Skateboarding's Most Interesting Characters

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[Music] one of the coolest things about skateboarding is that it's full of interesting characters unlike team sports skateboarding allows you to show off your individuality and your personality because of this skateboarding has some very unique characters what's up guys my name is Levi this is shred shop connect you to skateboarding and today we're talking about skateboarding's most interesting characters so in this video we're going to talk about skateboarding clowns skaters turn celebrities skaters who went from homeless to Hollywood crazy retirements and some other wild ones this is a new type of content for us so let us know below do you love it do you hate it and is there anyone we missed now let's talk about some Legends first up Keith kirchart might be the most interesting man at skateboarding during his lengthy career he pushed the boundaries of what was possible on a skateboard skating some of the biggest spots with the smoothest most laid-back style he also took some of the hardest slams ever caught on film he's as famous for his pyrotechnics and his stunt work as he is for skateboarding he's the first Dude to hit El Toro and he drove down in a van he was the face of America for years after his stint on hookup shoes and even during his legendary Escape career there's folklore of him delivering pizzas owning vending machines and working weird side jobs he finishes off his career with a standout America part where he backside 360s the mega ramp with a broken collarbone after he bows out a skateboarding he starts doing dangerous travel missions around the world he rose the Sea of Cortez bicycles across America and climbs Al capitec if you want to know more watch his amazing epically later episode in 2007 an unknown Brazilian kid shows up at Tampa and with his father he knows no English and his dad sold their family car in order to buy two tickets to Tampa Florida this kid Felipe Gustavo he starts skating at seven years old and drops out of soccer he goes to all the Brazilian contests and places well at Alden he goes to one that it's a circuit and first place is fifteen hundred dollars and all expenses paid to Tampa and he gets paid the fifteen hundred dollars but they never pay his trip to Tampa so when he shows up to Tampa and with his dad he's not registered and the contest is full for the few days before the contest he still shows up and skates the park finally they allowed us get the qualifiers on the Friday he is a Flawless running gets a Golden Ticket straight to the finals he Nails his run in the finals ends up getting first in the hardest contest to win on Earth other people that are with him in the finals were Sean Malto Evan Smith David Gonzalez Grant Taylor and figgy after that day his life changes forever he gets picked up by Plan B and he moves straight to California and the rest is history he's now prone for Plan B and Adidas he represented Brazil at the world's first skateboarding Olympic event and he owns an acai Bowl shop in Los Angeles the boss Andrew Reynolds Andrew Reynolds picks up a skateboard at age nine and starts skating in Lakeland Florida in his teens he gets a call from Tony Hawk asking him to ride for birdhouse he leaves Florida for California to start filming for the video the end after the end comes out he wins Thrasher skater of the year and he blows up in popularity he gets moved from Andy's to America and gets his first pro model shoot in 2000 Reynolds starts Baker skateboards with export house team manager Jay Strickland the make a baker video with loose end Cliffs and stuff that was too rough for The Birdhouse video after the success of the video Andrew Reynolds approach is Tony Hawk and pair willender the founders of birdhouse he says either I'm leaving and taking a bunch of guys with me or you help me start a company and so Baker is founded Under The Birdhouse umbrella Blitz distribution outside of the skateboard accomplishments he's also famous for his OCD which has been dubbed the madness good I don't know all right yeah are you good yep yep right here all right ready yep here we go are you ready yep are you gonna minor yep we've seen as epically later an episode with Patrick O'Dell that he's obsessed with the number three doing everything three times like locking the door three times tapping the wall three times he even started a fashion footwear company called 333 he still owns Baker and Baker Boys distribution and he's recently been added to New Balance Footwear he recently teased on a story that he's designing a pro shoot let's talk about the only skater ever named skater of the century by Thrasher Steve cab gets picked up at a young age by Stacy Peralta to be added to the Bones Brigade he's skating in soccer pads and a hockey helmet at the time in 1980 he goes Pro for Paul perelta his first board is a weird military propeller graphic for a second he asked for a better graphic and gives him his sketch of a dragon Cav is born in the Chinese year of the dragon iconic artist bcj reimagines the sketch for a second graphic although he's been wearing Vans since the 70s it wasn't until 87 that Vans offered him a contract they offer him 800 a month and the chance to design a pro shoe they design in the Caballero high top which street skaters start cutting down into what today we know as the half cab it's the longest running skate shoe of all time even if this was his only contribution he would be an icon but there's more he was an actor in thrashing police academy and escape from El Diablo he's been on the cover of Snowboarder magazine he's been at the front board and the cavalario set world records for longest board slide and highest air is featured in the Tony Hawk Pro Skater series as in the skateboarding Hall of Fame John Rodney Mullen is born August 17 1966 in Gainesville Florida he starts skateboarding at the age of 10 after getting aboard on New Year's Day his dad was against skateboarding because he said that he was going to hurt himself so Rodney was forced to wear full pads he was given the nickname the mutt because of his raggedy hair and his small dog-like appearance Rodney was a protege or a wonderkin he won his first world championships at the age of 14. beating number one freestyle skateboarder Steve Rocco at the time he gets approached by Stacy Peralta to join the Bones Brigade he goes Pro and then goes on to win 34 of the 35 contests that he enters in his career he's credited with inventing the most skateboard tricks of all time this includes but is not limited to the flat ground Ollie the kickflip the heel flip 360 Flip switch three flip half cap flip backside flip and many more he lets out standout video Parts with Plan B almost and Globe over the years La magazine called him one of the hundred most influential people of all time he's in the skateboard Hall of Fame and he's on transworld's list of the most influential skateboarders of all time the legend Naja Houston Leo Romero lovingly calls Nigel Houston the evil little villain of the skateboard world driving around a super car and living in his Mansion Lair but it wasn't always like that he was raised a strict Rastafarian by his father him and his brothers were raised on a vegan diet they were homeschooled and skateboarding was really their only Outlet his brothers were also sponsored skateboarders but they ended up giving up and at the age of 10 Nigel's parents end up buying an indoor skateboard he blows up and him and his brother both end up on an element his dad moves his entire family to Puerto Rico with not just money causing tension between the family and his sponsor he Parts ways with element and his dad starts ionized skateboards the brand was a flash in the pit not just parents end up splitting up and his mom moves back to California so he doesn't see her for a year eventually he moves back to California with his mom and ends up back on Element Skateboards this Begins the resurrection of his career he lives such a sheltered lifestyle that he didn't try ice cream till the age of 16. nowadays he has a truckload full of X Games medals he's the most winningest skater in Street Lake history has the biggest Nike SB contract on Earth and keeps getting snubbed for Saudi not only has he won pretty much every contest but unlike most contest skaters he also has a huge resume of amazing video Parts he said Pro shoes with Nike and DC and recently came back from ACL surgery in June 2021 he announces that he's leading his longtime sponsor of Element Skateboards to start disorder skateboards the future is looking bright for naija but we have to ask do you ever think he's going to add that Saudi trophy to his trophy case let us know below if you guys like our videos we love you make sure you like subscribe and comment if you're on other platforms so are we at shred shop and at Levi Switzer let's talk about my favorite skateboarder the Muska Chad Muska you know you're a big deal when people add the in front of your name musco grew up poor and his family traveled a lot by the time he was in grade six he had already gone to 12 different schools when he gets into skateboarding he moves from his family home in Arizona to San Diego where he ends up homeless and pursuing a skateboard career he reads from Maple skateboards briefly before Jamie Thomas picks him up to ride for Toy Machine he joins the star-studded crew of JT at Templeton Alyssa Steamer Brian Anderson and Mike Maldonado after getting given last part in toy machines welcome to hell he has a few too many adult beverages and ends up getting kicked off toy machine at the premiere while he's kicking around looking for a new board sponsor Tony from Shorty's Hardware hits him up he said thinking of starting a new board brand called shorty skateboards and he flies musk out to Santa Monica he offers them a ton of money and a ton of creative control Muska goes with shorties even though he was being pursued by flip skateboards at the time they launched shorty skateboards and they had Peter's smallest Brandon Turner and Steve Olson to the team at this time Muska is blowing up in the Skate World in 1998 he lets out his legendary fulfill a dream part his last part and is often viewed as his best part of his career in 1909 he leaves s and JB Thomas leaves audio and they form Circle Footwear it's a pivotal point in his career we see Muska blowing up bigger than ever also in 99 we see him added to a small video game release called Tony off Pro Skater this is obviously life-changing money and fame for the Muska in 2005 musko leaves Circa to start super Footwear with longtime friend Angel kabada less than a year later he also leaves shorties to ride for element this Begins the third phase of Chad Muska at this point he designs the iconic Skytop shoot which was originally clowned but ended up blowing up among celebrities and mainstream culture around this time his personality becomes bigger than a skating in the 2010s he's dating celebrities partying in Hollywood nightclubs and getting arrested throwing a screen he's had a wild amount of accomplishments he's on transworld's list of most influential skateboarders of all time in 2020 is inducted in the skateboard Hall of Fame in 2021 he moves back to Ohio where he was born and starts living on a farm and here we see the final phase of the Muska cream Capital was born in Harlem New York but moved and spent most of his childhood in La he's the Perfect Blend of both coasts and he brought La in New York together in the brands that he created at a young age he gets picked up by Rocco to join the World Industries team he gets a park in New World Order which really puts him on the map in the skateboard world he also gets a part in Trilogy alongside Legends like Gino Jason Dill Marcus McBride day one song Ronnie Krieger and Clyde Singleton under the World Industries umbrella he also starts men escape this is a raw skateboard company that explodes in the skateboard World unfortunately after a few years they have to change their name due to copyright issues and they rename it MNC the trademark lawyer says it isn't enough of a change until a force to change a name again they change it to All City skateboards they run it for a while before Russell Simmons the owner of fat Farm also sends him a season to sit because he owns the name all City apparel fourth tries a charm they change it City Stars City stars comes out around the same time that Tony Rob pro skater starts and the brand explodes also under the world industry's umbrella he starts a footwear company action he bases the logo off a Delta Airlines logo and he says that the three triangles represent the three pillars of the brand Kareem Gino and Mariano in his career he also made famous the trick the ghetto bird he recently had a guest model with Plan B that featured his City Stars chain and in 2021 he's inducted to the skateboard Hall of Fame Tony Hawk is born in 1968 in San Diego California he grows up playing baseball and at nine years old his brother gives him a skateboard and he instantly gives up every other sport he turns pro at 14 and by age 16 he's won so many contests that everyone considers him the best skater on planet Earth by age 17 skateboarding is exploding and he's making over a hundred thousand dollars a year he buys his first home in 1989 he's in the Hollywood film Gleaming the Cube as the Pizza Hut guy in the 1990s skateboarding takes a huge dive and Hawk takes a huge pay cut and goes back to being poor he's doing demos at amusement parks just to make a hundred dollars a day in 1994 he breaks his ribs trying a 900 in 1999 summer X Games Hawk lands the very first ever 900. this is huge for skateboarding and huge PR for Tony Hawk a few months later Tony Hawk's Pro Skater video game is released it's one of the highest selling video games of all time he later starts the Tony Hawk foundation with 125 thousand dollars that he won on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire they have built over 900 skate parks worldwide in 1992 he starts birdhouse skateboards in 2022 at age 53 he breaks his femur and now he's back stronger than ever when we talk about skateboard personalities there's none wilder than Jim Greco he's such a personality that in his 2001 transfer Pro Spotlight they have to include a glossary to explain on the slang he was using he's been on notable teams like birdhouse hookups zero and he eventually left to co-star Death Wish skateboards with Eric Ellington he set parts and misled youth Asian goddess Baker bootleg Baker 3 the Death Wish video and many more he also had multiple Pro Models on Vans before leaving to co-star super Footwear in October 2014 he found another company Hammer skateboards quarter snacks did a great job at documenting the timeline of Greco on their website it shows us phases of almost 30 years from birdhouse Greco Punk Greco Glam Greco to Jim cassavides in 2007 he co-founds Baker Boys distribution and fun fact he's an extra in the movie Street dream in 2007 a video of a little girl in a 2-2 skateboarding goes viral after Tony Hawk tweets it he says I don't know anything about it but it's amazing the little girl gets dubbed the skate fairy and it's more than just a cute video the trick is very well done it's crazy to think that this quirky viral video is actually a glimpse into the future of female skateboarding raisal started skating at the age of six in Brazil cost me on the comments for pronunciation Raisa exploded onto the scene being the most winning lady at Street League winning gold at X Games and at pretty much every contest possible and then she goes viral again when she takes on the silver medal of the Olympics at the age of 13. at the Olympics she was once again capture the hearts of the world but this time as a teenager with tons of celebrities posting photos and videos of her online people like Messi Brazilian soccer Legend Neymar and even Oprah she also got featured in tons of magazines and news outlets the biggest being Vogue Brazil during the Olympics her social media blew up more than any other athlete growing millions of followers on Facebook and Instagram overnight in May 2022 she's announced as Pro for April skateboards this goes along with her already huge Nike SB deal it's hard to imagine what's to come from this girl but it seems that she becomes more and more dominant on a skateboard every year Tyshawn Jones is the most prolific skateboarder of the 2000s he was born in 98 in New York City as a kid he catches the eye of the shop guys at Supreme it starts going on filming with Bill strobeck at that time he gets flow for Toy Machine in America but when the Supreme Cherry video drops he becomes a skateboard celebrity overnight and he lands himself on fa and Adidas not long after in 2018 he lets out his crazy part in Supreme blessed and he's the last person that gets personally handed The Thrasher skater of the Year award by Jake Phelps it's interesting to note that he's straight at she doesn't drink smoke or party really and it's a very goal-oriented driven individual he'll often go out at like 4am in New York before people are roaming around to get Clips he became a playable character in the Tony Hawk Pro Skater series recently in 2022 he leaves that fate to start King skateboards he gets the last part in Supreme play dead and he wins Saudi 2022 for a second time he's gained celebrity status in and out of skateboarding he's modeled for Tiffany and Cole but in Kendrick Lamar music videos and recently done BMW commercials the crazy thing is he feels like he's just getting started he's so young if you're ever in New York check out his restaurant tastes so good it makes you want to slap your mom skateboarding is all about marketability and one skater that took that to a whole new level is Simon Woodstock there's a reason that he's been out of the industry for decades and we're still here talking about it although he's famous for all the goofy stuff that he did he started out with a real list of legit sponsors who wrote for Black Label Spitfire Thunder and vans with also a brief stint on Airwalk there's a time when he was going to contests and he felt like he was the most average skater there so he thought how do I Stand Out Among the crowd he started skating the contest Barefoot and noticed that he started getting better scores he takes it up a level he shows up in a next contest wearing a wetsuit and skating a boogie board deck he also always Wallenberg on the skimboard setup after Black Label won't turn him Pro he moves over to Sonic skateboards and the Antics get crazier and crazier he skates as a clown skate surfboards snowboards toilet boards the five boards and has his famous fish bowl Big Brother cover he eventually gets a pro shoe for Vans which costs so much backlash because people said he didn't deserve it at the time he gets in some serious beef with Steve Rocco and eventually bows out of the skateboard industry seemingly overnight there's a few stories floating around out there on why Simon Woodstock let the skate industry what are your thoughts on Simon Woodstock let us know below these these are just a few of our favorites if you like this series let us know below if we should do some more and who your favorite skateboard character is guys I'm Levi this is directshop connect you to skateboarding and we just looked at skateboarding's most interesting character stay tuned for comment of the week oh we got some spicy ones for you my guys comments of the week it's from My Dog Ben Trujillo and my dog soubi racer 05 who's the true author we are unsure it was on our video of band boards collaboration between music and skateboarding they said somehow I just knew Levi would be a Nickelback fan dot dot dot dot dot one of them copied and pasted on the other one but listen that would be my favorite collaboration Dark Star Nickelback let's go
Channel: Shredz Shop
Views: 66,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nj1r1N2tHZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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