Sketchfab to FiveM: Make free custom props with blender - GTA V Modding

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okay let's get this skull into GTA specifically a 5m server we have a model and it has textures which means we can pretty much get it into the game which is fantastic we want to make sure it doesn't have too many polies 3.3 000 is okay I am my ideal world every prop has less than a thousand pulleys but considering cars have three hundred thousand I'm gonna say it's okay at this stage let's download it we can go extract it oh look here's a version I've extracted earlier and let's just pop it in a new folder on the desktop should have the source which will be the fvx file and we should also have some textures now to get this skull ready we're going to need some bits and pieces we're going to need some software I'm gonna need a few things so for the textures we're just going to use because it's free and it supports the right file type that we need we're going to use code Walker or specifically the RPF Explorer to convert GTA file types to and from the open XML file type you can get that from the Discord when you go to the Discord you'll see they've got a releases Channel and down the bottom will be the latest build once you extract that if you have a look you'll see that there is the RPF Explorer executable so you can double click on that to use it I've got a little shortcut setup that I'm going to be using today but that's where you can get that we're also going to need blender because that's how we're going to do all our 3D modeling and texturing Etc and we're going to use a plugin called solemns which you can download from the GitHub here and if you go to the code you can download the zip the install instructions down the bottom here and it's quite straightforward to help get the reference size for this skull let's use a hat we can use uh bloodmasters Forge to look through all the in-game props and let's pick this hat which looks fine then we're going to go to our RPF Explorer and we're going to search for that hat that's the one and let's export this as a reference file make a new folder reference we'll pop that there sorry let's look at these two textures we need to resize them and get them in the correct format and we're going to use paint to do that we can open up with if I go to resize I can see that it is 2048 by 2048 I think 1024 by 1024 is better and then we're going to go save as we're going to go to director or surfaced or DDS and we're going to save it as dxt1 which is the default if you have something that needs transparency then make sure you use dxt5 otherwise I recommend sticking to dxt1 and then let's open up other normal map as well we'll also resize that and we will save it as a DDS as well fantastic so now we can get rid of those PNG and we get those DDS we'll open up blender so if you need tutorials on blender I recommend the donut tutorials which you can find on YouTube click shift click right click delete hierarchy Blank Slate to begin with fantastic let's import our skull which was an fbx fantastic scrolly scroll late now how big is this skull compared to a regular GTA object that is why we have our reference object because otherwise it's really hard to tell with the units so we're going to import our reference object as well and our reference object is a code blocker XML type and we put that on our desktop in our video folder in the reference folder we'll look at that it turns out I can click here we want to pick the Hat up and down um turns out that it's about the same size in fact the skull is slightly oversized but it's about regular size four um GTA which is good so I'm not actually going to rescale it all right let's do an oversized one just to show so if if I click my skull over here say we want to make it a bit bigger we want it uh oversized skull we're going to click scale let's scale it up we want a big scale we want an oversized kind of uh Halloween skull here so we can make it say that big once we're happy with the size uh we can get rid of our reference object we could just hide it but I'm just gonna right click delete hierarchy and let's get rid of it completely so we've got our skull in and we got it the correct size fantastic let's have a look at the textures on this skull so we can click up here in the viewport shading to show the textures which haven't loaded properly which is not surprising if we come down click on the sculpt and we say we've got the materials here we can see that the base color it's looking for is skullcolor.png which doesn't exist anymore we deleted that so we're going to pick a different file for that we can click down here we can just make sure if you um select the type of texture that it's going to be an image texture which this one already is and then you can click the folder to actually select the image that you want to use so here we're going to go to our desktop and we're going to use the color and it's going to look like this base color set there is also it's also asking for a roughness here which we're going to ignore we just want to set the normal map which we want to go to the color and we're going to go and select our normal map yeah fantastic so we've got the texture set but it's the wrong type of Shader it's a generic blender Shader we need it to be a GTA 5 Shader which is why we're going to use our lovely solemns plugin I can click here Click N to toggle this and down the bottom we have solemn's tools so are in the drawable tools we can create a Shader and we want a Shader that uses the base color and also a normal map and that Shader is called normal and I'm going to click the skull and I'm going to convert it to select it which converts it to a GTA normal shadow type fantastic looks better you can see it's not shiny anymore as well which is fantastic textures are set next thing let's actually turn it into a GTA 5 model currently it's just an fbx model but we need a GTA 5 model type and we can do that by going to create drawable objects just up here we want to use the name which is currently skull which is fine and we also want to add a collision to that and we can click create drawable now we can see this hierarchy over here has changed we have an object inside of which is a collision which is the Mount composite which has the Collision mesh and then we also have the drawable model which is the geometry with the shaders fantastic so the only thing we need to do now is just set a few options and a few flags and make sure we're happy with it and paint the vertices as well and we should be good to go so let's just start with the properties let's just do from the bottom up if we go into the object properties here you can see that there is a solemns drop down so for the drop of geometry there's actually no solemns options we can go up and go up and we can see we've got a render mask if we need it lods is high that's fine we're going to move on to the Collision for the barrel poly mesh there's no options for the geometry we can see we need to set some Collision Flags so these are the flags these are the things that make sure objects collide with each other and bullets hit things and you know stuff like that uh we could set these really easily using the Collision tools Collision tools we can go to the flag presets and there is a default preset I can say apply the flags preset and it ticks all the flags that we need fantastic keep going up bound composite uh we're not going to worry about anything there and then to the root LOD Distance by default is always set to maximum and that's fine because we we change that when we place the object so that should be good to go the last thing we want to do is paint our vertices now verdict's color is important for GTA um I will put a link in here to decorator's site here the vertex color Channel sets the way objects react to light so red is the ambient occlusion of the model during night the red Channel so it goes from zero to 255. Green is whether an object is self-admissible whether it glows so zero means it doesn't glow at all 255 means it will grow glow or look like it's in you know bright light even if it was in night time for example and then B is Moonlight illumination so how much the object reflects moonlight you can do a whole lot of stuff with vertex colors it's uh very complex if you want to go into it all the combinator has a video there but let's just use something sensible I'm not out of control so we're going to go to our general tools and we're going to go to our vertex painter I'm going to click on the skull uh the vertex color so I want it to be RGB because that's what I know noting that in blender it goes from zero to one instead of zero to 255. so what I do for G we wanted to Global only like very faintly because we don't want to totally disappear it is a decoration after all so let's go 0.1 just so it's got a little bit uh blue I'm happy to keep at one and red let's keep it at one as well let's just do that we get kind of this pink color that pink color is okay uh it should be fine and we can paint that and we can see down the bottom here it says the skull geometry was successfully painted which is fantastic so we should have everything set we should have our vertices painted so we should now be able to export this skull oh the last thing sorry we need to embed the textures as well so that should be in your drawable tools in your Shader there's the option to set all textures embedded which makes sure that all the textures are in the model you don't have to have an external texture dictionary so I'm going to click that and it says material and normal textures were set to embedded which is fantastic so now we can export it file I'm going to export I'm going to export it as a code Walker XML go to my desktop to my video I like to make a new folder and my photo is called export and we're going to export it into there we get the successful export so you can see I've got this dotydr.xml if we open the RPF Explorer we're going to use that to convert that ydr.xml back into a Dot ydr we can open a directory or open a folder in RPF Explorer we're going file open folder and we can open our video folder which is nice if we make sure we're in edit mode we can just click and drag files in and they're going to automatically convert to the correct file type so here we have our skull dot ydr it's 855.5 kilobytes if I double click on it you can see that it shows up here which looks good good start good start if I go into here we can see that we've got the materials we've got the diffuse and the normal and it's embedded and if we go to the options we can also say show Collision meshes and we can see that actually has a collision which is fantastic now the other thing we have to do is make a Y type so every model needs a y-type file that describes um the ydr to the game basically thankfully soloms can help us with this as well in the general tools no in the archetype definitions we're going to make a new Y type and we're going to call it what do you reckon skull I'm going to make sure that I've selected the root um in the hierarchy of the object and I'm going to click Auto create from selected and you can see it's kind of Auto pre-filled all this and then I'm just going to export the Y type XML and I'm going to put that into my export folder we go back in my export folder I now have the scale.y type XML we can drag that in as well and if we have a look at that Y type folder you can see the size of the objects automatically being set texture dictionary and this embedded but it's set to skull by default and everything's set there so that now we can actually use this in the game so we should have our wire type and our ydr all right let's go put them in the game and see if they work and then we have ignore the pumpkins uh one spooky skull foreign which means we can't walk through it which is fantastic that's exactly what we want so there you go anything bring it in such a far search wire to find something unique uh you can make it yours don't pay someone to do it you can just go and do it it is that easy now I do realize I've raised over a lot of things in the interest of time and simplicity for some extra homework for people that are Keen one of those things is Flags particularly for the Y type I just wanted to point out that the coordinator has a beautiful page on flags specifically why type Flags but also all types of flags which are super super useful the other thing is and I spoke this all the time but if you want to understand a little bit more about how gtac objects work and how everything relates to the graphics and what all the different files are and what they do and why the vertex colors work the way they do and kind of understand how things work a bit more I really recommend this little graphic study it's not too much of a read just about how GTI Graphics are set up and you will find that it correlates beautifully to all the things you do when you make things in solemns so that's just a little uh if you'd like to have a look to understand more
Channel: Timbalicious
Views: 19,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 16gRpRd8Pos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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