G2 vs SN | Worlds Group Stage Day 2 | G2 Esports vs Suning (2020)

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everybody welcome back here to our world's group stage competition game number one was a victory for machi surprising many people who had their bets placed on team liquid but now we're ready to jump into game number two and i know a lot of lec fans out there are excited to see g2 esports get out here and compete the number one seed from the lec going up against the number three seed from the lpl in sooning gaming i think it's going to be incredibly exciting these guys are the heavy favorites in this group and despite the fact that g2 is number one seed and that sunning is the number three seed you know i've been seeing a lot of people even putting suning up above g2 you know in their rankings and and even in the group finishing but pretty much everyone feels like they have both these teams in the top four top five in the event so these are some of the heavy hitters and i'm really excited to see what kind of form g2 is going to bring to the world stage because despite some of the regular season woes they have had that in the past and then really showed up when it mattered and it's always hard to know with g2 it's like you know some of the games you're like hey you're having just a little bit of fun here you know you know getting out of the way cause when push comes to shove they always show up come finals they always show up come play off so we will see if they are going to show up here in game number one against sooning who is going to be a tough task there's a lot of great young players over on sunning sword art is someone that you will probably recognize if you watch worlds each year i was from the lms but they also have sofm who is incredible and he is you know coming over from the vcs in one of these junglers who has i think a fairly unique style to him you know he very much always is building towards tank and even on lee sin he's going things like the knights valley he's going spirit visage he's going you know these more defensive options and this is a guy who is willing to you know sometimes sacrifice himself for the team very heavily uh you know more of an enabler uh than than the guy who's going to be doing the carrying himself in the late game but he works incredibly well with bin their top leader so you know wonder is going to have to be on point but i do think for a g2 if you're looking for advantages uh the biggest one you're going to be looking at is the mid lane i mean caps has been a monster internationally for years and years you know made finals with fnatic made finals with g2 won msi with g2 and he's going to be going up against angel here who i i do think that caps can get an advantage there and that's where i would really like to see g2 try to play through i'm just excited to see whenever i get to see g2 versus any lpl team i know it's going to be a fun matchup because when we were looking at last game we were talking about how both these teams like to play slow everybody likes to be calculated like have a composition that'll allow you to move forward without a lot of risk throw that out the window this is g2 versus the lpl you mentioned in our game number one commentary about how for the longest time lck was the king of it all when it came to international competition they played a slow reserved style everybody tried to emulate it because they were the best and then all of a sudden for the past couple of years the lpl has stepped up when you look at europe g2 has been one of the most fun teams to watch in europe because of their innovation because of the fact that these guys are willing to try and play all sorts of wacky stuff that other people wouldn't try and i do not define wacky as sitting back and waiting to scale mr vazel i define this team by the risks they're willing to take that make them fun to watch and up against an lpl squad the region that has historically been known for being a kill-heavy fight-heavy in-your-face kind of region i think this matchup should just be exciting from start to finish i agree i think it's going to be a really really good one and it's kind of just really signified a an entire shift in the way people think about league of legends because in the past it always had been skt in this kind of slow methodical style and everyone was trying to be skt junior trying to emulate and teams you know started to forge their own paths and g2 is definitely one of those innovators the teams that are saying no you can't always play for the 100 play because that doesn't exist you're just going to play the game too slowly go for these higher risk higher reward plays have confidence in your ability to outplay your opponents caps i think really does you know kind of uh represent that so well you know he is he is the kind of player that when he's strong he's willing to look for these 1v3 plays these 1v2 plays where he says you know i can actually find the angle here i can find the outplay and sometimes it's not going to work out but most of the time because of how damn good this guy is he can pull it off and it really is incredible to watch yeah this type of league of legends just makes for so much more exciting uh gameplay in the days of lane swaps the dark times of league of legends i would just designate the first seven minutes of every game as popcorn time take a break go get some food nothing's gonna happen anyway i'm so glad we got rid of that and now we get to have some action-packed early games we get to see big outplay potential we get to see a lot of skirmishes and with these two squads i'm hoping for it to just be in your face from start to finish caitlyn nidalee lilia orn lucian and shen all banned away sooning looking at that top side with the horn and shin bands jungle also being focused here by g2 removing the nidalee and the lilia together first pick of the entire draft will be the twisted fate for caps and this is going to allow him to move around the map and really heavily affect those other lanes which is something he has done to great success yep been getting his renekton his most played by far this guy has been a monster on the pick in the lpl that is why they are focusing the shen the orange they're trying to target some of these picks that wonder could perhaps you know withstand the onslaught because bin and sofm pair up so incredibly well even on these picks that people don't traditionally think of as early game junglers things like the trundle sofm can make ganks happen constantly up in that top lane so i'm gonna be interested to see what g2's response is up there i think wonder if he wants to go another tank option i think malphite can be really really strong you know i don't expect sofm to go towards the ap junglers he didn't really play any of them in the lpl and malphite versus you know renekting graves or renekton lee sin or any of that kind of thing can withstand very very well and then they can wait for caps you know to be able to make plays elsewhere on the map it looks like it will be volabile top which i do think can kind of fit into a little bit more of a scrappy bucket than obviously the malphite and whatnot but you can still build defensively and try to itemize somewhat to survive you can also look for those 2v2s if you are feeling like you are going to be able to pull that off but they've got to show respect over to renekton and lee sin because that is where suning has shown they want to go constantly and if g2 can withstand that and get out on the map here with capsucf i think they're going to be uh sitting pretty lee sin locked in for sofm we talked in game one about how the lee sins kind of not one of the most popular junglers right now not exactly in a spot in the meta where it's it's a lee sin meta so sofm still with enough confidence in the pick to take that one into the graves here in this second game of the day syndra and renekton solo lanes there is a lot of kill pressure with those two champions mr isaac we'll see how well they're able to make this game a nice and bloody one but you were talking about scrapping this hey man graves and volley bear two champions that are perfectly fine getting into a 2v2 brawling around the top side of the map and with wonder and ben going head-to-head two of the best top laners there are in the league of legends game right now that should be a lot of fun to see it really is gonna be very very exciting and also seeing how well jankos can actually track sofm you know even if you don't want to go up there and fight if you can help to ward out and find the lease in let wonder know when lee sin is in his side of the map when he has to play defensive when he can actually go for trades and scrap it out because even if you can just do that as the graves and farm and get stronger you're going to be feeling really good in your position about that 1v1 and just in relation to the scaling that you have compared to that lease in you will be looking good but a couple of bands going down towards perks the twitch has been getting taken away quite a lot it feels like in worlds after its priority in play-in you can see the support targeting here from g2 anyway thresh and tom kench feels like they may want to go for a bit of an aggressive and engaged style support here try to really go at their opponents generally for sunning because they have such a focus on top and mid lane on playing around that quadrant their bot lane tries to sit back tries to play a little bit more defensively and it is something that some teams in the lpl have looked to attack try to take the fight to sword art and huangfeng and see if you can make them pay okay we got the ezreal and we got the bar so plenty of powerful range there we know the bard can slap people around in the lane if they go for a melee style support of course we still do get to see sword art get that last pick of the draft but let's see how it shapes out before and and i think this is kind of the opposite of attacking um that bot lane you know yes you can still set up and look to do that but generally speaking i think if you go barred ezreal you are looking to just get through that laning phase and you're looking to row right you can leave ezreal in the 1v2 very comfortably yes you have to respect the engage especially post-6 of nautilus and ash that can be dangerous but if perks can be chilling in the 1v2 farming it up against ash bart can be out on the map looking to back up his top laner if he's getting attack looking to back up his jungler if they're going to attack and even rome somewhere and have caps alt in and all of a sudden there's this extra member showing up here for g2 looking to turn the tides of that fight and you know what i like this i like the fact that they're playing with a safe bottom side for g2 because we've sung the praises of caps and what an incredible talent he's been on not just g2 but also on fnatic and just in general in league of legends for the past couple of years looking at how strong elena wonder is how effective jankos can be in the jungle but if you're looking for anybody that could be labeled as a weak link on g2 you look at the bottom lane and you see some of the highest death numbers in the lec on these guys they can definitely find themselves in hot water and if you're looking to play around these solo lanes and play around this top half of the map knowing that you're up against a team like suning who wants to invest in their top laner i love the idea of not having some super volatile bot lane it's like well we tried to fight at level two and we died guess the game's over i really like the fact that they're going for this on the side of g2 the bard pickup here allows all that roaming you were talking about but the thing is let's look over across the table right now because on sooning sword art is playing the nautilus which he has the most plays of of any support champion throughout the summer split 14 nautilus games the man knows his way around an anchor definitely true i mean it's mickey's most played as well so he should be very comfortable you know looking into this he only has the one barred game himself uh throughout the year rather the split on mickey sword art was one of his most played so both these guys are gonna be extremely familiar not only with with their champs but with their opponents champs and how to kind of answer that and you know to your point about g2's bottom lane you always got to remember that they actually you know lane swap perks back to mid lane in spring and then they're back down to that bot lane in summer so there is going to be some adjustment period there yeah i also just think that his comfort zone you know he was so dominant on kind of the crit marksman and those have moved a little bit out of fashion you know things like the senna coming really in big and the ezreal so we'll see if he can kind of find that same success that he's had internationally in the past and some of those other picks here on the ezreal definitely think he can do it he's a ridiculously talented player here on one of the best western players of all time for sure but sooning definitely setting up here for sofm i mean one thing you'll you'll notice is a trend across all three lanes there's incredible gank setup you have a renekton point click stun you've got scatter of the week in the mid lane with that syndra you have the nautilus hook plus post six you have the nautilus point and click ultimate you have the ash arrow there's so many ways to set up for that lee sin flying in and this is going to be really really interesting because it makes it much harder for g2 to predict you know where exactly sofm will show up yes he has the inclination to go towards top lane that is where he likes to play most with ben but he could go anywhere this game and that is always going to make it so much trickier to really track his movements into to expect him at the right times all right we're on the rift 30 seconds into the game doesn't look like we're getting anything cheeky here at the level one from either squad keystone's popping up on your screen right about now everything's par for the course man you got phase rush on both graves and the syndra we know that both of those champions can go for runes that apply more damage if they want but we already talked about how phase rush is busted so many champions want to take it just because haha can't be slowed very very powerful thing to have in your arsenal to escape some ganks as well as facilitate yourself landing more damage through your own plays one summoner spell book in the game is on caps we'll have to see what sort of use he's able to find with that as we move forward teleports once again we have an ezreal teleport versus a different ad carry with a combat summoner spell on the other side so there will be a teleport advantage for g2 as we move into the later stages of the game yep and something you have to remember you know kind of similar to how we saw that that caitlyn lux lane you don't have to match the teleport of the ezreal if you think that you have the push right because if you can actually reset with the wave at their tower it doesn't really matter if you don't have tp you don't lose that much but if you're going to be on the back foot then you may need to take that teleport to actually try to match you don't give up too many minions while that is happening so on our screen right now we were looking at the top laners and i want to just give a quick fun fact about ben because we talk about how successful he is and how the team likes to play around him this guy and i already mentioned how bloody of a region the lpl is and how this region is just known for how aggressively they play league of legends exhaust used at level one down here in the bottom lane by g2 but ben has the most solo kills of any lpl player that is not any lpl top laner that is not and there are seven yeah there's 17 teams with five people on each team quick maths 85 not counting subs this dude's number one for solo kills if you find yourself in an isolated situation 1v1 against ben maybe just walk away because the man is exceptional at these situations incredibly talented engaged in the bottom lane from sword art doesn't exactly find much of anything they were still level one so the follow-up isn't really there but you can see here in mid angel with the early control over the wave caps losing out in a couple of trades they're pretty low hp expected this intro should have the push here early on so we'll see caps if you can withstand that but down on that bottom side because the exhaust is forced this early you know g2 really has got to stay away from any sort of all in fight because now it's essentially two combat summoners to zero you know yes you can kind of erase the flashes those are even on both sides the exhaust is on cooldown and you have teleport on perks there's keel and ignite available for hong kong and sword art so they really don't want to fight pretty much unless you already have them poked already basically to dead um but wonder handling this very well up on that top side already and yanko says eyes on sofm so this is kind of what you have to do he's gonna have to give up the scuttle because angel didn't move up but there is a potential angle here for sofm to double scuttle and i think he's going to go for it as angel is just moving down keeping him pushed in he's even going to use these q to just taxi down towards that bottom scuttle even faster their bottom lane has the push i already talked about how they don't want to fight so we'll see if sofm can grab this early double scuttle here and start off looking good but he actually went back to base interesting yeah he chooses to back instead goes ahead grabs that skirmisher saber as well as a control ward so has extra ability to escape trouble now by ward hopping over to that ward if he finds himself cornered also has the extra dueling potential of the red smite remember the red smite is like a miniature exhaust and ignite put together not as effective as either one but still has a similar effect to both so makes him much deadlier in that 1v1 situation against the graves and now you can see the on my way ping he's saying all right now i'm coming to deal with the scuttlecraft he fires off the vision plant the squire's boom there just to make sure that the graves isn't hanging around in pixel brush or anything and sofm gets both crabs really well and it's so interesting because g2 so clearly expected that he would be doing it that they didn't even go check right they're just like oh that's gone we saw him move you know from the top side through mid lane down into that bottom side brush of course he's taking that scuttle so they didn't even go and check he actually prioritized that earlier skirmish shaver just in case he didn't run into anyone you know wanted to to be ready to fight you can see that wonder is going very defensive here early on double cloth armor i think it is so intelligent at some point in the game you can expect srfm to be up here it's physical damage unleashing physical damage on that renekton uh and building defensively and withstanding i think is gonna be the key to the game because you don't need to be the person to make things happen for your squad uh you can just kind of chill and wait for caps to be able to set up for a play wait for bart to be able to roam and try to make things happen there and jankos is actually just walking down here this is not a gank this is to just get a free push in on the wave uh and this will actually allow perks to potentially just save his teleport if he does want to he can keep you back if he wants to keep up the pressure but uh i think in this case you just hold the teleport you walk back to lane and you have that tp available if you get pressured out later so nice little bit of jungle pressure there from ankles and caps even getting eyes on where sofm is all right sofm deciding to counter jungle a little bit caps tosses him a couple of cards sofm wants to finish stealing this wolf but the wolf may be his own death sentence he flashes away going back to the safety of his team so trades away a big wolf for a flash and not not really worth it but i don't think he expected bart to be there that fast right probably saying all right caps is here who cares i'll just ignore him i'll kill this off and it's not like caps has any damage items he bought a no magic mantle right so he was able to grab that and see if he can secure this yanko steps up to take the enemy chickens but yankos you don't think that a flash is worth a wolf how about a death for a chicken first blood for sunning he didn't even get the old chicken he just got one piece flowers this is the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals well it's a deal that he ended up striking for himself yankos gives over first blood trying to go even there on the jungle camp trading back and forth with sofm i can see the thought process he's like okay we know that my opponent used both flash and smite steel at my wolf camp i should be able to steal that chicken camp away but angels control over the mid lane just set things up made it so he could rotate over pick up that free kill and now that means sunning has themselves a 600 gold lead things are pretty much dead even right before that so that is really the only advantage here for this squad but it's a nice early pick up six minutes in i mean giving first blood over to this syndra who already is going to have kind of that early advantage in that 1v1 against the tf so you know that's not really very fun for caps you're already being pushed in this extra injection of gold may keep that happening longer but at the end of the day is not the end of the world here you can see the early bramble that's now completed for wonder you know got another early base out wonder has been handling uh this 1v1 beautifully and srfm has not actually made any trip up there things overall i would say looking pretty darn good for a g2 uh they have not fallen prey to any of the pressure that could have potentially come out here from from lee sin except for a little bit of counter jumping on side 2v2 again gonna find some damage here on to perks who shoots the mystic shot off on the sword at the back end of the fight makes that go a little bit even around here hawk shot shot off there over som that's with him shoulder but doesn't exactly see jankos who is working on this red buff nice smite secure there dodging away from that sonic wave sofm will not be able to move in and secure that one both junglers are level six remember sofm no flash on the lee sin so there's no opportunity to make a big play there with the kick janko still has his own flash you can get a chance to use it before he died at that chicken camp but now sooning are after the drake should secure this one without really any contest here they didn't even have a smite for that but now g2 is coming in looking to stop him sword art over the wall trying to stay alive uses the blast cone gets himself away mickey x in hot pursuit but sword art gets away underneath the tier one turret the disengage from sunning keeps everybody alive a lot of summoners forced there by g2 with that tf ultimate being popped but end of the day sofm able to grab the dragon and soon and gets away you can see you know why sofm is such a respected jungler he is constantly looking to pressure you know utilize the advantages that his lanes have created attacking the wolves attacking the raptors taking the dragon you know knowing that they were in that winning position it did get a little bit dicey though and we can watch this one more time looks like probably a scatter of the week i assume yep did interrupt cap's ultimate so critical there from angel to actually prevent caps from coming over and that was you know his first ultimate of that game a lot of people really do put a lot of emphasis on making that first play happen because this is when you have no cooldown reduction you're at rank one ultimate it's the longest cooldown so it feels very impactful sometimes to set the pace of the game caps also you know is going for that more defensive itemization uh building towards arowa likely some early merch treads to survive against this syndra so has no early cdr and it does mean that you're gonna pay a much heftier toll uh having that interrupt and i was praising ben earlier on at the beginning of this game and wonder is just doing a great job dealing with him here in this top side i say as he ends up just getting his butt kicked underneath eats two turret shots but he does have a nice cs lead up here about a couple waves worth as the scuttle crab is spawning in topside river and sooning has brought sword art to the party mickey x also here on the bard dredge line nearly finds him nice use of the magical journey to make sure mickey x gets away as soon as yeah they brought the bodies up here azale but hey the crabs already been secured by jankos will be interesting i think she two actually have had an angle to go for this though because remember perks saved his tp so he can actually tp up here if they want to try to force and we'll see if they do go for it he is going to keep you up they know who long fungus on the bottom side has no sums he cannot answer this and oh big sides are just barely side stepping away dredge line into the wall spider-man himself out of this one as the follow comes through they're looking at maybe making a trade instead it's going to be sword art going down yanko's still going to be kept alive nice outplayed there but it's still gonna be a one-for-one trade with the junglers after the fact support plus jungler traded away for jungler two for one at the end of the day and g2 comes out on top they do but the question is how much are you gonna lose on the bottom side because they're bleeding out farm now here and we have to take that into consideration but angel now getting caught up he's in trouble now this could be pretty big angel goes for the return kill on perks but will not find it angel what are you doing there pal g2 with the punch yeah g2 getting a couple of kills but but still we'll see does the second plate go down to hong kong because all that farm lost on the bottom side they lost about two waves there they lost a plate so they do go positive two kills and the rift tail wasn't taken so you know you are up those kills but it's trade for gold and experience that went directly into hong kong's pockets so ends up being fairly even overall i would say g2 come out slightly ahead which is you know worse than you would think given the fact that they won all those fights g2 making sure they strike back here in this game also notice the stacking items now online for both of the g2 carries we got that mana moon stacking up for perks as well as the rod of ages already completed 11 minutes into the game for caps so right about 21 minutes that will be at its maximum stack maximum gold efficiency he is two waves behind angel there in the mid lane but honestly angel's early successes are now offset by that mistake he had sticking around in the enemy jungle getting caught out there that loss sort of equalizes things a bit better here in the mid lane and g2 now with their bottom laners up here in this top half of the map they're going after the rift and i think this is actually pretty cool lane assignments right they sent caps down towards the bottom lane and they just left their dual lane mid to try to make sure that they had the extra members up here and they could get the eventual rift herald but uh sooning is roaming up we'll see if they're here in time it looks like g2 should just be able to finish and walk away so i don't think any fight is gonna break out but you know really smart lane assignments here uh from g2 and that is going to net them the rift herald and mickey's actually the one to grab it which is very rare i would say do you see the support picking it up but perhaps just feeling like he was the one least at risk of getting picked off there may be nervous about sword art you know catching someone with that ultimate bard may have been able to keep safe plus you're a bard right you're gonna be one of the supports that roams around the map the most usually you see the herald itself going onto the jungler because he's the one who can apply it to the lane where it's most desirable but if you have a bar that's going to be running around the entirety of the map anyway like we've seen mickey try to get involved in everything g2 is doing he does have three out of three kill participation so should be still pretty easy for g2 to find the application of that wherever they want it looking across the board we're still waiting to see items come online for first completions across the board for sooning you can see that the blade of the ruined king is in process of being completed there for huanfang in the mid lane you've got angel still sitting on the lost chapter waiting to complete back into the luna's echo and now sofm and sword art are going to be starting up the second drake of the game here for sunning as the ulti comes out from capped it's going to see what they're doing it sees what's going on but caps pops the ghost he's getting the hell out of town yeah he kind of had a an inkling that maybe shooting was looking for a play on him his team doesn't really have any vision on this side of the map he hasn't seen a lot of the members so smart defensive ultimate there from caps gets the intel he needs does back it up they're dropping reptiles on the top side at the same time uh that last plate probably not gonna be able to be cracked because there is so much resistances on that but the turret plates are about to fall in 10 seconds so g2 should be able to grab that turret for themselves after the fact anyway i'm gonna be looking at that first turret of the game wonder building very likely towards the the black lever plus iceborn style of build now this is very popular in the lpl you know it's an efficient uh cheap 40 cdr style build and does feel pretty nice when you complete it yeah plus you're allowed to stack the components if you don't want to just go for a straight completed item instead between iceborn and black cleaver there are three different about 1000 gold components that all give you 10 cdr so stacking those up is very easy and you can see right there he had the kindle gym already completed plus the sheen to start off and then now completing the iceborn means he's at 30. so volleyball very very deadly when those skills can be going off so rapidly also has the ability to resist the damage of renekton and descend together as you pointed out earlier by stacking the armor and hey if the only ap threat on the enemy team is a burst mage that does not want to be wasting her entire damage loadout on the volley bear you're feeling pretty good about just prioritizing armor and then going for your bruiser you definitely are as long as you get some health right because that's the one thing with bramble vest and iceborn that's a lot of gold for zero health right uh you are gonna get some from the black cleaver but you know hopefully your next item after that would be at least some hp it doesn't have to be mr but like dead man's even get that giants belt in there to just have enough flat health to survive that sandra burst and then i fully agree with you because syndra doesn't generally want to be expending the ultimate on the vola bear it's going to make you too vulnerable in that rest of the fight and we can see that you know with this build also it's a really cheap two items so you know when ezreal completes the items you're gonna have two items very quickly after that uh potentially here on wonder and you're gonna have a lot of members on g2 they're ready to go oh that engaged there from sofm going deep underneath the enemy turret ends up having to use his own flash now he jumps in for some chickens gets the kick on the yankos will not be able to stick around and take those these chickens are incredibly deadly this game azalea as sofm does have to use that to disengage there i can see maybe what he was thinking underneath the tier one turret yeah we can go in try to kick the 80 carry back that's ezreal he presses e it doesn't work yeah that seemed a little bit too high from sof they got the tower right he's zoning them back so that's that's the other thing you have to remember is that yes it did cost him his flash but he got mickey's flash out of it and they killed the tower because perks was running and the rest of g2 is trying to peel for perks so you know sofm definitely plays extremely aggressively he plays without almost any fear you know he shows mid lane goes to that play and then he's like yep i'm just gonna engage and and follow up right into the chickens try to steal away some some jungle camps in your face he's constantly taxing your resources forcing you to make correct decisions against him or he will punish you because he is playing so bold but really he only has the one death not as though he's he's running it down this game at all and he would expect someone uh playing like this to have died war against c2 who is such a good team at punishing you the difference between risk and calculated risk and sofm is making sure that even if these uh decisions might look a little crazy they're not so crazy that they put him in the dirt also look at his inventory knights val you mentioned this in champion select how sofm likes to go for defensive itemization on champions that generally build more offensively he likes to build knight's foul one so many different champions now in the bottom lane g2 is coming in for the three-man collapse on to bin they're bringing in the teleport to make it a four-man ben is just walking away perk shoots off a mystic shot g2 committing a lot to this but won't get much of anything and now we'll see if sooning can find something elsewhere on the map mickey x walking through the jungle that's a barred you're not really going to catch him out very easily sword art leading the charge as soon a path through this enemy jungle here perks gets found out with the sonic wave once again it's in ezreal you won't be able to make much of a play on to that and now han fung with the rest of the team feeling perfectly safe here on this ash can step up and find some auto attacks in tier two i mean i think g2 were really committing to that because they wanted to be able to set up around that dragon early if you got that kill onto bin you would be in a good position to do so but that was flash off caps you know that was a lot of ultimates that was the tp we'll have to hold that they're looking for angel here but the flash away keeps him in a spot where he's not immediately under threat of death now that was barred ulti that was ezreal ulti that was twisted fate ulti a lot of tools there from g2 trying to make that pick of course they do get flash out of syndra which can be very important in the follow-up fight g2 also in a spot now where they have priority over the bottom side river however the crab was just secured by sooning remember that's very important that vision that cannot be cleared away no matter what you do as sofm takes a couple of shots of poke over the wall now retreating back here with the rest of this squad juan fong also almost has the enchanted crystal arrow up and ready to fire but the drake is up now and g2 seem to just be forcing the issue ben is right there in the brush could be able to engage his ultimate it's almost up and he has a perfect flight position there it goes in there comes your damage so much gonna be poured down over the g2 lines and perks is already out of the fight wonder tries to jump back in it's a one-for-one trade wonder for sword art now the drake is the target sooning going after this one mickey's over the wall caps and jankos both still here the drake's gonna reset a little bit it's still at half hp sooning still working on this one over the wall comes yanko's he's in the pit he's looking to maybe steal this one away the drake is gonna be taken low it's secured by caps you gotta be kidding me the wild cards over the wall what in the hell they trade yankos for it but g2 will take the objective and stop suning from hitting that sole point that potentially could have just saved g2's game that wild card steal on the dragon there because if you put suning from this winning position at seoul point this early in the game we can see in our axe replay here they found the angle because g2 had to force they didn't want to give up the easy soul point but they were missing a lot of key cooldowns and the perfect engage right over on the caps they layer the cc they knock him down immediately g2 got slaughtered in that fight only taking down the enemy support but it's all about the dragon because they were sticking around and and sooning did not actually clear g2 out over the wall they did wait to stop yanko to prevent any sort of 50-50 but the smite came down and i didn't even see the health on that it must have been incredibly low as the wild cards do snag it and prevent soul point which allows g2 to play the map allows them to forgo going to a dragon that could be game losing when they are in a tough spot they have more time to scale now more time to play the map and try to trade the dragon for a tower with tf and things like this that could be really really critical in this game because tuning have been in full control it feels like oh sword art tried to engage there but the dredge line only finds terrain and now sword arts in a really bad spot true shot barrage nearly finding the kill sword art walking away nice mystic shot will not find him sofm looking to engage on the top side here his angel is going to be caught outside gets taken down shut down credit over the caps and the enemy mid laner is dead enemy support 10 hp enemy jungler at half baron is the call for g2 did you see that ward from mickey he warded out the blast cone and angel could not auto attack the blast code to get out of there mickey with a huge play we'll see if sofm can get in here he's in trouble that's what he's gonna get perks if he's not careful he flashes over the wall sword art's gonna engage now enchanted crystal arrow comes through and perks is dead mickey with the flashback of the wall bins and 1v3 looking to maintain the aggro and the rest of the g2 squad volley's coming out focus fire going down juan fung trying to keep g2 away from this objective sooning jump in they stop the g2 baron attempt and they take perks in the process what a tense game these two teams battling back and forth really really close here we can watch mickey again as he comes out here looking for the pick they see angel over there they pop the ultimate from tf and they're going forward now catching angel on the very edge sword art you know getting focused down a great binding from mickey over the wall but now track mickey long range magical journey over the side pink ward on the blast cone i don't think i've seen that in competitive play warding the lantern has become standard this is the next evolution mickey warding out the blast cone getting the kill on angel there unfortunately for them they did lose perks and got pushed off the baron but still a fantastic play how quick he was with that magical journey and really on your feet thinking to be able to ward that out most players they go in the shop isaac and they see a controller and they're like oh yes i'll pay 75 gold for vision mickey x walks into the shop and says yes i'll pay 75 gold to kill syndra outright 75 for 300 that's a good deal that's a great deal fantastic deal i'd take that deal any day of the week and so would mickey x easy killing to angel means there's nothing left of him in that situation three two and one here on the syndra still a good kda overall sooning still up a little bit over 1000 gold next drake spawning here in 90 seconds now this one is still very important remember we're working towards an ocean soul this game this is one of those souls that can really really change the course of a game and for sooning you know they don't want to be losing this one again to another wild card wild steal this would be the opportunity for seoul for them if those wild cards didn't steal the last one we talked about how fortuitous that was for g2 they're happy with that situation but now can they contest around this one 60 seconds until that drake shows up you can see that the scuttle crab will be spawning around the same time down there as well there's control wards on the side of sunning hanging around in this mid lane and the bottom side of that river caps is top side but he has the tp to get to the bottom half of the map if he needs to be there and he actually just popped his ultimate so this is what i was talking about i think that you know they are willing to make these sort of trade plays g2 is such a strong macro team really good at playing side lanes caps gets out here actually pops the tf ultimate to track vision and then has a timeout so he's actually going to tp back so pretty expensive wave push i will say but now that they know center's up on the top side they're gonna try to move in here and get vision themselves angel does have tp to be down but they have to keep contesting because if you give over ocean soul sooning has a lot of beefy boys over on this other team they got some tanks i mean this is a full tank lee sin he's going spirit message third renekton has a lot of hp and nautilus is pretty tanky too and if you can't burst them down it's guaranteed incredible amounts of value from ocean soul so they must contest sword art tries to engage and once again the dredge line only finding the terrain nice counter attack coming through from g2 sword arts nearly killed he tries to walk himself away but a nice bar at all defined his way on the han fung and the enemy mid laner with angel and some troubles now sword are going to be taken out been looking to find the damage in the back line mickey's going to be taken low and sooning with a beautiful counter attack arrows through the hearts of every single samurai in the fight g2 tries to fall back the teleports are coming in and now can caps get away i don't think so play your last pathetic card double kill for juan fung four dead for g2 soul point pursuing s-o-f-m learn this man's name because you are gonna be seeing a lot of him what a kick on the perks sword art was able to survive so long and with all the resources being spent to try to take down that support sooning find the angle to turn around the fight to get in there this is a full tankly sin up two levels on a graves who is normally the one doing that to the lee sin he is farming at such an insane pace almost 180 cs and there's no team out on him or anything either this is just insane so let's watch this one more time all of these resources being put into this really really tanky stone plate nautilus season rocks for so long then watch sofm here finding the angle gets onto mickey mickey backs up he gets too close to perks and sofm sees his chance kicking him right through the graves hugh onto graves finishes him off safeguard back to huang fung who's pushing forward there really good play from sofm and mickey just not tracking the fact that he had that cue on him and was bringing it back into his team gets punished so heavily for it oh we're talking about punish sofm nearly getting caught there has to flash away as the gold card is in the air to make sure he does not die the sunning jungler now without the flash down to one third hp needs to go back shop up heel up almost has that spirit visage done too there you go seeing that one get completed means he won't take nearly as much damage from the twisted fate or the bard also gets extra heals very nice stuff sooning still with about a two and a half thousand gold lead one more ocean drake isaac and they get the soul very very big point of contention here three and a half minutes from now g2 enters into the world and we talk about this a lot over the course of different games but it's always worth bringing up risk versus reward when one team is at three dragons the other team is not you constantly have to fight because the risk is they get one of the biggest rewards in league of legends but what is your reward four percent bonus healing doesn't doesn't feel great yep and if you don't have the setup it's so tough right because caps wants to be playing the side lane he wants to be splitting the map but they have not really gotten anything going in these side lanes g2 has not been able to create any meaningful pressure you know towards these two or two towers to be able to start making sunning send multiple members to answer it's always sooning pushing forward and i think a large part of it is because of sofm who's farming like a beast who's insanely tanky on this lee sin and as a result he has so much confidence to go forward and and make types of plays and types of moves that you wouldn't be able to see lee sins with a more standard build to get away with you know this only validity leased in or something forget about it he can't go for these types of plays but he knows how much tankier he is than that standard lee sin he can fly into a fight draw pressure onto himself create space for angel and huangfeng and bin to get into the back lines and to find angles to really catch out perks and sunning have been able to do a great job at picking him off and i honestly really like that i really think it's such a good way to approach the situation because when you think about competitive play in particular and what lee sin gets noticed for how lee sin wins the game it's what we just saw in that last team fight it's finding the kick it's finding the moment it's being able to be there for that one big play it's not the oh my god did you see him build three lethality items and then one shot ash for the 14th time look at his gold kda on op gg that never happens in competitive play that is means lethality lee sin can succeed in some situations but so often in competitive play it's all about enabling yourself for that one huge moment that one play that can turn the fight like we just saw and sofm is dialed in and ready to go next drake in just over one minute suning gets ocean soul if they achieve it however g2 is keeping this game close in gold two and a half thousand separates them between their opponents they've still got caps with a three one and two score line almost has the rabbiton's death cap completed i'm not sure how close he is to that recipe to go ahead and finalize it he's going back to base now might be the completion show me a hat there we go all right two sticks makes a hat that's league of legends math caps is back onto the map with the tp and g2 will look to contest setup here for the drake and perks has three items as well right he's on the death stand so he is at a very strong point it's just gonna get worse for him you know kind of comparing the straight up dps usually of the ash to that ezreal from here on out so uh they are at a pretty good point of the game the other thing you have to remember is since g2 has no option but to try to contest with this there's also the option for suny to say all right well we're gonna try to trade for baron or we're just going to forego it and take your towers they have more of these options and that's why it's so important for g2 to have the setup to get control of mid lane and that's why they're fighting heavily for this we'll see if they can secure this dragon for themselves here it's up in 10 seconds ben is already in a flank spot has not yet been spotted here and look at look at this this this is a big moment here in this game cap fires off the ulti but it's gonna be a catch down into the perks looking for some of the damage onto him nearly able to finish him off now they're gonna find the kill as yank goes down as bins dive into the back line once again going to be disrupting mobile people on the side of g2 dredge line not finding the mark sunnings able to find the kill but they're all down low hp juan fung nearly dead flashing out keeping himself alive g2 disengaging still looking to skate the periphery of this fight the scuttle crab is up the scuttle crab is down securing that one is guaranteed vision over the drake pit g2 they're still in good enough condition to fight they're going forward they're able to find the kill now down onto sword art mickey x is going to be taken low at so fm looking to jump into the fight ben's gonna be trading the kill there one for one but now it's swanfung in trouble perks going after him the ash is down and g2 responds but here comes angel can he send perks to the afterlife yes he will there you go see you later wonders having to run out of this one and just when things look dude for g2 angel comes back and facilitates the end of the fight that will provide them the ocean soul caps did it once can caps do it again with the wild cards over the wall he throws them through they will not find the mark the dragon is slaying the ocean soul for suning wonder has come back in he uses the tp to try to interfere on the very back into things but it won't find him anything at all what a close back and forth fight g2 lost the first member but they had so much poke damage in this replay this is the re-engage here they go in bin decides to commit forward guangphong is a little bit behind the play he was actually life stealing up in mid lane i do believe by time he gets here it's a nice side step on the cue from perks but it doesn't matter they stacked on top of them they take him down but angel has based the sidestep keeping home guards up flashing in closes the distance on the perks that ain't the angel of mercy taking down the g2 marksman getting the motion soul and now you have these multiple spirit visage frontliners you know getting so much healing from the ocean soul and you have to wonder can g2 fight themselves out of this hole because the gold is very close yeah it's going to be so hard to punch through all of that extra healing and i i love that perks immediately goes back to base buys the executioners that is a must-have in this spot very important to make sure you're making that adaptation when your opponents get the ocean soul yeah there's a bramble vest on wonder but remember that bramble vest also depends on him being auto attacked to apply the grievous wounds so it's not really going to do anything against angel or against sword art if he's just applying cc now soonings pushing down the mid lane g2 actually decreased the gold gap in this game with the last fight but sunning's still pushing up tp coming through sword art with the engage on the big ex the damage comes out angel's going for the kill but he won't be able to find it now engage from wonder onto the back line juan fong trying to disengage sofm barely going to be kept alive sword art also walks away but bins into the back line engaging 1v5 all alone slashing and dashing and crashing angel finds the kill into wonder where's the sonic wave resonating strike not gonna be coming through just yet so fm not able to find the kill one for one overall make it a two for one it's another kill for perks he gets sword art he gets sofm together and that means sunning is running the hell away and this could be baron for g2 potentially we'll see if they want to try to force it the carries are still alive for sooning but it is a jungle advantage for g2 this is a team with the killer instinct and i think they have got to go for something you don't want to play slow against this ocean soul team but we'll see if they can make it happen perks is running out mid lane right now he is going to get the push so g2 will not start it up they are just looking to lay a trap and are now going over towards that barren pit and they're going to try to look for a pick here they're hoping they can find someone from sunning trying to check well hey there's ben who dashes himself back away he's not going to die to this anytime soon i like the fact that g2 went for it that is something that if they got somebody that wasn't the renekton that didn't have a dash immediately away that could have been a kill but unfortunately for them does not work out now g2 with control over the mid lane trying to push this up they have two turrets compared to four they'd love to take down this mid lane tier one get that off the board use that to shore up the gold a little bit more one and a half thousand gold separating the teams here baron is up elder is up in three minutes and with that being the state of the game i do want to address a change to the ebb and flow of the neutral game fight that elder brings in you're no longer in a low risk low reward situation if you're g2 yes you have to deal with ocean soul but now winning the drake fight actually gives you this super powerful reward as well if g2 can win a team fight around the elder drake and take the buff all of a sudden this game can swing just right back in the other direction i mean it's no longer ocean soul versus four percent regen it's dragon lasers versus dragon lasers and they're up for grabs fair fight g2 now having to deal with the fact that sooning is starting up the baron and sooning wanna be able to secure this one nice follow-up coming in from the ash ulti mickey x loses about half hp sooning's still in the bear and the baron is dropping incredibly slowly there's no way they can stick on this one the entire time g2 has arrived wunder's ready to jump into the middle of everyone if need be and sooning will walk away and you see angel wasn't willing to actually commit the ultimate to try to kill off mickey there you know what is he just trying to poke him out and save it for any sort of committed fight if it broke out afterwards at this point in the game it's gonna be long respawn timers if they go for it and sofm is just moving aggressively forward here knows salt can't really be taken down and look at that regen when he gets his damage out with the ocean soul just kind of flying right back up this lee sin this is a chad lee sin if i ever seen one in my life land the queue take the cue and it's not even a my mind's telling me you know but my body's telling me yes type i think he doesn't even die both are telling him yet he's three two and ten mind and body are in sync the man is just ready to go on this lee and i love watching it games still dead even in terms of gold between these squads 1 000 gold doesn't really mean anything 35 minutes into the game it's the difference in wards at this point in time look at the itemization on juan fung has that qss three or two crit items completed third one in the process over on the other side you've got qss also up on perks who has been caught out a few times this game five four and five on the kda so wants to make sure he's able to get away if he gets hit by the enchanted crystal arrow or by a stun from angel because honestly if he sticks around for any amount of follow-up he's just dead yep but he hasn't had to fight yet with this qss so it is gonna be harder to take him down uh the one you might be worried about on the side of g2 is actually caps now because he still has no zonias and he has no stopwatch he's very squishy but he's high damage he has a rapid fire in to try to get those picks with the gold guard and he's also sitting on no flash so you know if he's in a bad spot he could be in trouble he's gonna have to rely on some really good positioning it's a higher risk higher award build and that's the kind of play style we have come to expect from cats ben gets spotted by the sweeper of mickey x so g2 is aware of where the sunning top laner is hanging out blast cone is up could be used to go over the wall here for the elder drake fight remember g2 man this is a fearless kind of squad even if sooning has control over the pit you know jankos will be getting in there going for the 50 50. on that steal as the red buff is secured sofm has that one and change the crystal arrow flies out perks going to use the qss getting himself away caps will not be hit by the dredge line but sofm is going and sofm is exhausted bart ulti finds its way on the sword art and sword art alone sofm still looking to find some more onto caps sofia is alone so fm nearly gonna take it out has to get back to the safety of the team bin and the ulti now having to run away as well suning they tried to go for it they tried to look for some capture potential onto that pick on caps flash coming in from bin follow-up dredge line won't find the mark sooning may have overestimated their engaged potential and now they're going to be eating some damage on the back end of the fight the true shot barrage comes through the mchale's there was so big for mickey they knew there was no cleanse on flat on on caps so ben went for it but mickey was there with the mchale saving his mid laner again for the kill and they found it angel has been destroyed and sooning is in a 4v5 g2 is looking for more now they're finding the gold card it's on to sofm sword arts going in looking to buy some time looking to protect his valuable members of his team lee sin has to disengage hwan fung winning away now two sooning losing their mid laner proper team play protecting each other kiting out the cc disengaging when sooning tries to deal with them now they have to fight through this elder drake fight they have it aggro they're the ones tanking it sooning still sticking around they don't want to give this away for free but they make the call to go in and fight 4v5 it looks like they do yes they will mickey's in some trouble enchanting crystal arrow flies out soon and going in for the fight wonder in the middle of four people two shot barrage coming through finds the kill into huang fung sword arts taking off the damage now mystic shot over the wall perks with the follow-up able to find the kill and so if bim still alive but he's down to one third hp he goes in he's looking to steal the drake but he will not be able to do it here's a losing hand buddy yankos ends up grabbing the kill facilitated by caps and g2 we'll take the elder drake one of five flowers that was incredible g2 and soon and going blow for blow there the kiting the team play from g2 to survive the early seconds of that fight was incredible everyone coming together to peel for caps he had the cleanse the exhaust the mchale's coming through to save him and this is the later re-engage they've already killed off angel they wanted to try to finish this dragon before angel respawn so he couldn't just come straight back to the fight but wong fung moving down here as they go for the re-engage overextends a little bit and g2 were able to capitalize on it so heavily sofm going in guangfung moving forward but ingo's wonder stuns him up he has the flash but he could not get out of there the ultimate from perks coming straight over across hong kong bursting him down as soon as the ash fell there was no chance for sunning in this fight ocean soul be damned g2 came to play and now sooning are the ones having to respect g2 g2 up 5 000 go damage dealt in the last fight tenta is a fly broke ten thousand damage wait is that the whole game is that last night because that is insane that's the last fight because it says 312 for angel like no way he did 312 damage true yes that is insane holy moly man now g2 with the baron with the elder this red bull baron buff could be the end of the game right here suning must defend against a double uber buff g2 can they end the game right now true shot barrage finds angel takes about one third of the hell first nexus turret is gone ben is in the mid lane ben you need to get back to the next crocodile you gotta get back over there man you gotta help your boys suning are truly in a spot that could end this game for them right now but the elder drake is such an x-factor 30 more seconds they've got to survive another half minute they need to clear this wave away g2 want to stop him enchanted crystal arrow fired off looking for some damage onto jankos bin goes into the ultimate keeping himself alive g2 is on the push g2 is looking to make the play wonder into the dive looking to disable the turret keeping things going wonders going to be killed off juan fung taking that one beautiful scatter of the weekend running sofm goes in he tries to dodge away a little bit more damage would trigger the elder dragon but they won't be able to find it the dredge line now it's down to find the kill caps into the back line trying to find the wild cards trying to find the damage captain's gonna be barely escaping the damage down over the remaining players perks is out caps is throwing the cards around looking to finish off the nexus journey won't be able to do it and it's an ace for suning oh my god this game is incredible flowers absolutely delivering the debut of both these teams at worlds 2020 and we are in for a treat they are on the push here can they actually end they don't have the minion wave so i don't think they can jankos could be up the caps's red timer is so long maybe they just try to straight up go for it because the full march is on yankos and wonder will be back mickey will be back but the question is will they be able to hold without caps and perks and is tsuning even willing to go for it because they have lost these last couple fights maybe they want to go for it give me five games of this pop directly into my veins this is worlds this is league of legends this is sunning looking to end the game nexus turrets being kept alive now but the bard could be coming up here in just a moment sooning going for the game ending push going for the team fight looking to find the damage wonders going into the ulti now looking about the defense ben runs away guanfong is going to be taken low wunder's the first one to die and jankos is nearly going to be killed off now where's the focus going to be players or next holes it is one for one they're trying to kite themselves back juan fung stays alive using the qss keeping himself in a good spot cap coming in with the ulti gold card goes out one phone goes down sword artists is going in he uses the ulti getting himself in a good spot now as the tp comes through from g2 they're into the top lane of the base it's perks baby knock knock open the hell up the nexus is the target shooning's advance is resisted g2 has persisted and perks insisted on a win in this game this is league of legends baby what a game between g2 and sooning that was incredible that's worlds that's why we're here anybody ever asks you what are you doing watching video games at 4 o'clock in the morning turn this on holy moly oh man i sure hope you didn't miss this game this was i'm gonna say this is the best game i ever cast that was so exciting from g2 and sooning both teams played some incredible league of legends here today sooning really playing out an amazing first 25 30 minutes getting the ocean soul sofm playing his signature style his signature pick you felt like g2 were painted into a corner you felt like g2 were gonna lose from there but the coordination the skirmishing the ability they had to kite it out in these fights around the dragons is unmatched that was just a thing of beauty here from the number one team from europe look at the excitement on caps's face man what did i say damn about the lpl against g2 and how fun this would be to see this is everything i wanted let's go snatch up i need i need more games like this in my life running back best game of the world so far i know we're only on the second day of groups but that's the best game of worlds by a mile so far what a matchup between g2 and sunning man man i don't know i don't have anything else to say my brain is melted that was hype uh i if that's what worlds is gonna be in 2020 you can make this a 12 month long tournament for all i care give me more of that oh my goodness all right well now that the game has concluded head to the hub on spotify for all the league of legends action all in one place hear the sounds of league check out the league of legends playlists and podcasts including teasers for untold stories a new exclusive podcast coming this october hey mercedes legends run wild each one unique with astonishing power unstoppable master warriors seeking glory we live it we breathe it we have each other's back together we become legends icons of a new generation no one is promised tomorrow play time's over they're mine now fear the assassin with no master [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] i keep on shadowing [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and welcome back to the interview studio here in berlin g2 esports enter the world championship stage with the boom here with a win against sunning and a half percent with me to talk about the game perks first off how do you feel after this one well i'm very uh very happy with one because we haven't played on stage in such a long time that uh for sure there were like some uh like some differences i'm playing online like we were like choking a little bit i think and uh yeah i think we just have to get used to it a bit and like the the sound is different than previously yeah so i think that's like uh something that drove me off a bit and other than that i'm just really really excited to be back on stage and to be playing league of legends at the world's 2020. i can't i'm just very happy with you i can only imagine but okay i have a fun fact for you did you know that this is the first time this g2 roster wins against an lpl team so since 2018 you didn't have caps back then so what do you take from that okay yeah i guess i didn't think about it we didn't we didn't play against anyone we lost against ig twice at the msi oh yeah yeah i guess that is pretty good i think lpl has been like our uh biggest opponent i guess they are very they're very aggressive and they they play them up very well as a team so i feel like even this game sooning like played really well i feel like we gave them some openings like for example i once misplayed in a fight and then the guy drake and i feel like it was hard for us to play enemies but i think we just managed to stay strong composure and to do our solo teamwork we managed to beat them in the end so i'm pretty happy with that yeah you did but i want to know more about uh keeping calm here because as you said it's the first time you're going back on stage uh since march i think um first game at worlds we know how it usually goes for g2 so how did you manage to stay calm and collected to finally get the win in the end uh i mean uh i feel like our laning phases are going pretty well like everywhere and uh or like i mean i don't know wherever actually i'm just taking i'm bottom like we were like 10 15 years ahead and we went top and we got harold and we got two kills in the image jungle so i was really happy about the game and then they maybe maybe feel a bit like a bit overconfident i guess in the game and then i had like i got thrown back a little bit so i had to like basically just think about okay stay calm stay calm it's fine we can win and then i got the other ocean drake it was like oof a bit sweaty right now but it's fine i'll buy healing reduction and then and then hopefully i'll be useful again uh but um i think cops played super well today like he communicated a lot uh he was basically just i feel like he was just solo carrying this game so i'm really happy that whenever someone of us like doesn't perform super well someone else steps up so yeah today will seem it's a team effort in the end and as you say have a lot of things to improve on and you have a lot of time to do so as well but perks thank you very much for this interview and congrats on winning the first game at waltz 2020 here thank you and sharks back to you thank you so much laura wonderful interview perks commenting a bit on the fact that it is a different situation being back on stage and welcome back everyone to the state firm analyst zone we got our first look at student gaming and d2 esports imagine i'm just i'm bursting it laughing a little bit because that game was just so crazy and we're supposed to analyze it i just think from a fan perspective most fun game at worlds so far i think it kind of had everything crazy leasing kicks a crazy ending with a back door whatever you want to call that just give it a new name you guys it was like the many highlights we don't have that much time so i'm trying to i'm going to try and kind of narrow it down in a few moments that were very very impactful first up is g2's mercedes drive to victory that started right at the comeback fight at the elder drake this one was incredibly incredibly important for the game yeah and finding this flank over on the side here caps being able to get the gold card onto the center was absolutely massive for them because cinder had been such a problem for g2 in the previous fight deleting perks because perks is trying to do all the damage and if cinder still has r it's not possible i think it was so key as well how mickey remained calm throughout all the chaos now he's taking a new form i saw that he shaved he removed that beer that he had and feels like we have the mickey of old a bar there's a classic champion that he's always on and finding those cues and always being the force that was always always on point throughout this game meant so much in these fights even in this one he managed to use barlow twice that's so much cool down here and these uh fights were so incredibly close and i think because of the nature of this post game that we kind of looked to the highlights of g2 but we have to remember that this was an incredibly close game where sofm and soon has gotten the better of g2 before these fights yeah and this really was a comeback because sooning was in a commanding position perks had gotten picked on so many times whether it was again the cinder one shotting number sofm finding him on those kicks so that's why we were even in this position where sunning had the ocean soul winning a game against ocean soul is really insanely difficult but it was finding the syndra and then just running and getting both the elder dragon and the baron buff that allowed them and also to say we said well caps versus angel this or that but everyone on a sunning also impressed me in terms of flanks in those earlier fights and the way they were able to pick g2 off it did take i don't want to say a miracle because that not it but it did take a lot of very interesting and difficult plays i think for g2 another example is this final fight and then a bass race of sorts you know i don't want to use the word too often but this looks like suning could just finish the game right here yeah this was absolutely wild because right before this the g2 was in a situation where they had the l that they had the national pushing for victory but then just over extended and then it turned into a situation where the minion just couldn't die because they scattered after the battle they didn't know where to go and these minions are still alive so the turrets are falling but then again the carries fall and then the chase with the ezra and the tia folds we knew right away from this position that it was over because there are too many teepees on that side but capsule wanted to just finish off some more kills before he went for the finish yeah both caps and perks had the teleports assuming you can't really run away here because if you run away they're gonna tp in your base and win you had to be able to win a fight but with perks alive 100 hp uh you can't really do that you had a bit of doubts about perks and the bot lane performance coming into this game it seems like a mixed bag right yeah so i think mickey had a phenomenal game and in the very late team fights perks did play well but there was a lot of problems with getting picked off by the nautilus hooks ash arrows dashing over the wall with the ezreal around the baron pit too that almost cost you to this game it did um but as you said mickey was instrumental in a lot of those things also that sick um play with the ward on the blast cone earlier and that gives him the awful player of the game award for this one sword art also loves bard and mickey picked it away to do some magical things yamato i thought it was funny that g2 bantam maybe it was away from mickey because bard is great into tom but nevertheless the bad performance was super super good i remember we're working with mickey and his rookie speech is the controller you know part of something that was permaband against this guy and now it's kind of revived and it's something that we have to keep on the radar because mickey had a stellar performance throughout the chaos he was the pillar that stood tall beautifully put uh it gave me memories of the what did um putting the word on the lantern when they played versus shades of that g too sick though and also as we heard in the interview kind of for g2 winning versus vietnamese jungler weird winning versus an lpl team weird winning on the first day weird it's going a bit too well i think yeah some something's something's very very wrong here and i think as a final note uh sunning ng2 just looked like they were very evenly matched in a lot of that game and i don't think we can take definitive um kind of judgment on sooning or on g2 from this yeah i mean ultimately i think the the game right now is so focused on team fighting we saw so many team fights we saw both teams win and lose it seems very close you're being oscar music cued out that's what they're doing i guess we're taking a break whoever your turn though ellie sees rogue aim to take down elsa do not go anywhere and that is it rogue with utter domination will slaughter psg talent damn one gaming obliterate jdg to start their world [Music] oh slo-mo
Channel: LoL Esports VODs and Highlights
Views: 311,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lcs, league of legends, lck, lpl, lec, season 10, s10, 2020, lcs 2020, lec 2020, spring, vod, full game
Id: kedHaPEaQQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 19sec (4219 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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