Skiing at Japan's Funnest Resort

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Oh somebody say super stylish and cool British guy I didn't keep up I'll go try so is it cold but beautiful winter's morning in early March and it's six o'clock in the morning I don't know why these videos always have to start so early in the morning and we're heading into the mountains of North depan deep into the heart of tour honking I'm joined by realtor oh hi everyone Nutter again and it's early in the morning and I really need something to wake me up maybe coffee coffee time that's right so where are we going today so we are now driving to a ski resort which is a one of the biggest and one of the most popular ski resort in total hockey area okay I know Japan and we've got so many things are planning to do blow ah ah no it's secret you see it yeah it's secrets get to be reveal yet to me oh my god terrified no you won't be you're gonna have fun lots of fun okay but before we have lots of fun it's Coffee time 7-eleven over there all right I would be nothing without my morning coffee nothing would happen up here a lot of morning coffee what'd you get right so uh send me lemon doughnut 7-elevens oh yeah like caramel crunch isn't she good why I think so destroy it yeah once 10 mm 500 many people are often surprised to learn that Japan has some of the highest snowfall on the planet making the country an ideal ski destination with an abundance of fresh powdery snow the ski resort we're off to visit called grand echo lies in the center of Honshu Japan's main island and within an area with a particularly cold climate meaning it's possible to ski from late November around to early May and in the mountains of Japan there's always one group of animals that you'll never that far away from snow buggies no monkey no monkeys see in Japan in Japan that's right you can drive down the road and your monkeys that's right and it happens to be the Japan is the odd I think um for monkeys to live I think Japan's our most North Japan's the most normal more northern country it has the most northern country where monkeys live there yeah that's right and yeah they are silly no gone they're gone now where they disappeared off into the snow stretching stretching husband exercising recently I have an exercise did like seven years so okay this is this is quite scary my god be careful now I haven't done the exercise this year at all so we are going up to the top to see okay think I'm ready that is very small yes it's called pants ski yeah called them all sighs oh no it's not close hold on that size but it's really nice have you got any poles Oh do you ski without poles yes we do you're pretty you're pretty hardcore no I'm not huh cool what are you I'm not hard cool Oh somebody say super stylish and cool British guy I didn't okay Chris um every dead skin before yeah I've done it about five times a lifetime I can count on one hand Oh where it was your first place that used to ski well the place I learned properly this ski was in France about our end well either French ski instructor who's Jean Pierre just here yeah she's up here with mustache yellow mustache with a mustache so you did to a bus that's like I mean he was good he was straight was it he was plumb he was French but he was a nice guy and he was already good teacher so kidding he taught me everything I know it's a meaning that was four years ago you have kind of forgotten everything he taught me so issue but can I just expect you to um ski we're good I mean like Twitter John Perez Oh I'll salute your training I guess you're gonna be playing away mate I like I like oh my god at the top about 1400 meters let's check out the snow puller that's good quality snow that is here is cool remember have you seen there that James Bond movie Spy Who Loved Me oh yeah I think unit below undoes a right way right that's like me I'm that good okay so show me yeah show me what can do okay okay keep up I'll go try it's probably not a good idea to brag about your skiing abilities when you still don't know how good your friend is especially if you're not even that good at all or shower wash oh oh hello James Bourne huh shut up have a bad leg what happened to your payment winning John pa would be ashamed for next time I'll beat you all right just you wait and see all right good luck for that look at that view it's the best thing about skiing is getting to see a view like that absolutely beautiful after a good few hours of skiing it was time to go down and grab some lunch in the form of a delicious healthy salad mmm delicious delicious salad yeah um nice salad there but what's this sizzling sound oh I hear ah sound the salmon salad but I see something else all right are my sight I do this i salad I'm that salad boy is too small for me your big guy can I just show what I slid my sight what is that us what is that what is the that hey like neat that came with the salad that can rise no choice yeah oh oh that okay whistling oh that's all right oh my god I genuinely can't feel my legs oh it's pay poisonous painful I'm really to lay down for like two or three hours no but I'm sorry I'm sorry Chris they've got like things lined up for this afternoon what have been things things what has a prison truthfully I'm not sure what was more entertaining being dragged across a snow field in a rubber dinghy for witnessing real tours reaction it turns out there's an even better way to travel across snow that isn't a rubber team as someone who truly despises driving on snow and ice it feels perversely unnatural to be able to glide across it so effortlessly it's almost like entering a cheat code into a video except the cheat code is a snowmobile and the video game is a life that definitely makes sense so Chris you are the first time first you know in a small a while so what did you think brilliant yeah it was a fight wasn't it I know what I want for Christmas there's no better way to start your day than with a buffet and in Japan the word for buffet is biking in reference to a Swedish buffet or smorgasbord as enjoyed by the Vikings but as well as the word Viking being an interesting example of how the Japanese language borrows from words overseas it's also an excellent opportunity to annoy realtor oh boy little boy king Viking well actually did the Buffett style what a meal coming from the other Sweden and and because of that that's here that are pirates of the from Sweden used to be cut all this Canadian right when useful in hiring pirates yes or pirates pirates ass Wizards can na'vi yes Canadian Paris you're making yourself no no you look it up we're making this up in it look it up in Wikipedia spiral spiral yeah yeah and I've got a drop I'm pretty sure that the UM you know there'll be lots of people commenting on this you know for sure just to just to prove my let's go get breakfast yes the Swedish fire okay this is quite the breakfast you've got yeah fish sausages bacon and bishops and and and fish acts of Japanese and Western that's right they can right that's right everything here now yeah very good how Martin multinationals are multinational broke English at breakfast for a multinational man after enjoying a multinational breakfast fit for the Pirates of Sweden we headed down to a huge frozen lake where it looked like dozens of people working to excavate a giant alien spaceship frozen beneath the lake fortunately and unsurprisingly I was wrong no this is not this actually Lake and it's frozen as you see little houses there yeah and be back should fishing inside people are fishing in those hearts oh yeah yeah and we're going there into those one of those houses and a fish despite the freezing temperatures the heart had a small heater meaning it was surprisingly warm and cozy inside and we'd be trying to catch a small fish called the waka soggy with the aim of having the many fish we would catch deep-fried for us for our dinner and it was just a few minutes before experienced fisherman mr. Yuya pulled up his first catch japanese thank you japanese what are ye so here we are sat on 40 centimetres irvine waitin for our fish then you wait five so five sickness so we're waiting for this to start young and when you actually are just very very small mood and it moves you pull it it moves we're business it took about an hour before the otter all started to lose his mind is fishing just a little patience yeah you hit like you've got insane I don't know why he got the fish and we did it yeah like we've done exactly a Senate listen something in it maybe he secretly put the fish on the end of it that's frying stuck it in and was like or severe joint off yeah it's been down there for an hour now and there's been no movement on the line so we're just gonna pull it up and see maybe there is a fish on it yeah alright let's see the Musa oh nothing it's official I don't like ice fishing whilst we failed to catch any work a soggy fish thanks to capitalism we were able to go to a nearby restaurant and buy fish that somebody else had caught all right so uh what you couldn't catch right I thought we had one though like it turned out to be a fat fat 60 GZ Jesus showed up let's try to destroy ah ha ha ha that's true eating this my beautiful pie other people great it looks good though it's Dean frylock acai oh yeah fish and chips oh yeah it's good it's really good ok I want to try it No mmm lovely mmm it's so good I'm very good I don't normally like eating fish hole but this but this one is no different regardless of whether or not you have Jean Pierre's special training Japan really is an awesome place to ski the resort we visited grand EKKO is only three or four hours north of Tokyo and it's pretty easy to reach for a weekend of skin and of course outside of skin there's loads of cool stuff to do to make your trip a memorable you can find all the details about the grand echo resort in the description box below including prices for the snowmobile and the ridiculous rubber dinghy many thanks for watching guys we'll see you next time skiing snowmobiles ice fishing a rubber dinghy across a lake that's what being a swedish pirate is all about just go any comments any message to a suite watching your channel god bless the people of Sweden thank you very much they'll be very happy together yeah
Channel: Abroad in Japan
Views: 709,744
Rating: 4.9726043 out of 5
Keywords: japan, ski, japanese, skiing, grandeco, skis, aizu, aizu wakamatsu, fukushima
Id: HWs4n-nRfJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2016
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