Skarm's Guide to farming gold by yourself

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hey guys scarm here so judging from the comments this is the video that you've all been waiting for I've decided to split this into two part series because there's actually there's definitely enough content to fill two parts for sure the first part is gonna be how to fun gold solo and second parts gonna be held if I'm Golda's group and in this video I'm going to talk about getting sixty and making as much gold as you can by yourself as any class specifically tanks so why do I say specifically tanks well warriors probably the hardest class to do anything by yourself with especially without consumables and so I want to include the I want to say by like if you can do this as a warrior you can do this these strats as a design class so well your first goal though is getting to your goals first goal is getting a little sixty but your I guess your first goal before that is getting to level 40 and getting a mount as soon as possible how do you do that well like I said I'm not like I said last video I'm not the fastest level or so but really just basically what you want to do is wall leveling you want to have skinning having skinning really helps and then having a won't pick either mining or herbalism as your second gathering profession this is with the making golden month herbalism it tends to be a little month a little more money mining is nice it's you know you can make nice stuff with that you can get some like our arcane crystals later on mining isn't as much money as herbalism as far as selling materials go and it's kind of restricted to like mountainous areas on the map so whereas herbs grow everywhere just like caves never Isles twelve mine mine notes also appear in case but herbs a little more accessible and they're more needed by other players so it's a I up for losing myself that's why I recommend you can also see mining if you want there are some advantages to mining that come later it's just too quickly specifically in the group section so keep that in mind however so when you're leveling let's say you pick herbalism in skinning some big secret early if you want the best chance to format your mount at level 40 the key is to loot everything every single gray you know every single thing mob drops vendorlator skin it skin the mob if you can and right here my bags are a mess I will talk about that in a second but yeah just clean out your bags for you farm so that you'll want to be running back to the vendor back in for 35 seconds that's it just loot everything make sure you're you know bags are important because obviously you store more stuff in them before having to return the vendor obviously that's not very efficient if you know every ten minutes you're having to go back to the vendor and empty your bag so you can move more stuff with more junk you want anyone make sure to do that every time you're in town little something little things you know there's a bunch of little things in plastic wow that will just improve your own quality of life and that's a little habit so you can get into for example every time you're in town repair and vendor anything unnecessary in your bags if you're a bank maybe you take some time to like organize organize your bank put some you know items that you don't want to get rid of yet but that you don't need right now them in the bank you know and so you just want to get in the habit of doing these things when you can so that you don't because countless times me and you know if one else I'm sure you know level 28 just you know well while we're leveling we you know go turn a bunch of quests that we just did and then we you know get some more quests and we leave town and you're about you know half way out you'll be halfway across dark Shire by then you kill a mob you go to loot it oh your bags are full because you've got to empty them crap you know now you have to do that's not a good way to make gold because now you can't loot the stuff that you can vendor otherwise you have to run all the way back to town that's a time waster so really you just want to get in the habit in you know good little habits like the parry gear repair gear vendor anything useless in your bags just whenever you're near vendor you know those are just really those are two little good things to remember but that being said if you really just do that this when I leveled scarm that was my first I leveled a warrior first without any without like a level 60 already feeding me you know and I did I took I took skinning and enchanting actually which enchanting is not and I'll come to that in a second actually I'll talk about professions in MO but so I did skinning enchanting and I I did that just looted everything on my way to 60 like my way to 40 skinned all the mobs just fend heard everything and by then I was I was a pretty good at the habit of you know just rendering everything for I left town I knew that that was a good idea I would constantly remind myself to do it and I bought my mouth as soon as i didn4t without any like I didn't have any crazy wear drops you know nothing like that I just moved everything I've entered everything you know some stuff oh another handy thing to know is while you're whenever you get a quest reward and it's a gear that you don't need always pick and you have more than one choice always pick a weapon if you can because weapons vendor more than armor two-handed weapons vendor more than one for more than one handed weapons across the board so that's just something nice to note it so if you uh you know if a quest offer is a weapon that you don't need and you don't need anything else in that quest to take the weapon in vendor it just doing that looting mobs skinning them later on like stranglethorn bail low you could level 10 levels and STV if you can you know stand it not gonna get but there's a lot of gray items like bender trash off the mobster that vendor for a lot for that level like 6/7 overreach and you just get like stacks of five stacks of ten you know they drop all over the place skin those mobs fender like don't get a lot of gold that way actually and the main idea is to hit level forty and buy your mount as soon as you can doing that will just make your journey just exceed that much easier you know someone still over 40 you know as soon as you have your mouth you hit 60 as fast as you can or as fast as you like I said last video I could draw the pace so I don't just rush to 60s regarding everything else I do five man's you know there's some five man's that I enjoy doing I really like it's all frack every time a level new character every time every sixty that I've ever has done at least five or six all frack runs it's just an instance that enjoy it's a good experience some good jobs in there so you know have but the point is that the point I'm trying to make is that what however fast or slow would you level the idea is that after you get your mount at level 40 your next priority over anything gold related should be level 60 so you shouldn't in other words you shouldn't just be like farming strictly for gold purposes unless it's unless you're like grinding getting experience - that's one thing but if you're the XP - our ratio is whatever you're doing if it's terrible and but instead you're farming gold at that time don't make your top priority farming gold make your top priority hitting level 60 because the fact is that level 60 you can make more gold natural oil 50 or a low 45 you have access to the whole world at that point what's your level 60 so you know especially if you're one of the first 60s on your server or you beat most people 60 like high level zones be empty and if you're an herbalist or a miner you just that's all yours you know all those resources yours so and even afterwards you if you love the people on the server already or 60 you still make more gold 60 then you do it lower levels just because you have access to more of the world than you do it as a lower level that's the fact of the matter so once you finally do hit level 60 your top priority after that is getting that good mountain now I've talked about that before where even about certain previous items especially ones that you were placing multiple or having an epic mount it was priority it just makes makes everything in the game easier faster more efficient improves your quality of life chicks dig it so you really want you really want that a fast amount how do you get that mount you may ask well you got from cold of course and when it comes to saving for your epic mount trick I used way back in in all the retails every time I got fifty gold I mailed it to a Bengal and looked at it you know kind of like real life you're trying to save money just throw in the bank don't look at it and you know just really I I wanted that epic mount more than anything so you know every time I got a sizable I always had enough gold on me - you know repair but other than that I every time I got fifty gold out put it away and that's how I saved up so you know if you you need a little bit extra help with willpower it's a you can do that send your goal to a bank halt and don't look at it out of sight up on but as I was saying certain classes are better doing it than others hunters and mages are both particularly good at farming gold as you can see it and paladins or they are in fact good for something else resides healing they're pretty good at solo AOE farming like this there's this little spot that i'm in western played lawns right now which is really nice and that's another important thing to know while farming that just there's a sawed off it's a big world there's plenty of places to farm you know find one you like it's important that you enjoy what you're doing if you're farming by yourself you know it's not always the most exciting thing can be a little boring you're by yourself but uh you know just find a place in the world that you enjoy farming that you know has good drops you know has good herbs whatever i'll find your own little spot that you like and you know find a few maybe if one of them is contested if you you know for example to go to western plug lands and there's people farming already you know check out somewhere else that you like but uh yeah it's important to you know enjoy the area that you're farming in otherwise you're not gonna wanna do it but uh you know some of you might be asking right now well scarf what if I what if I'm not a paladin or a major under water for my warrior you know and I can barely kill two moms at a time without dying you know what well don't worry there's hope for you too as I mentioned earlier this is where professions come into play now there's two main types of professions and I'm talking about primary professions not secondary not cooking fishing your first date those are different which fishing by the way is I think it's boring as hell I never I don't even have fishing on my tunes I never bother training it but it is good money there's a lot of valuable fish in the game so and that's a pretty self-explanatory you just you know find water and fish nor the nor the fish are that you that you need in classic at some point in retail vanilla there became schools of fish that made fishing easier I don't know when those certainly implemented in classic if from the beginning in the middle you know you don't know but uh yeah if you can stand fishing then it's a it can be a nice moneymaker as well you just have to you know stand on one spot or one little area fish it's pretty simple efficient I think there's other professions as well of course the talking about the farm professions now with these professions there's you know they're separated in two different categories crafting expressions and gathering professions the crafting professions being like blacksmithing while they're working tailoring these ones typically unless you there's two ways to make money with these professions number one either you get lucky and get like a really rare recipe like the server first line art helmet pattern or server first 30 spellpower recipe and you can charge a huge fee with your enchant or your craft because you're the only one who can do it but if you're not one of those lucky for you you can also make a name for yourself just hang on like iron for drawbar all day and just you know getting a sizeable you know getting some recipes some nice recipes which you know that cost money it cost money to level and it cost money to get those recipes and to again unless you get lucky as one of those server first recipes the payoff to leveling up that profession and acquiring those recipes is to stand in town and just advertise your you're crafting you know blacksmith looking for work to I can craft this this this and that you know send tell for details and you know just you you build your own business you you know you make your you know you charge certain fee or mean give stuff away for free in hopes that people you know will tip you you can spend that however you on you don't have to be a get to be a salesman to do that and you have to again spend a lot of time in in town which mean to me that gets I don't do that too often honestly it gets kind of boring at or they be out in the world doing things I don't love to just you know sit and iron for hours but if that's your thing then you can then primary professionals might be the way to go just realize that there's a not fun gold investment to really start seeing a return on primary professions or crafting treshon static you know and speaking of spending a lot of time in town there's also the auction house that I first of all I highly highly highly recommend getting an auction house out on I don't know what they're gonna be in classic you know we don't know the names of them yet but you know get some kind of auction outside on that you know sorts things out gives you you know how things normally sell the you know the median prices there's some great auction house items out there and they really I didn't have one for a long time I probably got I got one about a year ago I'd say for the first time I never had one retail and it really I started making a lot more money just because you can see what things normally sell for you can you know it's really easy to buy low sell high you know that's a you know really playing the auction house that's probably talking for another video I just know that that's also an option and if you regardless of you know if you spend a lot of time in the auction house you should definitely get an auction house out on no matter what it will just it'll help you help you save money I'll help you make money but that's a definitely another option to you know if you if playing the auction ounces you've been playing the market then that's there's definitely a lot of golden that to if you won't be good at it now the second the gather impressions on the other hand herbalism skinning and mining and I mean I include disenchanting in here enchanting itself is a crafting profession it is quite expensive to level and it's it can be hard even though everyone needs a chance unless you have a really rare one that can be hard actually making a lot of gold unless you like I said stand in town for hours on them and just really make a name for yourself however disenchanting is nice for disenchanting gear and I would say wrap after like level 40 from level 40 to 60 the greens and the Blues the loop that you start disenchanting around those levels is those become materials that people need for endgame and chance in other words like asbestos on chance like illusion dust dream dust large bone shards you know large radiant shards essences all kind of stuff and in vanilla you can disenchant any piece of gear as a level one chapter if there is a good idea actually a good idea for everyone in general is to have a got to be level five to learn a profession so what you do is you make level five vault and you learn and chanting and then every BOE green or you know even blue that you get that you wanted some chant you know it's a it's a crappy blue usually blues they're worth selling instead of does need anything but you know if you have gear that you want disenchant you just mail it to your level five volt and disenchanted very simple you don't have to take up that profession on your main if you don't want and so that's just a nice thing to know but uh back to the other gathering expressions you have mining skinning and herbalism typically mining I'll be talking mining about mine more in the next video but as far as being out in the world goes ya can make you some money but I would say herbalism is generally more profitable than mining when farming out in the open world and so if you have herbalism like for example right now you see boston lands on my druid i'm just i'm killing mobs and i'm different and of course different herbs grow in different areas fire bloom and grumps blood or the two herbs that I knew here which are bomb splits specifically it's used for like mighty rage pots flask Oh Titans you know so it's an important one in general consumes that you know and I'll be I'm sure talking about this in the you know later video but I'm not gonna go through too much detail now but as far as consumes go realize that tanks and melee so tank you know tanks you know DPS warriors rogues for eldred's they all use the same kind of consumes and they're you know there's typically a lot of people play warriors a lot of people play rogues and the some of the kind of like personalities that play those classes really like a lot of the people that really just want to see the highest damage possible and really just min/max their character to the photos example of 6/10 will usually roll warrior that's a the kind of person you'll see playing a warrior a lot and those are the kind of people who spend money on consumables so no that just you know you can obviously check out the economy on your server in the Yaak channels but know that like melee tanking consumables or like those aren't too hard sell because there's a lot of people who will buy them and so knowing which herbs make those kind of consumables you might want to go to his own that drops the serbs and or just you know finds zone you like the for example Blasted Lands I used to in blast land specifically there's all the mobs drop certain items that you can turn in for I don't know exactly of classify them but there there are different consumes that increase each staff by 25 there's a consume that increases like roids increases strength by 25 the score pakka say increases aji by 25 so on and so forth and these are these are our hour-long bus to stack with everything is just it's one more thing to min max so some people you know go for these buffs I used to pop them during raids a lot and you get them you get these I you get these items by looting the mobs around blasted lance and turning them into an MPC here and so there's nice herbs here there's also I drove world PvP as I said so you know and there's it's easy enough for both Alliance and horde to get the Blasted Lands either from storm into car gas so it's nice to just a nice little zone to you know or what you want killed them offshore you know items that you can either sell or turn in for the boss yourselves you know just have some fun world PvP so I this is one of my hangouts I enjoyed blossom limbs again like I said find us on the e like that you know have some if you're nervous find some that you like to have some good orbs Mesa mobs to kill for certain items you know there's there's a lot of unique things in vanilla that you know only drop in certain areas and it's up to you to just you know find them talk to people do your research and you know just find an area that you like that's the most important thing because I'll make you wanna finding an area that you like of course will make you want to keep coming back and continue farming there on a one-month thing I forgot to mention is that if you're planning on getting a crafting profession and you know standing and basically setting up shop in town and advertising your what you can craft what you can make then that tends to benefit you more during like peak hours because remember you know all these servers are gonna have time zones and typically people within the service time zone are gonna be the ones to plan it so during peak hours you know you'll have a lot of customers for your craftable whereas if you for gathering professions you not say you can't do it during peak hours but you'll probably find more like herbs more mobs to kill it at night in the middle of the night when you know the majority of people are sleeping so just depending on your personal hours that that might affect which one you choose so you don't definitely take that into account so you might be thinking right now well scarm you still haven't helped close how to really make gold as a tank wonderful my warrior what I thought a hard time doing all these things out in the world well as a warrior you can still herb and you can still kill moms in PvP by yourself it's not something for example blasted lament this is something I did in my warrior all the time but maybe that's not your thing maybe you don't really maybe solo farming bores you and maybe you don't want to hang out in town all of it well guess what as a warrior you have the advantage of being a tank and every group needs a tank it's easy to form groups in the tank it's easy to if you're good tank sees did build a name for yourself the local reputation build up your brand once you're able to do those things and that's we can start making real money and with that I'm gonna wrap up this video be sure to LIKE subscribe leave a comment there's any ways that you like farming gold by herself that I may have left out the video let me know leave it in the comments and be sure to check out my next video like I said for how to make big money as a tank forming groups and at the same time you know making friends building a reputation and just getting practicing so definitely check that up until next time peace
Channel: Skarm Tank
Views: 181,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, vanilla wow, classic wow, feral, warrior, tanking, prot warrior, feral druid, naxxramas, naxx, mcp, crowd pummeler, gold, gold farming, gold farm
Id: MT3WX07OvtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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