☆ALL of my sketchbooks!☆ (warning: cringe)

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so today i thought i'd make a more casual video and it's actually something that you guys have been asking me to do like since i guess the beginning of this channel really which is a sketchbook tour but not really because i have a lot of sketchbooks that i use simultaneously simultaneously and also some old sketchbooks so it's gonna be like all my sketchbooks so get ready for some cringe so about this messy messy manga shelf there is this little guy that when we open we get access to all of my sketchbooks okay so now i think i got all my sketchbooks piled up here i'm not sure of like when they're from but they're kind of organized by age so like i know that these were are from when i was really young and these are the most recent ones so yeah anything in between here is just a a mess so let's let's start seeing them okay so besides like small drawings that i'd make for my parents and stuff i think this is the old the oldest sketchbook that i have um you can see that i had very fine technique i would do math on not do math oh my god i do uh calculations not what you're thinking and i would draw a lot of like situations this bird is really these are two explorers and this one's really sleepy and she's there's a clack here for like the break noise i think i don't know it's raining um so like i would draw a lot of situations and scenarios which is interesting because i don't really draw those nowadays i only draw like people doing poses and stuff not like situations like i used to jesus oh god i really like these these water-based pens the colorful ones horse racing got this horse oh my god can you oh my god so this is a sketchbook that was laying around the house and oh my god she what a queen water queen neo cabernet which means my sketchbook here we can see again more scenarios the cat i got better at drawing cats apparently thank god girly feeding the bird jeez okay so oh my goodness this dog i just one day randomly i was like okay i'll i'll draw from a real life picture like i'm gonna make a photocopy just by drawing i challenge myself to do that right out of nowhere and i did this and i was like oh my god it looks exactly like the picture i'm a genius i'm so good at this and i think it's in this sketchbook too oh my god i even signed it it's signed julia so after drawing that i drew a parrot oh no no i drew this cat okay so i drew this cat because i was so inspired i was like oh my god i'm so good at drawing after drawing that dog and i was like my goodness this looks exactly like the picture and then i drew this parrot i i was feeling myself but this was the last one that i drew i was like i'm sick of it after drawing all these feather details i was like maybe drawing is not for me or maybe drawing like this is not for me i'm not sure how old it was like i think it was 10 or something yeah i remember being a kid and being really good at copying pictures because of like sometimes in class we'd have to like copy a drawing for an assignment or something and i would do it and everyone would be like oh my god you're so good and i'll be like i know right you guys can see this was a turning point this was when i started becoming a weeb so here i have a drawing [Music] 2011 2012 i don't know this is what i wrote here and it's this girl she's very anime inspired i was watching a lot of tokyo mumia that time mew mozibang too um what else you knew yasha i don't i don't know if i was drawing into yoshi at this time and then in 2015 i made a redraw of this girly and i honestly still think it looks kind of cute i mean she's kind of stiff um there's no perspective at all but she's cute right i mean come on it's cute and again me drawing scenarios and situations so this girl is trying to take her sister's piggy bank she burned the food that she was cooking and this girl's like um says i'm not gonna eat this [ __ ] um oh again me being good at copying pictures i copied this amuhi namori from shugo kiara which is one of my favorite enemies of all time nowadays i can recognize that there's clearly some um messed up things with ikuto and navo but it still has a very special spatial it has a very special place in my heart [Music] oh no oh no okay but you can see you can clearly see the manga influences i was watching a lot of like do you guys remember mark creely i think he's still making youtube videos i was watching a lot of mark curly tutorials i was reading a lot of tokyo mew mew then this girl's playing soccer and there's this girl looking into the nothingness the vastness of the world with this huge sun that should be burning her skin off and this girly she's trying to learn how to skate on the side [Music] this time i'm just living i'm just existing spooky girl the spooky manga girl like i'm so scared uh the twins i was really proud of this drawing i remember being really really proud of this drawing i thought they were so cute the bunny is not so much but i remember being like oh my god i had a big ego at that time like i i really believed that this was like oh my god this is my masterpiece oh here i decided to do this in a full like background which as you know i still don't do um and clearly with no reference and no nothing no perspective knowledge everything just looks wrong oh my god this time i was watching what was the name la la cuadrado yeah like it's a music like violin classical music classical music themed anime so i drew this girly playing the violin and this girl like oh my gosh she's so good she's really good oh here's more sugarcata stuff oh this is the first boy i drew ever i mean not ever because you could see like some boys in the in the sketchbook the first sketchbooks that i showed but this is the first anime boy that i drew which is a stepping stone um i couldn't be where i am right now without this anime boy oh this this mark really videos i did this from one of those video tutorials oh boy those were the times i remember being really proud of it as well oh this is me trying to apply what i learned here in the previous drawing to this new drawing so i i sketched it from like my head which is interesting to me to realize now that i would already study and apply things that i study to my drawings i never realized i did that that's interesting okay now here we have i think my first attempt to like my first attempt at trying to make a style for myself so yeah you can see that the facial features are more like distinct from compared to my last sketchbook this is really meaningful actually so there was this artist that i followed his name was his username was irl link he really liked um legend of zelda and he was a huge inspiration to me and he was one of my first um introductions to like social media artists and this was one of his oc's and i drew it and he shouted me out he had like i think he had like 5 000 followers and i went to sleep with like 15 followers and when i posted this and he reposted it the next day i had like 140 something followers i guess and then i made a post being like oh my god thank you so much i was flipping out because those artists that i really admired had reposted my art right um i don't really know what he's doing lately i think i forgot his tag because he changed his tag a lot rl link if you're watching this thank you for being one of my main inspirations while growing up as well i hope you're doing good ah here it is um 141 followers that i woke up to and me being like oh my god oh my me would be like what in my oc being like what no ah this is really pure this has really wholesome energy okay so i remember drawing this and being really proud of it as well oh my god and this is one of my first watercolors that i did i used to use um watercolor pencils that i like wet the tip of the pencil and then dilute it in some water and then use it in my painting like i wouldn't draw on paper and like dilute it with water later i'd use the pen as a the pencil as a as a pan of watercolor this girl she was one of my most relevant ocs to me at least and her name was panda girl and she didn't give a [ __ ] that's it that's her whole motive she's kinda girl and she doesn't give a [ __ ] you know just a teenager projecting her personal issues onto their original characters nothing new to see here [Music] i mean these are still cute they have like a charm to them that i can't like ignore it's funny because i remember making each and every one of these and how i felt when making them oh my god i was as you might know i'm a really big vocaloid fan and this is kisaragi momo i'm surprised i remember her name she's a character from a vocaloid series called makakushi city wait no oh my god it's it's kagepro it's kagero project and i was just obsessed with that series this is luca and her just be friends outfit ah okay these are characters from a webtoon called girls of the wild which is still one of my favorite favorite of all time web comics i just really love it inaumori amu i remember being really proud of this one as well [Music] miku of course a lot of stuff i remember being really proud of this one as well and trying something different because i was being influenced by omokat's artwork at the time i was trying to do something more like huh would this look good on the shirt maybe and yeah oh here is trying to do some shading damn [Music] okay so here i didn't have like a really good notion of anatomy i was just trying to draw what i thought a body would look like um this was before i started looking at my own body for reference i really did not care she does not care she is so sassy so here we have some girls oh i think this one was before that last one that i showed you okay so i had bought um manga pen nibs because i was like okay i'm gonna be a mugger cup when i grow up but you know what's the funny thing i had this notion in my head that i would probably not become a mangaka and this was just a dream that i had when i was a child and that when i grew up that dream would either go away or turn into something else and i was right so it's interesting that i was so self-aware of that at such a young age i remember telling my mom oh these are ocs this is space girl space girl i saw a little eclipse oh my god it should be draw her anyways this is space girl and this is x she likes him and he likes her but they never told each other and blah blah this is her okay so i remember telling my mom that i wanted to be a mangaka when i grew up but i tell her not to worry because i would probably give up on that idea soon enough oh boy i was really into them this time and then i made space girl an older brother i drew them with my manga pen oh if you followed me on instagram throughout like 2013 to 2015 you saw all of these because i would post each and every one of these drawings i are cheap archived or achieved archived anyways i hid them all because i wanted my instagram to look a bit more professional this was also the way that i'd feel more comfortable drawing at the time like drawing eyes like this back then and drawing faces like this back then was my go-to you know i wasn't trying to force anything it was just like what came out the easiest oh god okay so this this one is from before those ones that i showed you because in these drawings i wasn't trying to develop a style i wasn't actively trying to so these are just gonna look a lot more like me trying to do what i thought was more right for like anime characters and not trying to put like some of my own personality into it so this is from the game double i was really proud of that one too miku of course with my manga fan gloomy from the the classy tactical fire extinguisher song i really liked um mambo mumble songs and mambonuande's artwork she's still one of my main inspirations by the way oh here's an ellis kind of inspired drawing i remember being really proud of this one too ah this was when luca had her birthday so i drew her receiving a birthday cake oh this is gumi i remember drawing this and being really really really proud of it too can you see this perspective oh my goodness i i was doing my best this is me again trying to draw a guy but fairly miserably because i once didn't practice at all and two i just didn't like drawing guys and i'm still like that oh i was really proud of this one too i thought her face looks so cute can you see i think it still looks cute oh this is from 2013. okay so i was either 13 or 14 years old when i drew this i remember being really proud of this one too she's cute but she looks stiff you know that's the problem with most of these drawings like they're cute but they're just stiff they have no dimension daughter of evil goomy god i i drew a lot of vocaloid huh this is me trying realism once again without any reference so of course it would look wonky oh this is me trying a different anime style this was one of my favorite vocaloids for a long time she still is like her voice bank is one of my favorites but miku and the krypton vocaloids are just so iconic nan and lan ren and bran i guess i don't know miku and luca i remember being really proud of this one because i give it some shading i i give some more details and she's running and there's some movement oh this is when i tried making my own vocaloid oc i think the skirt with the piano tiles i think it's cool she's looking right into your soul this was a phase that was really inspired by mark crilley so all my drawings will kind of have that same vibe he's playing in the rain gosh oh i remember being really proud of this page i was like oh my god i can draw anything this is the shoujo eye this is the the yugioh eye this was me trying to figure out different eyes just to prove to myself that i could i guess because really there was no point in doing this i wasn't practicing or anything it was just let me see how many eyes i can draw or like how many styles i can do oh here i was influenced by clump studio so here we're back to the phase where i was experimenting with having a an identity right emma girl i remember being really proud of this because she looked so cute i really liked her outfit this is when i also started getting really into kpop this was from 2014. thank you passed ways for signing a few of your drawings [Music] a lot a lot of vocaloid i don't know what this is but okay this was my first um instagram drawing that i posted this was literally the first drawing that i posted ever on instagram okay so i started posting on instagram on 2014. i was experimenting with a different shading style and i remember really liking this one i think she was an oc for like like what two weeks okay so here i started the series of the aguero project drawing so this is maddie these songs still slept by the way the kagetro songs still slap he was my he was my crush he was my crush for a while [Music] and with this oh boy trying this like shapely type of shading but i would see some artists do and i just went with it you know like you can see a lot of like shadow shapes around all over his body and in these drawings too like i was just i just went for it you know oh i was really proud of this one i was trying a different thing with this too okay so this is when i started watching killa kill which is my favorite anime of all time to this day and this is when i yeah continued to develop my little style that i was working on more girls of the wild and here i think i was starting to like draw bodies that were like not bodies that i thought bodies in drawings would were supposed to look like but drawings that i saw and i felt like drawing as look tummy tum tum oh this was an oc that i really liked i would draw her on halloween you see like from those drawings my anatomy was much better because i started getting i don't know like when i started looking at actual bodies there's some volume i really liked it it was really fun making my drawings feel real yeah that was fun i remember being really proud of this one i was like oh my god you use perspective you use like everything's more dynamic and i was really proud of this one you see oh my god you can see the the bottom of her shoe that's that's perspective 101 right here i remember being really proud of these ones even though they were just sketches i thought that like the poses and the anatomy was really good i can't draw boys okay i can't oh my god this is saloon from exo vocaloid vocaloid ah this one's cute this one's cute this post did numbers on instagram i remember it getting a lot of attention oh this one did numbers i remember this one really getting a lot of attention this is very relevant because it's from when i started posting my watercolor videos like my watercolor process videos and those blew up all the time like i got so so so many followers from doing these process videos i honestly don't think i would be where i am today if i didn't post those process videos because they really blew up my page people really liked them but then i got into like this internal conflict that people weren't following me for my art but for my drawing videos like for my painting videos because they were i don't know calming and asmr or something and i didn't want that i wanted people to follow me from my work and not for my videos being satisfactory content or anything like that so i stopped i stopped posting watercolor process videos see i was drawing bodies i was drawing like actual bodies still i wasn't looking at any references i was using my body as like a model and like adding fat and taking off fat in certain places and just experimenting with that i guess i had a lot of fun in this period i really did this was an april fool's joke the minion girl but people actually took it seriously and i was like wait no guys this is a joke this oh i was trying to do some some perspective here do you see this this for shortening this overlap damn these are joins with the manga nib and some blue ink these were two friends that i just made up on the spot and they're cute they're really cute oh i remember really liking this one i remember being so proud of this one because i did the hatching the shading the anyway she was just looking really good in my eyes i feel like i shouldn't be showing these drawings i know i feel like it's a very repetitive showing everything again is this is this boring to watch is this informative in any way i know this is something you guys have been asking like for the longest time i was doing sketch requests this day so this is suga this is kurapika and this is saitama we had this girl with the perspective and the shading and the hair and then we had this girl that i was really proud of i think this was the face where i was like experimenting with like okay so i can twist the proportions i can like make it look weird but if i make it look good while looking weird it's still cool like the mouth oh my god this let's just like the mouth doesn't have to be exactly below the nose so i was i was trying out style options i guess i remember being proud of this one this hipster boy and this is my boy paige i tried drawing some boys was i watching kuroko noboski here i think i was i remember really liking this miku drawing because it was like it had i don't know i had life to it because i was twisting the proportions and making it look interesting rather than anatomically accurate which is one of the things i learned and still take with me like i don't know how to explain this but prioritize the shapes and if it looks interesting rather than like anatomical accuracy i'm not telling you to like not study and completely ignore it but shapes like when you look at it does it look cool like does it look energetic does it look i don't know does it look cool so prioritize that over um anatomy and i mean that's what i started doing and that's when i really started having fun i guess you see this beautiful perspective and anatomy and knowledge of the fundamentals i remember my friends would make fun of me because the feet were so big [ __ ] leave me alone okay i'm drawing i'm learning come here and draw the feet then fix the feet yourself god damn it okay so [Music] i got copics one christmas and i was so happy so i think you'll see a lot of copic drawings here oh my god i really tried this one didn't i i remember being really proud of this one despite her legs being really really long and comparison to her body okay so i've been i've been a fan of like apocalyptic scenarios since i was a kid so this was like an apocalyptic [Music] that i had in my head [Music] this shimakaze i never watched this anime but she was cute so i drew her the pencil shading with the extremely long legs this is heavily inspired by girls of the wild because they're you know she's fighting and she looks basically exactly like queen and then this is a character that i made to go with the theme like she's she's kind of a tomboyish girl and she likes to punch people okay so i was trying more dynamic poses because it was reading girls of the wild right so they had a lot of cool poses and i found inspired if you can guess which ones like i'm referencing okay so this is one kpop envy this is another this is another and this is another and this is another but this is you get extra points if you can tell what this one is so here we have some more more more drawings oh killer kill i think this was in 2015. oh this is mako i really like this drawing of mako when i made it i felt so proud of myself here's a forbidden foreshortening this to me is the ultimate character design by the way makos um it was a three or two star i think it was a two star outfit anyways marco's two-star outfit was the pinnacle of character design to me really they're geniuses okay so this if you don't know this it's from an anime called ichigo one person 100 and it's one of my comfort animes it's it's an edgy harem anime but it reminds me of a time in my life that it makes me really nostalgic so it's one of my go-to comfort animes editing this video is gonna be so hard okay so this is from a time when i was growing really fast on instagram because i was posting these [Music] i wouldn't say generic drawings but they're the type of drawings that attract a lot of attention in social media and it doesn't necessarily mean they're good or bad but they're just this specific type of drawing i hope you know what i'm saying because a drawing being good and a drawing doing good in social media doesn't they don't mean the same thing oh my god okay new oc's alert so this is arjun and this is lily and lily likes arjun but arjun is too much of a of an airhead to notice that i think this yeah this wasn't an inktober i don't know i think it's like 2015 to 2016 so inktober if i'm not mistaken okay so this is more lily that oc that i talked about i really like this like plot these ocs are like my favorite oc universe i would say because i don't know i really thought about them this is more maddie from um kagero project and this is arjun being cute saying good morning and lily being oh my gosh hi aren't you like they're friends right so every time they're together anyways so this is lily's mom okay she is a translator and she's italian i think and she's a milf of course okay so this is a little comic i'm going to read it for you sorry i can't help you do you read today i forgot i had a date this is her friend which i think she'll show up soon and then her mom's like are you [ __ ] blind can't you see how much work i have to do and then she's like too noticeable to ignore like she can't ignore her roots and then she calls arjun and he comes and he's so prepared he's like it's okay i watch the couple youtube videos i can do this he's so cute i had so much fun making them look oh my god he he bought stuff he thought was necessary arjun you're an angel and this is lily's best friend well one of them because there's still one that i haven't showed yet but yeah she's anne and she's really cool oh she's so cute look at her look at her she's so cute and she's so energetic and she's the friend that's like anyways like i love her this is anne in another scenario but this is completely unlike her i was just trying a new painting style i guess and this is i think this is lily yeah i tried making like a an actual scenario with watercolors for once and this cat lamp is actually a cat lamp that i have and this is luca the second okay so there's the friend group there's lilian and luca this is luca he's waiting at a bus stop i didn't really like this drawing but here's luca all right okay so this this was another inktober and these are the type of drawings that do well on social media and especially instagram so these types of drawings they they made me get a lot of attention and this of course you guys know what it is it's plastic love and these are some ocs from my halloween series that really really blew up too and again the halloween ocs oh and this is when i was practicing for a painting that i did later [Music] these are some thumbnails so yeah these are all like pretty recent these are messy watercolors doodles i also posted a video making these and these are so ugly but you know you can't make pretty drawings without making ugly ones i guess and here i was experimenting a few expressions and trying out like different styles for making like more expressive faces i really liked doing this you can i trained a lot of like stylization and anatomy in these types of like sketchbooks so you can see like i try making stylized anatomy is what i'm practicing mostly here because i really wanted to get good at it to have like dynamic and fun drawings because that's what i want i want my drawings to be fun and dynamic fun and dynamic oh this i asked my boyfriend to draw some shapes for me and he drew these crazy ass shapes so i tried making characters out of them like you can literally do whatever you want it's so fun i really have a lot of fun like doing stuff like this because you can literally do whatever you want and what really matters is like perspective perspective over anatomy is what really like counts for stuff like this so you can see that i would draw the the boxes inside the bodies to like make sure they mesh the perspective and yeah stuff like this like these types of bodies also i always draw the human body naked and then i add clothes on top of them because that way to me i can have more certainty of what i'm doing this was when i was starting to like get comfortable with the idea of like um stylizing human anatomy so i was trying to learn a lot these were a couple studies of the artist nurzan bekaliev i think so i really admire the way that he draws bodies it's so good and apply it to my drawings [Music] like you see i was starting to get more comfortable with like messing up with human shapes and having more fun i guess okay so this was the sketchbook that i used to like brainstorm with my little honey baby concept if you don't know what connie baby honey baby is it's like a little personal project that i have with my boyfriend that these two badass girls they just basically dominate the world because they're really hot and confident and that's it so um this is these are the first like little sketches of honey i was still deciding on like what kind of style i would want to go for them like [Music] yeah i really like honey baby they really speak to me in a spiritual level this sketchbook is like a sketch dump basically and i also use it to learn some japanese see i was playing a lot with like proportions and stylies stylizing the human body i was using a lot of references from trigger studio studio trigger yeah the one that made kila kill and pantene stocking oh i really like these sketches so this is me applying what i learned from nurse on decalive and studio trigger and trying to make my my own little characters i really like how these turned out i have to go back to studying actually i was playing a lot with like perspective and different poses and drawing a motorcycle i guess now we're done and with this i finished my sketchbook tour thing um i really hope you guys liked it i like to take this time to each and every one of you even the like newest people that are just like subscribing right now are like following me on instagram right now but mainly like the people who have been supporting me ever since like those really really old sketches like if you recognize some of those old stuff some of those old sketches like i'm so happy because i know there's a lot of people that follow me that support me on all social media that like they say like oh my god i've been here i've been following you since like i was 15 and now i'm in college and i'm like oh my god are you for real ah thank you so much i really couldn't feel like more grateful to you guys because i really really wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you and i don't know this was a little nostalgic adventure but i really hope you liked it and that it was hope i mean it was helpful to you in any way shape or form um i know it's a video that you guys have been requesting for the longest time so it's finally here and yeah thank you so so much for watching and for supporting my work throughout all these years and i don't know hopefully for many more to come right thank you for watching bye bye wow so many sketchbooks [Music]
Channel: milkywaes
Views: 667,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tO0q2iiFY9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 40sec (2440 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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