14-Year-Old INSANE Skateboard Prodigy | Lazer Crawford

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when I skate I'm not really thinking about anything honestly the only thing I think about when I'm skating is the next trick I'm gonna do when he's out there skating he just looks smooth he looks really good level that lasers at for his age is it's almost unheard of I got second and X Games I got third in Phoenix and I got second at barracks mmm la he knows what he wants he knows how he's gonna get there he puts in the time and work yeah he's doing hard tricks and they just look almost effortless it would be amazing if 2024 if he was at that Olympic level I think it's his goal I would love to see him go pro someday and I think that he will the preference for chairs all nice cape I always listen to music when I skate it puts me in a focus mode right listen up little baby gonna Drake little mosey trip you read sob x RB o through three own when I have music in my ears and I'm feeling confident like I own just kind of skate faster and harder skating is kind of like a getaway it takes my mind off everything all my focus is just in the skating the outside world gone just skating his greatest strength skateboarder his motivation for sure the only thing is that's holding him back is the power and that's because of his age darn trick the hard trick man as soon as he gets all the power all of his tricks are showing skyrocket JJ's a good friend of mine who needs to be accountable and make sure I do all my tricks so I guess you could say is that kind of a coach kickflip Eric lips you have a blacksmith that's a deal yes coach friends I think throughout the end of the day we finished with a one-minute line on film so I film him do a one-minute line every single day of all of his hardest tricks all back-to-back no mess-ups in the line flawless right every day just one minute straight of skating without falling and if I fall I restart you just passed competition season we've been training really hard because Tampa am just recently passed I think this is this fifth time going there and that's pretty much the biggest competition an amateur can do he's placing higher and higher in Tampa every single year [Music] I picture laser in Street League honestly he has some of the most consistent clean style he could just put down runs on the spot no matter what he's gonna be one of the biggest if he keeps it up he's gonna do everything follows today though for the most part it's how he always does on camera [Music] it's fun that's why I do it after investigating for four hours I come home do my school that probably takes about two hours two and a half hours a day and then I couldn't go skate all day and do whatever I want it's benefited me a lot first Katie I don't know third grade yeah second or third grade yeah and he was just like you know can I talk to you and I'm like yeah and he was a cubby home school like yeah maybe laughter like junior high like you should learn like normal school first it's a math and some language because I don't know how good will be able to teach you and he just had like a tear drop from his eye and like you okay what's wrong all sad it was like well don't you believe in me I'm like yeah like totally believe in you he's like well why can't I do home school I want to be a professional skateboarder like just please like help me like chase my dream and we're like okay I guess we're doing home school bad let's go that's when it started man family's everything if I didn't have them I wouldn't have anything very grateful very blessed to have the parents that I have in the family that I have for everything that did do for me and support me in any way how do you think it's turning out it's turning out really good stoked Lazer's been wanting to have a you know like his backyard skate park and he's been saving a lot of money from his contest winnings the sponsors and he does like some advertising and stuff like that first got the idea we said to keep the tree because it shades the house I think any photo or any video that you get as soon as you see the tree you're gonna know where exactly whose idea was at first to do the backyard part mom's cuz he's God like all the time so we don't really get to see him very much he's like hey if he has a little skate park in the backyard we can see him more and his friends can come over me and my dad folks came up with the layout I kind of like pick like the length and the height we still have more stuff to do on it I think it's his style that separates him from other skaters and and other people in the world he's just got a really cool relaxed style it's it's not todd it's just him after I'm done with school and after I play some games I go to Rio Vista skate park at night for like I'd say two three hours just for fun yeah in the morning I train and then in the night I just have fun with my friends I practiced tricks every day so I can land tricks in a line I go out there meet all my friends I think you definitely concede his personality and his skateboarding he's just really easygoing and really chill and I think that what his personality probably shows through when he's skateboarding and you can see just the genuine kindness that comes through usually I just skate here and have fun for about three hours then I go home eat dinner chill for a little bit and then sleep and wake up and you don't have family back in you and supporting you sure makes it really difficult to get to competitions not even that just to train for him right just the love and support than he needs it's everything family's everything definitely the love and support you know from mom dad sisters brothers I mean they text them even competitions before after or when he's out of town I miss you I can't wait to see you bro I love you let's go skate I mean it's just always keeping them going and being there for them and I think that that's huge you want me to answer those laser still surprised every day every day surprises me to be able to deal with pressure on a level of the contest steady skates because I mean you got one or two chances and you got to be perfect like you have to be perfect you know what's on the line and he just goes out there is calm is can be relaxed style goes and skates and does it and I just literally get teared up like amazing that's my boy and yeah it just lives for that moment I love competitions I go against all my friends right and it's a contest like if I lose I don't care if I win like yeah let's go but I just give it all I got every confidence I can I become Pro and be able to win the biggest competitions in the world
Channel: Whistle
Views: 1,717,158
Rating: 4.9204259 out of 5
Keywords: skateboarding, skateboarding tricks, skateboarding videos, skateboarding kids, skateboarding progression, skateboard tricks, skateboard, skateboarding made simple, skateboarding for beginners, lazer crawford, lazer crawford hall of meat, lazer crawford x games, lazer crawford ghetto bird, lazer crawford 2019, no days off, no days off extreme sports, no days off mountain bike, no days off motorcycle, no days off basketball, no days off football, whistle sports, the whistle
Id: DQ7mwZnN250
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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