Sister's upset call: "Why didn't you come to Mom's funeral?" → I told her Mom died 3 years ago…

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hey sis why didn't you come to mom's funeral what I can't believe you didn't even show up to mom's funeral it's shocking and heartless I never thought my own sister could do something like that I was taken AB by my sister's sudden phone call our mother had passed away 3 years ago and we held a proper funeral then I couldn't understand what she was referring to I'm married now with children of my own my husband and I both work but we make sure to give our children extra love and attention so they don't feel neglected my husband is a great partner in housework and child care and I'm proud of the family we've built I'm determined not to let my children go through what I did Growing Up our parents divorced when I was in elementary school after my mother had an affair my father found out about it because I told him people often assume children will side with their mother but I didn't my mother was far from the nurturing figure everyone imagines I never felt loved by her she showed favoritism towards my younger sister well I was burdened with the household chores it wasn't just expected it was forced on me my mother resented me for revealing her Affair and made my life a misery because of it I still carry the emotional and physical scar she inflicted when the divorce was finalized my mother took my sister and left thankfully my father and grandparents ensured I maintained contact with my sister and we continued to meet regularly however as I entered Middle School our visits became less frequent at first I thought it was just a matter of adult responsibilities but it seemed my sister was deliberately avoiding me after she turned down my invitation several times I asked if I had done something to upset her my sister explained that our mother had told her the collapse of our family was my fault in their eyes I was the one who would trayed the family my sister believed that if she continued to see me she would risk being cast aside as well she found it too difficult to contact or meet me behind our mother's back and asked me to stop trying I told my sister that our mother was the one who betrayed us first by cheating on our father and breaking up our family although my sister was aware of our mother's affair she still blamed me for telling our father despite understanding the situation she remained firm in her view that I was the traitor since she had to live with our mother she wouldn't accept my perspective insisting it was my fault for not turning a blind eye while all this was happening my father remarried and I gained a stepmother initially the adjustment was challenging but my stepmother worked hard to become the mother figure I had been missing appreciating her efforts I decided to embrace my new family and cherish my stepmother over time I stopped trying to reach out to my sister and we gradually lost touch I had no lingering attachment to my biological mother who had favored my sister I was able to attend college and secure a job preparing to give back to my father and stepmother but then just as I thought I could start repaying them my father tragic Ally passed away in an accident although we had grown distant I notified my sister about our father's passing reminding her that he was still her father instead of expressing sympathy she scoffed and said serves him right followed by a mocking laugh I thought she might attend the funeral but neither my biological mother nor my sister made an appearance their absence was surprising but they both showed up later when the time came to discuss my father's inheritance their sudden arrival caught everyone off guard especially given their flashy and overly elaborate attire and makeup they looked so different from the mother and sister I once knew that they were hardly recognizable at least let us know when The Inheritance meeting is they demanded we had to check every day because we didn't know when it would happen my mother claimed she had been waiting nearby since the funeral ended eager to join The Inheritance discussions it seemed more appropriate for her to attend a funeral instead especially since the meeting was scheduled for the day immediately following the funeral because of what you said my poor daughter had to endure so much you're going to give us a fair share right although they divorced and lived separately the children still have inheritance rights I never intended to deny that my father's personal estate wasn't substantial enough to be widely distributed among the family I can support myself through my job and my stepmother is young enough to continue working she seems inclined to work for a while longer so even if I handed over my father's estate to my biological mother my stepmother wouldn't be financially strained to avoid further disputes I decided to forgo my claim to my father's inheritance what a fool he made such a big deal out of a minor Affair and pushed for a divorce I agree because staying with such a narrow-minded man was stifling it wasn't our dad who left Mom it was mom who left our miserly dad poor you having to grow up with such a father my mother mocked and belittled my late father while my sister joined in laughing harshly and echoing her criticism my sister went as far as to insult me suggesting it was pathetic that I was raised by a father who had been abandoned neither of them showed any empathy or understanding for the sorrow and lost my father face after being betrayed say whatever you want about me but please respect our father's memory what the traitor speaks you're the cause of all our troubles and what about that drab appearance you look older than your age age almost like Mom with that kind of look you probably don't have a boyfriend if you can't attract a man what use is it to be a woman if you don't think that matters you're seriously lacking as a woman after a heated argument my mother and sister told me to never contact them again and left abruptly I couldn't bring myself to feel anger or disappointment toward them their inability to consider anyone else's perspective and the rigid self-centeredness left me feeling nothing but a deep emptiness in that moment I cut them out of my life completely after they left there was a period of quiet but then a cough from someone brought me back to the present and the inheritance was divided solemnly years later my stepmother inherited the house my father left behind and I continued living there I sensed that she was thinking of me even though I was now an adult she tried to be a mother figure for me and her care brought me happiness but then she fell ill and was hospitalized I'm sorry I didn't ask you to live with me just so you could take care of me she said I understand but even though we live separately I would have cared for you during your hospital stay so there's no need to apologize I visited the hospital to care for my stepmother whenever I could take a break from work I didn't want any regrets like I had when my father was Ill perhaps it was a form of self-satisfaction her time was limited and I wanted to spend as much of it with her as possible throughout this difficult time one man stood by me before my Stepmother's ill was discovered we had been planning our wedding however just as we were about to finalize our plans we found out about her illness I suggested postponing the marriage but my partner felt it would be better to provide my stepmother with a reassurance of our commitment and his presence proved invaluable to me when the moment was right I introduced him to my stepmother he told her I'm excited for us to share our lives together the three of us his words and support meant the world to me he added I have to see you and your wedding dress for your father's sake this seemed to be her greatest joy and she held on longer than expected but a few days after our wedding she passed away joining my father in rest my stepmother was financially secure and I inherited a significant sum with what she left behind 3 years later I was able to build a happy family however my husband and I agreed from the start of our marriage to continue working and live within our means without depending on the inheritance today day like any other day I went to work and received a call on my personal phone from an unfamiliar number assuming it was a sales call I didn't pick up but the calls kept coming one after another I thought maybe someone was repeatedly dialing my number by mistake at the end of the day I decided to answer and to my surprise it was my estranged sister finally where were you what do you mean how could you forget our mother's funeral of course she sounded like she was crying heavily what are you talking about our mother's funeral happened 3 years ago huh there was a brief silence and then she continued angrily maybe your stepmother died too I'm talking about a real mother and calling someone unrelated to you mother is just wrong I found her tone irritating but I tried to set it aside understanding that the loss of her mother was likely a significant shock for my sister for me my stepmother was my real mother she married a man with a child and instantly became a parent to a middle schooler it wasn't until I had my own family that I fully grasped the challenges she faced I believe the experience of nurturing a life within oneself is a time for a mother to grow in self-awareness and dedication of course there are many ways to create a loving family such as through adoption without a biological connection however stepping into the role of a mother to a middle schooler unexpectedly is no easy feat no matter how you look at it reflecting on my Stepmother's efforts and concerns all I feel is deep gratitude I am eternally grateful to the stepmother who raised me she is the model of the mother I aspire to be biological connections mean little my sister's so-called real mother never even acknowledged my existence when I think of the word mother it's my stepmother who comes to mind not my birth mother at first I was confused I had assumed she was talking about my stepmother once I understood what my sister meant I responded with a lack of Interest oh I see I could hear what sounded like her hitting or stomping on something in frustration over the phone what that in different tone the funeral has already happened how could you not attend your own relative funeral you're so heartless you must not have a drop of compassion though she raised a valid point my sister had also skipped our relatives funeral our late father loved both of us dearly and he was far more caring than our mother in fact neither my birth mother nor my sister attended our father's funeral yet they took took his inheritance and spoke ill of him if you ask me it seems more like they're the ones who lack compassion indifferent weren't you the one who said We Were Strangers huh you got involved in the inheritance despite skipping dad's funeral right weren't you the one who told me never to contact you again and I only just found out about our mother's death after a pause my sister murmured a small oh I forgot to tell you about the funeral well I'm glad you remembered I'm going to wave any inheritance related to that woman so you can do as you wish with it with that I ended the call however my sister perhaps not fully grasping the situation contacted me again a few days later Katie I need your help it seems our mother hinted at marriage to several men isn't that considered marriage fraud they're threatening to sue me for compensation if I don't comply I'm getting bombarded with demands just pay them if I could I wouldn't be calling you you didn't you hear me say several men it's not just one or two some of them seem really shady too that's unfortunate but let's not forget you were the one who told me not to contact you again plus it was no secret that our mother had a habit of being involved with men since she cheated on our father while he was still alive in fact it wasn't just one Affair if it had been a single lapse in judgment Our Father might have considered forgiving her only he would truly know the situation it's possible that I couldn't accept our mother given her multiple relationships while raising us my father tried to adopt my sister multiple times with the help of a lawyer but I was informed that my sister didn't want to leave I had to let go of the idea my sister chose to stay with our irresponsible mother even though she witnessed her behavior firsthand even if our mother had left a strong impression on her my sister's decision to remain with her despite the shared Memories We have speaks to her own responsibility as an adult I'm L hat you know you were the one calling me a traitor all this time I don't meet a sister who labels me that way you're the one who declared us strangers first so don't show up now and pretend we're family it's unwelcome don't ever contact me again we're strangers remember I ended the call without waiting for my sister's response I blocked her number and went back to my family later I got a call from my biological mother's relatives I thought the matter was settled but they called to a apologize for the disrespect my mother and sister had shown me I decided to hear them out they acknowledged how poorly my mother had treated me and expressed their shock at her audacity in trying to claim my father's inheritance after we had been separated they offered sincere apologies for allowing her visit at a time when I was still grieving but that's all in the past now I said then they brought up my sister apparently she was following in our mother's footsteps and acting irresponsibly with men since her return turn they had repeatedly warned her that she would face consequences if she didn't change her behavior instead of heeding their advice my sister had become just like our mother and they could no longer manage her mother got mixed up with unsavory men and my sister was being coerced into participating in criminal activities feeling trapped my sister was also involved with multiple men simultaneously leading to numerous he conflicts reaching their limit the relatives warned that they would sever their relationship if she didn't listen to their advice and then our mother passed away given that my sister is an adult the relatives decided to proceed with cutting ties but right after our mother's funeral another conflict erupted since then her whereabouts have been unclear they advised me to avoid any involvement with her going forward I had no intention of getting involved but I can't help feeling sorry for her given she may have been coerced into criminal activities still there should have been a chance for her to make amends if she didn't take take that opportunity then it's on her that's how I've chosen to see it after ending the call I heard my husband and children laughing joyfully in another room I want to safegard this family so I've resolved to live my life using my biological mother and sister as cautionary examples
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 8,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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