Sir You Don't Have Authority To Record On Site Can You Please Leave!! 🎥❌👮‍♂️👮‍♂️🚔🚨

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so you don't have authority to record onsite could please leave [Music] welcome back to the channel guys today we're looking at the toyota massive massive sight and this is the main goods inwards gate on google this is where they make the toyota vehicles so yeah it's quite a quite a big place on the map this one so there's a lot of signage saying toyota this way it's even got its own road and it's humongous car park the sun's in the wrong wrong angle on this one to be honest please ring security on oh one three three two two eight two two four free just in case i need it later on got a building over there that says academy are they making cars here at the minute mate yeah what model toyota roller sorry toyota roller i'm a photographer i'm pointing over there i'm pointing over there man toyota roller yeah oh corolla silly me he meant no toyo to corolla the toyota corolla as roller yeah the website says uh toyota has begun production of its all-new corolla hatchback and estate range in the firm's uk manufacturing facility in derbyshire that's where we are now an official ceremony attended by global toyota figures mark the first models rolling out of the burn aston plant hello hello mate is he recording me i'm recording everything today i'm making a video about toyota okay did you have permission to record button no no okay do you have if you ask more permission to record me don't need it you don't need it nope but maybe called the recording device about on titan i'm not on toyota i'm not on toyota so what we're doing today making a video about toyota i'm not going on the restricted areas that you've got i'm staying out in public oh so so you don't have the authority to record onsite could you please leave who said that my supervisor my manager can you if you could please leave what's his name if you could please leave site what's his name because i'm not prepared to answer any of your questions if you could please leave sign i don't agree with what the person is saying maybe you're recording i don't agree with you recording me i think it's against my vote you're not going face master i'm not too nearer than two meters can you please please start sir no you're refusing to lose i'm refusing to leave sight because you will not tell me who said it strange bloke thinks we need permission to film him so yeah i'm not too sure about this road to be honest whether it's um a private road or not there's no signs that you would normally see and uh a lot of the signage that is present is all toyota signs and even the traffic lights look a little bit different to be honest it's like they've got their own their own traffic system set up here and this road is only to be used when accessing the toyota site and the nursery which is where i've put my car for a minute so let's have a look what's up this bank that's good to see look they've got loads of um little plaques where people are planted trees oh it's actually to say how many years of service they've had five years service five years service but actually it gives all the names the full names of people that work here data protection just in the tree tags so my conclusion about this being private property and whether he's got enough clout to say please leave is the fact that this bright horizons day nursery entrance is just here so you have to use the private road the toyota road to access up to this point now here's he is the security guard or security staff for toyota so he will control what's going past them but on there as he is doing he does not need to worry about this area here because whoever wants to visit bright horizons day nursery can do so and that's entirely up to them so i will now stand on bright horizons day nursery road and ignore this guy i've told you before no i'd rather you didn't approach me i'd rather be left alone and you just carry on with your business which is securing the toyota site well while i'm out here minding my own business i'm not interfering with you and i'd appreciate it if you didn't interfere with me yeah you've already told me that you're not wearing a mask you've already told me that yeah walking towards me no it's about the leave sight part yeah i won't be leaving sight until i'm ready all right so i've just been informed sir but if you don't leave science hello everybody there's gentlemen breaking the law we need to leave side what law is that i'm going to call we're calling the police as we speak and what law i've broken you're on private property so what's the law what are you trying to prove sir i'm trying to prove that you're talking nonsense and what are you trying to prove no law is being broken right now i've just told you i'm making a video about toyota leave sir please leave i reject your request to leave the police there's no law being broken takes control he's refusing to leave i've made that away he's refusing to leave sauce okay please i'm only putting on my mask because i'm going to come close to you i don't want to come any closer i know you don't on private details yep got it matt hello matt oh hello nice to meet you nice to meet you sia registered it's nice to see that you've got your badge on display i don't mind i'm not breaking the law you're breaking the law that's fine mate zero three seven eight two four zero details off my two three five four nine zero two five expires may 2024 is in date and it's on display not many of them that have it on display nowadays yeah anyway what law have i broken by being here not answering any of your questions okay can you please leave would you like me to tell you would you like me to tell you trespass is a civil matter it's not a criminal offence to trespass thank you very much that's what we call the walk of shame i've just been asked to leave but you can be as arrogant as you want no no listen do not do not approach a photographer who's minding his own business you concentrate on keeping toyo to secure and not hassling photographers i mean i had to little be a little bit stern of him there we kept on going on about nonsense about we're phoning the police criminal offense oh my god they've even got their own uh flashing blue light car that is hilarious oh my god they've even got their own uh flashing blue light car that is hilarious i'm very well thank you and you just you know you are being recorded as well so how can i help you today no i've not asked for any help off anyone can i ask what you're doing today i'm making a i'll give it this way so the the um the sun is helping my camera okay i like it i like it so yeah i'm making a video about toyota today i'm not entering any of your restricted areas i'm currently standing on bright horizons access road which you have no jurisdiction over so how how can i help further with yourself yeah don't just ask your name no why not what's your name ian ian what let me tell you i'm turning in can you see my person okay you can call me dj how you doing dj what are you recording sorry what are you recording on what am i recording on what are you recording on what are you recording on what's going to be on it's all social media platforms social media yeah it's brilliant what social media all of them which one all of them all of them yeah somewhat facebook yeah my channel is uh chat is on the mall what are you doing on the channel as well rude yeah no you don't get no rude social media wherever there's no social media at all because i can sense a bit of um like you're trying to be funny that's not my pet i'm trying to get some more information for you also yeah i can see that no bright horizons have not got many stuff working today i've already checked are you sure well i'm going to stand over here on the bathroom if you want to stand on a bit yeah i know i heard you i've already checked with i'm working out for you i've already stand in the middle of the road that's fine um bright horizons have not got many stuff working today have you noticed no not been very observant anyway um you know exactly how many stuff are working but i don't need to tell you that yeah do you um cover the bright horizons uh security or you just toyo to security no we do cover up here as well we have to yeah up here yeah yeah so if they've got some sort of fire would you would you attend yeah hopefully yeah if they got their own security i'd imagine they've got their own security up there yeah they have any problems did you give us a shout as well yeah they got an internal radio system linked to yourself don't know so they're not connected then okay all right anyway please don't waste your time anymore ian north um okay dj someone are you very helpful are you sio registered yeah where's your badge is it needs to be on display mate there's no good in your pocket needs to be on display you need to record my yes please there's no personal details on it what my personal number oh that's not personal that's available you have to provide that to the police upon request yeah um when a photographer is i'm going to take the drone up in a minute as well get some overhead shots but it's um you're currently manufacturing the toyota corolla from this plant aren't ya i don't know internally people call it a roller don't there it's a slang term for corolla they'll just call it roller so if we've got any more business then are you happy now okay right i better get the drone up then that's my next plan of action get the drone out get some nice overhead aerial shots though we're just going to get them danny and have a word i thought you already have they might be on the way right now yeah yeah no problem mate no problem i might be delaying you how's that delaying me delaying you i'm in no rush i've not called you over i've just stayed out your way i've not uh interrupted with any of your activities today well you have stood in the middle of the road this is this is the nursery access road and i've just told you yeah they're closed you've got a pedestrian zebra crossing there which i used to cross the road i've already told you that i've checked in there and they're not busy aggressive oh my god i've already told you exactly i need to be aggressive if you interpret i've already told you it's been aggressive that's perfectly unreasonable oh would you like me to have a little pause before reply yeah so do you know when the police attended do you know when police attend a matter of civil trespass they'll literally tell you it's a civil matter and it's down to you guys to deal with it and you should instruct your legal team to start legal proceedings to get an eviction notice at the end today obviously you're on private property no it's not yes it is this is private property do you know right if anything happens to this road every year or anything happens over here you know who pays for it not public service have you noticed how this road slightly not no not a cancer council not derbyshire council council don't pay for this i know i know it's when do the council pay for your driveway i'm listening to you then i'll reply because i'll pay for your driveway i'm listening to yourself and then i'll reply okay anything on here this is private property yeah i agree yeah it's owned by toyota i agree after the island the pinnacle of the island is owned by toyota i agree so in theory you're walking around on either yeah yes it's open to the public but if you're walking around in an unsafe manner which we saw you walking up and down the road out there and just blatantly walking around obviously we've got to look around and we've got to be curious as to who you are yeah of course we see a strange person walking around looking at a crash you know it's closed two cars in there mate i've already had one of them i've already had permission to pop my vehicle up up there yeah there you go yeah so it's one through the window the ladder it's all on camera mate i don't ask for people's name that are in crashes only security staff that are wrestling photographers are because just leave me alone then whoa i can't i can't leave you alone i'm standing in the middle of the road right guys it says i'm standing in the middle of the road here and when i was in the road as you saw from my introduction there's two cars in the car park the lady said it's fine to park my car there these guys are just going over the top and just hassling a photographer they've called it 10 minutes ago he was walking up and down yeah do you know why everybody was leaving do you know why good idea do you know why why were you doing that because i was looking for some road markings that would identify whether it's toyota owned land or council owned land and i didn't find any to sort of i did i didn't find anything that supports the argument that it's council land so i agree with you it's council it's toyota owned land toyota toyota owned land toyota will pay for the upkeep of resurfacing anything like that but you know how this road mar do you know this road surface has changed color dust you're gonna let me finish because i i'll let you finish so do you see how this road surface has changed color dust here that's because the nursery access road here isn't in your jurisdiction if anything happens on this road they will pay for the upkeep of it nothing to do with toyota i'm currently standing on nursery grounds by the way oh mate it's it's uh anyway right i don't even know that things like this with me looking on the road there for clues that would back up myself i didn't find any the only thing that i found is this area here which clearly in my opinion i could stand here all day long you secure your area i've had permission from the nursery okay i don't disagree with you the fact that you could stand here all day long but the point is if you're on private property can you imagine what happens to you if something happens to you it's not this isn't your private property here this is the nurseries so you think it's the crashes the crashes the crescent access road the access yeah just out of curiosity is the crash owned by toyota or is it private property of the bright horizons properties at least the bright horizons anything off the island just comfortable there's an official boundary line yeah yeah so let me explain at least yeah so they're quite arrived at lisa oh yeah yeah and and they have a say of who visits yeah so is it lee if it's leased off to toyota then do they have your restriction of the uh roads leading up to the crash just ask him so right if bright horizons invited a film crew to stand on their access road could toyo to stop it yeah i'm being asked if bright horizons asked for a film crew to stand on their axis road wood toyota stop uh he's been very polite and just said his neighbors dj they said stop engaging because the question he didn't want to answer it when they normally get a question like that which leads them to to support the argument of the photographer they normally just walk away which is it's sort of indicated that you wish you did that it's quite interesting you've got a blue light on your vehicle and is there any reason why you've got a blue light on your vehicle yeah outside yeah would that vehicle ever use the blue light on a public highway does the vehicle ever go on the public highway so that's purely for use on site only and you know when you have you ever use that vehicle with the blue light past the barrier this side at the end of the day and you think i get around but can i ask you why are you asking me questions about security we've got him thinking now look so from dot uk the road vehicles lighting regulations 1989 regulation 16. it says restrictions on fitting blue warning beacons special warning lamps and similar devices and it says no vehicle other than an emergency vehicle shall be fitted with a blue warning beacon or special warning lamp or a device which resembles a blue warning beacon or a special warning lamp whether the same is in working order or not so whether it's working or not and we saw it working no vehicle other than an emergency vehicle should be fitted with a blue flashing light now the fact that he's on private property he may be able to get away with it but as soon as he comes on the um the public highway in my opinion this side of the barrier then he cannot be using that it cannot even be on display so yeah there we go why are you acting because you're acting like a terrorist yeah you're are you doing reconnaissance it's called hostile reconnaissance and the answer is no the fact that you're asking me these questions i'm just about to fancy yeah so the fact that you've got a flashing blue light on your vehicle to my knowledge only the emergency services that are registered to have a blue light on their vehicle can do so my question yeah i've not finished my sentence i don't need to answer your question okay the my camera caught the footage of the blue lights being flashed as it approached this direction was you the driver of that white vehicle oh did you see me getting out of it i didn't actually know okay was you the driver of that vehicle no no okay are you enjoying yourself today yeah yeah i've not been here too long i am sorry no thank you i don't know what you're going to put in it i don't really need any refreshments at the minute yeah just talk to that it looks a bit cold though you're moving around a bit do you know how um when you first approach and you says i am recording what made you say that um i have to let you know you really recorded yeah do you have to let me know your main report no because you fall under gdpr regulations and you work for an organization so by you telling the subject the data subject that you are recording that is very good actually but i'm just wondering what you thought who you're on the news report no no no do you know when are you licensed do you know a city i'm answering your question do you know what a citizen journalist is a citizen journalist is what i am so you don't need no license it's just a member of the public on their day off from work they pick up a camera and they go to an interesting place and the story that i was hoping to to cover today was the fact that you're um building the toyota corolla from this plant at the minute and um the future of electric vehicles etc but as soon as i arrived your colleague has really put a downer on the visit and it's a shame because the audience is big and toyota would have liked good pr from this visit and i don't think it's going to turn out that way sorry it's unfortunate people like to turn around do you know when you do find it all will become clear when i've said the word dj all will become clear are you famous oh yeah seriously you're good at being famous yeah yeah but to be honest you've not done much you've not done much wrong you've other guys done more but yeah have a nice day mate your best going to drink i'm fine i've got a drink in my bag okay well mate you know take it easy please be safe stand in the middle of the road already even though it might only just be two cars up there please don't go you know they are leaving out and everybody leaves and you know i don't well that's one thing i don't want to do is have a digit a medical did you notice when i walk back up here i'm walking across these stones when i walked across there i stuck to the zebra footpath oh it's a swale i swear safety is something i do look at to be honest i do relate with what you're saying thank you just keeping the cat we have got you on camera i haven't recorded you yeah and the main thing is i'm not trying my name i'm not trying to get into secure areas that's the main thing that you guys should be concerned about when i'm outside here and i've clearly walked from this direction maybe he didn't see where i was he's not even asked we've not even tried to ask me any reasonable questions he just says stop stop recording was the first thing he said but when you're in a public area where if it's publicly accessible there's a thing called section 33 of the night of the criminal justice at 1972. and if it's a public area anybody can come on you are within your rights to revoke access but only when you've got full jurisdiction of the land and unfortunately with it being a shared access and me standing on the nursery the nursery are paying you guys for the lease they do have a say of what happens on this land so yeah anyway i think um if you go in now that will speed up my departure oh the police are on the way aren't there i think so yeah that's wait from so i don't want them to look for me if i disappear now they're going to be looking for someone which will be wasting their time which i don't want to do so i'll wait around if the police haven't been called then if you just walk away now then i'll just i'll be on my way um but if they have been called i will wait thank you james nice to meet you please be safe and you are on camera yeah um and yeah it is private property it is i have to come out and say hello ask you i'm not doing et cetera et cetera thank you for telling me who you are you're citizens citizen journalists yeah there's a lot of us on online was it live it's not live it's not live recording we visit interesting places sorry the social media channels yeah just like a reporter but you don't need to be licensed a citizen journalist it's a very it's becoming very popular nowadays and you just find an interesting point to talk about that your audience will be interested in you go to the site you get a visual and just speak about the interesting thing and i was hoping to see some vehicles on transporters or something like that but is this the entrance used for transporters you're not really allowed to say oh yeah don't worry thank you what what um that police yeah what force is it is it derbyshire i mean what force cover this area it's a de post code don't know it's derbyshire so we're going to tell them that they need to be down here and not up there oh yeah yeah ian's just said nice to meet you as he went by so we have left on good terms good right my uh my identification is 12902 marley and this is 1290 greville we've been called here today because we've had some reports of a gentleman recording now obviously we're just popping to say hello how's it going yeah yeah perfectly fine um i've just arrived i'm just doing a little story about toyota about how they're currently manufacturing the toyota corolla oh yeah and the future with potential electric versions and the benefits and how good the batteries are going to be we've got one of those at work actually yeah yeah the fact that they're actually making cars in the uk i was trying to highlight that for the viewers yeah yeah um the security came out and just says i don't want to be filmed you're not allowed to film and just says look just leave me alone and i'll leave you alone i'm not trying to enter restricted areas i'm standing on the nursery access road please just worry about your toyota land and that's where we walked with it i parked up there the lady says um what you're doing parking it is okay for park there for five minutes which is okay so i've had permission is it your black black club yeah it's my platform just for the future if you can park in a space it's always better oh parking's at a premium up there oh i didn't see the markings yeah you're well off oh so you know we could look at dealing with that there's a separate issue that's a civil matter between me and the nursery well it's you know if you're obviously blocking access for children who are getting picked up but what we'll say is if you hear recording you know cars or whatever you want to do that's a matter for you to deal with with the owners of the land i'm staying out the way and all that we ask is if you are recording obviously do it safely yeah yeah avoid the roads uh avoid you know obviously the remaining thing yeah what do you think of the corolla well i was hoping to see someone the transporter and i was thought i set an hour or two aside but uh he's just told me i'm very unlikely to see some so yeah i mean the the issue with a lot of these uh cars is they're nice to see when they're literally coming out of the depot and it's good footage yeah yeah what's unusual having a manufacturer in derbyshire it's a big one as well it's been here quite a long time as well i can remember when this was farmland yeah well you see the signs it's good how it's um you know signposted it they make a big thing about saying toyota is here you know it's a big statement piece it's bound to provoke a bit of interest so people are wondering what's going on here and i have a few requests could you please visit toyota so here i am today and i don't think i'll get anything i've got my drone in the bag yeah obviously with the drone you can probably see over there we're actually on a flight path here yeah the software won't allow me to fly if it's if it is a restricted area but if the software allows yeah then it's a flight path for a local uh um you know also beyond that obviously getting quite close to east midlands as well yeah yeah yeah the software as i say the software don't allow it if it's restricted yeah it's quite it's good really clever so just to confirm we're speaking to the right person we'll just bring that up on the details again obviously we think we know who you are just yeah yeah yeah i don't withhold my information no to be honest lovely meeting you and it's quite an interesting place to come and have a look at it's a big site as you're probably aware of and all the guards are usually really friendly so i can't say they would have a problem but if they did have a problem that would be up to them to liaise with yourself because it's a civil matter yeah it's probably difficult to define what's public and what's private here i would imagine anyway to be honestly the nursery and the children in there that's a separate matter but from what you've said you've been part of your car there yeah and very well but uh you put your car in there i didn't see the um i didn't see the markings i'm just getting my memory card out because it's just about to end but i didn't see the markings so do you know you've just mentioned audits in britain and did you hear about his recent visit to derbyshire headquarters we're not going to comment on other people there because do you know his visit to derbyshire headquarters it was because i got i visited there and i was assaulted by inspector adams so that if you have seen it and i could tell by the body language that you have what a small world doesn't it and you you get called to another job yeah to be honest i don't really watch youtube all right and particularly i know it's really good for things yeah yeah um you know i wish you all of the very best with whatever you're doing do you know i've inspected adams yourself i've never met an inspector adams right okay okay um but obviously you're here today at toyota yeah which is quite a long distance away from our ripley headquarters yeah you're in south derbyshire guys you're on camera so i'd move out the way can we come and speak to you a little bit yeah i'm okay in that case you've asked me to remove my car i'll get it removed in one minute finish chatting with him he's not causing any problems no i've got a lot of parents yeah within one minute it'll be gone thank you agreed to be there so just to clarify then dj audits is that the same one that the hybrid stuff is going to go on yes dj audits you'll see um my incident at derbyshire headquarters with inspector adams where he approached me and assaulted me and worked the camera at my hand i then spent a night in ripley um i can't remember his name but there was a sergeant there was very good i collected the property seven days later and now i've got a civil claim against inspector adams so that's ongoing but yeah that's where i am so obviously we're not going to get involved in any of that but i would say you're in south derbyshire now we're a very uh positive area of derbyshire um there's lots to see here we've got cork abbey we've got walmart reservoir we've got lots of interesting places to get out and about yeah and this is one of them for me this is probably one of them yeah toyota within our patch is really good yeah yeah it's a really nice uh job nice place uh lots going on obviously i know you've got to move your car yeah let's do it yeah is that cool we're gonna have a chat of these guys separately not to do with you um we wish you well yeah you get what you need i i'm going to make a conscious decision of doing the drone from a public area i'm not going to um because out now i've been asked to leave by these taking off from a private area with the drone now would seem wrong in my eyes so i'm going to try and get an over a headshot but i'm going to take off from one of the side rows which is public we'd say is as we said oh yeah yeah your memory thing in is obviously you need to make sure you're not on a flight path yeah obviously that would be a separate but you've said um and you know good luck how many videos do you post a month on is it quite i make sure i post one video a day a day every day wow oh gosh it keeps the algorithm up do you are you um are you part of the national union of journalists no it's a it's called a citizen journalist so have the nuj never thought about recruiting you guys to join the nuj or i've not looked into the nuj it's not something i'm interested in because i've actually got a full-time job so but it does give you a lot of protection around um public liability and all sorts of things like that if you join in nationally recognized organizations yeah that's if you want to enter some some um special events and actually get deep inside the nits and nits and gritty or i just stick to public areas and just whatever's publicly accessible under that section 33 of the criminal justice 1972 we can get into any area if you go on to private land by mistake they can ask you to leave but yeah well i don't think you're doing it intentionally from what i can see on no but the fact that sometimes it's very difficult to define what's public if you see a zebra crossing in a public footpath lights it's very difficult to define what's your problem no i can clearly tell that this is all um toyota land but i just i stuck to my guns a bit because the road colour changes it's got signs of the nursery the nursery are clearly paying for this area i had permission from the lady through the window how long are you going to be only five minutes well that turned into so i had a little verbal contract over the parking agreement there so i've got permission in my eyes to be on this bit but now she asked me to leave come on yeah wish you all the best yeah yeah and yourself it's been very pleasant you've actually acted very professional so thank you very much and it's always good to introduce ourselves and you as well i wish you were good the viewers will love you take care thank you take care so there you go the pcso and the constable talking very nicely because they know that if they don't then it will come and bite them maybe but yeah very pleasant very pleasant indeed so that's it from toyota i'm going to take the drone up and then that's it for this one the vehicle that they turned up in the tires are really good it's fj67dxf [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so that's it from toyota this is where we took the drone up from don't want to be uh taking the drone up after i've been told to leave on private land to sort of um take off from public land really or with permission so yeah yeah some security guards there that just wanted to assert their authority for the first guy anyway the second one was a bit you know clever with words trying to find out more you'll know me as dj you'll find it eventually mate and then yeah the police arrived obviously it was a bit awkward having parked on that nursery car park but with me being on the nursery grounds they really can't do anything about it but when the nursery asked me to leave then i'm just leaving i'm not going into that with a nursery so yeah i hope you like that one guys press that thumbs up for me if you did and i'll see you on the next one bye bye for now [Music] you
Channel: DJ AUDITS
Views: 567,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live free, auditing britain, pj audits, news now yorkshire, bare britain audits, marti blagborough, Ryan rampage, police audit, uk audit, police audit uk, pinac, koleberks, citizen journalist, 1st amendment audit, koleeberks, mat12128, nobody poor, reggie photo, ryan rampage 2nd, audit ed, photography is not a crime, citizen journalism, Audit the Audit, To plod Or not to plod, UK MEET THE TYRANTS, toyota factory, security fail, trespass audit, Toyota Motor Manufacturing UK
Id: GmeGqMwLz1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 41sec (2441 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 06 2022
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