms tend to generally manifest in two main forms mental and physical but sometimes there may be a combination of symptoms corpses can become infected and will begin to take on a deformed appearance and may explode when touched physical deterioration form of the plague leads to the transformation of humans in the Chompers and dogs in the huge dogs the primary symptoms are as follows asymmetrical and unnatural body growth resulting in deformities hair loss splitting headaches a scar appearing on the sagittal plane of the skull that gradually increases in size and length until it reaches the hip with internal growth of large teeth eventually the host will become immobilized whether through pain or deformities and will go into a dormant state where they sleep until awoken a on which time they undergo the full transformation and heighten aggression following the transformation the transformation for dogs is less violent with an increase in size and muscle mass by sharing the similar symptoms of hair loss and increased aggression this form of the plague does not appear to as greatly impact on the host's mind as the mental deterioration form of the plague does the mental deterioration form the plague leads to the transformation of humans into Savages with primary symptoms being obsessive compulsive Behavior such as drawing symbols or covering their faces with mud and sticks auditory and visual hallucinations insomnia and loss of appetite loss of the ability to speak but not necessarily vocalize heightened aggression obsession with traveling home loss of ability to write loss of a sense of self-preservation drive to consume mushrooms as well as wood and bark and last but not least ritualistic behavi Behavior Savages appear to seek the companionship of other Savages while isolating themselves from non-s Savages they also appear to be under the direct control of the being due to their ritualistic behavior such as the careful creation of ritual sites consisting of circles and lines drawn in often repetitive patterns as well as tying people to trees and leaving them to be absorbed by the trees one of these rituals is specifically designed to help facilitate the being's ability to create new creatures creatures through its shape-shifting fluid these sites will future at least one human being in addition to a number of other organisms such as lizards mushrooms crows centipedes or even other corpses the exact method of inoculation is unclear whether it is a completely Supernatural phenomenon or spread by spores or some form of gas in the air is unknown The Outsider certainly appear to believe that the infection is Airborne as they wear Hazard suits when outside of their hideouts and use oxygen tanks with notes from their research showing that the woods increase its volumetric output of some unknown substance by nearly fourfold at night now that we know the origins and the effects of the plague we have to get into the storying characters behind it you play as a protagonist and very little is actually known about the protagonist not even your name the protagonist was a soldier who was likely a very skilled handyman man he had already been into the woods surrounding dark wood five times before and was seemingly eager to return you were bored of home life you enjoyed Sports you were embittered by the news and would sometimes watch children's TV to distract yourself the news was pure garbage as always I was only waiting for the sports to digest we won 2 to one I washed plasti Kim yet niik before going to sleep boring life on leave one week I will walk into the woods it will be my sixth time this time we're going in from the West the trip will be exceptionally long we're taking one of the longest tunnels it almost reaches to the last Zone supposedly it's starting to give under the pressure of the roots but the job is urgent so [ __ ] safety I have no idea how any of this is kept Under Wraps are those poor saps unaware of the fact that we're taking trips under their feet maybe they like it here so much they don't really care I wouldn't be surprised the protagonist lived in a small flat in a large rundown apartment block which he shared with a significant other and his dog su he seemed to be a friendly and good-natured man who is on good terms with most people in his apartment block this is also suggested by the kind demeanor of the traitor his replica in game he displays heightened aggression and violence typical of the effects of the plague with which he is undoubtedly infected without his Hazard suit he appears callous uncaring and impatient with others and even himself often insulting or speaking cruy of the locals in his journal P of desperation to just get to the road home on his last mission into the woods his group were assigned to an urgent Mission much deeper in the woods than he had ever been before it is unknown what the purpose of the mission was but it appeared to involve the collection of samples and measuring the electrical output of the root Network in the region it is also possible he might have been part of the seven strong teams sent to retrieve maek whatever the purpose of the mission his Camp was attacked and overcome by Savages he amongst three others were bound to trees to die but he man managed to escape discarding his torn Hazard suit for the cloth of a scarecrow and fleeing eventually he collapsed D do his injuries after escaping the doctor the protagonist now infected begins to follow the call of the being backtracking the way he had fled the traitor is a replica of the protagonist made by the clear substance the traitor is compassionate and rational likely displaying the protagonist's true personality prior to infection he obviously cares deeply for the protagonist's well-being helping him when he can greeting him warmly gestures which the protagonist does not return He also shows relief on seeing the protagonist having survived the first night an increasing concern as he moves deeper into the woods even following him through to the swamp he does not really appear to do anything outside of following the protagonist his main desire being to keep the protagonist alive it's likely he recognizes what has happened and what he is the circumstances surrounding his death are mysterious but it happened no sooner than he had emerged From The Underground entrance as a silence where were likely either the three or the protagonist himself the wolf is a replica of a hunter and one of his trophies a sadistic and vengeful individual the wolf desires only two things to see the Villager suffer and the pretty lady he not clear if he's fully aware that he is a replica only that he knows his appearance to serves others and has caused the village to shun him he has a deep enmity with the chicken lady whom he believes is all that is stopping him from reaching the pretty lady pretty lady has been inferred to be the wife of the hunter both of whom more silver wedding rings but interestingly the Ring of the pretty ladies is actually found in a pile of blankets on which the chicken lady herself was sleeping on making it a possibility the chicken lady herself might have been the Hunter's wife and the wolf's deep hatred of the chicken lady and desire for the pretty lady might even stem out of the Hunter's desire for an extra marital Affair prior to the Hunter's death it is ambiguous whether the wolf is truly part wolf as trophies of both dogs and wolves are found within the Hunter's Lodge there's also a possible link to berck and the photo of a wolf-like creature standing over a man found in the lodge the wolf has a playful side to him hidden under several layers of sadism rage self-pity and vengefulness he's generous to those who help him and appears to hold a genuine sense of camaraderie with the protagonist if he chooses to side with him potentially offering him multiple gifts is eager to help him reach the doctors if played right he's extremely vengeful of betray however pursuing the player through to the swamp even if it doesn't serve his own interest and challenging him to an intentional difficult fight just to punish him he seems to have an animosity towards the doctor yet at the same time must have interacted with him on at least neutral grounds he knows that the doctor took the key off the protagonist when he first met him he also appears to hate Patric for unknown reasons but as Patrick mentions he once owned a small plastic chick possible he is somehow associated with the chicken lady despite calling the protagonist meat and claiming to dislike plagued contaminated flesh he leaves the healthy villagers alone and instead focuses his cannibalistic desires solely on the pretty lady his dedication is not the blood lust of a hungry carnivore looking for substenance but the sick Obsession of a psychopath with no regard for human life who willing to kill even if he doesn't get what he wants musician is a polite and well-meaning child who lived with his parents in the Old Woods his mother was a violinist and also used to work in the fields he shared a strong bond with his mother following in her footsteps to be a musician and taking Delight in the idea that he might one day help her work in the field Fields it is unknown what his father did but it is known he used to beat the musician but the musician still loved him at some point the small family began to succumb to the physical deterioration form of the plague his parents became immobilized and almost unable to speak but the musician didn't believing his parents be angry with him as they would no longer hear how sad he was the musician ran away from home possibly prior to this musician hoped to be admitted into the church basement but was denied inry due to his physical deterioration the musician had been to the doctor at some point who had taken pity on him and provided him a small wooden mask knowing that it was the only thing he could do the village themselves shunned the musician for his deformities one day he saw the pretty lady a woman deformed by the plague just like him and he saw her as the most beautiful woman he had ever seen someone he saw us suffering in an attempt to comfort her he would play as violin for her the pretty lady is a relative of the chicken lady she's a mutated gigantic woman hidden under a blanket in the locked room of the chicken lady's house her Gastly wheezing can be heard from even outside inside her room and her figure can be seen twisting and churning under the blanket if one carefully looks into her room through the barricaded window her mental and physical deterioration due to the plague was rapid she became violent and developed cannibalistic desires as a result for her own safety and those around her she had her arms and legs chained despite the infection she still cares for her sister and is self-conscious of her appearance the chicken lady is a strange old wom living with her chickens in the chicken house found within the village she seems to dislike musician calling him a creature she cares deeply for both of her siblings and is distraught at the idea of losing either of them due to the cannibalistic drive that the play has instilled in her sister she cannot untie her and as a result is very frustrated when she catches the musician trying to free her despite the irritation she shows towards the boy and the Bliss ending she will adopt the musician and care for him his family the doctor was once a well-meaning and good hearted man now turned alcoholic desperate and violent by the plague he lived in the woods with his wife and daughter before the plague working to keep the local Village healthy and sometimes driving to the sector 3C Village to help them too when the plague began to appear his daughter and wife were likely sent away for their own safety but the doctor stayed behind to try to help eventually the sector 3C Village Woods became so overgrown that he could no longer reach sector 3C none of his remedies would stop the physical and mental deterioration of his patients however at one point he attempted to build a sanctuary for the locals by isolating certain individuals below the ground this insur failed operating out of his own house doctor had a take to tying down his more violent patients to prevent them from harming him or others the child of one of those patients can still be found in the trailer outside in the process of becoming a chomper and in huge pain Doctor's house is surrounded by Graves of dead patients he's a scientific individual who uses deductive reasoning documenting everything he can with a camera and notes his knowledge of The Outsiders is limited he doesn't know about the purpose of the oven gas for example but the doctor is aware of the outsider presence in the woods he knows they can come and go as freely as they please while he is stuck surrounded by the dead dying and sick unable to return home to his family and unable to help anyone at all where he is and for this reason he lows the protagonist when he first meets him sadly for the doctor is very possible there was an attempted rescue mission to retrieve him but the helicopter crashed on route for unknown reasons P Trek is an Ecentric tinkerer he has a mass paled junk in his yard which he dreams of turning into a spaceship and he suffers insom over his obsession with space travel his relation to the other inhabitants is unclear he mentions his father but not who he was curiously his Workshop is said to smell strongly of Rosen a substance often used to treat string instruments like violins he also says at one point he owned a plastic chick which he melted into a moon possibly associating himself with the chicken lady who is known to have given these out to close family if he was related to the chicken lady in some form it might explain why the wolf man hates him but this may well be due to petrick's innocent delusional thinking which opposes to Wolf men's harsh and cynical view of the world he lives in petric himself doesn't appear to be enemies with anyone his only wishes to go to space it is possible this Obsession might be brought on by the being if his ship is completed it will be found crashed now much closer to the heart of the woods differently to the others though he never mentions wanting to go home merely he wanted to reach the Stars the [ __ ] is in an older gentleman with hazy eyes who sits dormant in his wheelchair he's lost his legs from the knee down he seems to be the only person left in town the rest of died or become a part of the Talking Tree he loved his village dearly and the presence of the Talking Tree a reminder of those long dead has tortured him he's last surviving inhabitant of the village kept there only by his inability to walk but he survives by catching fish in the flooded streets he unlike most is aware that the call of the being is a trick and that the road home is not that at all quote The Road to Madness is what it is end quote as he's already home where he is even so he's still unable to resist the call if the path is cleared the snail is a character that likely used to be human it Desir is for boots and its discussion of what it thinks is human which is brought up when it discusses how ugly the protagonist is for a human suggests that it has some concept of what it's like to be one this is likely given the area around it is scattered with writhing and mutating figures attached to small snail shells also the snail has a human skull and its head and a hand that is sticking out from its body supporting this hypothesis the snail had presumably been living alone for some time it lived in what was once a pretty wood clearing Before the Flood arrived he appeared to be quite a clever and Innovative individual compiling a map where objects of value were stored in the junkyard completing crosswords at a rapid rate as well as attempting to record the sound of the being using tapes he had found and try to figure out what it was and where it was coming from he theorized The Voice had to be coming from the nearby Radio power even though it had been knocked down for some years previously his death starving to death in his bed must have been a painful one he would eventually be reincarnated multiple times by the forest as a mix of his last meal and himself a snail and a man the largest and most complete of these is the snail himself formed to top the roof of the house which then collapsed under his weight when he first tried to move he appears to be quite cowardly hiding from the protagonist he's fully under the being's control by the time the protagonist meets him constantly mentioning a female voice calling him drawing him towards the heart of the woods and is completely oblivious to the fact that he is not human mushroom granny is a replica of an old woman who once lived in the sector 3C Village granny was a kindly old lady who loved her daughter and seven grandchildren all dearly she was a prolific smoker and a talented painter and her favorite subject was flowers she comes across as rather Stern with a more noons attitude she treats others in the strict manner one might treat a child when her daughter left with four of the youngest grandchildren was her she was saddened but stayed where she was but it was too much for her when the three were banished and their father presumably killed and despite the fact that she could barely walk she made her way out in the swamps in search of her daughter and was never seen again mushroom granny is the same old woman but from the night of when the thieves first broke into the basement her entire house and part of the surrounding Village was also replicated in this way she has no memory of the three being banished or their father being harmed but acknowledges her daughter is gone but her legs are too bad to follow her she does not recognize marchan as a boy would have been much younger at the last time she saw him the elephants are a family of four they're dressed in full protective hazmat suits reminiscent of the World War II era with breathing hoses and oxygen tanks their strange appearance created by the mask is likely the reason for their nicknames as a Polish made mua mask is often nicknamed elephant due to its design her survivalist paranoid controlling and extremely religious mother in her four young children shortly after the fields first became flooded and starvation began to set in the elephant mother left the sector 3C Village and took her four youngest children with her and moved into a house in the swamp which they reinforced with a wall of junk and barred wire at some point the oldest son Came Upon a shed once used by The Outsiders nearby and brought back journal on their studies of the woods which a mother interpreted as evil scripture for unknown reasons he then died and his body was left in the shed the three younger children children live under the control of their mother marinic was one of these children and later on he would run away seeking out his grandmother despite her harsh and controlling Behavior the elephant mother clearly loved her children she was a fierce Survivor and somewhat of a shut in who forbidded her children from going outside talking to strangers or breathing any of the contaminated air she herself argues that set air is the caus the mutations of all the other inhabitants of the region it is revealed that the mother of the elephants is the paranoid daughter of mushroom granny and the wife of the thief this also means that she is the mother of the three they are the three of her seven sons one of her sons is dead and his decomposing corpse is sitting in the old shed the three have the appearance of tall robed figures wearing masks and covered in branches the taller central figure carries a sack which as stated by the protagonist reeks of mushrooms the three are never seen talking this communication is done via gestures or written letters the three are the thieves mentioned by the [ __ ] this may be evidenced by a strange attachment almost reverence towards the Talking Tree The Entity containing all the dead villagers on whom the thieves brought hunger furthermore they are the Lost sons of an elephant family you follow their father instead of their mother upon their parents' separation based on dialogue with the [ __ ] when showing him a photo of three boys the three might be the three sons of the thief that stayed behind with him in the village according to the [ __ ] they were banished from the swamp Village and roam the swamp as half Savages [ __ ] also mentions that sometimes he hears footsteps M Bells chiming while close to the three the protagonist may hear the chiming of bells the three have an affection for the talking tree it's probably because the tree is an amalgamation of people who they know and care for when the three walk past the [ __ ] house towards the tree or back from the tree is when the [ __ ] hears footsteps and little bells chiming the three are also the children of the elephant's mother and follow their father upon separation of the parents the talking tree is a horrific amalg of the villagers from the night thieves broken into the basement some are the thieves some are those trapped outside one of them is a cow that was locked in the basement connected directly to the stream of clear fluid you can regenerate any part of itself almost instantaneously one of the villagers at least is self-aware and can interact with the protagonist this is presumably the same individual thanks a protagonist for sparing them if they aren't burned down the talking tree is seemingly able to use radio for influencing contr the environment around them finally we have the bike man who is an alcoholic middle-aged man very competent and cycling large bags of goods through the woods the bikeman just likes to drink beer and have a good time yeah I don't I don't know what else to say about him before we get into the main story I'd like to briefly touch on replicas and the substance as you've probably heard me mention both of those quite a few times as mentioned previously one of the properties of the being is a clear substance which it can control and runs as a stream primarily through the network of roots this fluid has shape shifting capabilities and can grow new organisms by using dead or immobilized organisms as a template the original often being overgrown with rootlets the new organisms the replicas are often noted to be imperfect imitations of the original with solid inanimate objects often appearing to have pitted bubbled surfaces as well as being softer and more minable than would be expected while moving living entities tend to become merged with other objects around them both organic and inorganic quite often replicas are paler in appearance and sometimes retain the minor memories of the original counterpart and are capable of acting independently of the being and even appear to be unaffected by its called with a notable exception of the snail R are not always mobile and may be incomplete forming snapshots of particular times it seems to occur when the fluid does not have sufficient time to form a template from the host with a notable exception with the mushroom granny examples of replicas are Wolfman Traer mushroom granny snail talking tree man in the tunnel with a soft bullet and weird cross the entire house of mushroom granny and the surrounding Glade centipedes Swampers human spiders and banshees the tunneling man and in the swamp there are numerous times where you can see repas that are in the process of forming the appear is white clouded impartial forms often surrounded by mushrooms the Savages and villagers upon the road home and man in the village sector 3C and 85% of the trees The Wolf Man is a replica of a huntsman whose Lodge was in Old Woods merged with the trophy of either a wolf or a dog evidence for this comes in the form of the wedding ring upon his hand and the man found encase in rets in the Hunter's Lodge the other evidence is that he's clearly a fusion of two creatures a man and a canid the plague distorts and deforms what is already there in living creatures does not cause them to become more like another creature in such a symmetrical and natural fashion The Wolfman also clearly shares memories with that of the hunter such as a love of collecting trophies firearms and for the pretty lady who wears an identical ring to the man in the Hunter's Lodge the traitor is a replica of the protagonist formed during the time he was tied up to the tree in his Hazard suit before the prologue the hazard suit helmet is a literal part of him as a substance did not differentiate between a living and inorganic tissue for the traitor being a rep CL protagonist is strong from his familiar appearance similar height to the most defining Clues being the key to the tunnel 21 in his journal which are both clearly imperfect replicas compared side by side with protagonist own items the doctor also remarks in the prologue on first finding the protagonist that he's carrying on him only a key and only a journal like the mushroom Guinea he's observed to smell strongly of mushrooms and have paper white skin the mushroom Granny's counterpart's entire house can still be found found within the village these replicas can be inferred to have occurred on the night the father of the tree attempted to raid the basement as can be determined from the conversations the replica villagers have outside the mushroom Granny's own reactions also indicate that she believes she is living at this time as when presented with a picture of the three his children she remarks that all they have left is their father as well as not recognizing Marchin who would have been much younger at the time and when shown a picture of the elephant mother she was say she would have gone looking for her but her legs prevent her from leaving the house whereas in the village the [ __ ] will remark that the original granny did indeed leave the village like the Traer shees remarked to have paper white skin and gums and have eaten by the protagonist she is found to have no bones the snails are a replica of a man who lived within the cottage whose corpse can be found entwined in Roots within and whose diary states he had taken to eaten snails shortly before his death by starvation a strange clear replica key can be found on him growing out of the palm of his hand the talking tree is a replica of the the starving Village and from its dialogue it can be gauged to be a conglomerate consisting of both individuals who managed to lock themselves in the basement including a cow and those who were locked out his connection to the substance being made particularly clear when the protagonist accidentally breaks an arm of one of the glomerate only for it to reform before his eyes a property it retains as it remains connected to the stream the man in the tunnel with a soft bullet and weird crosses a replica of a man who died much closer to the entrance to the swamp his original body can be found there is noted to be attached to the floor and have an inhuman voice that doesn't sound quite right he's also lying in a stream of the substance and his bones are soft and instead of blood he bleeds substance and lastly but most importantly of all are the trees themselves with only 15% of the woods being actual trees apart from replicating organisms another property of the substance is that it seemingly has electrical properties and as an actively controlled part of the being it can be used to control radio waves as is suggested by the radio Tower's interior being completely overgrown with roots and numerous occasions where the being is seen to communicate through this [Music] means in early September 1987 a group of Outsiders were located at one of their camps close to sector zero studies appear to be ongoing to the west of the camp they dug pits to access the tree roots and attach electrodes the camp was attacked by Savages and overwhelmed three individuals wearing Hazard suits were tied to trees by the Savages a strange ritual they often performed a lone boot found by itself nearby suggests a struggle at least one of the individuals tied to the tree was alive at the time this happened to be the protagonist it's unclear how long they were trapped there but during this time the woods s the protagonist and then its unusual shape-shifting abilities of the fluid substance that flows between the trees came into play incapable of differentiating between different objects the woods began to duplicate the Trap protagonists and this imperfect replica with a hazard suit helmet grow as part of its body this replica being the traitor somehow the protagonist was able to break free from his biting possibly badly wounding himself in the process as indicated by the bloody rope and shreds of his Hazard suit that were left behind and his viewfinder was smashed in badly wounded from perhaps both his beating at the hands of the Savages and his Escape for unknown reasons the protagonist discarded his Hazard suit and swapped out his clothes for those of Scarecrow on the field beside the camp he then fled badly injured trying to escape the swamp he managed to reach as far as the old Woods before collapsing the doctor found him and brought him back to his home where he injected him with an unknown substance which is strongly implied to be the essence protagonist under goes a dramatic deterioration in the mental health but when he comes to after being beaten by the doctor for information he had lost all memory of how he had gotten where he was from his camp and after he breaks free he immediately begins to hallucinate first imagining a radio becoming a man with dials for eyes then imagining a dead man is taunting him and finally witnessing a mob of black Chompers breaking into and storming the house the died man is a first instance of what is a possible dream since the protagonist is under the effect of the essence at this point a man who appears to be connected to several power cables slowly repeats a number this number is the combination of northernmost rooms door where a man possibly janic is confined the protagonist returns to the dialed man after wandering a bit ACR Ross the room with the cages you will instead find an ordinary radio again this is one of the many situations in Darkwood suggesting that the protagonist senses may not be reliable it is speculated by many that the mob of black Chompers that the protagonist saw were actually the villagers come seeking revenge for the doctor failing to be able to save them on at least one other occasion the protagonist hallucinated a human as a black Chomper so it's not out of the question during the ransacking of the Doctor's house the protagonist somehow managed to end up outside lying in the Forest we can confuse the traitor finally caught up with him helping him to his feet and escorting him to the first Hideout of chapter one the protagonist is now infected by the plague and is unknowingly under the woods control he begins to backtrack the way he had come believing this is the way home not knowing that the road home is actually the last road to the heart of the woods where the being lives eventually the protagonist gets through the tunnel 21 and returns to the swamp and then eventually to sector zero to where the being resides here he begins to hallucinate one more believing himself to at least have escaped the woods and his home once more depending on how hard the player themselves have fallen to this illusion the pagus there either Falls victim to the being and goes to sleep eventually to die or he realizes the horrific truth and breaks free from the Mind Control Breaking Free of the hallucination the protagonist finds that he's crawled through an organic tunnel which has sealed itself behind him and he is stripped off his clothes he's trapped within a deep valley completely made up of roots and dead trees trapping him within and offering no chance of escape the protagonist May then confront and question the being but it offers no answers during his investigation of the surroundings the protagonist will then stumble upon another Outsider when he recognizes machek a sleeping Soldier carrying nothing but a flamethrower wrapped in prayer beads taking this flamethrower after fighting machek for it the protagonist will then proceed to burn down the being killing it and everyone trapped in the valley with it including himself fired spreads burning much of the surrounding Forest over the next few days at last the delusions voices and Whispers stop and anyone surviving can now at long last walk free as the first helicopters appear overhead if you stayed for the entire video and found yourself enjoying it leave a like and comment some theories you may have or some hypotheses want to give a major shout out to um alcal for putting together a fantastic lore section on Steam and basically piecing together everything I said here whatever wasn't used from alcal was picked from the Darkwood Wiki and Reddit and several other sources do you like what you saw make sure to leave a like comment and subscribe I'm cetus signing [Music] off [Music]
Channel: Covetous
Views: 34,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #darkwood, #lore, #storyexplained, #horror, #halloween, #spooky, #nuclear, #radiation, #disease, #story, #survival, #game
Id: 5JEs9KJaIjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 46sec (2326 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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