Sketchbook tour! Feb-july2021

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sorry for my absence i'll explain at the end of the video but i'm just going to go ahead and get on with it just in case anyone's just here to watch the sketchbook so this is the first page i put a bunch of like pictures that i liked and i got them out of national geographic and i just stuck them in here and there's some washi tape and a little karobe sticker because he's my favorite and then this was my old room i actually recently moved again i'll get to that at the end of the video uh just enjoy this for now there's me i'm actually really proud of like the perspective kind of this is my favorite drawings in here and i kind of pushed my comfort zone a little bit by you know doing all like the detail in the background kind of mecha vibes it's kind of what i was going for i think like mega junkyard you know i think i achieved it i think i got it the only part i don't like about this is the water this is the next page um i did some human skull studies and then some dog school studies and a dog skeleton and then i drew my dogs at the time uh [ __ ] and odie and they were just sleeping and i'm so sorry this drawing looks so scary like this one's fine this one terrifying my page party oh my god that's not my page how did this how did this get in there i'm i'm not gay i found these like pictures these like old vintage pictures you know some some fruity stuff and i was like you know i want to draw these because these are really cute i really like this one i like the way it turned out i mean i like both of them but you know so this is one of my favorite pages i had this dream about this like meat train thing and it was basically in my dream i was with the guy okay so he was an angel in my dream and he was like a totally different character but he looked just like the guy mr fischoeder from bob's burgers that's all there is to say about that uh but there was this big like floating thing and it was kind of scary but it was also really calming at the same time so i remembered it so vividly that i just decided to drive then i did some hand studies i believe that i got a lot of these from the website it's like one of my favorite they recently added features to where you can um draw expressions and hands it's basically a reference website and you can do speed drawing and you know sessions of like however long you choose you know it's really fun you should check it out drew some people on pinterest i kind of butchered them but like you can't tell it's fine i mean you can kind of tell with that person but you know it's fine and then i drew eyeballs because i'm just um really basic well let's get myself a paper cut then i went to cracker barrel and no one was wearing a mask but i really like this drawing of this lady i think i did very good on her and i like the strong of this guy he looked really like upset when he came in but like not in like a sad way he just kind of looked grumpy also no one was wearing a mask and then this page was kind of blank so i just filled it in with some line of action sketches oh yeah another thing some pages in this sketchbook aren't as finished as i would like them to be you know how i like to have my sketchbook but you know it's okay i had a rough few months but this is my character jinx i was gonna do a full body of him right here but it didn't work out quite the way i wanted to and come to think that it's kind of dark over here i'm gonna go turn on my light um next page this is my niece her name's brandi and i love her so much she's got really scary eyes though but it's okay you'll see her a lot in the sketchbook because she's just really easy to draw i just really like drawing her and i figure hey when she like gets older i'll be like look at all these pictures i drew of you as a baby i'm such an artiste and she'll be like wow you're such an artiste and i'll be like i know anyway so this is the first one i did of her i don't like it as much as the others but i still like it this is a picture that i drew of her um she stole a piece of pizza at her birthday party it was her first birthday and i just snapped this picture of it was really cute so i drew it and then this was a picture that i took of her on snapchat and the lighting was really good and i was like you know what i'm just gonna like take advantage of this and make it look like she's uh in a political campaign so another character she actually really liked this page even though there's like nothing here i just really am in love with this drawing this is my character andy um there's not really much else to say if you want to like see more of my characters and stuff i post a lot of my character art to um my instagram at ultramay art so self promotion but anyway this is andy this is her again i wanted to draw her in some different clothes than usual here she is with jinx another one of my characters that you saw earlier this uh this drawing in particular was really fun to do okay and that's me oh my god um i know you guys haven't seen my face on here but uh if you follow my instagram you've probably seen my face because i'm not really that secretive about it but um i think i did like really good with this i'm really proud of this drawing um and then i did some figure study drawings of this guy once again from line of action because that's like the best resource i have right now um there's no life drawing classes near me but uh if you have any websites that are like this website like you know just a bunch of references and stuff please like tell me because i want to like find some more just to you know broaden my um visual gallery i guess the next page has naked people on it but it's it's fully for um artistic reasoning so please don't um take my video down youtube okay so here's me with my dog her name's [ __ ] and i got our new collar in the you know we match now because i got my spy collar and she's got her studded collar because she'd be too stupid with spice she'd kill herself anyway and i did this little flip thing because i saw someone else doing it in their sketchbook and i was like oh that's so cute and i kind of want to implement more of those in my neighbor sketchbook whenever i get it and then you open this uh for some uh butts for some really juicy butts here's some more drawings in my dog and then naked drawings and then i drew my little persona here anyway um i did some storyboards this is another page that was unfinished but um you know what are you gonna do about it uh i was going to do another board on this page just to kind of you know go with this one but i never got around to doing it so you know so i just stayed with my grandparents for a while and i was just in their back bedroom and i was like let me just draw it so i just drew their back bedroom and then i put a bunch of drawings of brandy over it later because what i'll do a lot of times is i'll draw something on a page and i'll be like you know what this doesn't have the kind of pizzazz that i want you know i'll save it for later and then i'll come back and i'll draw something on top of it i'm really proud of this um this i drew this whenever i was living with my friend for a while um and i drew it just like in colored pencils without any sketch or anything beforehand and i'm just really proud of that cow and then i like these cows too but i kind of wish i hadn't have colored this one because like i like him but you know he just doesn't fit the vibe he doesn't fit the bottom of the rest of the page but it's okay so i also drew on some tracing paper that i've had for a while i didn't trace these i just really like drawing on tracing paper because i don't know it just kind of feels like i really don't know it's just kind of liberating to me but i drew some cows and then i drew my friend's uh hedgehog his name's ravioli and he's really he's he's really cute but he's kind of grumpy i did this drawing to um map out like the um undertones of the face because i saw this drawing online of someone doing the undertone to the face and i was like i want to do that because i really need to memorize that i think it'd be good for coloring so i drew him and i think he has very kind eyes i love the way he looks i want to give him a little kiss right here on the cheek and i really like drawing noses so i gave him a nice big old nose um and i thought you know he kind of looks like he would make me pizza he kind of looks italian so he's just um a happy little italian man i think yeah yeah he's a happy i i hope he's happy but his eyes kind of hold some sadness in there this was the page where i officially stated that i was living mia um so i drew some of the squirrels and stuff and the birds uh outside her house because she lives in the woods like no no [ __ ] it's like a kind of like a tree house it's like on stilts and everything it's kind of cool and then i drew her tomato and you're a dog he's really ugly but i love him and he can't really see his name's pikachu because he's a pekingese as you were cat and i'm kind of scared that people on tick tock would simp over her cat i don't know they're just weird like that and it just kind of feels like the vibe that they would get from him especially this drawing and then i drew a dog curly uh and also look at all these four leaf clovers that she found isn't that crazy she found that in like two days oh uh pay your respects by the way so then we have white people talking night i stayed with them for a long while i'm really grateful um to have such a good friend and to have my friends family be so like such good people but um that's that for now but we had white people talk at night and it was really good here's my tacos here's uh my friend's veggie plate and you're my friend and she has like a a loft area like you go upstairs and the loft's exposed and you can like look down so i drew her looking up at me and she looks kind of scary because the lighting was like really dramatic but you know what it's okay and then i drew her dad uh but his face didn't quite come out right so i just covered it with a polaroid next page we went on a trip to georgia to see some of mia's family and i drew what i like my perspective from the car and i really love this page i just really like how i like colored this in red but like left the car blue i don't know it's kind of cool looking to me and i drew mia i'm real i really love this drawing too i just i really like this page in particular it's one of my favorite pages in the book and then we went to um outback i had outback for the first time did not like it yeah i didn't like it that much my cheeseburger was dry but i drew my friend's dad's leg i drew some people walking like her family members people in outback and you know i just this is just a life drawing page pretty much and then uh her uncle had some goats and so i drew his goats this one's tippy this one's carlos uh that's carlos again that's lacy and then the other one's name god i don't remember the other one's name i'm sorry anyway um i left this page blank this space right here blank and i came back to it um a long while later so this particular area was when i was at my brother's house um this is his girlfriend i haven't showed her this yet i i kind of want to but i feel like it'd be creepy um and this is their dog i think i did a really good job on that too this is brandy again but i gave her more hair because she she doesn't have a lot she's got kind of a big head not enough hair and that's my dad but i gave him a really scary face because he kept moving his face and i couldn't get it right so i was like you know i might as well just um do that okay and this is when i graduated from high school i drew this a few days after i graduated um this is a picture of me on graduation i kind of drew my face a little chubbier than it is in real life but it's it's okay it's okay and then i drew myself really ugly did a little passage about how my graduation went uh my friend dustin bought me an apple juice and then that's dustin by the way he's the only good one in this drawing because i messed up on myself after i drew him and i was like you know what i'm going to draw the rest of these [ __ ] oakley because if i'm ugly they got to be ugly too and dustin's cut out so it doesn't matter if he looks good there it's fine and this is the drawing my sister did of me and i colored it i don't know why she drew me like that i'm not that snatched oh i love this page so this is um based off a polaroid that i took whenever mia was grabbing my face in anger did a really good job on this one it's one of my favorite drawings and i put feet above us because we stanky this drawing is my brother-in-law uh with his spiked hair i just done liberty spikes on him and my niece again uh somehow i managed to draw her head too big which is honestly a feat because that baby has a big head and then i drew her in her little dress and that's mia's horse this is one of the last drawings that i did at her house and i left her house and i painted over this page red and i did some studies from the beach because i moved to panama city um i liked that study that old lady was just chilling there's brandy again in her little strawberry bathing suit and uh yeah that's pretty much all i got to say about this page just figure studies it's a clown i drew i really like the design of the clown i might draw it again later because i just really like the idea of the stripes it reminds me of that uh children's book about the girl with the stripes i drew some palm trees and then i did some studies of my own hand well no these weren't of my own hand that's another page this is a line of action hands i drew an ashtray i drew brandy eating chorizo and eggs and i made her look really dopey right there but it's okay i really wanted to get how messy she was because man she was making a mess but she was feeding the dogs too so i drew that i drew some coke tabs and stuff okay this is kind of when i started to lose steam in the sketchbook but this is the page with my hands so there was this water bottle on the page and i was like well let me just draw like water bottles so that's my hand that's my hand and these are just water bottles from the page uh more naked people so here's your warning it's figure studies from um line of i really hope this video doesn't get taken down it's like for real my favorite website um this is the expression practice that i've done on there i didn't really focus on like their actual like face shapes too much so i had a little bit of fun with them especially this one um i mostly just focused on getting the expression and i think i got it pretty good and i drew like um the stuff that was around me on the table because this kind of seemed negative like had a lot of negative space i mean i don't know why i said it like that so i drew my sticky pad i drew pins i drew my fat sharpie tape dispenser all that jazz this is a comic slash storyboard question mark about um how much i hate drawing buildings in case you haven't noticed i haven't drawn any buildings and i don't think any of my sketchbook tours i really need to get on it i know but i just i just hate it i hate it so much oh you can pause that to read it if you want oh also i got a mohawk a random lady that i drew through my brother-in-law's hand um here's some balloon animals because i found a popcorn that looked just like a balloon dog and it like looks so much like a balloon dog i was like whoa brother-in-law look at this popcorn that looks just like a balloon dog and he's like wow that's crazy i gotta take a picture of that so he took a picture of that and i was like dude send that to me that's the sickest [ __ ] i've ever seen in my entire life and he was like i got you i'll send it to you and so he sent it to me and i was like oh i gotta draw this now so i drew it i'm gonna draw my dog [ __ ] because i love drawing her because she's so stupid looking and i love her so much more figure studies more hand studies i've been working a lot on those i think i'm really making progress you can see this one was one minute one minute 30 seconds two minutes three minutes etcetera etcetera three minutes um and the hands same same there i don't like my like birth name so i'm covering this up anyway this is a good uh drawing my sister made for me it really speaks to the soul i would say it's really um deep and it takes you a minute to like really get the vibe of like the emotions in this piece but you know anyway um so this is my drawing of uh humanized princess caroline because i love bojack horseman it's my favorite tv show or my favorite cartoon at the very least uh here's just some doodles i did because again i was losing steam and then that's the last page and then i just did a doodle of myself here i finished it on july 10th 2021 and i don't remember when i started this book god i need to start writing them down but it was in 2021 i know that anyway thank you so much for watching my tour um now here's the life update so here's the reason why i've been gone for so long long story short also sorry my room looks bad i haven't really unpacked it yet long story short my family made sure uh plans to move to florida and my mother was gonna go along but my mother's kind of a bad person um she's never really been good to me or my sisters and so we had a big falling out um she kicked me out and i lived my friend for a few months my friend didn't have wifi so i couldn't really post much she had like a hot spot but i was i didn't want to use too much of it up because that was the only wi-fi i had really um but now after those few months are over i'm here in florida with my brother-in-law and sister as originally planned so it kind of worked out for me in the in the long run so things are actually better now than they were so like don't you don't have to be like oh i'm so sorry are you okay like i appreciate it but i i am i'm fine i'm actually better than ever so that's all i really wanted to say thank you so much for the like continuous support that this channel has gotten i didn't expect it to get so much support but you know it's gotten a lot of traction and i really appreciate it it really makes me feel good about myself you're inflating my ego and for that i thank you so much um i'm gonna let you go though i have to go there's a screaming baby that i need to take care of so bye for now i hope you tune in to my next sketchbook tour
Channel: Altermay Art
Views: 26,881
Rating: 4.9841752 out of 5
Keywords: Sketchbook, Sketchbook tour, Art, Art youtuber, Drawing, Sketchbooks, Art tour
Id: MkR0SczAaT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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