Sketchfab Just Got Better!

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hello ladies and gentlemen it's mike here game from scratch and i got a question for you to start this video what companies can you think of that buy up other companies where the end user doesn't get screwed in the end like think about it when google buys a company there's like a 50 50 chance that they're going to kill it off a half a week later because that's what google does and there's not a lot of companies out there that pick up companies but make our lives better doing it and one exception to this is epic games now epic games back in july purchased sketch fab now if you've never used sketchup before it is a very important site for sharing assets so if you want to make 3d models in some ways it's the modern day turbo squid it is a great place to pick up models to show off your abilities and so on and so forth so they picked that one up a while back they picked up a number of companies lately they bought qixel art station rad tools capturing reality in almost every case they either dropped the price or made it better or made it better and also dropped the price or in some cases made it completely free well they picked up sketchfab as i mentioned in july and they've um they made some immediate changes there as well they changed the profit sharing because that's definitely a thing that epic games is all about so they reduced the fee down to 12 percent from 30 so creators that were sailing on sketchfab would make more money they also made all plus plan features free which means you can upload more with larger files at no cost uh plus players were automatically upgraded to pro at no additional cost they increased the number of monthly uploads from 30 to 50 and so on and so forth so right after immediately after they acquired sketchfab they went about making it better well today's news is they made it better so we've made it better again what we're looking at today is improvements to sketchfab which is now part of epic games and there's quite a few improvements here especially if you are a publisher on sketchfab you are going to like this one first off now the unmanned unbranded player that is a sketchfab player that you could embed wherever uh without needing their logo is available for both the premium and enterprise uh plans uh access to the unbranded player uh lets you seamlessly embed a fully transparent model frame with no sketchfab logo so if you want to showcase your own work on your site but you don't necessarily you know want it to be showing sketch fab stuff if you have a premium or enterprise plan which by the way all the pro people now have premium plans uh you get this embedded uh unbranded player for free we also get the ar mode previously only available to enterprise uh customers is now included in the premium plans as well it works on both ios and android then you quickly and easily jump into ar from 3d player or model in bed with a single clip or tap no special app required and then traffic limits basically all traffic limits on premium plans have been uh removed so you can basically have unlimited downloads up to ten thousand views per month so the people that are using the top one percent of traffic get charged for the excessive usage over 10 000 views but that is uh definitely a nice change there and then for people that want to use sketchfab for commercial use including people in the free plan uh it is now uh free so uh we asked companies that wish to use sketchup for commercial use to be on the premier or higher plans now they are removing that restriction so anyone can use sketchfab for commercial use on any plan uh even the free tier so for example you had your own marketplace where you were selling your assets on your own website you could now embed the sketchfab player and use it commercially for free and like there's other commercial uses i could think of but that is definitely one of the easiest to come to now obviously if you're using the basic tier you're going to see the sketchfab logo in the player but you can now use sketchfab in beds completely uh commercially and free you don't need to be on a premium plan at all however if you are on the premium plan because of these new upgrades you could have ar and vr and unbranded players in your site um and you can use that commercially uh well i guess you're paying for a plan at that point but basically for free and sketchfab for teams they're opening up sketchfab four teams for the to the premium plan on uh demand basis if you are a premium plan customer and would like multiple seats to be added uh to collaborate with other team members of your team reach out to the enterprise team here and we will get you set up so uh the team space support and this is sort of i think one of the big reasons why they were picked up to be honest uh especially during you know pandemic remote work and all that stuff is now part of the premium plans on an on-demand basis that's definitely nice as well and by the way if you are a premium customer who would like to downgrade their plan at the end of your current plan's active subscription period existing enterprise customers who would like to update their plans can reach out to their dedicated account manager to discuss available options so that is that we got brand new plans over at sketchfab uh again basic you're limited to 10 uploads a month but you can now do it use the player in a commercial setting for free no need to upgrade to the other categories here at pro you get 50 uploads a month and private uploads so stuff that other people can't see uh as an option and that's 15 per month billed yearly uh this one also now has the unbranded player which is definitely a nice thing and then you get into the premium which is 200 months uh unbranded viewers so they need to update because this is now part of uh this or am i reading that wrong no no i guess it's the premium tier that has the unbranded viewer so pro would still have let me just make sure i'm not talking wrong yeah pro pro would still have the requirement there unfortunately so this is going to apply to premium they have updated their site and this is on me so if you move to the premium here at 79 a month you get 200 uploads unbranded viewer app free vr ar sorry and 10 seats and then we got the enterprise level stuff for people doing enterprise level things and that one is if you have to ask you can't afford it kind of pricing uh but you do have to ask if you want to find out what it costs now if you've never used sketchup before uh as an end user i use this site all the time if i need to have uh content for um you know a demo or something a lot of times i'll come in here for example and a very common one is sponza for example and if i need to download a sponsor level i'll come in here search for sponza i click for downloadable only uh we can pick by the license that we want to have it and then anything that you particularly want to pick up so let's say i wanted this one uh all the things have real-time players uh you can see the interaction right here so this is the thing that you can now embed using premium plans in your own site you can also have it on your own site for free plans so you get the ability to navigate around if you want to go ahead and download things you can grab the downloaded model right here generally it's well it's always available in gltf auto convert but you can also get the original format that it was uploaded in and you can get augmented reality versions of things as well and you'll also see if there is a license requirement such as this one is under the ccaa buy license it will be acknowledged there as well you get some details on the um the uh triangle counts and so on of the asset you also have some abilities over here so you can do uh inspections so you can look at the wireframe add post processing show specific maps in it you've also got the ability to view it in vr if you have a vr headset attached and you can toggle between hd and well actually in this case no options but uh that is it so sk sketchup is definitely one of those important sites on the web as you can see there are a number of commercial models here you can come here and sell your assets here quite simply but the cool thing here is now that you can do the embeds you could potentially commercialize your assets on your own site as well uh if you wanted to run your own shopping cart or whatever but the cool thing here is because of the previous announcement way back when they were required if you are selling your assets here instead of sketchfab taking 30 epic games being epic games they now take 12 so i don't think anyone can argue these aren't just across the board improvements so from the very beginning they cut the commission for developers that publish artists that publish on their site down by like uh 65 so down to like 12 percent from 30 which is definitely nice uh they changed the plans they basically made the plus plan free uh they made the pro plan better they could increase the number of uploads and then today we've got even more improvements the unbranded player being in the premium plan ar being in the premium plan uh traffic limits being removed on all premium plans up to 10 000 views and then we've got uh commercial use this is probably the biggest thing in this announcement the commercial use for all plants including the basic tier is now permitted and that opens up a world of opportunities for people and then also we've got some things in the sketchfab for teams available at the premium plan so it makes that premium plan definitely a sweet spot and it's also really cool of an epic games being epic games so if you're in the enterprise category and a lot of the stuff that you were paying for is now available cheaper at premium uh they've got migration options available for you so again epic games is one of the few companies i can think of that buys companies and makes them better one of the only other real examples i can think of and this one's gonna probably be more controversial is microsoft microsoft has bought a number of companies and generally they either make their product free or cheaper or better so we look at something like github you know a lot of people hated that microsoft bought github but it's hard to argue that github hasn't become better since microsoft took it over so that is an example i could think of it can you think of any other companies that consistently buy other companies and then say like unlike google don't immediately ruin them let me know comments down below and i will talk to you all later goodbye
Channel: Gamefromscratch
Views: 16,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d Models, Business, Changes, Epic, Epic Games, Plans, Pricing, Sketchfab, Unreal
Id: gn7DE1lBlxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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