Sister Demands Her BABY Sleeps In My Room With Me & She Continues Partying With Her Boyfriend

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do you have a sister that you don't talk to why are you no longer in contact I'm 21 male and my sister is 18 the day my sister turned 18 she moved out with some friends and they all share a small apartment together just a mile away from us I however stayed because my college was close to home and I wouldn't waste much on living expenses I started giving my parents money for rent electricity and water and I buy my own stuff that I need like laundry detergent groceries etc four months ago my sister came out and told us she was two months pregnant my parents were obviously disappointed but they hid that from her and offered to help in any way with the baby and they've been doing pretty much everything they've gone out and bought baby clothes toys a bassinet bottles blankets everything now because my sister lives with other roommates she said she can't have the baby there with her and her boyfriend and convinced my parents to let the baby live here since she's less than a five-minute drive away from us my parents agreed with no argument even though they clearly weren't expecting that and I didn't voice any opinion about it because it's their house and they can decide on what they want however I didn't know they were planning on having me share my own room with my nephew until my sister came home the other day and started moving the stuff my parents bought into my room I told her there's no way the baby's gonna be in my room she was so confused and said it was obvious the baby would stay here because where else was he gonna sleep I honestly thought since she'd be needing to feed him every couple of hours the first few months that he'd sleep in the living room with my sister and then when he started sleeping through the night he'd stay in my parents room there's is a lot bigger than mine anyways to be honest it bothered me that nobody even asked me for permission or how I'd feel about that and just assumed I'd be cool sharing my room with a baby that's not even my responsibility I flat out told her no and took out all of the baby stuff of course she gets annoyed and goes crying to my parents that I'm being mean and unsupportive of her pregnancy my parents say I should give up half my room to the baby because family take care of each other but yet she's happy to dump her baby here instead finding a new place to live I told them she's the one who got pregnant and it's not fair that I have to give up my room because of her decisions my sister stormed off and hasn't contacted us since my parents keep telling me to apologize to her and even a few other relatives are telling me I'm being cool for not wanting to make such a small sacrifice for my own nephew which isn't fair babies cry all the time at all hours of the night I'm not about to deal with all of that in my own room which I pay rent for but that somehow makes me the bad guy here this past weekend my sister and her boyfriend came to a family cookout he's in a field that interests me so we began talking discussing work medical related tests treatments and meds he's a pharmacist and I'm a medical lab scientist during this he suddenly looks confused about something sister's boyfriend you're oddly knowledgeable for someone who only went to Community College me I didn't go to Community College sister's boyfriend my sister's name said that you did don't most technicians only need an associate's degree me technicians yes but I'm a medical lab scientist I have two bachelors and I'm working on a master's sister's boyfriend then who went to Community College me my sister's name sister's boyfriend she said that she went to name of a good school for nursing me she did sister's boyfriend then why did she go to Community College me because she flunked out we continued talking and learned that my sister has told this guy a number of lies in the few months they've known each other things that my mother also confirmed were not true he confronted my sister more than a little disappointed my sister is now accusing me of trying to sabotage her relationship something I think she did herself I had no idea she was lying but most importantly one look at her credentials and this guy would have known something wasn't right my sister and I live in the same city but our parents moved to another country for retirement they flew us out for their anniversary our parents buy all of us tickets on the same flight my sister has two kids a six month old and a five year old she is currently separated from her husband so she would have to handle two children by herself on a 10-hour flight or so I thought she calls me up a week or so before hand and asks me if I will be willing to help her take care of her kids on the flight and something about taking shifts so we can both sleep I tell her that I wasn't comfortable with that but she says nephew loves you so much so we can work something out on the flight and hangs up I was furious I didn't sign up for mid-flight babysitting I called my airline office and asked if they had any business class seats available they said yes and I upgraded using a mix of points plus money the upgrade cost me fifty dollars out of pocket the rest covered by my frequent flyer miles and it was money well spent to be able to sleep I get to the airport check-in and wait around for my sister to show up she does and I eventually tell her that I upgraded she didn't seem too happy she still sends me little screenshots of how important family is and how we should care about them I mean the only reason why I upgraded was because she expected me to babysit and I didn't give her a heads up and for everyone that said I didn't tell her I didn't want to do it I did I did tell her over that phone call I didn't want to do it she does have a history of dumping her kids with me and I didn't want to spend ten hours on the plane with them only to spend another week with them in a foreign country where I did babysit them while she went sightseeing for me time me 24 female and my sister 26 I'll call her ed don't have the best relationship red has always had issues with relationships and them not lasting long while I've been in a lot of really long relationships she has purposely ruined a few of mine and even tried to get one of my past boyfriends to hook up with her my sister moved back home making her get fired and me plus my fiance moved back for the time being since we just ended our last lease and are looking for a home when we moved in I brought my very expensive wedding dress and put it in my closet all the way in the back so no one had a reason to be near it every now and then my sister asks to borrow a piece of clothing or some shoes and I almost always say yes since I don't care that much and I thought maybe it would help relationship about our relationship did get a bit better and she seemed genuinely excited for my wedding and I thought everything was going to be fine and great it wasn't I went out to pick up some food with my fiance and came back to my sister bawling her eyes out to my parents when I asked what's wrong everyone went silent my father was the one to break it to me that my sister had some wine and decided to put on my wedding dress I immediately went to see the damage not only was there wine all over it the dress had a huge tear in the waist area saying I freaked out is an understatement as I had worked so hard to be able to afford this dress and now it was ruined I told my sister she was going to pay me back in full I don't care how long it takes my parents yelled at me and said there is no way she can afford to give me thousands of dollars for a dress and that I was overreacting they seemed to have that if you can pay for it once you can pay for it twice mentality I basically told them to get lost and either they were paying for it or she was me and my fiancee are now staying in a hotel and desperately searching for a house so we can get out quick this story is spread through my family and I keep getting texts saying I'm an idiot for trying to get my sister to cough up thousands for a dumb dress and I should just get a cheaper one and have her pay for it or it was an innocent accident so I'm wondering am I an idiot for expecting my sister to pay for what she ruined just for some background my family is a bit larger we are all pretty healthy people but we are not naturally thin both of my parents are bigger I'm a bit bigger and growing up my sister was 2 now my sister works hard to fight being bigger she eats like a rabbit and does pretty crazy workouts people tend to look up to her for keeping her weight down and getting healthy but from my perspective she is constantly stressing herself out to maintain this appearance with all of the running etc my daughter turned 14 a couple of months ago and has been expressing distaste about her body for a while she's a bit chubby like myself it makes me sad but I'm trying to teach her to love herself for who she is I know that my words haven't gotten through to her as she has been going to my sister for advice first was the at-home exercises and running it is difficult to watch her beat herself up with these exercises she claims to enjoy them but I'm sure she wouldn't do them if she didn't want to be skinny like my sister then she started regularly complaining about the food that I prepare I'm not a huge vegetable person and neither is anybody else in our family I'm not going to waste money on it it has led to many arguments between us the final straw was when I opened up a package that turned out to be a food scale for my daughter my sister bought it for her my daughter told me that since I will continue to make her eat unhealthy food her and told her to weigh it out so she doesn't eat too much I immediately confronted my sister about it she is trying to push her lifestyle habits on to my daughter I'm trying to teach her to love herself not spend mental energy fighting biology she tried to blame me for making my daughter unhealthy in the first place she claims to be trying to help just because my daughter can't run a mile and do the difficult exercises she does to maintain her weight doesn't mean she's not healthy I hung up with my sister and went to post to Facebook about her buying my young daughter a scale and encouraging her to weigh her food people look up to her and I think everyone should know that she pushes young women to hate their bodies my post received a lot of criticism and some people even think I'm an idiot for trying to tarnish my sister's image and for refusing to let my daughter try to lose weight my sister and I both recently ended relationships hers was a really rough divorce that has left my sister very fragile and she's been living with our parents since January edit forgot to include this but aside from the divorce being very emotionally trying she also lost her job due to divorce related stress affecting her performance at work and because her ex dragged it out she ended up draining her savings in lawyers fees in March my relationship also ended and when I couldn't find a new place before the lease was up I also ended up back at our parents house I moved into my new place today I realized I'd need two trips to move everything so my parents offered to take half and get it done in one and when they saw it was a studio they lost their crap over the last couple of mom they've made a couple of comments things like saying that I better look for a two-bedroom and to not choose a place before my sister has seen it there was also a conversation with my sister where she said I can't wait to get out of here and when I asked her if she'd found somewhere to live yet she looked confused and then changed the topic I got the feeling they were angling towards us being roommates so I tried to shut it down in the nicest way possible as my sister is fragile right now but I really don't want to live with her as I had the feeling my parents were angling for me to take my sister I specifically looked for studio flats so she couldn't have her own bedroom or even say she'd sleep on the sofa there was no conversation where any of them explicitly said we fully expect you to get a two-bedroom so you can live together but apparently all three of them were expecting me to have room for her having said that there was also no conversation where I explicitly said no way it was just a couple of months of her and our parents joking about us living together and me saying haha no we had an argument when they first saw my flat was a studio during which I admitted that I'd looked for studios so my sister couldn't live with me my sister started crying and said if you hate me that much you should have just said so they all left and it's been a few hours I've received a total of 43 calls and 67 messages most of which I'm just ignoring but they're all saying I'm an idiot for pretending to not know what they were talking about and forcing my sister to stay with them and did they say that as there was clearly an expectation that she would live with me I should have said something sooner as they've apparently had to pack and now unpack my sister's suitcases because they thought they'd be making another trip to get her stuff after moving mine I did actually relay the conversation to a friend who is in a similar situation but they said I should have been clearer and shut it down sooner rather than get my sisters hopes up over a miscommunication edit I put this in a comment but didn't realize it was in the main post there were maybe three or four instances where I said something like I can't wait to live alone however when I said it my parents would say that living alone isn't as good in practice as it is in theory and that I needed a roommate and they typically change topic before I could respond because it's come up as my sister has no money and I was the only one on the rental agreement my parents / sister would presumably be expecting me to pay for everything though our parents are fairly well-off so if I asked them to pay my sister's share I can't see them objecting also I'm 24 my sister is 37 years old a few months ago my sister told us she was pregnant it hasn't been great since we found out I have to do all of the hardware tours since the pregnancy is considered a higher risk since it's twins I'm also basically not allowed to have any of my favorite foods anymore because my sister says the smells make her nauseous now she's saying that her bed is too hard and she's having trouble sleeping and her body aches when she wakes up so mom and her think I should trade beds with her since mine is softer and also because it's smaller and she will need more room when the babies are born besides me not liking firmer beds my room is a converted attic room so I already don't have a lot of space if I had her bigger bed I would lose a lot of the remaining space I have also my bed frame has drawers underneath that I used to store my things my sister's bed frame doesn't have drawers and sits directly on the ground meaning I wouldn't be able to even store my stuff under there so I would lose even more space because I'd have to put my stuff somewhere else yesterday my mom said to start getting everything ready to move but with my mom being small and my sister being pregnant there's no way they can move the beds without my help especially knock down the ladder entrance to my room so I just said no and that I'm keeping my bed this morning my sister was complaining about how sleeping on her bed hurt again and my mom says I should be ashamed for being unsympathetic and that I should be doing what I can to make things easier for my sister right now I told her it's unfair and how I would lose a lot of space in my room and she gave me a look and said that sometimes I need to make sacrifices for family but I feel like I already a.m. my sister is 37 and has been mostly single for the past three to four years she's a doctor and is working like 70 hours a week on occasion and the hours can be brutal however she takes time for her self and she's quite attractive if that's not creepy to say plus she's very intelligent and well-read and can discuss a ton of different things she's been complaining to me about her dating life a lot lately saying how she can't find any guys that want to date her that she also wants to date I have obviously asked her the reasons and the main ones are that she's looking for someone close to her in age who's also career driven like her and more importantly he must also be her intellectual equal and he must also not be unattractive to her at least I'm usually in hang in there and keep trying mode when these discussions happen because I don't want to upset her but last weekend after what felt like the hundredth time she was starting that discussion I tried to gently explore the subject that her expectations might start becoming a bit unrealistic as she ages she exploded on me all I told her was that in my experience finding a man like the one she's looking for is really hard cuz smart hardworking successful guys in their mid late 30s or early 40s are generally all married by that point so maybe it's time for her to lower her standards and go for one of the many men that do pursue her she got angry and told me that she would go for them but they all get intimidated by how more successful she is than them and that turns her off so she now just disqualifies them from the get-go because she knows it's a waste of time and said that I don't have a clue what I'm talking about and then I got a bit defensive and we had a fight that went off on three billion different tangents so me and my husband have a young daughter who is extremely curious about everything me and husband wanted just a weekend out with just the two of us so we had a sister babysit for the night while we went to the beach house for a date night first time in seven years we actually got to just be a couple again we called every night to make sure everything was all right at home and we got pretty enthusiastic yeses from both of them and it seemed like daughter was having a fun time with her aunt then we got back home we thanked his sister for babysitting and gave her $500 for the weekend the next night our daughter asks us if she's ever going to have to see her aunt again and we laugh and ask why and she tells us be she's mean to me so now we're wondering what happened I guess she's a kid so I think she just wasn't allowed sweets after dinner we usually let her have a small piece of cake or something on weekends something like that we continue to ask questions and she tells us that aunt wouldn't make her meals at all leaving our little daughter to use the oven and cook for herself without any supervision when asked about it she claimed she was just upstairs in case anything went wrong and I flipped my crap she left a child to use and up and by herself she can't even reach the stupid controls so she's telling me essentially she made my daughter climbed the counter to get to the controls to turn off the oven while it was still hot it's bad enough she'd have to climb up to turn on the oven fine whatever I've let her do that a few times too while I was there to lift her up and down but while it was on and still very much hot - what was she thinking I told my husband she is never allowed over again and we will never let her babysit again my husband is telling me we just need to explain why she can't do that and give her a second chance [Music]
Channel: ASK GURL
Views: 72,607
Rating: 4.8796139 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit, askwomen, askreddit girls, reddit women, reddit girls, askreddit real voice, reddit stories, justnomil, r/aita, r/tifu, reddit sister, reddit babysitter, reddit family, reddit worst sister, reddit toxic sister, reddit drama, reddit family drama, reddit mom, reddit pregnant, reddit entitled, reddit spoiled, spoiled sister stories
Id: C6QDOunp7EI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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