SKT vs G2 | Semifinals Game 5 | 2019 Mid-Season Invitational | SK telecom T1 vs. G2 Esports

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and welcome back to Game five of the series where SK Telecom and g2 eSports have been trading blow-for-blow to push us all the way to a deciding game I have been here before saying that g2 eSports are going up against a favorite opponent last year was RNG various you and I casted that game and g2 eSports won that game silencing the League of Legends world yeah they certainly did it was very dramatic series that's for sure but it was the same situation where both teams are winning on blue side every single time and then in game 5 g2 they somehow got the perfect draft they got the perfect answer and they turned it around against RNG the question is can they do it today personally as an EU fan I believe that they can but the nameplates are on this SK Telecom t1 they were winning World Championships when g2 are failing promotion to the EU LCS at the time so this is where faker con the big names like mata earn their bacon because this is a must-win best of one to join Team Liquid in the final and the question will be on Syd has the gap finally closed if G to win this I say it has let's catch up with a drop this is a pivot different to what we've seen from previous games TK Nico and chase band away by SK Telecom Akali Rhys and Silas the response from g2 so a very quick joven locked in for clint you imagined that the Gallio increases in priority for g2 and they could very well put some focus on the reksai as well we've seen that in the early game it packs a powerful punch and it was yang courses most play champion during the playoffs of the LEC so g2 gonna make that pivot coming into game time gank of all lanes have been all the talk of MSI recently so finding CC to backup or exile or Jarvan is very important Brom ripped away in recent games from SKT be a very normal pick would it be varus prom as a duel I'm wondering if the Calista comes out here for teddy one of his best performing champions for him do this year and so far he's yet to die on the channel and his comfort might be shaken a bit after being involved in the probably the big pivotal turning point of Game four with his teleport on to mid lane turret leading to eventual Baron that came through for SKT but it's a little bit bold when there's not a tahm Kench lane in sight to take the cluster into Tobias Brom for safety is the SKT choice as the PI cover coming out from g2 oh and we have no idea where the pike is going it could be made it could be tar and once again shout out to countdown with the discussion was who is the best pike on g2 we'll find out after this game remember Gallio go mid lane it's a possibility I'd see Aaron Capps is of course the self-proclaimed best Pike player on the team had a chance to meet up with g2 when they were in Korea and the biggest flare point question to get under their skin was to ask the squad who's the best exchanged because everybody had an opinion and cap said he played all of them the better let's wait and see what actually shakes up well with the hecarim band this does suggest that the pike right now is looking to be a top lane pick g2 want to create some chaos and in game 5 this is how they're going to do it fiora being taken away as well very heavily suggesting that this pike will be going into the top lane have SKT prepared drew they have an answer for this pike look the Morgana band coming out as well they're saying what if they try to do fill or the funnel rather we want to deny that option small answer and small thing to consider is that SKT have not been pike this series so theoretically that should come with some semblance of an answer but this Pike could go anywhere I'm sure that's reigning supreme you want to continue that flexibility there syndra could be bot lane I think syndra's in the bot lane i genuinely believe that that syndra is in the bot lane for Perks in Game five when the chips are down and when you need to bring something big out why not put perks back on the mid lane role that you've managed to challenge faker with back in 2017 let's see if this works out SK Telecom now I have to start piecing together what this composition is going to look like cannon will be locked in for Khan in the top lane and faker is potentially and Oh famous 5 Leblanc for anybody that is a longtime viewer will remember Morgana into a fakers LeBlanc many many moons ago and the response now is lissandra and that is definitely gonna beat into the LeBlanc that part is under no review that means perks will most likely be on the bot lane syndra again there is the flexibilities there but the roles signed to come together the top lane Pike is back SKT very very standard stuff but with some good agency for the LeBlanc to roam around g2 want this to be a chaos game through and through I feel like the SKT are so happy with their draft they have such a strong 2v2 jungle with the LeBlanc and the Jarvan they should have priority up towards the top side of the map and I'll be honest I don't know how syndra Gallio does against far as no I have to see how that one plays out but they should have a lot of options in the early game as we said multiple times the early game has decided how these games play out so I feel like even with all this crazy enough coming out from g2 SKT on paper look like the favorable to be in the favorable position and here's my respect point to g2 if both teams come away from a draft g2 and their opponent and they both feel good about it I'm more worried about g2 feeling good about their draft because they're sealing and the chaos and unpredictability it heralds is terrifying I agree the g2 variants between their best games and their worst games substantially larger than g2 s at the beginning of this tournament we started putting teams into buckets the methodical control teams and the explosive chaotic ones these two drafts are the epitome of a bucket stylization and we got to see which one reigns supreme and advances to the MSI finals let's bash the buckets boys as we jump into game five between SKT and - we got a pike in the top lane we have fakers LeBlanc what better way to round out this area of course we know how Kobe feels about buckets that he's rolling over on the analyst desk in disgust let's take a look at the early game decision-making remember when one day played pike last time he lost early and it was skirmishes mid that allowed you to come back and defeat SK Telecom and the Jarvan could definitely do an impersonation of the Elise that was played on that point to keep the pike on a short leash I want to zoom in on one decision and that's faker playing LeBlanc in Game five of it of an MSI tournament remember all the way back to the first msi it was the strategy to take down fakers LeBlanc with pawns Morgana that led to SKT losing that final he wants to have a happy memory of a game five allah block because if this game goes the way of g2 that's definite on him for a long time super quick stats for you leblanc as you mentioned very well for fishing on the champion he's undefeated in 2019 five games played five wins to his name the last time perks played syndra was against a frico freaks at worlds last yeah wait what role was he in together there was some beautiful irony to that and now he's running the electrocute syndra bot lane with mickey's cat and i love the you mention that quick shot because that has to be my next big point hooks and caps were considered two of the best mid laners in europe last year now in this final game both the playing mid lane champions against SKT is to vid lane is enough to take down faker small point about the level one fake leash by Mickey and perks on to their blue have not spotted and oak lid has not been spotted by the river wall all right flag and drags available double flashes as well only level one for both perks and for Mickey here comes clear that's a very good flash advantage SK Telecom job done that's exactly what he wants to do doesn't want syndra to have the lane presence that she does in mid or bot lane same choice in the dual Lane probably all in from Gallio and syndra's a lot of CC two three onwards lane control devours from scary puffs yeah I think food as you rightly said proper smithy is more than happy with how that trade played out he can now walk away feeling satisfied that his bot Lane has priority and notice how they've split the man up right now it is SKT that control the bottom half of the map and there is the risk of a potential dive towards this bot side with no flash on a syndra and only running the teleport it becomes a very easy opportunity for SKT to play around very difficult with the taunt and scan of the weak stun so execution is important for SK Telecom but if there was a team and you believe could pull stolen stolen there by clear this yang curse will clear out the scuttle on top it's kind of a vertical jungle feel about it as you can see the top lane wonder pushing it across so you still have to keep our eyes on food but we also want to draw attention to the pipe in the top lane notice that at these early levels he's not actually struggling he's managed to get to level 3 very safely he knows that his junglers on the topside so he has the potential to play a little bit more aggressively and the one thing that we learned from when the last time these two teams played was what Pike is exceptional at is actually setting up for ganks the amount of crowd control that he provides and combined with the damage from the rek sai means that if Khan makes that slight overstep or if he misuses in his abilities he is primed and ready to get sunk to the deep depth and while you think of Kennin as a first champion as the game goes on it's not touching the mid lane all flag and drag under the tower but the W from catch might be enough the claw of doom keeps caps away from it but that was so insanely close its flash is down so some side lanes can relieve pressure coming back to the Kevin though it's an auto-attack champion in lane similar to the J so the moment you get under torrent yes Kenan will be threatening klepto procs and turret plates but backing away getting back your health from that passive and coming back in should allow the pike to weather the storm now if you're a g2 fan you're quite excited by the fact that couldas attempted to ganks and not convert it into any pills yet but those big summoner spells are down so you have to keep your eyes on where this jungler is aware he looks to play because remember I'll keep saying it this guy is in my opinion the best Jarvan in the world and when he has an ability to look for a play he will not hesitate and if you are just joining the broadcast cleared has obliterated g2 eSports multiple times this series his early game impact has been game-changing also the team that has been on the blue side has generated several thousand gold lead by 15 minutes and gone on to win the game so it's gonna be up to g2 to break that trend if they want to win the series technically odds are stacked in SK T's favor much like this top wave stacked toward wonder you're just gonna form it out as Connery cool that is an electrocute Jarvan he goes warrior every time we've seen him in recent memory consider that if hike it's level 11 level at 16 it should be a very squishy lineup so the sort of mid game teamfights like we saw last time we saw Pike in this matchup could potentially be very even game so far yes is equal teleport pretty much being traded equally despite a very different look of team composition neither teams got that advantage yet now notice that one that has not gone back to base yet which means that car wasn't forced to teleport he wants to try and grab that TM out on his first base so that he has the additional wave glare and the reason why the wave crew is so important is because card that's icon pike as a champion loves to get mobility boots and moment he's got them if he can go into Lane push the wave and then disappear everyone on the side of SKT has to be like okay there's a guy with a spear running around looking to execute as many people as possible and I do have a fear from that statement because SKT are a team that learn when you show them something new is your best chance at beating them with it once they've had a chance to digest it much like the Borg they assimilate the information bring it into their their own understanding and get better so they've lost to this pike before I want to see how they're awarding and their decision-making changes this time around the race an example will be the clea Pantheon that Griffin tried twice in the lck final first time it almost got over the line the second time it looks laughable so SK T's adaptations here will be clear for everyone to see now cleared is one of the players that we've been tracking in this early game a lot Kearney level 4 has looked for a lot of ganks both around 4 and in mid meanwhile Yankers has been steadily farming away and has now hit level 5 as Wonder looks for his first roam caps now level 6 all right skewer maybe it can obviously synergize so effectively with all of the CC sitting on the side of g2 esports teleport I can see was used by Perks into the bottom lane when they're obviously gonna use that mobility intention see how far he was going top now come back down faker gets knocked up from the unburrow but look at the teleports yeah from SK Telecom Karn is gonna be helping out caps is going on sorrow once again is the first target that's gonna be first but the latest of this series everybody's in the jungle caps goes down at the 1 for one good now Mars is in trouble some of the killed before my time it's slicing lc/ms flashed away from defensively this g2 esports won't find a bone skewer they won't find the follow-up CC it's a one for one where's pack up early the lanes are seven minutes 5 v 5s why not he goes 1 for 1 no reset on wonders ultimate did not have to get the execution didn't share the gold potential for it but I don't believe it did best international meta as a viewer oh seven minutes in 10 people at the read but it certainly is quick shot you already hurt you already commented on the stat and we see it once again ladies first blood of the series and it goes in the hands of wonders hike you're right he didn't find the execution the point of the ultimate was to just get that additional damage down so they could find that initial kill on tupid Baker gets knocked up and at this point you think he's gonna get locked down but they know that matter and Teddy are on their way Teddy gets chunked out by perks who's looking to try and find that kill no level 6 means he can't execute him meanwhile the 3 v2 is going up towards the river but this is when conjoint the pro/con was so crusher deep teleport the way he thought the fight would be fought instead because so many people were caught in transition no value at a slicing Maelstrom even though it was a truth handshaking 5v5 I also missed the scan of the week from perks none of those orbs managing to find a target so that means nobody else dies even gold game pretty much even CS it's a +10 in favor of faker over caps and crucially perks has got access to that unleash power yank our senses it as well the stun comes out here's in the bottom Lane vision is tonight on both sides Nicki goes for chain across his fastest friend yang cos is inside but Nick is the first one that's in trouble now cleared is being turned around caps is coming in frozen tombs available a few seconds on these power bus boycott that gives rise to the LEC representative mata gets caught in the winds of war Europe get to g2 eSports find successful kills towards the bot side of the map both junglers showed up both junglers were looking for an opportunity as all of the summoner spells were down but it is G to end up coming out on top now faker is looking for an answer towards the top science going hunting wonders got a flash available to him out of vision so the region is so powerful on that champion fakers just gonna wait in the wings you can sense you can feel that wonder knows it's happening g2 were the first advantage or you can feel also that cheats who are more adept in this place out this has never seen in the LC Cape this level of aggression 5v5 fights open no discernible objective at 7 minutes less Katie a plain g2 s game play it at your own peril wonder on this pike is also exceptionally difficult to gank he has the boots of mobility now that roaming potential is very prevalent on this champion and because of the amount of a camouflage and mobility tools that he has it's gonna be difficult for fakes to lock him out so he now returns to mid taxes battalion alright caps manages to escape very good use of that glacial bar W runway get the chains about to pop caps very very controlled did not either self cost or target SK Telecom but big trade in favourite faker and you're seeing the potential that faker has on this champion even though g2 sit at a 1000 gold lead you're just looking at this mid laner you're just looking at this veteran of a talent and his ability to play this champion that double distortion had a bit of venom behind it he was definitely leaving him with something to pick up able to go back teleport back in so no harm no foul but it is another tool for play making down lived is the playmaker for SK Telecom 0 to 1 inverse yang cost 1 0 to warrior chant already while in shot already completed and he's stealing away the Raptor camp this is a very positive sign for g2 eSports the only death they've conceded was on caps in that role inside the jungle and with the prior Xfinity - are gonna unlock his cloud for NS if you're being forced to answer a question that was posed by a lot of Allen silenced desk in fact up can SKT win if it's not about clear in the early game because right now it is pretty significantly behind going a warrior and champ build so he'll be squishy he'll be taken down by a lot of the first damage loss to life but due to its position and they take the first rake oh yes mind fakest off last available he's rooted in place court by lissandra all turbidities killed from below pushing the wave as well the roaming pirate picks up the kill on to faker monster does get caught by the stumble no further follow and this is something we're gonna be seeing a lot from one day he doesn't care about the 1v1 matchup he only cares about the roles he wants to create chaos and while faker came hunting for him wonder wanted to return the favor x marks the spot they find the kill g2 now sit with the 2000 gold Z I think the jungle matchup going like this where could a second all of these engagements means that mid prior that's been their kind of best of 5 for SKT is gone and that means that player this can happen they can come from both directions and there's no Jarvan to fail they grab there's too much crowd control fakin not running the cleanse against lissandra means that the gank setup is so prevalent and wonder he utilized his W to get through the scuttle crab so there was no vision on him as he made his way down towards the mid lane good setup from the side of g2 now they're looking for more skirmishes all right waiting for the channel on that burn skewer cannot thread the needle through the minion line then cook will clear out the vision there's one that continues to apply pressure in this top lane and this is a fantastic start for g2 eSports but do not forget how crazy that previous game was SK Telecom is specifically for faker found multiple ways to get back into the game do some crazy out plains first set up around the rift oh but it was spotted earlier than expected by two see what their response is as its down for about six and a half thousand dollars not enough members yet but she's gonna be content pushing those turret plates in the bottom lane rift Herald conceded here by g2 eSports and it's just before 14 minutes it isn't in your 3,000 gold leading tower first blood bonus will go to perks but obviously the rift health counter push will help out SKT will get solo gold onto the Paris you would imagine that could follow it in but I don't think it's weren't at this point it's kind of gonna be a cataclysm and a prayer not much mortar respond as this more damage centric mid lane he's four and zero it is at the cost of caps his life the cars able to escape Scout of the week and the bone skewer that was by such a close margin the tower is still alive those here Cubs can slice emails from available unleash power from perk he's in trouble going low play wiki using the ultimate jump tower wonders unstoppable 5 and 0 on the pike g2 eSports are up 4000 gold and it may not be done seating the towers SKT are doing what they can to find advantages elsewhere on the map but geez who are just saying unfortunately UI the fighters or you die and in either situation it is g2 who are coming out on top they don't care about losing these objectives they don't care about losing these towers all they care about is finding those executions and killing SKT got a 5 kill pike up to this replay roll is done sharing gold as well wombo combo who knows only to our multiple times this game Khan tries to walk down the lane and join doesn't make my hat much happen hood is smart he actually clears out the wave that's why punch almost died allows you to turret aggro but it's too little too late and now the golden extends to four and a half thousand between two and this is a situation where SKT they're now going through the pages of the playbook and they're saying what options do we have what are our answers how do we come back they do have a decent pick competition if they can find target out of position then that is their opportunity to come back but unfortunately for them g2 never seem to be alone there always seemed to be two or three members primed and ready to answer any potential play I'm sure if you asked SKT right now they'd put their faith in fire b5 but there may never be one and speaking of lack of fire buzzer skirmish alright good side step by faker Mickey's gonna take this blast cone over the wall decides not to in fact I've wondered hit that q you have to feel something would have happened he's got the ghost played as well as Tiamat and mobi boots and he's got a level advantage over faker now cliff she's recall just finished charge up the queue finds the tag waiting for wanted to go in but he chose not yeah he's not gonna over commit against fake if he's still a fake it still has the W and ultimate to get him out to safety so one the chooses not to commit instead he's going fishing he's looking for whoever he can find a poke to the tide alright first still has flash available to him throws out the ultimate that's the hourglass used by core chain of corruption captures one back to kill Diego's already an advantage SKT lck are turning this one around despite the 5,000 gold deficit they've got enough now to turn the pressure back on to g2 eSports dude you couldn't actually get in the pie and actually have a wander player oh and catch my that should be caught in transition alright let's find out what he can do Capps is gonna use the core to get to safety still gets routed in place by fakers chains he's sitting on the flashes well can't self cost the ultimate if needed to buy some time wonder now can hop over the wall and get a multi man stun decides against it which SKT they didn't over chase so this is SKT finding the pics that they need g2 got a little too overzealous and SKT were very quick to punish love the flanking teleport coming out from faker to cut off the escape route of two of the g2 members allowing them to find some kills potentially find some shutdowns and work their way back into this game pics are nice they slow down the game but remember if wonders involved the pics are getting double duty and they're not actually moving the map state very much they still don't control their own red side jungle this have implied control of their blue side jungle so right now it's just some answering gold and even then G to grow stronger as you rightly said 5% eg - I'm looking very good right now you can see they have nearing completion on their second items and wonder is so terrifying at this point especially when the map comes dark the observers have an opportunity to just toggle the SKT vision we'll be able to see what they're working with right now you see wonder right now but look at how much of the map that you don't see him and even then if you don't have controlled you're not going to spot him out he is constantly looking for picks and he is looking to secure any SKT member that walks in his path unbelievable star to this game 4,000 gold up g2 eSports the last time this happened they were on the red side against RNG at Worlds last year and g2 were able to win that series the expectations the anticipation and plays like this that's what the longest gets you back into the game see three people way over the wall but the decisive engage - Kino ref site means that wonder is only a watch shirt during this particular Phi they can chase for b13 b1 on to further picks and no value from wander he needs someone else to start and he's the premium and I mean SKT have proven already in Game four that if you give them just an inch they will take a mile they're not a team that you can just assume will just concede areas of the map they've proven multiple times that they will fight you they will not give up this game and faker wants to return to that final stage so he will do everything in his power to turn this game around and all of a sudden faker is in a little bit of trouble unleash power from perks it's almost who is a human low killing ways on to fake a prey seeker from yang cos actually goes the other direction trying to spot out the clones a lot of members of SKT coming around and again there is just some beautiful irony in perks on syndra almost solo killing faker it is a matchup that we saw in the finals and 20 jitu and europe on the precipice of making history not only eliminating SKT they're making an na verse e you MSI file the weight of that still hasn't quite sunk in but we've also already talked about a quick shot where SKT has been one of the main blockers for Europe internationally for many years fnatic misfits g2 in the past for them to finally overcome one of their long-standing blockers would be a huge achieve of Barney g2 but for Europe as a region here comes our cap stats forward our glass is already used but it feels like this should just be it not yet good flash from corn that keeps him alive buys enough time for cleared and Marta to arrive in support and wonders just dancing on the edge of safety look at the vision littered in the jungle Jeju is what calling a play around Baron because it hasn't spawned yet and that's actually the point I wanted to get to is SKT can only reinforce Henan because Baron hasn't spawn yet they can afford to send multiple members bot side and not just have the Baron rush down so important to look towards the timer the Baron spawns wait to see whatever you'll notice now that Khan has been slowly and steadily farming off in a side Lane he's actually managed to build a CS advantage and is matching one that in levels he's still very strong on this cannon and even though there's an 800 goal deficit it definitely doesn't feel like that the biggest disparities are coming between the bot and mid lane or and the jungle in particular between the two teams and one of the things that I can't get out of my head is when a skirmish style of game takes place SK Telecom do not perform well when I think of the games they've struggled in its these kind of scrappy er types of games where split-second decision-making is required that has kept SKT back they just want to make the game predictable that's why they have to back so frequently to buy control wards to make wander conspicuous because if that first kill comes in they can ravage this team to do they can ravage through the fairly low health bars the only person who can actually walk up is Khan and that's only one is is available and they're using it off cooldown gonna be a very long map in the bot lane taps takes out the bot lane in a time now wonder returns to the topside he's gonna catch that wave a speaker has just pushed it down this is an opportunity for SKT to actually look for a pic look at how much control they have around the river Yanko is not gonna gamble with the face check so SKT now grouping up in mid could they look for a potential way onto g2 let's take a look 6000 gold is the advantage for g2 a couple of thrift store items after the ghost played for one day he's close to two maybe three items Luden's a comp wrote about forecast is match balloons echo but there's an entire proto belf difference between mid laners fake is gonna need some additional time but Teddy on the two items is terrifying right now teddy is on line and if you notice the poor the enemy team it's all burst built right they have a burst team that was gonna press on to on the little saundra syndra and blow one person up beerus needs time kind of could see by that time but 10 wow look at cap she's coming in from outside of vision those Jews already caught Marty he's gonna buy time Mickey get the three mats on captures wait for the the Maelstrom and use of the outlaw that's a shutdown or wonder he can't do more but it's a trade coming up atop with another fantastic call from Mickey three more died in favor of g2 Matta is running for his life and cheats you turn to burn more objective for members on the SKT squad died after taking down wonder they thought that was it they thought they could turn it around but the damage from caps and perks were still there yang cursed with the beautiful flash knock up to set up the rest of the team to find the execution SKT falter G to extend the lead Europe your once vilified g2 eSports is on the verge of taking down SKT thanks to plays like this and con if you want Mickey start/stop perfect Papa can't play this River you notice he gets the system and oats beforehand production rover on the inferno we are indeed it's actually picked up by faker Yankers is buying some time wonder man you just get the burn secured yang goes is buying some time but at what cost Carl is now stuck inside the pit Mickey gets once again another good tort but the dragon was picked up by SKT caps completes the telephone is running for his life takes the Glacial part out g2 may consider a reengage because Teddy's not here yet the skewer catches Matta where's the ghost want to dive not waiting for it yet it's waiting to see if the so phantom undertow rather if wonder ones go over the wall decided against it but that's a good confident reply from SKT SKT demonstrate their resilience in this game they want to turn this one around and that fight on the dragon was just a really good punish onto yankles he tried to clear that out by himself and SKT were in a better position to punish but why is the question you might ask remembers pop teddy oh the stun doesn't land if that it landed maybe wondering on it the game say might surprise you why didn't you go to Baron I figure focus remember they don't have a ranged ad carry that Baron taking speed is gonna be much more on the slower ed that's what allowed SKT to stay in a game state they die four times at 22 minutes and don't sacrifice power this is a composition from e2 that doesn't need the Baron to win as long as they got this gold leave but a great play from SKT yeah and so honestly SKT just reacted much faster than Jeju did you notice the car noticed the dragon with you started the tap the ward was already there so that faker could teleport in and g2 like whoa we weren't expecting this they then used to teleports and then I'm getting nothing off the back of it so overall this is a great play from SKT and it will alleviate a lot of the map pressure that g2 look for a football man matza just keeps getting caught by these towards those skewer goes up but that's a big miss from London two cards found the damage on the back end though good slice emails from hasn't got any kills Yankers is buying some time but at what cost that's a great scatter the weak but it's SK Telecom not winning the fight they turn their attention to me he goes golden for a few seconds wonders done nothing we finally get to kill the three has to get the reset now the turn turning around good that's to the full wonder he turns it back clip escaped with his life all of a sudden caps is left alone teddy and cheek you go splat from 7,000 gold down they win a teamfight they actually keep Teddy alive and their flank from card was what it started all SKT once again over and over demonstrate how strong they are as a team here we see Marta absorbing so much at the damage and know how faker dives onto the backline but it is card with this beautiful Fang to earth utterly Sonya's out from hurts they take out wreck site and notice that the Sun was still isn't even in the fight this is turning into a greatest hits of g2 eSports and SKT team fights from 10,000 goals behind these plays with the round walk and the ability to play three lanes it's insane and imagine if Capps was here at the beginning of this fight how differently this could have been and it was just that awareness from SKT to recognize this is a great opportunity for us we have to do it and the core carries of Teddy and faker showed up and win the teamfight for SKT we're bouncing up and down two days in a row Emma sighs semi finals are delivering in a way we could never have imagined 25 kills in 26 minutes Teddy is now three one and four he's got more of a more tears as well as that blade of the ruined King and rage play he shredded g2 eSports and this 5,000 gold lead it means nothing as these fights are playing out if you are a European fan at home you better bring all of your friends and family because this will be an explosive end g2 have not positioned to play around Baron but SKT are responding to the aggressive language and the players you have to keep your eyes on our Wonder and faker because these two are the assassins of the squad and if either one of them gets caught at the very beginning of the fight then the fight is pretty much determined because their damage is so important in being able to eliminate the likes of Teddy their likes of perks that without them both these compositions will not have the damage needed as strange this late in the game but it feels like both teams have a conditional factor to win a team fight for the side of g2 it's to get the burst on one and have one that mean up that first kill rescue feeds find a way to stop Titus beings owed by all the presses so many of them on g2 yeah there really are faker was caught up there by caps his ultimate now maybe that's a bit of a stretch from a phrase but now with three members diving he's gonna be forced to flash away chilling smite horse talent our number six secured in favor of g2 only inhibitor towers remaining 27 minutes into the game but how can G to get a baron their comp does so many things but killing baron is much more conditional for them here's a karna spent the whole game on a flank at this point yeah looking for a flash ultimate flash about two minutes or so away from cooldown double void staff have been complete jeetu this no one an SKT that can absorb the are from the sandra at the are from syndra and not be assassinated by fun by the death from below there's no qss yet completed on the side of SKT there's no cleanse uh-oh the clans actually is sitting on top of Teddy so that's alright g2 will have priority around the ocean Drake it also just look at the amount of wars that they've invested towards the top side of the map while gaining control of these tier two towers they completely littered the enemy jungle with all this red side vision or I think he's now gonna be a little bit of trouble force to flash defensively off Jeets whose gold lead most of its on cap he's gone in that martyrs portal Katie's be able to flash for now caps uses the song so far it's a wonder sets another up they've traded the top four jungle ladies down jankis goes up in the console Tom Baker so far it's a 2 for 2 grand is running for his life you can find this time 2 for 3 at the end of the fight in favor of SK team and it's SKT that are continuously coming out on top of these fights wonder now is just Kalamata alright he has in deeper look at a stun shut down six one and five the gold Li truly doesn't mean a thing and SK Telecom they might be able to burn bury all the pings are unbound but they don't have a lot of health bars - if fakers gonna have to tank it up here TP up on caps in ten seconds this is not gonna be an easy take mada denies the blast plant here we go they're actually doing it right now it looks like caps is going nowhere near the pings oh here comes the teleport from caps they need to go and contest this alright this is a challenge on both sides though Khan is managed to make it to the river caps has thrown down a one-shot vision the claw will tag Mata Mickey's gonna be in range as well there's no flash available he may need to just as punch over the wall Baron has been in a riot here he is trying to step for the towards is gonna come out captures trying to find the kill that much of the trouble fakers alone but they've already got one it's a lotta where is Teddy follow his HP bar the contacts the vault a he's dead yeah dozens in the pit g2 eSports have been gifted and donated a parent from SKT that's a dunker wonder ace for the parent and the base G to obliterate SKT look at all the death timers they looking to stamp their authority on to the SK Telecom dynasty and make their way to the final Baron empowered minions are pushing into the face the cap beat damn champions can fall gods can bleed where were you when the West rose up to conquer champions g2 esports eliminates SK Telecom [Music] wanker once again has to stare into his own despair it's a well-deserved victory 42 and they did it their way the final game going for that confidence to be damned that SKT had time to prep for it they roll it back they win on red side in a series defined by blue side victories na versus EU I never thought I'd live to see that as an international final splash and the deciding game in both series they play the NA special against IG they played the g2 special against SK Telecom and for the first time in our international history Europe this is North America at the MSI finals pour what a way to do it there was so much to be around these two teams there was so much controversy so many believed that SKT were the second best team in the tournament g2 could potentially rival them and in the group stage they look like that SKT only continued to get better and if we're being honest this was one of the most competitive vesta fives that i have ever seen and it was just so close that game four could have gone either way given how well SKT defended it it was just really a game of inches it's interesting you said it because there was four games that were fairly one-sided with the TV head and the last game was still fairly one-sided with a couple of like dramatic fights in the middle right but it was g2 game to lose pending SK T's fights this game showed the caliber of SKT but there maybe inability to play the meta style right now that ended up costing them over the five hour best of five with the pause with the full five game series it did feel like SKT were trying to force into predictability with all the wards of control wards the squareness of the game but g2 just have this way to reinvent we talked about how they reinvent and move the battlefield and the battlefield takes them all the way to that climactic final one of the things that we've been saying and talking a lot about is the downfall of LC k and like they're losing their power I think it's strong words because the expectation is that the lck will just win everything three international events in a row that is not going to be the case and we see na and the file's year and the finals it's starting to become a discussion that that gap truly may no longer exist if it feel like history meant never met less than during lck spring after the fall of all the world's teams in towards relegation we brought out our big guns we brought out all the history points SK Telecom and faker never missing an international final in the end it wasn't enough I mean for faker like you can't help but also feel a sense of frustration like that man is considering for us well considered the greatest of all time and like you watch Game four and even in Game five like some of the things that he did were just amazing and out of this world and unfortunately it just wasn't quite enough against that of g2 eSports I like you can only hope that from Harry continues to grow you gotta remember it's still a rookie jungler include still you'd hope that there is still so much room for this this new SKT was that to be able to just captures roll swap start to enter the echelon of ambition roll swap but I mean perks sorry thank you purchases roll swap you know you move to a TC game five just like every plays a mage standard of course just add spices but you have to ask that question this move it got MSI finals for g2 we got some answers g2 will be pusher there's still more questions you know rookie split for clear on SKT had a couple years in China that we all thought it would be Griffin who building to this moment SKT kind of over performed to make it here make it to this match still a wonderful series what does it mean next well we're gonna find out we hit on stage congratulations you two [Music] [Applause] audience I want to thank you guys you've been seeing so much for us even when we were losing we were one two down in series I could come on stage and here you guys cheer so thank you guys [Applause] you mahajan balance your sword she's not even that high you go to the periodic I see the teacher Santa dog have you seen here now come on gotta ask a kid I tell me you got Bo Tong Tong hats Judith hum those are some of the fkd Kanchana I actually did it this was like insane theory and why do you think you're so much stronger than a skinny today so I'm I'm not really sure what exactly happened but I think we just they had some really good preparation and I mean some of it didn't work but in the end the game five we had a very weird calm but it ended up working so I think that's it's like the creativity judo judo way I put a change going down go Pete Hammond Hammond go champ a canal your Hondo Treme mao-chan gonna young man like a condom that's a holy to dosha home and actually go ahead see quite the journal that took its you guys at your own the home gonna your shadow kind of awkward I had to throw your so you owe me do you know how shitty that let's see how it's you huh man a dollar down the shore mash you the journal how does the man pain down there your journal should we're saying wait haven't do without doing your perks so it's high so go around Hammond a downer you Tyrande you make some power the game of five the things were and the lisandro confession so is that because the perks in your team that you can like let that out yeah so I mean we've done anything a lot of ad carries but we were going it's Game five and perks of said if I get an image then it's three win so we can't say oh I don't know you say okay luncheon are you a chicken can't now caps no Patsy shoot that handle handle you don't tell me look she on her face haha can I go Hanoi on the peeler and those who saw some caps now the hotel style ask for salaries so I've had it down the heat on those two ha do about Santa don't fear I'm around the old key connoisseur filer Horace will call you later now it sounds like have seemed all since you're the happy that's hang is here hi saying why didn't you don't be sorry I can't see some comments were some like analyst not like a collie or rice or another Silas is to Opie or broken so what subpoena on that it's caps Opie or the champions therapy I mean I think I think the champions are kinda Opie I mean that's why we also bend them a lot right I think there are a lot of mid champs that are really strong right now obviously I would love to say that emotions really Oh people thinking I was play against Vega so I think about men down oh so you want me I should find Alejandro total challenge it's a challenge today you know that's no way it should be done by then we're gonna take her they say my way open I'm sure that's how I going to I mean is I'm now at a time - each team will quit without tooth out how do you mean hey lady champion danger she's a man can either be a fly can stimulate quit tomorrow in the final was the sangga who's better North America or Europe [Applause] [Music] so I think we live in a weird world we have to take down SKT to face Team Liquid and we we were really excited for the matchup against IG because they beat us so many times so we want the wrench and we're gonna make a deal regret they're beating IG now that you done you turn yeah woman Bob I'll ask ktg with Allah to say that or I just use all my hunger I take this year though well me sound that you say don't don't cake and have a foot hole oh god woman did him look with a future they're just head on down the hall miss our around him look with the hallway Haman Bala a it's yummy and a warmer [Applause] thank you thank you welcome welcome to msi cooldown what we're recapping that g to win and looking towards the final say it again and taipei that g to win over SKT europe we got to see it I feel like Kobe got to come on here with an American flying a Canadian we don't have a flag or a Jersey Welshman we do have a Welshman very important we brought an actual honest-to-goodness European with just a stunning day I feel like you tried to keep it together through most the cash like I will not get excited about Europe I am a caster so like for the first three and a half games I actually genuinely felt nothing I was like this is just a standard game of League of Legends nothing to worry about and then faker landed that in our ultimate and then overwhelming stress fills my body I was like it was like don't be biased oke this is a game of League of Legends at that point I was like this is really stressful now but for Game five also wasn't very comfortable I don't like faker anymore game of like inches it felt like it came down through so many just individual clutch moments between both SKT and g2 ultimately we went the distance we got the silver scrapes it was GG that comes out in the top like this series blew my mind this is probably one of the best League of Legends series I think I've ever seen and like we didn't say it actually much on the cast but the more I think about it right like in the lck finals tell you was the guy that she drew so much attention due to his amazing team fight like that guys she deserves so much props for his T it like he was never the focus like he also like very rarely died and so many of those fights and his positioning was so good like I really want to go back and watch because of how talented like both these teams were like it was it was truly a spectacle to watch and it turns out that to EU mids are in fact greater than one faker that's that's the only come with me sound excited about the serious let's relive it let's look back at some of those highlight moments some of those big moments across what was a five-game series and you said so many clutch moments so many situations where it felt like 30 hell 1.5 seconds on cool down one exactly well-positioned alt was the game changer and was also the decision-making in how we were setting up these bytes SKT came out swinging in this series it felt like they look like a completely different animal revamping the early game chlid was an absolute God just a monster but the fact that g2 held the mental fortitude that they had enough tricks up their sleeve that they constantly told to toe with SKT a pentakill in an MSI semi-final I was ready I was dying back here it really did feel like as well the caps but I saw a hilarious tweet which was just like game one cracks game to collapse game three craps game for Platts and it felt like we never really do which rot a which player was gonna show up and like you saw both the best and worst of cats throughout this year I love when you say that cuz it's not just the best immersive caps it's also the best and worst of g2 and at some point if you're champion from your region please this Val you just have to take the good with the bad this is G to take them or leave them this is how they play League of Legends and they didn't change that here it gets a skate I mean is is literally watching that Norrell to Venice wonder ends game four and it's almost crying here with us and this game of course I'll be honest when we walked when the draft is locked into the side of g2 eSports I thought for sure that SKT would take the series back because the pike is good but it's also like if anything goes here you predicted three two you can't SKT they try to perfect the rulebook they look at what the tournament matter was and they made the adaptations to meet it they had the early game chlid was there they their composition the teams everything looked perfect but g2 don't care about the rulebook they take it they throw it out and it was that creativity cap said it in his interview Pike had it in that champion up there like that's what won them the day play your style absolutely wonder was a complete and total machine that series but for more on that victory let's send it over to Shox who's standing by with two members of the victorious g2 thank you very much Drake us indeed I am here with perks and with wonder who just got a chance to relive some of the hypest moments from their own best of five we already heard it from cap so I want to hear from you guys perks what does it mean to make it to the msi semi-final after when over SKT nonetheless well it means everything to me because I remember last year like I was kind of like sad and stuff because I couldn't even make it to a mess I could him in Europe and I wasn't sure what I was doing like wrong right and now that we are making we are doing so well with so little time together Riven is just amazing I have no words to describe actually yeah but you're here to take it all you know this is like not the answer this is just the first step wonder well yeah I mean during the series I was a bit skeptical because I mean they look like a lot better than when we played them the first time but still like I knew that we had like.we we kind of had like some secret picks and we also I mean we played a bit but I liked a bit worst and we maybe I could have the first power game so I mean I always knew that we could power it take down SKT and then like the final boss was supposed to be IG in the final but now it's a bit weird right for us now we're playing in steam liquid so yeah it's not really like the final but I mean I like I appreciate them taking over g-force yes yeah trouble with idea in the past but talk to me then about that final because it is unexpected right it is Team Liquid that looked incredibly incredibly strong so how are you expecting that's ago instead of playing IT you know I want to say it's just hype you know like you were saying if I don't like whatever happens it's really high if you know because like there was it's kind of like a dream if you like look at it like two years ago even like you will never say like you and it would like barely make our groups you know but now it's a finally a massage so you really huge step for the whole like Western scene in general and I mean I definitely think we're gonna win okay there we go do you think about the cash yeah I mean since I guess we lost to them like we went 1-1 in groups against them they should not be underestimated but I also think in a bo5 we probably I mean like as I as I see it if you play 10 games against Team Liquid I would like I would probably expect us to win like eight or nine of them so I think AB you 5 will probably favors a lot more than beer once we're like first of all anything can happen it'll be a 1 right and second of all I mean it's a there's like this adaptation which I think we're good at so in terms of the mental aspect do you think you learned or took away a lot from the fact that you guys suffered - really the loss in Game one of the series but were able to keep it going and surpass kind of the pressure of a game five yeah I mean honestly everything after Game one I feel like our team we're always a bit down just from looking at everyone's faces and I was like yeah we just played some Atari we just got smashed so I wasn't really sure we just decided to like go away from it even though like we were pretty good before so I didn't want to like go like for nothing like zero to be somewhat Eric and then we have a chance to reverse see but it's hard enough yeah we just went to our own style which we are we know we are good at and I mean when we want to down it was like I just had like five bucks on the RNG series so I helped come in a comfort zone I said my team I thought my team you're in comfort zone I told them I'm gonna win this game I'm gonna pick a major nice game you're gonna win and it all happened pretty funny you actually beat faker in SKT with a mid laner right yeah my senior is two organs faker in one minute there we go I wonder final question about the games of course a pike is something we saw you pick last night vs. SKT how much of it was mental advantage that you thought they would trigger and that which was if this works in this Cup well I mean well I was mostly Luka who said we wanted to play ap baby but because he didn't really play this tournament or like he didn't played a lot of this and then we wanted we need like 80 on other lanes of course right and then I mean I guess Pike which is one of the pics that we could go for and also with the bands they had I felt like I kind of knew that I was gonna play Pike into Canaan even before I picked it that's also what I said to my team that if I ban like the two jumps that in the after I pick pike almost like we playing it's kind of right and that's like a fine match for me and it seems to be pretty fine as well even though he didn't really I mean we were trading sites and they didn't really like push his advantage and early game but it seemed pretty good I mean yeah I think it was pretty good so final questions here you talked about it already this is really a monumental occasion when it comes to League of Legends history na versus EU in an MSI final really a sign of the times changing I'm gonna give you the open floor to say whatever you want the teamliquid that you're facing in the final tomorrow wonder well I mean I guess good luck to them right I think they are playing way better than they did the first couple of days to play them so I'm still looking forward to it even though it was not really the final I expected but I mean in a race to see you and rift where I was coming up soon I mean this is going to be I guess really good competition for us the next couple of games oh okay nice and respectful perfect I definitely I respect you I think that they are a good team but I just don't really see how they like what do they have over us in the best-of-five where we are very flexible and then we know what we're going to show up it and yeah I just want to win against double if I saw someone with TLT that said that they are the best or second best ball in the tournament so I'm gonna make it a second best there we go I love it congratulations thank you so much for the interview a fantastic best-of-five Jeju makes it to the MSI final versus Team Liquid how about them apples back to you how about it sorry I mean what a world we live in and we're gonna be saying this I think for months to come but you hopefully not hopefully at some point it happens again EU na final folks well you saw that man the big man there in the interview that was wondering he's in a small table or big guy wonder well he is your master card player of the series I think no surprise when you look back at that final Pike performer and the pipe performance will stand out to everyone but if you cast her back to the other games wonder was also just a consistent backbone for this team it felt like you did see really the highs and lows of everyone else on this g2 roster but wonder was a rock yeah he certainly was his consistency was should definitely be recognized and I really loved his Nico the fact that it drew so many bands I think was really valuable for the team and obviously while they could flex it I think that's one of the great things about this roster that you have wonder caps and perks who are also willing to play all these different champions and are so flexible with each other the only other person that has to give an honorable mention too is yang coughs yeah man had a phenomenal series and I have a lot of respect for him considering that this was his first split where he even won a domestic title and now he's making his way to the MSI finals with this g2 squad you can't help but be happy for him considering how long is played absolutely and I think when we look at this matchup I mean coming into it I was nervous about how he's going to face up against clitoris um games were clicked hallo blades reksai game but other than that it felt like ankles was going toe to toe he was such a huge catalyst for his team and that now puts us in this wonderful position ladies gentlemen because we take one more look at that bracket show it to me again show it to me three or four times s that is not a typo that is not a misprint that is not a wrong graphic that is EU versus na in the finals at MSI 2019 g2 eSports vs. team with and you know what Draco's I I don't see any na representatives up here right now I don't think any of them are miked up Oh what are we gonna do with all of this this free space this feeling of overwhelming joy this euphoria have to say it took doublelift eight years as an ad carry to get to this final of this it took perks three months to do it it took Steve what's this a a bazillion of dollars and a world champion don't bring about now as as excited as I am in this exact moment for g2 eSports hard not to be after a game like that I'm still as an EU representative a little bit nervous heading in tomorrow so outside of me absolute feeling of joy that you're both filled with talking about this match what do you actually think it's going to be the decider how close is this at the start of the tournament I would have said easy peasy I'm not so sure anymore now that teal is taking down IG I personally am looking at core JJ I'm actually glad that you brought up his name we gave him MVP of his series over Invictus gaming played insane and I think if you limit his impact take away play making champions from him I definitely think you just start throwing everything and the kitchen sink at that bottom lane and see if you can break uh my eyes are on Jensen like the last time like cap seems to be his kryptonite in the same way that caps is to rookie right like all rookie is the caps our other day and now cap sister faker yeah but like the last time they met Jensen was able to solo kill him and he working with expense you were able to shut down caps and I think that we demonstrated that while caps has exceptionally high highs his lows are very punishable and so if Jensen could have the same performance that he did the last time that they met then you're in for a very competitive series and an exciting final is this a fourth best of five or is this similar to today where we talk a lot about momentum coming into it we talked a lot about how one team takes the edge and maybe they can run through the rest of this if you know what I don't know expectations were the IG would smash Team Liquid in a 3-0 and then coming into today if I'm me in all this I was a little skeptical I definitely praised you too a lot on social media but like I was a little nervous here like I need to be the front-runner for our region so it has to be the rallying point but also I'm terrified right and so like I had no like immediate commitment and faith so the fact that all these things have never happens like I don't know anything could literally happen in the final so best of luck have fun have some good legal llegando I think it's really dependent on kind of what metaphor this best-of-five that we have cuz it felt like we had very different looks and very different priorities between our best vibe between SKT and our best to fly between Invictus gaming it felt like g2 at least initially in this best-of-five like we're gonna v e5 we're gonna teamfight when I play it slow that's how it's good to you like to play so let's just try to out scale them and then they very quickly decided that wasn't how it was gonna go and like grab the pike we're fighting let's go whereas tal were team fighting a lot and Invictus gaming we're pulling into that so I wonder if that's going to be the deciding factor if it's the 5v5 teamfight meta will call it that broadly then maybe you start airing towards TL or if it's the let's just kill everyone League of wando's party they can give to g2 I will say the thing that stood out to me the most today was whichever team got an early lead ended up being the team that won right and cat perks rather said coming into the playoffs that early game is insanely important it's really really important and what we saw with Invictus gaming vs. liquid was for the majority like three out of four of those games Invictus game actually had a lead but then failed to close that like Baron first every single round and then you look at how a team liquid while they did get a leading game for you just compare that to sqt and g2 both these teams look so strong when they got early advantages so that's my biggest concern for Team Liquid going up against g2 and it would have been the same for SKT do the game is the biggest point of weakness that you have to be very careful all right all in on the early game so that I personally loved here leads to exciting these two explosive games I do want to get one final set of predictions from you leading into this you're both saying how hard it is but if you have to put a prediction on the line I know you just want hey how g23 oh gee two three oh that's some euphoria G 2 through 1 G 2 3 1 all right well take it with a grain of salt look here what a more balanced desk sounds like tomorrow on the ad for the msi finals but for myself the casters and the entire broadcast crew thank you for watching and we'll see you tomorrow for the conclusion of msi 2019 see you later welcome back we're just about ready for SK Telecom's take on g2 eSports and we need to see whether or not SK Telecom for g2 eSports will have a shot at the title already on the board SK Telecom yeah it comes card is down on the slice email to deal elites wonder fundamental thing about g2 if they don't care about traditional League of Legends I don't care about the rulebook they throw that all out she's going to sacrifice the inhibitor so that they can just fall into the topside finally ladies kill pity it is a whitewash here comes the fall break his face just so you know I need to warm up because I'm always backing one it's a Spitz best-of-five and best-of-seven if I need of it harness arises to fight there it goes cat is goes all the way back in with a flip 5-point strike picks up the kill to Martha now younger-looking with a sniper killed 40 flashes over the wall Mirotic erotic appeal honesty like we have maybe Baker in their favor [Applause] [Applause] guess the damage down sinks in the fangs on to yank us as well it's a language drag I think that interrupted there's a slice emails from on the back line calls already cute cats SK Telecom lead the series two to one this is it will escape you take it or as G to bring us to Game five shifting literally he hijacks g2 chances on the Nexus [Applause] cool you win the West rose up to conquer champions g2 eSports eliminates SK Telecom North America face Europe with the MSI finals
Channel: LoL Esports VODs and Highlights
Views: 447,570
Rating: 4.8426189 out of 5
Keywords: na lcs, lcs, lcs 2019, league of legends, season 9, s9, lck, lpl, lec, lec 2019, msi, 2019, mid season invitational, knockout stage, semifinal, sk telecom t1, skt, g2 esports, g2, g2 vs skt, skt vs g2, khan, kennen, clid, jarvan iv, faker, leblanc, teddy, varus, mata, braum, wunder, pyke, jankos, rek'sai, caps, lissandra, perkz, syndra, mikyx, galio
Id: 1wiNgJBZsso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 32sec (3812 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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