The New ‘AI Windows’ Will Change How We Use Computers Forever

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so I'm out in Seattle right now for the Microsoft build event and today is day one tomorrow is still the big Microsoft build event but today they invited a bunch of media and content creators to see what they've been working on in the AI space probably the biggest announcement of the day was their new co-pilot plus PCS these are AI first computers these are computers that are designed to run the AI inference right directly on the computer they have a CPU a GPU and an npu a neuro Processing Unit so that the AI inference can actually happen outside of the GPU and the CPU so you can actually run AI programs while still playing video games and doing things that actually use up your GPU and because they're building these computers with AI first all of the AI is running locally on your computer we've seen a lot of these devices come out lately like the rabbit and the Humane pin where they actually have to connect to the cloud so when you ask it a question it goes to the cloud the large language model responds in the cloud and then sends the response back this leads to a huge delay in the amount of time between you asking the question and actually getting the response back these new computers that Microsoft is building because their AI first and because the AI is actually running on the computer you don't have that same delay where it sends to the cloud and according to Microsoft these are the most powerful computers ever built during their keynote presentation today day they kept on comparing it to the M3 series of Max and pretty much every test they showed off the Speed and Performance outperformed the MacBooks with the M3s in them they've also really simplified the co-pilot experience so if you used Microsoft co-pilot already you've probably done it right on the Microsoft co-pilot website or maybe you've even tried the windows little sidebar thing where you can chat directly inside of Windows well the new app is going to be a sort of snappable app where it doesn't have to be just in that sidebar you can move it anywhere on your screen and I'm actually here with Pete Hong from the neuron and he made a really good point to me he said it's interesting that chat GPT they made their new app Mac only but didn't release a Windows version yet well it turns out the most likely reason they didn't release a Windows version yet is because well Microsoft is just building it into Windows you're probably not going to actually need the chat GPT app on Windows if co-pilot just doesn't natively bu buil into Windows they actually showed off a few demos of this co-pilot being used on Windows and just like they showed off in that chat GPT demo the other day where you can have voice conversations with it you just speak in real time and then it responds to you in real time that was chat GPT well co-pilot can do the same thing but of course it's built into Windows one of the demos they showed off was somebody actually playing Minecraft for the very first time they didn't actually know what they were doing in Minecraft so they jumped into Minecraft turned on co-pilot and then were asking co-pilot what they should do next and co-pilot was watching what was going on in the screen seeing what was happening inside of Minecraft and making suggestions for what the player should do next in Minecraft they also very briefly showed off a demo where somebody was editing some photos inside of Windows and they were able to use this co-pilot tool to help them dial in the photo perfectly so Windows was essentially making recommendations on how to improve their photo recently Sam Alman was on an interview and during this interview he said one of his favorite uses of the new version of GPT the GPT 40 was just having his phone sitting next to his computer and as he was getting worked on on his computer just kind of chatting with his phone solving problems asking questions it was just sort of like a a sidekick sitting next to him all day that he can ask questions to well that's what it sounds like co-pilot is designed for they also introduced a new feature that they're going to be rolling out called recall and on Windows 11 PCS this recall feature is going to remember everything you did on the computer all of the websites you browsed all of the stuff you did inide of various Microsoft apps pretty much anything you've done on your PC at all this tool remembers it and then it'll have a search function where you can go and search for anything you've looked at on the internet recently anything you've worked on this is essentially like having a photographic memory with your computer anything you've done recently you can quickly recall it and find it again okay so what we're looking at here is the recall feature we can actually go all the way to today you can see an image I was was messing with in Microsoft Paint using the new co-creator feature and I can actually slide this and you can actually see the actual iterations of my recording here or of my image here I can slide this around and you can see each step I did when making this image it's pretty crazy and then I can go back to yesterday I can see you know who was actually working on this computer going back to May 9th we can see this turtle that they generated using co-creator pretty cool image but when I go all the way back you can see what this image started as and then let's say there's something that's in the memory that you don't want in the memory like my silly little robot on the moon drawing here I don't want this in the memory I can just click this little delete button here delete Snapshot this snapshot will be permanently deleted from your PC and can't be undone I can delete this and now it is no longer going to be in my memory all right let's close out of recall and let's take a peek inside of the new co-pilot here I was actually looking up just now how to actually record my screen here so I could show this off but if I come into notebook I can actually get a little bit of a demo of what it will be like to actually chat with the computer I can just hit this microphone here what is the most popular game on the planet you click the submit button it'll work the title of the most popular game on the planet can vary depending on the metrics used such as Peak concurrent players average monthly players or total sales all right went ahead and stopped it because it will just keep on talking here but I also wanted to show off this is what the new co-pilot looks like it is an app that you can actually move around and drag around I can snap it to the sidebar over here and uh you know use my paint tool on the left side I can set up this however I want so if we're wondering why chat GPT did not release a desktop app for chat GPT on Windows but they did on Mac it's probably because this tool here can basically just do that now some of these features I posted on xabout to say this is something really cool that I'm seeing at the demo and pretty much all of the comments were like oh my gosh what about privacy do we really want Windows collecting everything we've ever done well a couple things a you can turn these features off there's going to be a new co-pilot area inside of your settings where you can decide how much of co-pilot you want working inside of Windows 11 B they said that they will never ever train on any of your data so any of the stuff you're using with co-pilot any of the stuff that it's remembering is not getting sent anywhere for training see they have the ability to unremember anything so if there's let's say some sites that maybe you don't want saved into the memory for whatever reason you can actually go into the memory see what it remembers and actually ask it to delete some of the stuff so it's not saved into the memory so maybe somebody else coming and using the computer later won't be able to go and look at all of the memory of what you've done ear earlier for whatever reason you may not want people to know about it and D the fourth thing that I want to say about the Privacy sort of security concerns is because these new computers are running everything on device theoretically you should not need to be connected to the internet to run these apps so you can run co-pilot and have it remember everything and have conversations with it and not even be connected to the internet because these new computers have that mpu the neural Processing Unit in it meaning once again it's not going to need to actually connect to a cloud to be able to use it personally I think this is the future of AI I think this is where it kind of needs to go I think we need a lot of this AI actually running on device instead of needing to use the cloud because a lot of people are going to want to use a lot of these AI features even when they don't have access to the internet also due to all the privacy concerns that people are pointing out you know a lot of people aren't going to want to have to send the information to the cloud and wait for it to come back because who knows what they're storing and keeping on us when we use some of these cloud services they also showed off their new Surface PCS I'm not going to get too deep into this because I know there's a ton of tech review channels that are probably showing off these new PCS but they have some pretty cool features in them including a new feature where you can just jump into Microsoft Paint start to draw something and then it will use AI to sort of make a better version of it so you can draw sort of like scribbles and uh rough outlines of what you're looking for for and in real time it will actually recreate that image but in like a style that you choose so if you want it in pixel art or watercolor or realistic you can choose these various Styles draw your little handdrawn sketch and watch as it creates something that looks really impressive during today's pre-build keynote they also showed off some other really cool features they showed off using Adobe Photoshop side by side with a Mac M3 and their new Surface laptops and of course course their new Surface laptops with the neural Processing Unit in them was so much faster they also talked about how they're working really closely with Blackmagic design who makes Da Vinci resolve the tool that I actually edit my videos with they showed using some of the AI features in Da Vinci resolve things like the AI Roto scoping tools and it was really really really quick because it's able to use the npu instead of the GPU to process this stuff and finally the last thing that they kind of showed off that I thought was really really impressive was real time transcription and translation they showed people having conversations over a tool like Microsoft teams or Zoom or Google meet or whatever tool you want to use and whatever audio is coming through your computer it can actually transcribe it in real time as the audio is coming across but not only transcribe it can also translate it so you could be talking with somebody in a completely different language across Microsoft teams or on Zoom or one of these platforms and while they're speaking in let's say Japanese you're going to get subtitles below that are automatically translating it in real time to English and vice versa so it really kind of kills that language barrier where you can start to have conversations with anybody in any language and it will transcribe it for you right on the screen as you're talking to him that to me was really really impressive so yeah I thought a lot of the tech they showed off today was really really cool I mean I'm an AI Enthusiast I'm very very biased I'm in my own sort of tech bubble where I just love this stuff so I'm very very easily impressed I love the idea of being able to just sit at my computer and have conversations with it even when I'm playing video games almost like a sidekick playing the video game with me or let's say I'm trying to code up something and it's watching my screen the whole time and I'm typing the code and then I try to run the code in my browser or something and it doesn't work well I can go hey what is wrong why is this code not working and because it can see my code it can just speak out to me here's what the issue is here's why the code isn't working I really really love that idea you know assuming they're not training on the data and it's there's no privacy concerns what I'm saying isn't getting sent to Microsoft and from the sounds of it the way they described it none of this information is getting passed along to Microsoft because these computers are AI first all of this happens on the computer you can just do it right there it's not connecting to the internet it's not passing the data on to Microsoft I also really really love the recall feature I think that's going to be really handy I know that was was the one thing that when I made a post about it on X everybody was freaking out about going I do not want this thing where it remembers everything on my computer because of the obvious potential privacy concerns and what you're looking at on your computer maybe getting sent to Microsoft but that is not what they're doing they were very very adamant about the fact that they don't train on it it happens locally on your computer you can delete whatever memory you don't want to be remembered in there and so I think a lot of the concerns that people are worried about shouldn't really be concerns at least not yet because they are trying to design this so you shouldn't have to worry about that kind of stuff now I'm not personally a Google Fanboy or a Microsoft Fanboy or an apple Fanboy I'm just a tech Fanboy I love all of this stuff I love Tech I love AI so I'm impressed by the tech I do know and understand the concerns people might have with some of this Tech with it remembering everything and having these conversations like Siri or Alexa but directly on your computer and a lot smarter and I personally do have some of those concerns as well but it does truly feel talking to a lot of the people here at Microsoft that their intention is truly to make it so those aren't actual concerns that's why they built all of it straight into the computer so that you can use it offline it's processing the AI with that npu and you can even play games because the games will Leverage The GPU while your conversation with the AI will Leverage The npu so pretty cool Tech and this is just day one of build the actual Main build keynote is still tomorrow so there's still a slew of announcements that Microsoft is going to make that we haven't even seen yet I'm here for it I'm excited about it can't wait to show them off to you and if you want to make sure you stay in the loop with the latest AI news you get all the latest updates from events like this Microsoft Event and last week's Google event and the Cisco event coming up and the Qualcomm event coming up after that and the Apple event coming up after that make sure you're subscribed to this channel because I will keep you looped in on all of the coolest stuff that's happening in the AI world right now so if you're not already make sure you're subscribed and if you like this video you learned something from it you found something value about it give it a thumbs up I really really appreciate that thank you so much for tuning in I'll see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Matt Wolfe
Views: 136,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, Artificial Intelligence, FutureTools, Futurism, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Future Tools, Matt Wolfe, AI News, AI Tools
Id: _gVt8C-NIqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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