Google Search as We Know It is Gone!

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I was thinking about this this morning I was like remember when was Sergey Brin jumping out of a helicopter with Google Glass on and Landing yeah in San Francisco live and remember that live and then we got Project Ara with which was the modular smartphone with all the bits and pizza I mean we got IO announcement we got like project Lon which was like bringing internet to like random countries are all these things that you've said so far are dead yeah yeah it's still it's still fun at iio though yeah like I remember being like was last year Starlet starine Starline we at least got that yeah I just remember being like in in high school and being like wow Google is such a cool company I'm so I want to work there so I wanted to work there so bad I was like everything they do is just a moonshot idea it might not work out but it doesn't matter because it's all funded by search which is cool it's like they have an infinite money machine that keeps turning and because of that they can just do whatever the heck they want and this year it kind of felt like they were pivoting to be a B2B company I'm not going to lie they talked about AI models constantly they talked about the price that they're charging developers to access their AI models which is something Microsoft would do which is something open AI would do but that is not something that Google used to do at Google IO yeah IO ios's changed io's definitely this year felt like this year felt it felt like do you know the like part in every iio where they talk about all their servers and tpus and all that and there's like that exact same graphic every single year first of all that graphic got used probably 45 times whoever made that is not getting paid enough for how much they use the likeness of it but it felt like that like end 25 minutes of every IO where where you're like all right all the cool stuff happened like when are we getting out of there that felt like the entire event it was like the most low energy IO I've ever seen I mean I've only been here covering it for like seven years but just all the things nothing they announced had this like real wow factor there was very few times where my Twitter timeline was all like this is so cool they just announced this like nobody really had that one thing where it was really and we've had like last year visualized roots on maps was this really cool visual example we've had like the chain link fence that I reference all the time like yes there are things that did not come out IO that was IO but it was cool and it had that wow moment the crowd seemed out of it this year almost all of the announcers I felt just also felt low energy except for Samir he did a great job and felt as high energy as normal but like yeah I don't know and the whole event felt like it was dragging from the first terrible Taylor Swift joke they made in like the first one minute and then they proceeded to make a bunch of other bad Taylor Swift jokes that really felt like Gemini wrote it but yeah this might be a silly question because I didn't watch it when you said Samir do you mean like from YouTube no no umid I'm forgetting is like yeah the guy from Android and what was a bummer was he was basically like new things coming to Android and then just had to say the exact same Gemini things just in like basically a mobile version Samir Sam he's the president of Android ecosystem and he had his like same energy which just made all of the presenters around him feel low energy everyone felt really low I don't know what the what was going on but it felt low energy I think a perfect way to wrap up kind of that we weren't the same people feeling this is benett 9 to5 Google posted a title an article this morning that said so Google made a 10-minute recap mhm and his article says Google's 10-minute iio recap is somehow just as tedious as the full event and IO usually isn't tedious until the last like 20 to 30 minutes like it's usually like cool cool cool wow I didn't even think of the fact that you could do that with machine learning wow you can get rid of a chain Ling fence you can't but still like all of this stuff that genuinely blew my mind that I feel like we also used to see when every pick would drop yeah there would always be one or two cool AI features that were like wow this is I'm so excited for this year and there was almost there was like a couple things that were like I'm glad Gemini is doing that now I can name like three which we'll get into which we'll get into but everything else felt really corporate it felt B2B which was really weird it was surprising to me because they also made the distinct choice to separate the pixel 8A announcement out of IO right so we had a separate pixel 8A happen like a week two weeks before IO yeah and then to me that was like oh io's stacked this year we don't even have room for the pixel 8 not and so that's why it's surprising and I I a lot of people say on Twitter that like oh it's just because there's not a lot of Hardware stuff that's tomorrow but like they have done cool visually interesting things software-wise before and with AI before that's not the reason it for so it was just not a good IO this year but I want to do two cool things about it while then we'll continue to um be mean about it for the rest of this episode um I'm sad we didn't go because Google iio swag is always fantastic and the swag they had this year looked great um I posted some photos of it so like uh I think they did a great design this year the tote looks awesome the crew neck looks awesome the water bottle sick I'm really sad we missed that um sad if that's the most exciting part well no the most exciting part was Mark reier opening as the DJ he did a fantastic job if anything his Vibes are too Immaculate that everything after him feels boring he tried to do what he always does in in at the beginning of shows and he was just trying to bring his same energy and I texted him afterwards I'm like bro I'm so sorry you had to deal with that crowd he was like I did what I could my favorite part is that again as an American units of measurement really confuse me and so when they when they measured when they measured Gemini's contextual ability in tokens no in number of Cheesecake Factory menus worth of words I was like Gemini can hold 95 Cheesecake Factory menus worth of context at one time I was that seems have you been to the chees factory factory is the menu really big it's a book it's a book Adam could have a book club that no one would join him with I need to go to a restaurant that has like three options I don't want go to menu for three weeks now I'm on the 70th page yeah yeah okay yeah okay so besides Mark's Immaculate entry in he had a for viewers that and listeners that don't know who Mark is he's like he makes music on the spot sort of person and they had him use the music LM thing to try to like generate music and then play with it he's like an improv genius yeah he's an improv it was very tough uh cuz the crowd was tough the music LM didn't work that well and the beats that it was giving him were not that funky a lot of problems he wears a lot of robes they had custom Google iio Mark revier robes them out of a cannon um and then and then suar came on stage in the energy DP boom into the ground uh okay so there were actually some interesting things and they actually did start off with a couple pretty interesting things they started off with which with what I think was one of the most interesting things which was an update to Google photos where now you can just contextually ask Google photos to show you certain pictures and also ask questions about your photos uh so you can say and I actually used Google photos to find my license plate a million times last year all the time all I've never now in Google photos you now I memorize my license plate but in Google photos you can now say what's my license plate number again and it'll bring up pictures of your license plate yeah which is cool you can say show me luci's how Lucia's swimming has progressed and it'll bring up a bunch of photos and videos you took of your daughter swimming so it can understand the context of okay this is what you're asking and then map that to what it tagged the photos as of being and I think that's actually really sick I do think the license plate example was perfect because they were like normally you would just search license plate and now every license plate in your Google free car you've ever taken a photo of shows of and then you say my license plate number it's like oh this is a car that I see pretty often so it must be your license plate let me find one picture that has it and only show you that one picture so you don't have to scroll through a bunch mhm that's cool yeah I like this and I think because the results are specifically pulling from your photos it can avoid hallucinating because it's going to give you the exact Source it also because yeah it just has to show you an image it's not generating something cuz before like so if I wanted to find my license plate like I had this actually for example I was in the back of a car and I was going to go to the airport and they're like I just need your passport number and your signature and I was like okay here's my signature what is I don't have my it's in the trunk but I just pulled up Google photos and I just searched passport and I got the latest photo that I took of my passport and I just got it from there yeah instead theoretically I I would just ask Google photos what's my passport number and it would give me my passport number and as long as I also can see that it's referencing an image of my passport and not some other random photo I have of a passport I think I'm good well it doesn't it doesn't give you a text output it just shows you the photo the one picture so I think that actually solves I think you could probably ask Gemini at some point what's my passport number and it would pull it up and then it would probably potentially reference the photo but right now this Google photos update it's just an easier way to like ask Google photos to show you specific pictures that's neat it kind of feels like which I like more than generative Ai No I agree it feels like the magic of what Google search has been where everyone makes the joke of like what's that song that goes ba ba ba ba ba it's like you can ask at some pretty crazy questions and now in Google photos you can just be way more specific and it can find things easier for you and Google photo search has always been one of my favorite features ever just like being able to search through different things and it can tell kind of what they are and create albums or look at places that you've been to and now being able to go a little more into that where maybe I'm like what was that trail I I hiked in Glacier National Park in 2019 and like if I took a picture of the trail sign it'll probably come up as like Cracker Lake Trail and then that's awesome and I don't have to just search through every single thing that was in Montana I often will think oh yeah I went on that trip I think it was in 2019 so I'll search like mountains 2019 and I have to sort through all the mountains that I took a picture of in 2019 until I find it maybe it's not that year so now I can ask it like was show me the mountains when I was in Italy the last time and yeah it can still do sort of those things right now but it's just a lot more contextual which is beneficial it's it's helping because a lot of people didn't even know you could search Google photos for things and it would find just enging of a just typ what you're thinking and which is why think they specifically use the prompt what's my license plate number again because it sounds more human like the way that I would probably prompt that is my license plate and it would bring it up you know whereas a normal person says what's my license plate because I think the ultimate goal is like be able to have natural speech Computing with these computers with every prompt yeah I think our generation grew up learning how to speak Google which is keyword it's a keyword language you have to know how to Google and you're basically just picking out keywords we've talked about this like prompt engineering is the skill that we all learned yeah and now it's it wants the old people to be able to do it yeah where young people just go like write me some code and it just does it you just don't have to know how to do it right yeah that sounds like a great idea Ellis why don't you look into doing some more you're telling me that this is a great idea I'm going to look into that math for you but you were positive enough be more positive huh you want me to be positive I will be positive in my future response I am trying to talk faster slow down a little B so you want to hear about the Empire State Building wow I love Tod buildings but I found this on the web how do I like And subscribe what's the web generative I'm just generating your page I'm I I can't help with that sorry like And subscribe [Music]
Channel: Waveform Clips
Views: 146,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Waveform, WVFRM, Podcast, MKBHD, Marques, Brownlee, Andrew, Manganelli
Id: pPzdBWf65Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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