Evangelist Duranice Pace

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have you let's receive the ring on my mom to rid his face come on clap your head this America please hallelujah god bless you you can do what you need to do I'm okay all right raise the Lord excited about being here God is truly a good god no I'm I want the singers to sit down for a minute I need to sing what the Lord just said to minister to these people my father pastored and I'm a PK kid he's been gone 10 years I'm the oldest of nine girls one brother I'm 61 years old my car went off the bridge I'll I was three months pregnant and broke both knees and ankles but God I was fed rat poison for three days didn't know that the people at the restaurant was putting rat poison in my food in Rochester New York they closed it down they called me back just four weeks ago and Mayall them apologize and did rolled out the red carpet just I cried like a baby I was there as Strong's Memorial Hospital for two weeks three different tools in my body but God Kizer gave me three years to live March 28th just past was 11 years ago but I try to be true for folks in my eight sisters I try to represent the family come on somebody yeah sometimes you just got to tell people that if folks see that God is a miracle worker I lost all my hair lost 200 pounds I don't supposed to be here but I wrote this song I said God laying flat on my back in the hospital they put me in hospital the doctors looked at me doctor Swardson said we've done all we can do you know about SIA he said we can't do no more loss everything the rat cause and it was slowly it killed the gallbladder they had to take that out the liver went back I don't need nobody kidney come on somebody but God has given me a new gallbladder the doctors don't understand it it's giving me a new kidney sikit kidness has given me new level [Music] listen listen listen I just stopped by on my way to Glory put that somewhere that's $100 but somebody can have it if they if they want it they can have it baby I had you know but I stopped by on my way to glory to tell you that that when the doctor said you won't die if God don't see it you ain't got to get upset you ain't got to get deliver holeshot yeah you ain't got to get all suicidal and you ain't got to go crazy and lose your mind I wish I had some help in here I'm sorry I mean no harm ladies when I was a daddy girl but I think my dad I remember my dad telling me and Isaiah 59 19 [Music] [Music] that's what daddy told me you're not to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power the enemy the doctor said I'd never sing again they said I'll never talk again they said I'd never walk again I've just come I just want somebody I want somebody to see because I got 400 pages I don't hit nobody yeah hook shot they told my daddy they told my daddy I never sing again my dad looked at me said not soul he said because I believe in a higher power I sold the song came to me the worst I've been gettin hit the words I don't need no musicals granny didn't know how to say I'll Capello's he's a couple Oh Cherokee Indian set on a half hot sheets I don't hit nobody that's my daddy mother and I remember here [Music] [Music] now the doctor say yo my daddy said nieces I know you heard what the doctor said he's a Bundy sir do you believe in the word I've been reaching 40 some years I say yes not daddy I believe what you free preacher you go not only talk again Oh sing again am i real am i real a miracle you can rely on Steve Harvey Show about nine months about nine weeks ago I didn't mean to make him cry I promise y'all but I looked at him I said storm is coming son was in the audience where's your hand Sonny has did happen to be my manager to some people söderling planning right now hold them don't don't cut it out they couldn't know but it's alright they heard what God said I said it's going like Oh bro clues I said well God said when the storm you gonna land on your feet and I said he's getting ready to perform Psalms 23 and five for you he's gonna prepare table for you in the presence of your enemy what the storm is going on worried about it but he got caught up in all that mess and I didn't get the copper Gossett he said the earth is my house I'm talking to somebody right now glossing I'm gonna get to the car you just pray and fast we'll see come on somebody Gossett tell him Isaiah 58 that for he talks about it in the field first he said it is this the fast that I chose he said this d'affaires I chose one for you to forget little duck us even more and start fighting and fussing in fact God family speaking in each other two and three years five years but you holding the position in the church I wish I had somebody knock knock after the dough you down he said this but the fact you went on down to that six verse Isaiah 58 he said the fans that I chose was to loose the bands of the wickedness that you set the captive free you got to tell the devil enough is enough I went under doctors got through telling me all that stuff I thank God for my dad dad you need somebody that's stronger than you he's somebody to bleed the word love more than you that I've been here a little longer can you get when you understand I'm saying you gonna make it but I think God my daddy looked at me he said he said you only are these doctors but I want you to know all the doctors that took care of me 22 years ago in Rochester New York all but one and their children loves me these Caucasian people y'all first of all look at me they said tell me you didn't how did you get to this hospital I saw what you walked in here hey ma'am did you do you see yourself I saw him he said everything yoga you had yoga your eyes yelling your skin younger yo teeth younger he said he looked at me that I won't look let me get on turn red y'all let me say you a you ain't throwing up you ain't me you you ain't brains that as a where I'm seeing black spots I said feel like somebody is squeezing me and my he said cause everything slowly died he said he looked at me doctors was there with the other six doctor look at him he said he's a male he didn't know how long I've been in Rochester y'all at the time doing a revival he said three days ago you got enough poison in your body you should have died three days ago that's when I got Tarak Justin I started to revival three days ago I come up with a didn't couldn't put forward to put you know hotel they put you in the best Deacon mother house you ate whatever they cooked I wish I had something up in here I come to tell you that because the Lord is your share but you'll have everything you need [Music] I'm talking this 27 people right now he want everybody to get this with 27 people you need to hit this he's gonna help you're gonna quiet your screen am i singing the doctor say I wish I had some help in here yeah yeah yeah the holeshot it's amazing to me every time [Music] [Music] I don't care what it looks like in your body you see [Music] Hey [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my mother she was [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] I'm talking about the nomination I'm talking about my daddy oh yeah my daddy said to read it I look at your mama Wow we was in the ambulance and going to the hospital he said his baby God can use this girl huh says he's gonna be special I don't know but I got nobody gonna guess about it I want you to know what they look it's worse it's because God do his best I tell you this he was there all the time way back there [Music] oh all times they tried to make me look cute but I did somebody gave me some Kleenex I'm poor these eyelashes I'm tired they stand all this myth I'd be trying dr. Joel out with here 14 year they put that stuff on me I just trying to do I just do I said for this hour and a half now don't get nothing after that I went ahead get this mess off of me you bring the yeah I read you this stuff oh I'm alright I'm just trying to please my manager y'all better got some lotion or something cuz I'm trying to look at you saying look like some prowling out old man I'm sorry I'm looking at this beautiful lady I'm trying to say to her and he messed up keep getting in my face [Music] you know you got you you with me you all right yes I want you to know that what the enemy meant for evil he's gonna turn it around for good [Music] that is ain't gonna bring my eye is it mama it is Oh JA she said don't do it she was a she will wait no mean to look at her the Holy Ghost and look ahead alright cuz he's that good in your life ya see the whole talk to you [Music] [Music] [Music] you just lost $20 that's an actor this xu6 time is my daddy now Baptist Baptist preacher he's addressed a house you're dressed to have [Music] as a dad why he said he said he said that's all the storms I owe you go get your hundred dollar back [Music] yeah [Music] see something she be walking it flows [Applause] [Music] you walk a little brother she a tap granted granted will always he stopped grand and grinning witness got some y'all looking at the wrong thing she said [Music] probably Maghrib up up get that for the spy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you stricted me thank y'all switch on this road thank y'all I'm scared do not get back here I saw I saw Brett I saw a couple of my sisters oh you see that's how you dummy okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can I get a witness we gonna do one song better get the mic everything to go there we're gonna do something for people that have heard my CD yes I got I'd already did it I'm a soldier so we're not gonna do that [Music] the man said he wanted to hear it's already done written over 300 songs but wanted to be secured to God I got scared call he's a big fella I'm trying to get to the restroom he said I wanna hear it's hardly gonna I look back I said yes sir ain't gonna wander and I'm gonna pay me [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] stogies [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody standing everybody's standing [Music] you can sit you don't have to stand up get rid of rain afraid safety and great no no music at this time do like my father told me sorry a disappointment but God will meet your needs this week [Music] numbers 23:19 my father asked me to learn the scripture every week no glad he did numbers 23:19 said God is not a man that he's alive night of the son of man that he should repent that he spoken no music please that's all over we don't need three hours of that total need to be leave out of here lifting her out by the Holy Ghost enemy came tricked them also by midnight Wednesday God is going to release seven miracles her believer my father a mother grandmother grandfather trained me well have time to profit live I got the bill for the savior not gonna get me somebody came in here brokenhearted somebody came in here sick they came in here he's not going well with the son your daughter another city in another state doctors done gave you bad news just in case doctor says giving you bad news let me give you some good news the good news is that the bad news was wrong I don't know no other way for you to see this big fat black girl and see that I've also been in the grave honor the CD and album will be released in January the son they're taking it and gonna do a movie calling the making of a soldier remember that I told you don't hear that and don't go well you hear that said that's that place good that's how daddy says I'm glad he didn't say girl good making of a soldier when helping you has heard in me even you is killing me blessing you is cursing me a pas G won't let me PA ESS but do i do Reverend I do mother peace and what do I do I'll tell you what Paul said getting those things which are behind Francie or at the mark imagine angle breach what the mark of a high call which is in your deliverance you'll break through your new beginning new life new joy hope is in Christ not in nothing else wonderful things in this world nobody can do here like God's Word Ted in second Corinthians 5:17 If any man be in Christ yes she is that it was says a new creature old things are passed away and all things I'm new and I would say that and I my clothes and he was mother was there [Music] [Music] he would crawl into the altar they were sliding and crying and screaming she just daddy jakoria wants to marry 57-year they knew each other's he could start his scripted he can ended she can start a sentence he got sick he had no boat sir that's what are you doing right now new man it was just a look they had a little fighting is it huh you like what daddy said you know there's a song she like drum like my mama say I don't know huh well granny said now y'all whip in the air d7 look at one more founder would know [Music] father our father it's a little oh you all right you and me my father alpha which art in heaven hallo be thy name name is holy 19 them the family now Kingdom a little bit just to bring it down not the know when this God is ministering at North I King dumb calm I mean for you to stop I'm sorry if I offended you every sick body died Kingdom every marriage that Yukino Oh son every daughter that you kingdom come on mother double koi I will be done on earth daddy and daddy had a thing and he said earnest EI ARA tah as well grandad it was sad didn't my father would come here as soon as he said that he said what take the H off of the end of earth put it in the beginning and it comes to heart see our heart issues what matters a mere because their heart was ever they needed to be lifted God you will never fail in God God don't make no mistakes there are dizzy halls and the fool is it was the girl for me [Music] no more trouble no more sickness no more Hardy [Music] I will be done you'll be done it through overcome Oh y'all I was shy how do we thank you he was like only you can but the enemy meant for evil turn it around for good granddaddy woody ended like this with you [Music] old-school [Music] he said I said football dad [Music] he said coming a bit in here he's getting mother one foot four feet tall huh come on somebody he said as a model I got lolly he's a baby got the devil on trial Cassidy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Views: 637,856
Rating: 4.8862848 out of 5
Keywords: Duranice Pace, Evangelist Duranice Pace, The ATOP Group, Lets Have Church
Id: 5S91eKAa540
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 48sec (2988 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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