Skibidi Toilet in Roblox

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hey hero do you want to help us defeat the skivity toilet oh gosh I've obtained camera guys welcome to Roblox we are gonna defeat skippity hold me equip cameraman okay equipped there we go look you guys got the pyramid too okay so I'll explain how this works but before we do that the rules are for this 20 minute challenge you cannot buy this sword or the sword featured in the shop those are the only two rules okay uh so you guys can go ahead and play go ahead we got 20 minutes whoever wins wins this works right what we do with our little oil let me grab this Quest too talk except what I do Royal City complete wave three and look I'm in the the zone now check this out here we go now that we're in here we have to look at the toilets we gotta find that fight though no I took some damage and we do this by wave you see top Center there's 50 waves and I level up I can level up like my attack or my health or my I'm gonna I'm gonna increase my attack the toilets look at the little cameraman taking out this skimmy toilet oh yeah guys listen if you guys have you ever heard flush the toilet hit the like button today have you beat the first level yet obviously all right I'm going in dude I'm his Levy there's a level there we go if you like I said if you ever flush the toilet hit the like button hit the Subscribe button call Central is a foot I agree okay so I'm doing it right now oh I've fallen oh no okay so what you do is you can use those level up points to level yourself up to make you stronger right you see I have 160 Health now or I'm gonna rebirth that gives me more damage more exp that's shitty and I get a skitter pool what I can do with the skill point check this out I'm gonna unlock Whirlwind attack enemies nine times oh look I have an ability now about my health okay okay we're gonna I'm gonna go find him so you only have a stick right yeah yeah are you just hitting this why aren't you going and fighting it's giving me a history yeah we're leveling up man you get XP from fighting right now I don't you guys are not very good I don't know I can turn on my quest let me turn on my quest what I get from turning in the quest ah except uh oh I got another Quest hatch an egg you look like an egg before I hatch this egg we're gonna go to the shop okay so I have two times gems let's use that and two times the EXP I can gain even more gems in exp with VIP so before I unlock this egg I'm gonna buy lucky and super lucky so whenever I uh hatch eggs I get better weapons oh gosh guys you gotta hit the like button this this video is going to be expensive again why is this buy it buy that I want to see what my ability does too I'm not doing anything okay I'm gonna buy this egg now buy the egg hatch the egg okay I'm gonna burn sword you look like a rare iron sword 15 damage yeah but anyway you got a branch I got a sword I don't want to talk to him let me accept that Quest can I have it let's try it what was my quest oh I bought the egg so I got more so you use these gems to buy eggs okay and then you talk to him you accept another question so I have to complete wave five to beat that Quest got it before I go in there I'm gonna buy some gems um I'm gonna buy let's buy 25k gems say nothing hey there we go like 25 kids I'm gonna buy this egg but I don't want anybody to know because I don't want them to start spending Robux an epic 15K gem sword six D3 damage okay all right before you're going in which one you going in going in you're going in okay I'm going I'm taking out the skinny booties okay so it says I'm level one whenever you rebirth you reset your level got it okay yep yep yep got a good rare sword how much damage do I do now not enough oh I one shot baby oh the Whirlwind abilities sick oh I forgot I got the world oh my God okay I'm gonna level up I'm leveling up my health because I already do a billion damage now I do more than that I'm loving up again so I have 220 Health how much do you have I died uh 250. oh gosh no yeah but now I have 250 I'm increasing my damage now I'm cruising my damage I'm hatching an egg look how much faster I'm attacking because of that power if I bought I can read let's rebirth again for another skill point hold on another skill point and then we'll get whirling blade and then equip that so I have an ability there and there oh let me try this let me try this and spin got it oh I gotta level up let's level up my health what's this ability to do whenever it comes off cooldown stop it you can combine the branches though if you want look look at my health 310 Health really increase the damage it's been wait I'm increasing two branches I see you spinning oh gosh wait are we in the same level 14. no I just see you through the wall you're cheating increasing my damage and I'm rebirthing reverse there we go and I think I think once we reach wave 50 we go to a new world I think I got another skill point okay what does this do so can I unlock this ability three blades no I need to Reaper seven times for that Jesus how do I do that that is what he sounds like I'm a Christmas good Christmas you guys don't have spin to win they call me Gary okay Karen what does that mean that's a nerd reference you're a nurse how many times have I rebirth I need to rebirth again not enough okay so my hero does some damage just 25 damage per hit oh I need to heal I need to do damage oh I won shot him okay I need to heal I need to increase my health I need to heal hey does anybody have any heels I need to heal that heals me every second okay I'm rebirthing yeah it's not that good I just realized oh if you replay birth it resets your health that's pretty good I'm level 12. what level are you at seven but I'll be there soon oh dude the ability oh I'm not one shutting them anymore oh no I don't know okay increase my damage increase my damage can I get another ability can you no I can't kill them but you can't because you're done can I increase break hold on I was rude I can break this and then I can level it up more level three of six how much damage does it do now I'm gonna break you uh good chance you guys are getting up or cut it increased evidence I would never do that oh but that's dangerous that gets you into yeah okay I'm hitting like a truck I'm destroying these skiddies I can rebirth again I need to heal rebirth imagine rebirthing what I'm leveling up so many times so you want a rebirth because it makes your foot smell better have a foot is he mining away my face I do so much damage do you do that yeah but you don't do it no how much damage you do be honest a billion uh 45. we've won I only do like 27. yeah man that's my epic dude am I there yet can I unlock this I can't I have it oh I need to get to the whirling blade level six to unlock that oh no wait how do you get the other ones you have to break them with gems and then level them up come on wake up you know everything about this increase my damage okay how do I so I need to level this up I'm dying I'm dying there's a toilet killing me oh no no toilet not something I ever expected yeah really that was oh I am falling down no okay I gotta turn on this question what is that oh I can get this but I can't use the sword though you look like a sword 25 more exp I just got a Highland sword epic whatever does this do what is it 35 let's go that's it okay I can't use that sword though because that's cheating don't ever say that to me again okay so this gives me 25 more exp 25 more exp got it okay cool so how do I unlock this Whirlwind level 16 and 25 unlocks oh all right rebirth okay cool got it yep all right well hold on let me turn this in this is gonna give me gems right 70 gems got it okay now I got another one right there next they're too long yeah remind me I'm getting so many gems like that uh now you have a hero Point can you summon and equip a hero yes I already have one you have a hero hero Monument the Master's Health by one percent every one second oh yeah some of these guys are cool look at this guy support the team to skip the skip the first 20 waves oh wait what yep oh yeah but look at me something I have a I have a Halo I'm an angel I'm here and I will go ahead and get that one look I'm sure we'll zoom in on it Russell zoom in on it don't look at me wait hold up I have one I'm gonna see if I can equip two of them hold on are you cheating I got a complete wave 30. so does this guy make me start at level 20. wait is this gonna make me start at level 20. no way he's gonna make you start at level 20. don't you hold me here I'm at 20. way dude you guys are bad dumb and ugly I need to get that I know I need a level I need to level up hold on I'm at level one man excuse me level one I'm a Christian man I am dying rapidly I guess being bullies to me there's toys literally evading this entire civilization let's kill this not the skippity I'm gonna wait till my health is lower and then I'll reverse don't don't min max this stop it you've got him in man stop mid-maxing I got him in Max your mom [Music] can I reset my point reset skill points but retain all breaks what's wrong with this guy hold on I don't understand I get this new ability that's what he sounds like level up three four okay Damage Big Damage Big Damage Big damage yeah but now I can't unlock this right oh yeah wait I rebirth I can buy skill points no no I mean like with gems with gems but you know what it's fine if I rebirth one more time rebirth and empty so if you get if I get to level 40. hey man I'm on level eight yeah we know okay I said sorry relax you didn't have to say it like that I said sorry not this heart you didn't say sorry you're just saying sorry kind of like like an afterthought I'm getting attacked by toilets with heads of them all right leave me alone gosh are you okay I'm stressed right now you know what I gotta stress I gotta do this I gotta do it I gotta do it for my for my people what is it great or what hold on okay so if I do this barely please give me something good please can I combine these two what do you call biting I don't understand what he's doing crap I don't know craft with two swords oh that costs uh gems that costs gems Roblox okay I get it so it does that much damage right now if I craft them how much does it do how much is he doing I don't know I don't know you tell me people I can't I'm nowhere near level 13 he starts at 20. like what do you want for me we get good be better team you're kind of cringe what are you I gotta see I gotta go back here I gotta see if there's anything back here that I can look at I can get a legendary or a Mythic okay I need to get them I mean I need I need to get them hold on let me buy more gems I gotta buy more gems okay I gotta get this I gotta I gotta get these better swords I have to beat wave 50 and go to the next World okay we're doing it hatch three come on I need the legendary the legendary I need a better sword no why two Commons nobody likes you imagine three more give me a legendary I don't have enough please I got another epic I can combine those two let's combine these let me craft all 111 damage level 20 going in level 20. you guys are getting you guys are getting uppercuts like 16. oh what am I 19. oh you're embarrassing all of us right now you look like I am leveling up a lot uh let's increase my speed so I run dance studio can you stop no you don't have to do that no I do no you don't I level up so fast with this new book wait what book don't worry about that I'm looking in the ornaments what are you doing excuse me heals the Master's Health by one percent every four seconds yeah no you have to tell us no no yeah my first tab we can't guess I really don't I don't have to tell you nothing can I press tab now no you can't press that is cheating come on please just keep leveling up for the rules so I gotta get to level 40 and then I can rebirth right I'm almost there wait I can get the new ability wait wait hold on the third new ability three blades uh level up what how does he add another I don't know wait I can unlock this extra skill and then I can equip it and equip and then let me so attacks the enemy one time stealing 200 each time wait what hold on what does it do hold on let's level it up let's level it up let's see what happens uh let's level up the spin to the Whirlwind level up this break it level it up oh I've died that's fine that's fine that's fine we'll get back up there all right let's just do it what's this ability do hold on let me find out just take this one ability what ability to be honest with me right now oh oh it's broken okay I like it what what happened are you cheating I'm not making me nervous again I'm not cheating I'm literally not cheating send them oh you can wipe out an entire area okay cool wait what abilities nothing you have to be honest with me he's being secretive I'm about to I'm about to rebirth I'm rebirthing nice back I'm over 100 I'm just trying to get the 20 here I just leveled up 27 times don't worry about me worry about you ugly sorry I'm worried I am worried I am worried that he's ugly how much damage wait if I combine that there's so many toilets coming for me I got I died what does that mean you know what I'm breaking my rule I'm breaking my rule I'm getting the sword say nothing I really want to be oh gosh I really want to beat level 310. I'm going in before they see me look at my damage I will I just quit for 1300. I will take this down oh I can reverse level ten but you can't stop it I got a new one oh my gosh I get so many levels whenever wait what how I must be honest um okay I got a mighty bash ability level up and wait what does it do uh I'm gonna I'm gonna unequip that one he's gripping and I'm gonna equip that one no and I'm gonna break it don't I can't break it I don't have enough don't flip okay what does this ability do nothing well what's up I'm almost away 50 boys remember whoever beats Wayne 50 First wins wait 49 boys get away skippity I'm coming for you throw them down [Music] I did it wait 50. come on it's a boss I hope Skip and he takes you down I gotta save my abilities ultimately please here comes the skivity toilets come on toilet you gotta take him down dude look at him Russell zoom in on his face what does that mean put a foot in his face no oh [Music] there's more stuff in here boy no hit the like button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 1,203,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ugVf7F6BKUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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