MSI 2019 - Demi-finale - SKT vs G2 - BO5
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: OG League of Legends Replays FR
Views: 144,783
Rating: 4.7335768 out of 5
Keywords: lol, League of Legends, compétition, tournoi, LCS, LCK, EU, NA, MSI, Ogaming, o’gaming, ogtv, streaming, moba, gaming, eSport, eSports, Noi, Chips, Nono, Tweekz, Tektek, league of legends, ogaming, Esport, twitch, live, webtv, jeux vidéo, replay, SKT, G2 esports, G2
Id: RPAVoggfduA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 295min 0sec (17700 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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