My in-laws made me leave the house, even though I was the one paying for it. Because of this...

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since we'll be leaving this place today could you please move out we'll also pay the $473 monthly loan now that my daughter is coming we no longer need you okay well then please take care of everything from now on even though we had supported our in-laws so much they easily shifted their trust to the younger sister as I reached the entrance packing my belongings I told them something very important oh by the way it seems there's a misunderstanding the monthly loan repayment is as I said that their faces turned pale and shock my name is Emily a 35-year-old office worker I've been married to Tom for 3 years we met through a mutual friend who believed we'd be perfect for each other this friend's intuition was spoton we were drawn to each other from our first conversation Tom also felt the same and we began dating we continued the relationship smoothly and around 2 years later he proposed to me I was so happy as I loved him deeply both our families agreed to our marriage and we had a wonderful wedding attended by many we then went on a honeymoon and began our life together as a married couple we both worked so we shared household chores Tom had lived alone for a long time and could cook which was a huge help even when I was late from work Tom helped me and started cooking so we could have dinner soon after we cooperated in all household tasks and life felt peaceful and stressfree we were grateful for each other's company in the blink of an eye 3 years passed and our bond remained as strong as when we were newlyweds however a significant event occurred Tom's father fell ill suddenly and we rushed to the hospital dad are you okay uh Tom Tom Emily thank you for coming sorry for causing you concern it seems I overexerted myself he had been a workaholic often working long hours and as he aged the stress of those years took a toll on him for now I'll undergo some tests and wait for the results I see Tom and I were anxious but more than that my mother-in-law was quite upset for the Mother-in-law who had always supported her husband as a housewife it was understandable that she was upset when her partner the main stay of the family was suddenly in Mortal danger mother-in-law are you all right yes somehow we cared deeply for both of them and began visiting them more frequently trying to be as supportive as possible after a week the father-in-law's test results came out although he was released from the hospital there were concerns about a recurrence realizing that they might not handle another emergency Tom proposed something hey what if we live together with my parents The Proposal was expected if my parents were in the same situation I'd want to live with them too of course I'm okay with that let's discuss it with them right away I said Thank you Emily Tom replied we quickly presented the idea to our in-laws live together we want to be a burden said my mother-in-law wiping away her tears not a bother at all Emily and I are worried about both of you I reassured them thank you both of you music our in-laws te eyed gratefully accepted they must have been quite anxious we promptly moved in with them my mother-in-law knowing that both of us worked took the lead in the household chores thanks to her we could focus on our jobs the father-in-law retired early and spent his days resting at home which improved his health we all got along wonderfully without any issues and life was joyous however our in-laws made a certain proposal I've been thinking about this for a while how would you feel about building a new two family house my father-in-law said huh it's a bit small for four adults to live in this house and if Tom and Emily have children in the future it'll be even smaller considering the future I've been thinking of building a bigger house where we can live comfortably for the rest of our lives however it's not something we can afford with just my savings we will need to discuss and decide together Tom and I were surprised by The Proposal but we thought it wasn't a bad idea while the current in-law's house isn't too small it's not particularly spacious or comfortable either leaving here longterm might lead to stress building up between us perhaps buying a new house where everyone can live comfortably is a good idea after discussing with Tom for a while we decided to go along with the father-in-law's proposal subsequently the four of us went to real estate agencies to look at various properties we considered making it barrier-free for our in-laws and ensuring there are plenty of rooms if children come along ideally it should be a safe area close to both a hospital and a train station and have easy access to grocery stores given everyone's requirements it seemed like it might be pricey however if we're going to live here for the rest of our lives we don't want to compromise too much each family member shared the same sentiment so fueled by determination we decided to build our dreamhouse no matter the cost after some time our new home was finally completed the exterior and interior were both new and beautiful and just gazing upon it filled our hearts with joy this is really amazing I can't be sick anymore I want to stay healthy and live here for as long as possible my mother-in-law said the in-laws seemed pleased and my husband and I were equally excited this is the house that will be with us for our entire lives when we have kids I want to play catch in the garden and have barbecues I exclaimed that sounds great letun make lots of family memories here my husband added we were overflowing with excitement and joy living in the house turned out to be truly comfortable and it felt like the Pinnacle of Happiness being in a comfortable home made me even more enthusiastic about my work subsequently my work went very smoothly both my public and private lives were fulfilling and I genuinely felt grateful for buying this house the months passed in the blink of an eye and two years had passed in this house we continued to have a good relationship with our in-laws as always and we believed that the days ahead would be filled with happiness however at least this place for life in our new home something unexpected happened it was when my sister-in-law and her husband visited our new house while this really is a nice house it's not fair that only you guys get to live here she said what are you talking about we discussed and decided to buy this house house with our parents I replied but I can't help but feel envious when we were still living in a cheap winter it feels like you're living beyond your means she retorted my sister-in-law often visited our house during holidays and always expressed her Envy every time she would accuse us of being unfair we've been paying the mortgage for this house and it's quite a hefty amount every month we're living within our means earning enough to pay for the this house so there's no reason for her to complain if we were to live here with the in-laws it would be so much fun don't you think what can you even know about the market for this house my husband and I exchanged a glance the sister-in-law probably just blurted out without giving it much thought however her careless words started to move my in-laws Hearts it would be lovely if Kaa could move and live here together my father-in-law said yes it would Liv things up my mother-in-law added hey what are you two talking about haven't we been living together all this while I said trying to lighten the atmosphere oh come on I was just saying the sister-in-law replied exactly there's no need to panic right haaha my husband added attempting to diffuse the tension while the in-laws tried to brush it off it was evident that they were enticed by the idea a of living with the sister-in-law they seemed to have a particular affection for her even Mercer their pet went for her she was a beauty with delicate features looking like a doll since her childhood four years younger than Tom she was born when the in-laws were older making them dot on her even more this pampering had led her to become quite spoiled and Tom had to deal with her demanding nature having heard all this from Tom I was always wary of my sister-in-law for a while after we got married Tom and I were both caught off guard because she didn't seem to be causing us any trouble however recently she had been increasingly eyeing our new house oh Emily you're back then I'll be leaving now she said one day huh I wish you'd stay a bit longer I replied trying to be polite but hoping she would leave but Tom and Emily might find it inconvenient she said said pretending to be considerate I don't think it's a nuisance I said trying to hide my irritation you might say that but it's evident in your eyes and behavior she retorted unwanted guests should leave quickly see you Mom and Dad she called out as she left when the sister-in-law left the in-laws were visibly upset they looked as if they wished she had stayed longer even though they didn't voice their feelings their faces and attitudes spoke volumes I often felt out of place retreating to my room after work to avoid the growing tension that lingered in our home when Tom came home we'd cautiously make our way to the living room for dinner but the atmosphere around the dinner table became increasingly strained long silences would hang in the air and it was clear something was a miss Tom too sensed the change and began to suspect that the cause of our troubles was his sister sister as our relationship with the in-laws deteriorated the sister-in-law finally made her move one holiday Tom and I returned from our morning shopping to find unfamiliar shoes at the entrance we exchanged glances perplexed and then his mother-in-law approached us from the living room you're finally back we need to talk she said her tone unusually Stern as we entered the living room there sat the sister-in-law and her husband ah you're finally here she said addressing us casually Kaa what's going on from today we'll be living here so please leave she declared catching us off guard what Tom and I were taken AB back by her sudden announcement what is she thinking moving in today hold on it's ridiculous to say that all of a sudden it's not sudden we've discussed this with Mom and Dad for a long time she responded resped confidently Kai and I will take care of everyone I'll handle the housework and even care for you when needed please rely on us mom and dad with our daughter here we don't need you anymore a daughter-in-law who doesn't do housework or have children is no match for Kaa I was deeply hurt by their words seeing my shocked face the sister-in-law smirked we'll pay the $473 monthly loan okay she said as if it would make everything all right huh $473 I stammered unable to believe what I was hearing it's a great deal to live in such a nice house for that Tom and I exchanged dumbfounded glances it became clear that the in-laws were already planning to kick us out after such treatment we couldn't continue living there is that so I managed to say but we can't move out immediately could you give us us at least a week we need to find a new place fine his mother-in-law said her tone indifferent ah you must be looking forward to living with Kaa and her husband from today as the in-laws looked disappointed the sister-in-law and her husband were extremely happy that we decided to leave calm down Mom and Dad the house isn't going anywhere I'm looking forward to a week from now she chimed in her voice dripping with satisfaction while the in-laws and the sister-in-laws family were thrilled to drive us out Tom and I seriously reconsidered Co living with such people we quickly arranged to view rental properties and moved out within a week on the day we were leaving I made it clear please take care of everything from now on don't ever get involved with us or come to this house again their words were harsh especially considering how much we had supported them yet now we could could finally live comfortably with Mom and Dad in our new home it felt like a dream as I gathered our belongings and approached the entrance I shared an important piece of information oh by the way it seems there's a misunderstanding about the monthly mortgage payments it's $1,825 every month okay make sure you understand that what they exclaimed in shock their faces turning pale all at once hold on a second isn't the loan just $473 a month they protested you misunderstood didn't you this house is under our father's name so the loan is contractually agreed to be paid off through a debbit from dad's account Emily and I were planning to live in this house for the rest of our lives so we told him he wouldn't have to pay we were bearing all the costs so I was transferring $473 and Emily was trans transferring $1,352 to our father's account every month it turned out father had only remembered the monthly transfers into his account moreover Emily and I split the living expenses equally our parents probably never thoroughly checked the costs and assumed it wasn't a significant amount what no way we can't pay $1,825 a month we can't even cover the living expenses on top of that how can Emily afford to contribute so much Tom exclaimed I don't know how you perceive me but I'm a department head at a major corporation I earn quite a lot I interjected what Emily earns much more than I do Tom said explaining to the In-laws the in-laws looked shocked well we've decided to cut ties with you so it's up to you to support our parents from now on father said firmly no way Emily Tom wait we were wrong let's live peacefully together like before okay mother pleaded what Mom and Dad are you planning to abandon us you guys can repay the loan can't you if that's the case shouldn't you live with those who can I argued that's not fair dad told me the loan was only about $473 that's why we came here we've already canceled our pre previous house the sister-in-law protested that's not my problem isn't this mess because you wanted to move in with us in the first place Tom said right your husband earns very little doesn't he but you always said family was more important than money and pampered me when our livelihood is at stake all of that doesn't matter I added pointing out their hypocrisy the quarrel between the in-laws and the sister-in-law was unbearable to watch well we're leaving I declared and with that Tom and I left the house and moved into our rented room despite numerous messages from the in-laws we ignored them all according to our neighbors the in-laws and the sister-in-law's family had no choice but to live together however they couldn't pay the loan and eventually had to let go of the house when they sold the house a considerable debt remained even after you using the father-in-law's early retirement benefits for repayment they still fell short eventually they had to settle for a small apartment and work multiple jobs to repay their debt apparently the sister-in-law's husband didn't want the burden to fall on him so he ran away if only the in-laws had continued living peacefully with us they wouldn't have faced these hardships but again it's none of our concern now on the other hand Tom and I found our rented apartment much Cozier than anticipated we planed to stay here for a while and save money we lived happily watching our savings grow at an incredible rate we believed it was essential to save as much as we could for the future while enjoying occasional luxuries our aim was a happy life together in the years to come
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 14,119
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Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, cheating, reddit relationships, reddit cheating stories, Reddit husband, story time, stories drama, reddit cheating, reddit cheating story, reddit story
Id: u8YZKDqDA9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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