How to make a Mini Ramp (DIY Halfpipe)

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one of my goals as in petaled has been to build an actual mini ramp in the backyard someday and we did it I was a little hesitant about the lunar giant halfpipe in our backyard at first but now that it's there it's actually really cool : plays on it all the time and so far - hasn't broken anything so this is definitely one of those times where I may have had to like convince Jamie that this project was it was a good idea but I'm glad you liked it if you're watching this chronologically right now jamie is like five months pregnant so you don't see her as much carrying boards around and getting all up in the sawdust this time yeah we had made a video in like four months that's the reason why finally feeling good and now we're back I had a pretty good idea of how they work and how to build them but we did need to figure out you know like where are we gonna put it how big is it gonna be in that kind of stuff so we looked at a bunch of inspiration online and drove some plans which you can get in the description below and remember if you do like the video hit that like button subscribe hit the little bells so you know when we're making stuff all those things let's get to so the mini ramp is going in the back corner of our backyard and luckily we had this nice brick pad in the back that was just randomly there so we were able to use that as a nice foundation for about half of the halfpipe for the rest of it we dug holes in the other corners and put cement footings in there with some gravel underneath and use those for the foundation now in a perfect world the whole thing would just sit on a super flat level concrete pad but our yard is far from that so we use the footings like Jamie said to kind of get the four corners of it all kind of leveled out and even and then in the other areas we're gonna use concrete pavers just kind of on top of the grass to support the weight the first thing we're building for the project are the transitions these are the things on the side that help determine the curvature of the ramp we're actually building four quarter pipes for this project which meant we needed eight plywood transition pieces the way you cut the curvature is you line up a couple of sheets and you basically determine a pivot point and then we put a screw in there and we attach a piece of string that we cut to the same length of the radius of our curve which for us was six feet then we attach a pencil to it and then you just sort of draw a line that matches the curve you want to use we then measure and Mark out the rest of the transition pieces and we are going to get two of them from a single sheet of 3/4 inch plywood we can then easily cut everything out with a jigsaw we did that for one piece and then used that as a template to copy the same exact curve onto the rest of the boards with all eight transition pieces cut the next step was to trim up our two by fours to frame out the quarter pipes so the ramp is exactly 12 feet wide and it's broken up into two quarter pipes one of which is exactly 8 feet and the other one's exactly 4 feet so we basically had to mark and cut a whole bunch of two by fours and then we were able to begin framing enough so we chose the 8 foot in the 4-foot size because that was just the most efficient use of materials the two by fours are 8 feet long so come in half that gives us a nice wobbly but we'll fix that but take care of that all right this is a good milestone we got one done we need to do three more of these and then a whole bunch of other stuff and but this is cool this is a great milestone to assemble these you start with the four corners and you get it all squared up and screw it in and then you take your two by fours and you put them every eight inches transition [Music] [Music] once we got our massive quarter pipes and then roughly the place we wanted them to be we bolted them together then we took a little bit of time and made sure that they were level and squared up which we got there one of those projects where it's like it's just so big that I was continually surprised when things weren't totally messed up but once we got the quarter pipes exactly where they were gonna go we built the flatland kind of section in between them and lined up great on the top corner of our quarter pipes is not and then that notch we've had a big metal pipe called the coping the pipe is 2 inch outer diameter which is bigger than any of the local hardware stores carried for us we actually had to go to a metal supply store and special order the pipe and then we had to drill like a million holes in it to actually attach it into the quarter pipe now if you're going to be drilling holes in metal it's better to use a nice high quality drill bit mini for drilling metal if you can't weigh with the others but it is terrible a sound and it takes forever and so we got the pipes we got them custom cut to 12 feet apiece and then we had to put holes every two feet or so to make sure that they were super secure there's a hole on the front which is 3/8 inch diameter and that's big enough for the head of the drill and then there's a hole in the back which is 3/16 and that's big enough for the screw itself so we basically got it all in place kind of rotated it screwed it all in and went on like a charm installing the plywood deck near the round it's probably the only part of this project where you really really need two people to help so luckily my dad offered you basically need two humans because one human has to put their weight onto the plywood to bend it to the transition while a second human goes by and screws it all in and that's probably the most common question we got do you think about through the whole build was how do you bend the plywood and basically it's pretty easy because you get 3/8 inch plywood which is really kind of bendy and then you just push it into place and screw it we use two layers of plywood and each layer was offset from the one below it just to make sure that all the screws didn't end up in the same place it definitely took us like a whole day solid day to get all the plywood down it was pretty easy just took a while and then like right towards the end of the day it started to rain which was not good this was kind of the beginning of our rain adventure for the next week or two through a tarp over it waterproof for some reason we got some plywood damaged the next day we pulled the tarp off kind of fixed to the plywood as best we could and then moved on to the final layer that goes on top our original plan for the final layer was to use masonite now we go this is a really really terrible outdoor material but we were gonna cover the whole thing and like a nice waterproof decking finish and it was gonna be fine it was gonna be fine mate maybe but before we could get our beautiful waterproof finish on and read against another surprise rain by the way we're actually pretty good planners but it's like oh no rain for five days and then it rains every day it's like that kind of stuff we covered it with a tarp and we thought it was gonna be okay and then the next morning we took the carp off it's not okay it was not definitely not okay all the masonite was totally destroyed it was like waves I was so angry that I didn't film any of it and we went back to the store and decided on a plan B which was to put a hard wood bamboo really really thin eighth inch plywood on the top as the final layer the final layer of plywood goes on diagonally this is so when you're riding over the ramp you're not hitting a line like you're hitting like I mean that's true though that's exactly why because when when the seams are diagonal the two wheels never had a seam at once it's a more comfortable ride it's a whole thing but yeah so another thing we did since this is an outdoor ramp is we made sure there was a gap between each of the sheets and this is to account for any expansion that happens when it's humid so that way it doesn't we live in Texas and the humidity changes by like 80% like every day so we have to do stuff like that depending on where you live might not be important but having those little expansion gaps is usually good idea [Music] [Music] so we learned our lesson from the masonite now when we put our final layer of plywood on we left enough time to paint it we use an exterior house paint and we actually use the gray that matches the same color as our house so that it would kind of fit in the yard a little bit better and before the final layer of paint went on we put a bead of caulking in all of the expansion joints the caulking is nice because it's flexible so it still allows for a little bit of wood movement but it stops all the rainwater from getting in and underneath and destroying all of our work and it's nice that this paintable so after we did that layer of cocking we painted the whole thing and it was pretty much done [Music] the last part of our master plan was on the back of the ramp we installed a climbing wall so that this little guy could climb up to the top and kind of like slide down and have fun and that we found a used slide on line for 10 bucks so we put that on the back and so now he has two slides I mean multiple slides skateboard ramp climbing wall greatest backyard ever thanks for watching everybody hope you enjoyed it hope you learned a thing or two and you're inspired to go build your own backyard mini ramp if you did please consider subscribing thanks again we'll see you know we have two layers of the three three inch inch squeeze - oh we ripped it so you can't see
Channel: Wicked Makers
Views: 1,263,389
Rating: 4.9267068 out of 5
Keywords: mini ramp, half pipe, DIY mini ramp, how to make a mini ramp, backyard mini ramp, skateboarding mini ramp, DIY skateboard ramp, skateboard ramp, how to build a mini ramp, skate ramp, building a mini ramp, how to build a skate ramp, diy skate ramp, how to build a ramp, wicked makers, jay and jaimie, mini ramp build cost, mini ramp plans, skateboard, skateboarding, DIY, how to build a halfpipe, skateboard mini ramp, mini ramp DIY, miniramp, mini ramp build, build a mini ramp
Id: _drhVduMwY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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