Every Time I Crash, The Trailers Double

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welcome back to beamin drive but every time I crash the trailers double and this time there's three main things I want to find out first of all at what point will this 2,000 horsepower Gabriel T Series not be able to pull any more trailers secondly will I be able to feel the trailers through my wrist spping 8 newm steering wheel and last but definitely not least what goofy transition would it be for today's delightful sponsor War Thunder but anyways back to now where as you can see I have zero trailers why do I have zero trailers well to find out if I can feel the trailers through my broken forearms I first need to know how it feels to drive without them plus I also wanted to make a sick drifting [Applause] Montage bro this thing drifts so well it's crazy sh thank God I saved it how do I turn it [Music] on how is that a crap and so gentlemen as you can see we have our first trailer weighing in at a wonderful 8.5 tons on top of my head you can see the reflection of the trailer and a very angry pigeon behind and yeah I am going to have to keep a very close eye to it that rock was bulging a lot because of course were on top of Italy as usual with the most massive Vehicles possible so yeah I'm going to have to double check every time just to make sure I'm not flattening the 18 Indians inside one of the pigeons but now talking about serious stuff can I feel the trailer I I honestly don't know let's try to hit a corner at not so legal speeds okay you you can feel it kind of kind of pulling you from side to side once it oscillates look at that that is sick what isn't so sick unfortunately is the fact that we have 1,800 de of rotation which is double what your G29 can do so there there's going to have to be a lot ofing shuffling around which I don't like because this thing burns my hands man I have baby hands so yeah all right easy I think I'm going way too quick how are we going to take that no no no no no wait wait wait wait wait slow down I I just broke something I know I just broke something what was that shaking I know that's not even too bad look at that look at that like a g now let's use all these 2,000 horsepowers I don't think that was a crap also you know what would be a wise choice turning on engine braking how do I do that all right guys we have the number one farting machine listen to that amazing amazing okay this time let's check the other mirror bro this legit feels like Euro Truck Simulator this is so cool this is honestly so sick let's you know what let's go for it how is it wheel spinning sh the throttle got stuck I'm not even joking why is the pedal not going back up all right so I've loosened up the the screw thingy the washer I know how it's called did we murder someone no wait we actually didn't they're all alive let me that was a crash which means we now get a second trailer but there is a problem there is no coupling system to attach another trailer that's because we have to pull it out so let's pull it out so now why does it stall every time 2 hours later oh and so gentlemen we can finally start doubling our trailers What the fu are you telling me we did all that work just for it to get added on top are you serious I I am actually pissed off and it stalls this video is such a pain do I need to explain why this is terrible I mean this so not only is it you know obviously heavier at 12 and 1/2 tons but yeah apart from the weight which isn't that bad come on the thing is the center of mass of the trailer is now much higher which means that it's going to do Tippy Towing if I turn too quick yeah this could not be worse now it really could not and just just watch as something terrible happens now maybe because I start driving like an absolute buffoon see see that's what I was telling you that is not a crash how is it still up let's inspect the damage how did it get on top of that can I save it oh I think I no no no don't TP don't don't tip no can you stop oscillating for sake gentlemen you know what the steering still works fine it looks brand new that is not a CR but I mean we really cannot afford to crash like on these mountains multiple times because I suppose we'll get you know actual trailers so yeah going forwards we better play it safe all right right easy on this turn that's an oddl looking pigeon huh that is an oddl looking pigeon enhance enhance even more War Thunder the world's most comprehensive combat game with vehicular devices including over 2,000 TS ples helicopters and are you a fan of volcanoes fly into them in War Thunder are you a fan of the weather make it rain in War Thunder do you have Exquisite tasting music War Thunder join over 70 million players in Epic PVP battles featuring friendly voice chats Advanced formations and classified military war thund will provide maximum neuron activation by showing you how you brutally Massac your opponent two different times thanks to the detailed x-ray damage View and talking about detail War Thunder is absolutely full of it with detailed Vehicles detailed damage detailed graphics and detailed customization and the best part it's completely free and available on PC Xbox and Playstation oh I bet it has microtransaction well guess what you won't need them if you download War Thunder using my link in the description and claim your massive signup bonus including multiple premium Vehicles in-game currency and the exclusive Eagle of valid decoration available for a limited time only and you know what else is available for a limited time only my [Music] life I want a lawyer so not only is the justice system completely broken but also is my clutch but now gentlemen we have a real problem because as you can see in the rear view mirror we have two two double decker trailers you can definitely feel them in the Wheel by the way it's it's much harder to turn but yeah the truth is we'll I don't think we'll make it through this rock we need to switch Lane because otherwise like the trailer will hit it okay we made it through even though we brushed some trees pigeon I'm sorry oh we didn't hit him what is he doing that is a certified Italian driver but yeah the thing is being on these tight it in Mountain Roads if we get another hair pin or even like any tight corner with two trailers I think I can manage it but this is so stressful with four trailers ain't no way bro so we got to be really careful which is why it is time to go flat out did I stole it okay it's light money shift but we are back this does not feel nice now I don't like this I really don't like this seeing them in the mirrors as a constant reminder is also unpleasant to say the least all right hard pull going downhill that no that is not a great idea Light breaking but you know I was actually expecting it to be worse [Music] sh I saved it it's still it's still oscillating go straight go straight no how did we save that we I how did I save that I am the professional drivest here will we fit here oh oh it didn't fit which is why we have am I going to keep stalling it every time we have four trailers for a combined Towing weight of 48 tons just like your Mo now this pure needs to move Sir with a speak to him in Italian well guys as you can see the road is clear so I I'll just pull forward okay are we actually doing it what the hell is this rock in the road let's avoid that oh no another one of those holes in the Rock I think this one is high enough please [Music] please we're alive we are alive hell yes also the steering is so weird now it feels lighter now I don't know it's so vague like you don't know where it's going and we definitely need engine brake cuz my brakes are on actually you know I like a challenge as if this wasn't enough of one so let's not use engine br oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I am very sorry but you should proceed with caution especially when the vehicle in front of you is Drake's okay the tight road is over look at them look at these boys and now I think we're going to have some hair pins in front I don't know if we're going to make this I'll try I really will try my best okay this is what I was talking about now first gear over rev the bit okay so my inner Euro Truck player is coming out now and I'm going to try to take this turn with four trailers and you know what if you guys get this video to 100,000 likes I'll actually play Euro Truck in the most painful way possible can we do this I'm trying to stay like all on the Outer Edge so the trailers actually have space let's check it from the outside oh what what are you doing 12 seconds later oh and now your friend joins the party as well it you asked for this I I I'm genuinely sorry but you asked for this all right I can't believe we actually made it though look at that don't tip don't tip don't tip and the thing is when one starts oscillating all of the other ones start to do it as well I want to get away from these roads I think there's still definitely one more hairpin probably another one after that I'm not too sure let's see oh no no no no look at them all leaning on the outside break break break oh this is bad this is very bad what is this pigeon doing my God I Now understand why truckers are bold because this is so stressful I mean not that truckers do this kind of stuff but come on come on come on no no no no no no no no no don't tip over don't tip over why am I leaning like it's actually going to do anything but yeah as I was saying about the brakes since they all share the same system The More Trailers you have the more it actually takes to respond so if I press the brake pedal in 3 2 1 it actually takes some time to respond there is like more delay The More Trailers you have all right time for another hair pin I think the one we just did was the nastiest one but I don't know I don't want to speak too soon come on we may actually do it without killing any pigeons this time unless this guy yep look at the last trailer swinging come on we're almost down we're almost down oh no this is even nastier oh no I'm going to try to stick like as close to the outside as possible and I'm going to do that by opening the door and checking for my that didn't work it feels so heavy now see look at that look at that it it just wants to Center okay easy they're going off Ro I'm taking my little trailers offro unbelievable unbelievable this is actually crazy guys I think we actually did it look at that yeah that's the coastal road we actually did it I'm so happy right now what are my trailers doing oh my God so gentlemen as you just saw we have eight trailers which if you're curious is 100 tons y we're carrying your M all right I'm gonna pull come on come on 2,000 horses look at that we are going holy oh I see some pretty scary leaning back there 40 we were going 45 and that's miles per hour so for my beloved European boys what is that 75 km/ hour in no time so yeah I don't think we'll we'll have any power issues unless we get 32 trailers or something this is soing cool this game is soing cool oh we have wheel spin it's struggling up the hill my engine is going to melt if I keep doing this come on come on Big Boy come on so we have a problem now and it's called roundabout I think we may have to cut I'm going to try anyways look at that the trailer ERS are actually taking the roundout I am actually genuinely impressed like by everything even the fact that this is working now what I didn't like And subscribe was lining up all of these trailers even if you do it with the world editor which is cheating and something I obviously didn't do it takes forever so Bing devs please gives us a tool that automatically places them so we don't have to spend half of our Lives doing it can we catch up to them [Music] pigeons come on come on where is my trail oh my oh sh 16 trailers Gentlemen let's see if I can launch it without stalling the result will be a fried clutch but look at that yep it is pretty long this is yeah this has to be the the longest thing we've ever driven even longer than the the RoR in the every time I crash it gets longer video as for the weight 200 tons so you know what let's see how fast we can actually go we are going downhill but look at that 50 are they still there yeah oh the back one is having fun will it fit oh my god oh yes yeah yeah yeah look at it look at it this is the best thing I've ever seen in game oh yeah I think we lost the last tanker or something yeah we lost them but the trailer is still attached which means now the last thing I want to see is will it do the whip effect and you may be wondering what is the whip effect well you know when you swing the whip that it gets worse as it goes forward we're being pulled back what the are we good why do I keep exploding for play wolf Hunter for free right now on PC Xbox and PlayStation use my link in the description to claim the amazing Ultra busing available for a limited time only sign up bonus for new and returning players haven't played in six months
Channel: MuYe
Views: 688,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wodbBm8GUbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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