SketchUp Renderings with Veras AI - ARE THEY GOOD?

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oh what's up guys Justin here with the SketchUp so in today's video we're going to check out another AI rendering app for SketchUp let's go ahead and just jump into it all right so Varys is an AI powered visualized visualization extension for SketchUp basically you install it as an extension then once you have it in SketchUp it can take your model and it can generate AI powered images from that model and what it does is it takes text prompts that you give us you describe what you want and then from that it's going to generate different images so I'm very interested to get in here and try this one out I've not actually tried this before this video and by the way they didn't request that I talk about this this was just something that I saw on a couple other channels and then I also saw in the SketchUp Forum so I thought we'd give it a try so let's go ahead and take a closer look at it so I'm optimistic about this one because it's from a group called evolve lab who has been generating and building other add-ons more specifically for Revit than for SketchUp but um they have been tools in the past that are designed to like automate documentation and other things like that so they've been active in the industry um they've worked with different groups um in the industry other things like that so they're kind of familiar with a little bit more the needs that are going on inside of the architectural industry plus I have been seeing multiple different videos pop up on this one um kind of more in the Revit space than in the SketchUp space though this does definitely work in SketchUp as well and so I do want to know my friend Joseph Kim on his channel did have a discussion with the founder of varus so they did have kind of an in-depth discussion of kind of like how this add-on worked other things like that so if you want to get really into you know the way that this works and kind of his thoughts about things you can definitely watch that video note that this is a paid extension that you can download and try the free trial but this does have a plug-in for SketchUp Revit and Rhino so let's jump over into SketchUp really quick and kind of take a look at the way this works note that with most of these AI tools right now the idea is more to use it for like early iteration and figuring out ideas it's not going to be a tool that you're going to use for just your day-to-day rendering at least right now just because it doesn't give you that level of control right the AI is more like using information that it's seen in order to generate Things based on a description that you give it but if we jump over into SketchUp I just kind of simulated or I just kind of created a building that's similar to the one that they have on their website and so when you first open this up and note that I'm running the trial version right here but when you first open this up this is going to give you a window and what you can do is you can type in a prompt and so the prompts for AI are really important right now because what you type in can really Drive what this is given but let's say for example that I was to type in um white Cabin in the Woods modern style Ultra realistic rendering right and so there are some options so you can take a look at here like the is interior this is not so turbo nature is going to add vegetation if you tell it to do this atmospheric is going to basically add fog and Mist which can be kind of interesting in your exterior scenes and then also if this is an aerial view or not but once you've kind of typed this in and we're going to go ahead and we're going to leave the creativity strength high for now well we'll leave the style strength where it is as well if you click on the button for render this is going to render out an image based on what's in your SketchUp viewport so I think what it's doing is it's just taking this image that's in your SketchUp viewport and then it's running it through the AI algorithms my understanding of the way that this works oh and you do want to make sure before you do this that you've refreshed the SketchUp preview if you don't refresh the SketchUp preview it's going to use whatever's in your scene so in that case I got that guy standing out in the snow so that's that would be my fault that's hilarious serious but we're going to go ahead and we're going to click on this button for render again and so it's going to take this and based on the prompt that you've given it it's going to render out how this might look and so this is interesting it did generate a white cabin right here I didn't check the box for Turbo nature which I probably should have because that's going to make this look a little bit different but that is really interesting that it did that one so we'll go ahead we'll run this again and so one thing I will say right off the bat and I need to change my prompt up a little bit but I will say that this is doing kind of a this is doing a pretty good job of actually generating something at least architecturally that looks realistic now I'm not necessarily a big fan of how it keeps putting snow in here but we can change the prompt in order to switch that up a little bit but I will say this is kind of generating that cabin look though I I will also say that the way that it's doing it is not necessarily in a way that I would have quite expected um that is the thing about AI though is it kind of it doesn't have a mind of its own but at the same time it kind of does but let's go ahead and let's refresh our image right here and again I'm going to type in something a little bit more specific so I'm going to type in Cabin it's going to be a modern Cabin in the Woods with a combination of wooden glass materials trees outside middle of the day so I've given it a lot more detail right there but if we click on this render button again this is going to go through and this is going to generate a rendering based on what this could look like and so what I would be interested to see looking at this because again I mean this this actually is doing a decent job of putting the textures on here you're not getting kind of the weird overlap in multiple windows on top of Windows and things that we might have seen in the past but let's see what happens if we were to apply some additional detail to this house right here so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to click in here and we're going to add a glass material and then what we can do is we can refresh that image and now this has a little bit more information so I'm interested to see what what this does here now that I've added a little bit more detail to this like this being glass I'm interested to see if this end can still come in with like a wood material blocking it or if it's going to give us something a little bit more fitting to what this is yeah so this actually does a pretty good job and again um I'm actually fairly impressed with um the polished nature of what this is spitting out so it actually does look pretty good and so let's toggle on the atmospheric and maybe bump this style strength up a little bit more maybe change our rotation as well note that if you do have the paid version of this it allows you to create multiple different images at one time that you can kind of like move through I I do find this really interesting um that it is spitting out maybe a little bit better images than something that I've seen in the past like that that render actually looks pretty good it's some thing again it's probably going to be more for like ideation and that kind of thing obviously but it is doing a fairly decent job of creating this rendering all right so let's say we had an interior space like this one and I've not tested this space at all so I'm interested to see what this is going to do but let's go ahead and let's pop up the window and we're going to go ahead and refresh this image and in this case we're going to say interior living room I'm gonna go with modern style light color palette with a forest outside and in this case I think we're going to want to make sure to check the box for is interior I'm going to uncheck this atmospheric let's see what this generates um because again I'm not 100 sure what it's going to generate I haven't tried it with the space I just threw this space together really fast okay interesting so um if you take a look at what this created again this doesn't actually pretty decent job of creating a decent looking image now it does have some of those artifacts and I think the interior seem like they're worse than the exteriors but it does kind of generate some of those artifacts that you might get from Ai and so AI kind of like averages all of this stuff together so I'd be interested to see what this did if I was to use more detailed Furniture but let's say we just click render again and then rerun this and see what it generates if we do it again so something fairly similar and again if you look close at these windows right you can see that they're not like actual windows that are generated in here but just from an ideation standpoint I think this does a pretty good job of generating images that can let let you get kind of an idea of what a space might feel like all right so I'm interested to see what this does if we were to update this image there we go so that it has some furniture in here and I may go ahead and make my field of view a little bit wider so you can see a little bit more in here then we'll update this image again but let's say that we were to run the same thing but with this furniture in here I want to see how that changes this space so it does a pretty good job I think of generating an image that looks good at your first pass right if I look at this the furniture looks like it would generally fit I mean if for some reason this sofa is facing outward which is an interesting idea if you had a view like this I do think it does a pretty good job of generating something that at least looks kind of professional and it does give you kind of an idea of what the look and feel of this space can be so let's say that instead of saying like color palette I said tile floors with a central hanging light fixture with the forest outside let's see what that does interesting so it does swap out the tile floors so you do have more of a tile feel in here it is interesting to see what this does to kind of the general feel of the scene so so I do think just like generally speaking this does generate things at least from like an early on standpoint that do give you kind of an idea of what the look and the feel of the space could be if you tried different things it doesn't have the heavy artifacts that I've seen in the past which I think is really good not not from this particular app but just in general from AI so I do like the images that this is creating now what I don't like and let's go ahead and let's crank the creativity and the style up to 100 just for fun but what I don't like about these AI generators in general is you don't have any kind of control over what it's going to generate right so I can't take this whole thing okay so the style strength gets pretty strong at that point we're going to bring that back down but you you can't take the this and then iterate from it right all you're doing is you're generating images in here you can't like take that and then say okay now create a model that does this or anything like that so you can't like take that and then move it back into SketchUp right you've then got this image that you've got a model from if you want to match it up so it's kind of a one-way street that really is good for generating ideas um but I think beyond that I don't think this is necessarily a tool quite yet where you're going to be able to use it for like full-on design or anything like that that being said um I am liking the images that this generates I think this does a pretty good job in here I mean some of the things are a little bit weird right like obviously the construction details on something like this are not going to be um you're you're going to have to make some changes to the construction details and other things like that but just from a like generative standpoint I do think this is doing a pretty good job of creating images that kind of get you thinking which I think is the whole point right now alright so now that I've had chance to try this that was literally the first time I've tried this tool was while I was filming this video so I didn't come in with any preconceptions other than I've seen other people have talked about it in the past but I am generally impressed with the level of images that it's creating I think it does a good job of creating images that at least could be real so it doesn't have as many of the AI artifacts and other things like that that I've seen in the past so from that standpoint I do like what this tool is doing now just like in general from a practicality standpoint I'm not 100 sure I see how this fits in a workflow Beyond just like General ideation but I think we're early on in tool development for artificial intelligence and 3D modeling and I'm excited to see where it goes but if you are looking for something that lets you kind of work like a general idea and then see like what different materials might look like or something like that as long as you're not too worried about the like very specific details I could see this having a place in your workflow but I'd love to hear from you in the comments down below what do you think about this tool about AI in general I just love having that conversation with you guys remember to please keep that civil because I have seen AI discussions get really charged I understand that there's a lot of different aspects to it but I'd love to hear what you think in the comments down below as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this and I'll catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: TheSketchUpEssentials
Views: 67,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thesketchupessentials, the sketchup essentials,, sketchup tutorials, sketchup lessons, sketchup modeling, architecture, sketchup 2017, sketchup tutorial, justin geis, sketchup, sketchup 2021, sketchup 2020, SketchUp Veras, Veras AI, sketchup veras AI, sketchup veras AI rendering, sketchup ai rendering
Id: Z3uSfmUmNyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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