Skipping the Title Cutscene and Removing Zelda from the game.

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this is the title cut scene wait this it hold on okay this is the title cut scene but you knew that already so I'm not sure why I'm acting like it's your first time seeing it we were able to skip this cut scene in breath of the wild but can we skip it in tears of the kingdom and if we can skip it does it break the game like breath of the wild did yes and kind of so let's dive into the obstacles stopping us from skipping the title cut scene and how we can overcome them with the tools that we have the title cut scene is a mess there's a lot going on and there are some things I'm still not sure about but this is what I do know there's a small trigger right here when you jump off normally pretty much irrelevant to us this is a void out box if you go too far in any direction it'll just void you out then there's a trigger that overlaps the void out box in the front if you cross it you'll start the title cut scene then there's the big one this is the we heard you like skipping cutcenes trigger it's at the bottom of the starting area and it's about this thick the first and Main tool we'll utilize is a glitch called text diving it's hard to consider it a glitch when it's more of abusing some developer oversights I mean maybe that's what a glitch is I don't know but the purpose of this video I'll just call it a glitch text diving is simply forcing link to fall during a dialogue text diving has a fair amount of research behind it mostly thanks to argle and the speedrunning Discord but it's still what I would call a pretty Niche glitch this is because almost everything that we can benefit from using a text dive is much easier to do without it but there's one thing so far that only text diving can do it lets us skip the event triggers and coexist with the void at least while we are in the dialogue State getting linked to fall during a dialogue is the primary challenge when you start a dialogue the game first checks to see what state link is in before starting the dialogue the game wants him to return to a normal standing State but has ways of dealing with either getting him back to standing or freezing him in the event he is not going to be standing anytime soon but if link is in the standing State the game thinks well he's standing and he no longer has control so freezing him would be redundant right this was the original text diving video and if it speaks to how pretty Niche this glitches the original video only has like 250 views the game also freezes all objects so it's not like we could push our off a cliff well in this scenario the barrel is able to bypass this freeze because link is standing and unfrozen and the state of the barrel is tied to link to say there's a lot of nuance to text diving is an understatement this is mainly due to the differences in what happens after we start the dialogue you have just stop stop and stare stop and turn hard freeze everything open and turn another obstacle is how the dialogue starts to begin with whether you just press a you bother some people you enter a space you complete a challenge try to leave the space and this is just to name a few but the main thing to note is that different dialogues create different obstacles and in very few instances create extra opportunities so an easy example of this is in the prologue when I was originally working on the speed running route for intro clip I realized that there was a void barrier out of bounds which is odd because you're never meant to be out of bounds and if you've ever walked backwards in the prologue you would see that there's a trigger where Zelda asks you to continue and makes you walk back to her but if we are out of bounds and we jump off while passing through that trigger we continue to fall straight through the void out eventually it'll just teleport us back to her one thing to note is this is not how you text dive this is probably the only dialogue that will continue to allow link to fall after it's been started probably due to the fact that they thought you'd only ever fall on the ground so we can use text diving to cross through void barriers and cut scene triggers but what dialogue boxes do we have in the starting area well we have a new item dialogue box but that's a hard freeze in this instance and has no use to us we have a chest which is also a hard freeze after the animation for the chest opening is complete so it's no use to us either and then we have the Coro which is capable of text diving currently it's the only useful dialogue before the title cut scene this is nowhere near a ledge though so how can we fall off the easiest way to set up a text dive is with fuse entanglement fuse entanglement is done by attempting to fuse an object and switching Shields mid fuse this confuses the game into thinking that the object is on the shield while it's still an object we can manipulate in the game World the state of the object is now entangled with the state of the shield and if we put the shield away the object will disappear this creates a perfect scenario for text typing without fuse entanglement almost every object is Frozen when a dialogue starts with fuse entanglement we can make non Zoni devices move during dialogue the state of The Shield is handled differently from link or we could say it isn't really handled at all during dialogue because it's attached to link so it's naturally Bound by his liit ations Zone ey objects are unable to move due to them specifically being called out by the game as an object that cannot move I say they cannot move but with enough Force you can move them and there are two exceptions but that's a whole other topic for another day so we have fuse entanglement to help us dive but we don't have fuse an easy way to get objects over to another save is to perform a zot or a zle load object transfer when we fuse inang one an object and then zugg the shield the game loses track of the shield because it's neither equipped or in our inventory this allows us to transfer objects that are now entangled to a different save so we have a platform that we can use to text dive but there's no way to get it all the way to the edge from here how are we going to get this platform over there ghost glue is an extremely weird glitch that allows us to make an invisible bond between two objects so that they are always attracted to each other this glitch is a branch or side effect of the ultra broken glitch and if you want to understand more about it I recommend you watch my ghost glue video basically standing on an object and talking to these guys at Riverside stable completely breaks the object you were standing on then attempting to glue that object to another one puts it in a constant state of getting close enough to glue you can see this when we glue two normal objects together ghost glue does the same thing but gets stuck before the glue attaches with careful pulling we can separate the two objects and create a platform that we can ride from one location to another so now that we have these two objects ghost glued together how can we make it work I mean we can't pull them apart without Ultra hand recall locking is a glitch we get access to when we lock a fuse entangled object since we can transfer the object through saves all we need to do is recall the object and load a save mid Recall now the object is locked in its current position we can combine this with ghost Glue by recall locking a board and then moving the other object that this board is Ghost glued to we move it to the location we want our platform to go and recall lock it there as well this creates a lot of tension that we can release by breaking the recall lock on one side we can do this just by recalling and cancelling it or using ultrah hand to separate it for a text dive all we really need to do is recall the object and start the dialogue recall will end automatically so now that we have these objects set up and ghost glue ready to pull us we don't have recall how can we overcome the fact that we have practically nothing and worse of all no abilities so this is where the fact that we are using the dialogue from a Coro really comes into play there are tons of things that suck about using a Coro mainly that the camera is fixed on the Coro for the whole time so you can't even really see what's happening but it does have one thing that not a lot of dialogues had he gives you a cororo poopy more importantly though when he does give you that poopy more importantly though when he does give you that poopy you get I'm so childish you get a very limited level of access to your inventory all you can really do in that inventory is change weapons or Shields but if you remember fuse entanglement if you put the shield away it removes the object from the game so to break the recall lock and start the journey we can have the shield equipped when we start the dialogue and use the poop to put it away that will remove the object that we have recall locked allowing us to move I'll need to remove two objects from the game mid dialogue so that means I'll need to fuse entangle to a weapon which is a little more complicated you can't access the weapon menu fast enough to do a fuse entanglement like you normally would with shields but we can use a shield as a proxy to remove the weapon from my hand also if you have a weapon Z and you fuse to the weapon that you have in your hand the object gets fused to all of the weapons and is only visible on the weapon that you had in your hand so we will fuse and Tangle a weapon to a shield then grab another weapon and zugg it we'll unequipped the current weapon to make sure we have nothing in our hand and grab the one that we fuse entangled we can start the fuse entanglement by attempting to fuse to the weapon and then open our Shield menu and change Shield which will remove the weapon from our hand now the object is bound only to the weapon that we had zled I did have a much deeper explanation using cards as an analogy for how these glitches work but it really is just too much information for this video so I cut it I plan on making a video going into detail about how these glitches work and what you can do with them as I feel like it'll be easier for me to say everything I want without feeling like it's dragging on to long I am going to use some of it here to help explain the build all right we're going to do each step of the build and we will start by getting all of our fuse entanglements done we will be using a hover Stone and four boards first we can just fuse and Tangle the hover Stone and drop the shield we can fuse and Tangle the small board and drop that shield and fuse and Tangle the other small board and drop that Shield we only really need those to just be fuse and Tangled normally for the larger boards one of the boards will transport us and the other board will be recall locked to keep the Transport Board in place but ultimately both boards will need to be deleted during the Coro dialogue so we will need to have one on a weapon and one on a shield to do that I'm going to weap INF fuse and Tangle one of the boards but the other board I'm going to do a little something now that avoids a headache later normally in order to zot something I need to zugg it but if I want the board Shield to be in my hand so I can remove it I would have to drop my zugg in the new file and resz juggle the other Shields this is possible by drop zgl but that adds more steps and more steps means more points of failure and if you think watching your build fly off without you is painful I don't even want to talk about it so we are going to make a fuse entanglement chain we will fuse entangle a shield to a shield and then that Shield to an [Music] [Music] object as long as we have the first shield zoued both the board shield and the board will pass through loads then I can just pick up the shield whenever I'm ready to go now before I start zgl I need the ability to activate ghost glue so I'm going to ultra break these boards this one is added so I don't get flung off when I reach my destination and this one is for helping me get my hover Stone to the [Music] destination now that they're Ultra broken I can just go glue later I'll zle all the shields but the one board Shield that I'll pick up in the new game given that they are Ultra broken I get access to ultra broken flight which makes it easier to get to my starting point as long as the hover stone is on and I don't go too [Music] fast now that I'm at my starting point I'll need to to do some recall locks on this side before I set up the ghost glue tension I'll recall lock the board that isn't Ultra broken and when I load back in I'll throw this shield on the ground for later I'll recall lock it just to make sure it doesn't go anywhere now I'll ghost glue the top board to the hover Stone in order to peel off the hover Stone I'll need to grab another hover Stone to attach to it my goal is to get this hstone as far as I can go so that I'll have a lot of tension but also right above the pond where we normally fall into I also need to go high so that my bill doesn't bump into a lot of things because that might knock me off I can't use this extra board to transport the hover Stone because I accidentally G glue it to the other board and it's hard to explain but the science dictates that this board isn't going anywhere so we'll take the long [Music] way once the hover stone is in the position and as flat as I can make it I'll recall lock it and the setup is complete this is what it looks like we have a recall locked platform normally glued to an ultra broken platform which is Ghost glued to a hover stone that is recall locked in the sky I will delete the board that's locked and the ghost glue will pull me to the hover stone that I have recall locked in the sky then I'll delete the board I'm standing on and I'll fall all the way down so I'm walking to my transportation office for this island I'll make sure to grab the board Shield so my left hand is ready I'll find a stick and drop the weapon zle and I'll pick up the board stick my right hand is ready I'll get in the middle of the board and in range of talking to the Coro my body is ready I'll talk to the cor Rock get to my inventory and remove the recall locked board doesn't it look amazing so let's rewind a little so I did the same thing but without talking to the Coro on a progressed file so you can see what it looks like so we talked to the Coro and delete the recall locked board now I'm normally just looking at the graphics around the Coro kind of get a little worse because we're getting further away but typically I wait like 30 seconds and then I remove the board underneath my feet and I kind of just keep watching those [Music] graphics and after waiting about a minute the Moment of Truth here we are we are past the title cut scene so what you're seeing here isn't actually the first time that I skipped it I definitely failed a few times but the first time I was successful was a complete train wreck in my testing I kept getting flung off so I built a whole box to transport me and I mistakingly thought it would travel straight through the Coro so I was stuck in the hell of my own [Music] doing text boxes conveniently make ghost glue a lot tighter so I just tried talking to the Coro bye-bye he says I have no idea what's going on and for a second I see link but I assumed that it was going to [Music] fail somehow I was standing on the ground so after all that work the game is literally just starting it's time to change gears I want to know what happens if we skip the title cut scene at first I sit around waiting for the weather to do something only to realize that the weather stops until you pass a certain point in the game anyways I'm also really nervous I'm expecting any minute now to be sucked up back into the title cut scene I walk up and grab the propad and that's when I noticed something I should say spoilers ahead I guess so if you want to peace out now one thing that always makes me giggle is the fact that you get the quest to find Zelda and she's literally right right right where is Zelda and now that I think about it you don't really see her until the title cut scene but I'm sure there's a checks somewhere along the way that'll make her spawn back in so I just continue normally I checked for Zelda between every Shrine and she's not showing up I get to recall and I only teleport because I don't want to accidentally hit the trigger after all this and she still isn't there normally after the alter cut scene you can see Zelda flying off but she still isn't there is that the master sword I can't really reach it without stuff so I go to get some Rockets but when I come back it's gone well if it looks like this this then I assume that's what it looks like up in the sky so far I don't really notice anything different about the game so I'm just going to keep doing anything Zelda related what I'm dying to find out though is what happens to the final fight but I'm the kind of person that appreciates saving the best for last so I'm going to do some other stuff before I do that first I just want to find her in the sky so I'm going to help the quox if you didn't know when you help the deu tree he puts a marker on your map to help you find [Music] Zelda so I complete that and I see the marker but again there's nothing in the sky and I mean I'm just looking for a floating sword or anything but I can't really find it I spend a few hours flying around trying to see if I can't figure out what may be going on and yeah it she just is not there I do know that after you complete the memories she's right there next to you so I go get all the memories nothing notable happens until the memory before the last one normally you see her on the way to the last memory but the camera just aims at [Music] nothing so this is the final memory so this is normally where she flies close enough for you to get a updraft so I mean I watch the whole memory just in case and nothing's there afterwards though literally nothing the game soft [Music] locks [Music] I tried a few times and I get a soft lock every time I tried to update my game I tried to hard reset it still soft locks well for a moment I saw it in the sky after GSI so I'll just go back and try to grab it there so this is pretty difficult given that you can't really get anything to help you out other than what you grabbed from GSI before you completed it I was able to enlist the help of my other safe file to kind of zot some stuff in and help me get there fast enough because I've made some attempts and it appears as though you only get about a minute before it disappears so I finally get a good attempt I grab the sword and this [Music] happens it's pretty cool most of it is the camera just looking in the sky without us being able to see anything we don't have enough stamina and we don't have any way to transfer stamina through a save so there's pretty much zero shot at getting the stamina needed to pull the sword during this opportunity so that leaves us with the final fight I'm going to watch the cut scene just in case something happens and and there she is since I don't have the master sword I'm going to get the cut scene to to pull it and she's here too but I did see the demon dragon in the background which at first I thought might be a result of all this but as it turns out if you skip the cut scene somewhere between here and here you'll have them in the background she's here for the whole fight too well that was antil climatic well there isn't much other than the Zelda stuff or at least I was able to find so I go back and hit the title cut scene trigger to see if she spawns well then I mean I thought this might be the case maybe when we completed the great Sky Island the trigger got cut out so I went back to test and see where the trigger disappears at and it disappears as soon as you get the purad which means Zelda is gone and this file can no longer get the master sword other then the final fight one thing though is I really want to see what would happen if I had the stamina to take the master sword in the small window it's available so I did a little save at it to get the stamina I needed just so that we can see this is what I got which is mostly empty cut scenes but I do get [Music] this and this which looks pretty neat at least I think Zelda being missing is the only difference when she's of the title cut scene I didn't play the whole game so I can't really be sure I sort of forgot to ask you to subscribe somewhere in the middle of the video so if you're still here consider subscribing I'm shooting for the big 10K before the end of the year also want to thank my channel members sink cresendo Trevor Taco Sensei Jane keto weiro and why you have to be mad and yeah thanks for [Music] watching [Music]
Channel: Timber
Views: 166,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NkjIiCMTdcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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