Excuse Me Can You Not Film Inside Our Building Please? 😲🎥❌🛸

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everything okay my friend sorry you're not my friend what's the up what's the opposite to a friend you're requesting me to stop filming up towards the window when someone's hanging in the window that's why i'm building i don't care you have no permission to film inside your request your request to ask me to stop filming in the direction of a window when someone's hanging their head out yeah that's fine five minutes ago five minutes ago i had my drone up locking in don't matter why welcome back to the channel guys today we're still in london and we're here at bromley police station what a weird looking police station eh or is this the back i don't know we're here with coley burks just down there spending the day with this uh massive youtube auditor a legend so yeah we've had a few interesting encounters today and this is number three police station number three of the day so let's go and see what we can find here at bromley some nice crests on the wall embedded into the brick a bit of a underground car park down there and a weird barrier controlled road joining the two car parking on either side a main gate here we're seeing quite a lot of hazcam signs aren't we're 2w on authority of chief inspector tate no smoking police station deliveries buzzer enter is no longer monitored buzzer entry is no longer monitored you should use your warrant pass and backs code to enter the site backs code okay so when they put the pin code in that's actually called a bax code anyway vehicle's coming out so i'll move out the way oh it's changed his mind he doesn't want to come out now but i'm hiding behind this brick wall lot so he can't see me do you want yeah uh just about different police stations and how where how they differ or something but it's for the audience yeah there's viewers that watch the videos go from police station prison anything like that just compare them all really okay but viewers literally saw me there that's it she just saw you there so we just thought to know what he was doing she was literally right outside of the station i was hoping to get the vehicle come out without seeing me i just wanted to poke the camera around the corner but there's no law against it as you know well no of course not i just wanted to i was just curious why he was there that's all why i will say mate is just for your own safety obviously if you're right on the corner just be cautious yeah i appreciate that because it's nice that you're um concerned did you see i was actually standing on the public footpath yeah yeah obviously yeah yeah i'm very surprised we were just on your way back into that game yeah well we were just literally switched around like yeah it's just like we actually see it but yeah like my colleague said is there an in gate as well do they come out that gate or just in ah they do come out brilliant oh yeah just one question do you know your pcso do you know how you've got police staff just there where i'm from it's a requirement of the force to actually say pcso could you just show me what yours says the community support officer now is that a real quick place community that's really that that is really good to see and i do like it is that a requirement of the uniform yes thank you now that is brilliant so as well as having police staff there you have to have the support officer in writing no you can just say yourself but it has to say something don't it produce your designation card why do you want to see that it's like do you know the requirement of having the community support officer that's a tick now you've passed that tick one of the other ticks is the the designation card like you said i mean just for the list just as an exercise to build the bridge between public and police thank you so much can i just have one quick look at that so police community support officers metropolitan police service designated powers just open it for me oh just to spend 30 more seconds with me it really will do you some good gary they're holding the door for you thank you gary you know what right thank you so much because the pcso that i spoke to earlier said you did not have to have that on there as a part of the uniform well i knew you did and it did not show as a designation card so gary thank you so much brilliant thank you it's about to get a whole lot better good thank you thank you gary so guys it that does clearly shows that what the pcso said earlier about it doesn't need to say pcso on his uniform that was wrong and when we asked him for his designation card and he walked off how silly does he look now because gary has just done it textbook brilliant what's that mate very nice sorry i didn't hear you that's not very nice why ain't calling someone silly i won't call him gary silly okay do you want to know what i was calling it earlier on i'll tell you at because i'm blocking the road just let me just move forward a little bit yeah okay about half an hour ago at catford we met a pcso who just had police staff on his uniform yeah and at first i thought it was a constable but it turned out after my colleague questioned him it was only a pcso and i said is it a requirement go ahead well i'll give you a call back into it i said is it a requirement of the uniform that you must say pcso on it well gary said it is no it's not it used to be but they changed the rules recently so it says please stop however if you ask to see their the powers cards that's what gary just showed you gary's brilliant now the person i was referring to was silly was the catford guy now he said it didn't need to say it so he's actually agreeing with you whereas garrison's quoted different so can you see how there's confusion no absolutely yeah but just to clarify so the met uh police uniform standards changed about 10 years ago so let's say police staff rather than pcso however they did used to say please appreciate yourself what about epilep requirements yeah so that if if it's a pcsi they have to wear blue epaulettes in it all the epileps will say police community support officer there you go and do you know if they've got a jacket on on the outside does that oh do they need to move the epileps to the jacket thank you well he didn't you see so see it's still silly then so there you go would you agree if they're not conforming to the uniform standards they're letting the whole team down absolutely absolutely um by the way because obviously thank you sergeant one two three seven yeah thank you do you know when you say police staff are you a pcso oh yeah okay i'm sure somewhere it does have to say pcso does it say anywhere at all because at the minute you are you're impersonating a police officer well i've got police stuff yeah could you show me where it says pcso oh it doesn't i'm not so we're gonna have to finish have you got your designation card i don't have to do anything anything with you have you got your designation card to do anything with you you are please excuse me that is very rude have you got your designation card please wow so actually a sergeant there that wanted to talk about something he heard me on camera mentioning the word silly in the same sentence as the met and he must be a bit protective of the metropolitan police because he wanted to stand up for them and he was willing to have the conversation about the uniform brilliant but but now we know what he was saying was it can just say police staff it doesn't have to say pcso just there but on the epileps it does have to say pcso on the epileps now if he's wearing a jacket like he was then epilepsy have to be transferred to the outer jacket it's quite big to be honest this police station and it's well heavily guarded i mean look how high the walls are and they've still decided to put that extra stuff on the top the spiky stuff i mean is there any need when the wall is that big there's certainly some flaws in that building [Music] so here we are at the front of bromley police station normal notice board and it's 24 hours a day as well awesome not many of that are open 24 hours a day is there someone dancing in the middle of the road randomly oh it's mental around there someone dancing in the middle of the road a pub across the road a taxi right in the middle of the bush for some advertisement high-rise buildings and a 24-hour police station and actually a a two-tier cycle rack as well i think he was live on his facebook page or something how bizarre but it's not very often you see this cycle storage like this is it double decker and you can just pop your bike on wherever you want and use your own lock and use these handles here to put it in and out that's london for your way so we've had a good look from the outside it's very well protected you can't really see anything at all not even from the gate so we'll get the drone up we'll have a look to see what they're hiding behind this wall that they've protected with all this uh spiky barbed bar stuff and what is it so important that you want to protect over that wall and we'll go from there so let's get david out from this spot here [Music] [Music] two one [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so as you saw there just behind this wall in the corner that's where the designated smoking point is interesting to see um police constables wearing uniforms smoking but i guess if they've got a designated smoking point then that's fine ain't it they ain't got to get covered up to go out in public and have a smoke but apart from that just a little little yard obviously under this corner of the buildings here is where they've got the entrance and the exit point and then there's a little yard where they store all the vehicles uh so surprising to see such a small vehicle area for such large office space no parking in this area this service road is regularly patrolled by mobile parking enforcement teams an 85 pound parking charge notice will be issued two vehicles which are parked anywhere on this service road so would that mean then that the parking fine will be issued unless you are police unless you've got some sort of badge all that's got is national trust so why are these so brave to park here nothing in that one at all so something is making them confident enough to park on the double yellows and ignore the sign so can we find a pattern is there any evidence inside the vehicles that say they are police staff vehicles well not so far so in this underground car parking area we can also see a load of electrical items that they must be trying to get rid of and recycle even got a met police radio of some sort there got a microwave a printer some electric scooters as well is it all the stuff that they've confiscated from the uh is it the property office store load of bikes there they look like they've been here for a very long time because they're very dusty call the dust on the seats even got still saws in the back trolley over there we can see some forensic services vehicles in the background as well and the door is actually open not locked shut so when you get to this area oh it's just an extension that's why the doors open there's more bikes in the extension part even got a little quad there so it must be stuff that they've confiscated especially with the number of electric scooters that they seem to have in the far distance it says staff bike area but not many staff seem to use the bike coming to this place of work it's been overtaken with the illegal bikes and we've got santander bikes there look now why would they be confiscated or are they old been pulled from above shore into from somebody's out building and you've got a very fast electric scooter there you can just see that they've seized this one had great pleasure in taking that off somebody so yeah this area underneath the police station has got plenty of space space for all the staff vehicles they look like typical cell windows don't they and they've even got the spiky window sills to stop all the birds from sitting there so we noticed here that the constables were just watching us so if i put the camera around this wall here look like that you can just see them in the distance up there so they've gone straight up to koley burks it's normally the inspector that stays in the shadows yeah every time i've gone to some sort of uh policing event like a protest or something you always find the inspector standing out in the shadows on his comms given his orders yeah well i did i did wonder you both pcs are yeah yeah what does the sn stand for that's the area coach so the south bcu uh is it basic command unit control unit uh to be honest i never know always get confused between the two myself yeah i think it's basic basic commands i did have a list of all of them actually i like to talk about something that i've not spoke about before but i presume that you'd rather talk about nothing let's just come out to see what's going on we heard there was a drone flying around so you just come out to have a look that's finished now how does it finish is it was it was it you do know that there's nothing um nothing illegal about flying a drone in this area if it's less than 250 grams i'm not completely over the law myself yeah um we're finding that quite a bit yeah it's so many different legislations with it obviously you've got the drone and aviation laws and codes and all sorts what you would digest all the information if somebody's actually brave enough to do it near your police station i would be assuming if i was in your shoes if i was in your shoes that they've got one of these small drones it's like a toy okay and it's classed as a toy when it's less than 250 grams are you concerned about the traffic just watching it people can get out in and out so close so sometimes i've got more reports to do people start hitting each other do personal vehicles go in the big gate then or is that an undercover police car i don't know we've got so many different vehicles to come in and out because i thought so you can access your underground car park through this big gate is that what you're telling there it's two different car parks yeah so your underground one is for your personal vehicle isn't it so there's two different car parks yeah yeah i don't know uh something you can't if you can't say then just say it obviously inside there where everything leads to a motor obviously we don't come out and give everyone information out of the building but you never want to talk about the same thing that's already been spoken about do you but when when it's something to do with underground car parking so to have an underground car parking for the police that's quite rare and you're actually very lucky if they are providing that to you and is it free i i don't use it myself so i couldn't tell you because if you if you are unsure about questions that are getting a bit of a security risk obviously we can just go over them you know what i mean but the fact that you've got underground parking i've been telling my my camera that that's such a great thing for this police station to have done because normally they expect to park your car where you can but you've also got staff bicycle storage that's being used with the electric scooters that you've been seized okay so have you got another area where you store your bikes because you don't drive your car to work do you ride a bike no i don't want to go see you walk i'll get into work when i can how are you ah come on you don't want to let nothing on do you i don't know i don't really want my personal travel arrangements going okay that's a fair point yeah the internet yeah so can i just assume then that this big blue gate is where personal vehicles and police vehicles go into you have all sorts of police accessible vehicles going through those gates yes so the gate that leads to underground i would assume that that's just for staff you have police success vehicles going both through both equipment so can this big blue gate access the downstairs car park like i said to you twice now we have two car parks yes where's the other one then upstairs we've got two carpets you can see two gates you've got your own eyes are two gates okay okay i took the drone over once and i only saw a small compound where the the carrier vehicles were okay so where's the other car apart from that but it's two car parks i'm not going to tell you the layout of a private building that's weird because it's because it's the taxpayers building and we've we've paid for such a great building i've been picking it up and i've been saying it's got such okay if you want to ask about the layout of the building what i suggest is putting the freedom of information requests and requests yeah but when you've got two constables that are trying to build the bridge between public and police i'm asking simple questions about a beautiful building that we're all paid for and how it works and you won't even okay is this the row of cells on that floor there where the windows are very strong it's up to you to work out if you want to work that out see that this video is not going to be like now because of your refusal to just answer the simple questions i mean they are cells aren't there come on it's up to you to work out if you can see that the windows are different you may put two and two together and work out yourself it's unfortunate because you could have easily said yes they are the cells i could have done i may not have done but i didn't do it's like you're doing being too careful and that's that's weird for the viewers is it okay the viewers enjoy it okay so because we're going down this line now are you recording no i'm not at the moment okay no i'd rather you not okay are you recording see your tones change just because i'm asking some simple questions it is it is no you're trying to get me to put into answers that i've already given you for it two or three times you've said you don't want to tell me how you arrive to work we've squashed that point because i agree that is a bit too personal about the layout internally where there's personal people moving around their personal vehicles yeah there's police vehicles moving around because and there's prisoners moving around so we're not going to give those details a lot of building if you want those details you can put in the freedom of information request and you'll be able to get those details that's why they're a security gate obviously it's not a public so that's why when we want to understand how this police station works as opposed to others that we visit i take the drone up and i try and work it out and it's like a mystery that we're all solving together and i thought i was getting somewhere and it made sense that the staff partner vehicles underneath you've got a limited space in there in the in the yard that i saw of course and it would make sense it makes sense that the large area that they've put for you underneath you will use that and this area would only be used by marked vehicles which i've only seen marked vehicles use the gate until that one hence the conversation but then your tone change says i'm not telling you i'm not telling you but it's just yeah and there's both sets of personal police vehicles going no i'm interested on when they build new police stations this one was built 10 years ago weren't it do you know the date i don't know there's so many different police buildings across london well the same architect the same architect was involved with the lewisham building yeah okay so we are actually interested in the building side of things and what they decide to do differently because there's a lot of old stations still in in use and they're struggling they've not got these amazing facilities that you've got here and it's like you're taking them for granted and when somebody shows an interest in where our money's going and how things are improving you don't want to tell us about the improvements i don't know what the improvement is i don't know what was here beforehand there you go so i don't really want to carry on the conversation with yourself to be honest so it's a shame in it you're right mate yeah is everything okay everything okay my friend sorry you're not my friend what's the up what's the opposite to a friend you're requesting me to stop filming up towards the window when someone's hanging their window that's why i don't care you have no permission to film inside your request your request to ask me to stop filming in the direction of a window when someone's hanging their head out yeah that's fine five minutes ago five minutes ago i had my drone up locking in don't matter why because i want to because you're allowed to and you're allowed to look in a private building at the minute at the minute you're 1136. if you came across something young man and then you'd be arrested for voyeurism no you wouldn't right no because if you're looking because we're private promises if you look private if you make a statement have i got a chance to reply of course so can i get you to come out just in case you get wiped out by a car so when you're in public which i am i can video anything i can see from that area okay even if it's private because you've you've got a requirement to hide personal details if you've not hid them that's not my fault i'm actually doing you a favor by saying guys metropolitan police this this particular window is actually a gdpr vulnerability and you're breaching that you're showing data so if anything do not think that you could be seen as constituting a slight case of harassment would you like to be filled inside your dwelling or private premises or workplace would you like knowing that someone's watching you would i like it yeah would it would i create some privacy if it caused me a problem yes i would but bearing in mind it's a high-rise building we don't expect drones to be coming up to the windows do we yeah well i'll give that as an example if i want to talk to somebody that's got their head out the window you can't stop me and you can't stop me from filming him either i'm not gonna stop you everybody what are you trying so can you not film inside our building isn't that asking me to stop did i say you have to stop no no of course not um did you did the conversation not go very well for my colleague because you've come over to me with a right attitude yeah so you're not my friend though do you want to see it sorry we're not going to move forward they're not we're anyway if there's nothing that you want then i'll leave you because i didn't know what you wanted that's all you're just showing an interest i don't know what he wants spoken to anyway what is it you guys are up to today i have interest obviously i know you said about the gdpr thing and yeah fair enough yeah well i actually enjoy visiting police stations and see how they differ yeah so that's all that they are all different let's be honest now this one bromley and it's got the same architect as lewisham wasn't it when it was built been about here ten years in it yeah and i noticed that you've got staff car park underneath which i i was saying is a big bonus for you to actually provided the parking yes most police stations that are still active are quite older and you have to find your own parking space so i was just saying to the the other guys there that the so far the only vehicles i've seen going in this big gate are marked and i was saying so have you got your you have some unmarked vehicles going yeah as well yeah so that's why i said was that marked because i if it was i was going to turn the camera away from it if if it was a staff vehicle anyway anyway do you know what that's actually quite nice of you i appreciate it but when i took the drone over i noticed you your yard is very small and you've got maybe only a space for about 20 carriers in there you've got a little small area so we won't get 20 carriers well it looked like it but no more than that but it said you have actually got access from this big gate into a second car park which i found unusual so and it but then he started saying oh you're asking about the layout and they thought about security risk and what threat i post and stuff like that but but then so we moved on um but the fact that you can actually access this car park here through one gate and then enter another staff car park then i've missed that so i might even take the drone back so it was having me on okay so the only way the only way to get into your downstairs car park there's multiple ways to get into it oh it's there's not only one way okay okay well that makes sense could you miss me you've got um a staff come over to see me now that's nice you've got an area where staff can park their cycles yeah and there's not many staff cycles in there it's more of a way if you put this seized electric scooters the reason you're zooming in on me specifically young man he looks quite young well stood here there's a reason your hands are in your pockets are you quite new to correct me i've already explained this you look quite young it's nice to see youngsters in the force to be honest the closest picture to you zoomed in on me to make sure i can get your full outfit who's the most senior out of you free of your illegal just length of service yeah yeah what makes him more senior that's a length of service he's been in longer than said i should leave you yourself somewhere did you happen to be flying around the building yes i've told you i've told everyone that yeah do you just like to speak to your product do you know the legislation around it yeah but you won't because ever and obviously you've got the train station next door you want a police station there if it's above a certain amount of meters i think i believe it's like and also i think it's part of the question i'm not 100 sure but well you you're mentioning it so you may as well learn from this one that's all mate it's only because because every police station we visit we take the drone up every police station we visit so you see this website look civil aviation authority yeah they they control the airspace whether it whether it's a prison a police station residential anything at all so their rules are what we all play by right okay so you've got lots of rules but the one that i'm going to show you is the one that's important because it says so small drones right below 250 so that's what that's the important thing when you're asking somebody about a drone the weight should be your first question now if it's lower than 250 i don't know that but i'd be nice to you yeah no it's fair enough don't know that so the rule on minimum distances to people is different when flying small drones that are below 250. if you're flying a drone that's lighter than 250 there you can fly closer to people and you can fly over them now people are more important than buildings yeah so i wouldn't be coming here testing rules if i wasn't confident that i'm i wasn't compliant with the rules so like i said i just had to iron it out as soon as he was aware of it it was on top of that on top of the weight there always needs to be an operator id printed on the drone itself so if you do encounter this again look for the operator id and they have to have it and look for the weight if it's over 250 you've got them you've got them if it's lower than 250 and it's got the operator id you ain't got no chance so hopefully this has all been good for everyone yeah if you got something out of it it's been very pleasant if you've got some out of it yourself sorry if you've got something out of it yeah i did there you go great i'm being nosy what's that one is that just a camera into a usb stick live stream one no no it's just simply a records onto the sd card but it's got a built-in gimbal that's cool yeah and like when he's just zoomed in i can see a bit like that as well have a look of course it's only on a little screen you can zoom in much better than an iphone isn't it well they can do live streaming so have you have we satisfied your um suspicions when we've spoken to you thank you very much all right now listen i need to inform you because i know you got a bit upset a minute ago didn't you when we first started speaking to you but you've already had police officers speak to you and approach you today yes obviously if you asked it outside of police building i can't say that my other colleagues or even myself a bit later might not come and speak to you it's always a pleasure i know it is but obviously for your um companion um in today's little activities he didn't seem very pleasant with the fact that more police were coming to speak to him so i may get to see you later although you said you're going to leave when i don't know so we'll see all right take care thank you so there you go the people skills of that particular constable regardless of what approach you take with them like coley must have been a bit stern with them there he's managed to turn it round and turn it into a laugh and they can all depart on good terms so it's nice to see you know what i mean you've got to have certain skills when you're a constable maybe to handle situations but they got enough information to satisfy them they they know we know for it they know that we know uh what we're doing you know the drone is less than two fifths there we're not in a flight restriction zone so there's nothing they can do and i have enjoyed looking around this police station but uh it's a shame that it wouldn't be open and honest about how it works you know oh there's that fall park downstairs it's brilliant they give us free parking it's much better than the last police station i worked in there's even a gym inside you know pick it up tell us what's good about it it looks amazing so yeah i'm gonna leave this one here guys um the constables are gonna go back into their car park here in a second they've left us alone they've not even asked to see the drone so if you have enjoyed that video give it a thumbs up for me and i'll see you on the next one guys bye bye for now and he's still up there in that window lot oh dear we're gonna let him get back to work i reckon take care [Music]
Channel: DJ AUDITS
Views: 330,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live free, auditing britain, pj audits, marti blagborough, police audit, uk audit, police audit uk, pinac, citizen journalist, 1st amendment audit, koleeberks, photography is not a crime, english auditor, citizen journalism, Audit the Audit, British Police, UK Police, uk audits, british audits, filming in public, auditing, Photography Audit, #auditor, Metropolitan Police, bromley police audit, met police audit, London Borough of Bromley, Bromley South, Bromley Town
Id: fsJmsMEdu7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 35sec (2375 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2022
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