Japan's Most Stunning Onsen | Hot Spring

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apple pie our delicacies are baked using extravagant amounts of sweet and sour apples their sweet aroma and flavor of Apple overwhelm your mouth when the top thing to do Japan is a hot spring I'm not easily impressed with you this is pretty bloody impressive [Music] it's finally my real actual cider in Japan took me four years to finance I traveled to the most northern part of the island of Honshu to get it and it's finally mine feel a bit like Indiana Jones except instead of going in search of the cup of Christ I've gone in search of real actual cider which is probably better than the cup of Christ you think about it let's actually see if it's any good I've only got this plastic cup drink out as I'm in a cheap hotel but I won't let that stand in the way of this momentous occasion here we go [Music] good lord so here is Sendai station I'm about to get bullet train one of the fastest bullet trains in Japan it goes about 300 km/h all the way to Al Mori in the far north and I'm joined by my friend Renato who believes you can actually hear cider in Japan I still don't believe it after four years I haven't seen anything the only cider I've ever had in Japan it's been imported so yeah I'm too scared to so what it's talking about I mean we have got a cider and anyway so we are going to a place as a land of apples land of that yeah well they cool at the land of us I could say for with lots of apples and after that we are visiting the this awesome hot spring natural hospital with natural waterfall no matter oils natural to accept everything that SuperDuper that's right very excited everything outward all right well I believe in mercy or identify let's go and find out okay let's go that's true 320 services over 300 bushel dictatorship yes what is it coming almora is the most northern prefecture of Japan's main island Honshu is a region famous for its fish apples and ridiculous snow in fact the city of owl Maury has the highest levels of snowfall of any city in the world we weren't going all the way to our Mori just to drink cider and relax and hot springs so this is the only blade Smith in our morale yes the I mean have you met bladesmith not any actually yeah this is the first time I saw like I believe it takes about one month to produce a sword from a clump of metal into meticulous work of art and it isn't cheap to be Kill Bill with swords typically starting around $3,000 with some of the more expensive swords costing up to ten thousand this one here it doesn't have a hand protector and this one does yeah this is for the that will real time fight on second thought the people that actually go fight every single day so they actually mean this hand protects them to put themselves right but this one doesn't so it doesn't really protect your hand right so these these are for the people who don't go into the wall who have more like self-defense that one and this one yeah oh oh yeah forints is the Shogun or the laws and they they've got this one because they don't really go into the war field sure right so they actually had carrot head carry this one where's the old soldiers of their characters for the users which is your favorite that with the long 101 you're not tall enough to wield such a sword I'll wear something - shoes yeah I think I think the pattern on this one's the most beautiful this is my favorite it's a quite light I was expecting it to be a lot heavier this is this is light enough to actually you could picture waving it around although because it's not wartime we're not really the allowed we're not really allowed it's been disrespectful because the swords now I'm made for artistic purposes after visiting with swordsmith we went to a nearby town called goerge awara to see something truly extraordinary in traditional Japanese festivals one of the most common attractions and the floats which are carried or pulled through the festival usually by dozens of people but there's one festival an hour Mori where things have gotten somewhat out of hand where the floats are so huge they're more like small buildings I'm not easily impressed with it this is pretty bloody impressive the floats of 23 meters high weigh 19 tons and take 60 people to carry it takes ten months to make one of them you just stand here for hours and still fail to take it all in look at this path yeah look a bit flailing with four stories up right all right yeah the four stories up or thumbs up and this is a third floor I guess all right and um look at this wait and actually this is like at our bridge so Tower Bridge yes it opens up right and they do with this is a four-story building so they're like for almost a good four bridges and it simultaneously get opened up and look up ah that's a giant door Kandor absolutely giant automatically like opens up to the side and it slides and then to the right it reminds me of the space show as when the Rockets come out the building they're exactly how it is in August on a festival day and these three giant float as it go out of this building by you know after this bridge school is ridiculous we're now four stories up and still good to me is why the way on and commonly people can carry it along without was falling over these are nepeta floats go back to the early 1900s but unfortunately who realms twelve or two or somehow all the plans for how they were built would burn lost it wasn't until the 1980s that picture resurfaced with one of these things in it with one of these giant floats and the locals around here were pretty surprised to see it decided to go ahead and built rebuild one took about 17 years and then in 1996 they finally finished it and showcased it at the festival is only supposed to be a one-off when they finished they burnt it the mayor wanted to continue the tradition but a fortunate there was electricity poles all around the town the mayor was like it bury them get rid of them don't worry and so the tradition still survive today the outdoor hot spring would be visiting was in the Hashi no resort audacity Acadia hotel a resort nestled deep in the forest of Towada Patti Monti National Park the forest is alive with numerous streams gushing down from the lake surrounding the resort with the hotel itself designed to feel like an extension of the forest this is the entrance to the al-mahdi Dingle Kachinas da sort of restaurant in the resort and there is a cabinet with 1,800 apples and it I've never seen so many apples done wildlife but I thought they were fake when I walk past an early out for they're all fake but they're actually real these are all real apples and they're used for all the cooking and all the food that goes on here in the restaurant up there as well as it looks like these candy apples dangling from the ceiling or something but they're all made of cloth there's a real obsession with in our Moya and this resort certainly encompasses the hotel letters filming the onsen on the condition there were no other guests around so realtor and I had to get up at cilia o'clock in order to get up to it but it was certainly worth it ha ha ha that's very nice [Music] for this first time I've worn shows enjoy on set this is a mixed bar [Music] I've inscribe you on tunes before outside this is one of the best definitely definitely yeah I I put a place is a bloody tree right above well this feels the country natural it looks so nice it's almost like it's special-effects steam over there rising from the water so as I always say one of the top things to do Japan is hot spring content and more than just an onsen you mother water just at home said you want to try an outdoor onsen called rotten borough by this one it you feel like you're in nature look at that it's just trees above us and waterfall there we're in the mountains no I'm not even sure where we are the mist but I could spend all day talking here not nearly come on a visit and so come here and it definitely enjoy the whole atmosphere and it is a system from like you know the real reality real life and you're going to enjoy and the relax yes screw the real life you the real life real life this is real life yeah probably Hirosaki Park is home to over 1300 apple trees with 65 different varieties but more importantly it's where I'd finally be able to buy some authentic Japanese cider slightly go on medieval this is the apple orchard shop and the best thing about this place is there's lots of products with interesting English on apple pie our delicacies are baked using extravagant amounts of sweet and sour apples their sweet aroma and flavor of Apple overwhelm your mouth yeah I see that and I just want to buy it extravagant amount how do they know it's the extravagant amount but at what point do they know clap again it is a delicious made cookie by using the fruit which was fully exposed to the light of the glaring Sun which grew I love the contrast some of them they put so much effort in and then there's just this one that says lovely apple pie is natural and good taste enjoy anytime such a extravagant mouth sample this one was just lovely Apple look at this don't yell away Komori prices 1458 movement that said is a big ball thinking of getting small ones but again by Sabaa cider apples but my cider Celine dream come true is what we always talk about like you know the cider cider cider side up beside us exotic videos it's exciting to find you can actually buy cider in Japan the proper side is good my shopping surprise don't just drop my couple luckily there's nothing in every drunk it it actually tastes a lot like British cloudy cider if you drank that in the UK without knowing what brand it was you would easily think that it was made in the UK for me that is it good very good sign it's exciting to know Japan does actually have cider although I don't like the fact the realtor was right and I was wrong that's that's not good for I won't lie I'd ever visited our Maury as I thought it is quite far away quite difficult to visit but it's only three hours away from Tokyo Station by bullet train and the area is surprisingly easy to visit even the oil s there care of your hotel which is hidden away in a forest still has its own free shuttle bus from Chanel mori station or al bouri Airport if you're interested in visiting anywhere in this video you can find the details in the description box below maybe thanks for watching guys I'll see you next time I'm off to drink some cider [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Abroad in Japan
Views: 1,372,490
Rating: 4.9599905 out of 5
Keywords: onsen, hot spring, japan, japanese, cider, travel, asia
Id: AUtxQs_fsIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2016
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