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Hey! What if I tell you that I can transform  this drawing that I made in less than five   minutes into this photo realistic image and  this one into this... and this one into this? In this video, we'll be looking  at a tool called look which   claims to be an AI design for Architects. I saw this AI on Instagram like a week   before and now it's time to try it. So first, you  will need a base image after you have your base   reference you can head over to the website. I won't draw anything new in this video   because you know I already makes a lot of drawing  videos so I would just try this AI tool for now.  You can check my other drawings  and illustration video if you want.  This is what the home page look like: it's called  the creators Plaza. There are different categories   as you can see like architecture design, interior  design, urban planning, landscape design,   and handmade models you can click on them for  having more information about them, but for now   we just go to Start Creations. So just follow the  settings here. So basically you just have to give   more information about the input image type.  In my case, this is an interior hand sketch.   Well, I clicked on architecture  instead of interior I will change that. Okay now, you choose your base  image and your reference image.   Also, don't forget to write the prompts. Okay now that we are done, we can click on Start  Creations and we have to wait around one minute. Okay great let's click on it. Well, I think it's pretty good. The materials  and lighting are really good actually.   Well of course there are some some little  mistakes that can be fixed but it's amazing.  I want to try a lot of things now. I actually really like the interface and how  it was specifically made for architects and   designers. I think I have to work on the prompts  to be able to have my unique effects and renders.   So of course, it's not perfect but I'm sure  that will make it better really soon. So let   me know in the comments what do you think about  this platform and how does my drawing turned   out in photo realistic image. If you still have  time, check out my other videos here and see you!
Channel: Sketch Design Craft
Views: 35,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai architecture design, ai architecture generator, ai architecture render, architecture tools, architecture tools for students, architecture toolset, architect tools and equipment, architect tools drawing, architect tools sketchup, ai for architecture, ai for architecture design, ai for architects, ai for designers, ai for designers course, Acu&x%, ai for design,, generative fill, artificial intelligence, midjourney tutorial, midjourney alternative free
Id: 8SZgEepHHno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 35sec (215 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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