Two Clowns in The City

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okay okay did you want to engage me or what's here today my name is PC coy thank you sir number 519 you are pcs Oh Bo okay so okay so your reason to speak to me that's it or a we could be like this you want to talk - you want to talk to you about my private business yeah yeah how's that why are you being like this don't be like this what am i doing nothing I thought I boss you quite sensible question I know okay thank you for like I don't this is between us okay why you being standoffish oh no because II just came to me with this weird person and I've been quite quite okay I've expect you exactly why master you just said to me what did you say to me again why am i recording okay oh yeah question okay don't want to engage me that's fine but I'm just interested that's it Oh question this is calling to see ya all buildings as you can see a girlie yeah yeah so if you see somebody really camera you shouldn't be alarmed no I'm not reserved I'm interested in transit delivery truck and I was interesting what you're doing you're the one that we should ask you to move he's fighting somewhere illegal that's the easiest offensive Ivan it's not offensive I've asked you a sensible question however in defensive how you are being effective because you can camera to keep a record of the conversation you'll be very strange to research no no I'm a strange I'm not straight it's all right so do you normally have a conversation like this with your mobile phone out taking details of your why not speak to the police absolutely okay so if you had bad experience in place before our very eyes experience why you asking me this question because your reaction is strange if I speak to the police yeah when you ask me is that normal for you to record and I said to you when I speak to the police yeah I keep a record is that normal for you to record right go back color codings yes you acting strangely you turn your phone let me ask you something don't delete the record because I will ask a copy for a copy I will ask for a copy for that camera do not delete the PlayStation this goes on to a docking system where it's safe the reason why you're dribbling listen to me this goes on to a docking station where it is saved for 28 days or they have an issue here coming to the PlayStation and we say for longer Dean always has done now what he's looking at me like this I'm on Carina right so no reason you're behaving strange going around training this guy I guess oh you go you wanna pick on police officer one day or you are you disagree noted card on you can I see your designated card excuse me I want to see your designated card this year sir are you refusing to serve it to me this yourself I'm addressing you are you refusing it goodbye I want to see a designated card I need to see your designated God I need to see his designated card we feel obliged to show me you're not showing it to me you don't show me a designated scar you have to say to revile oh sorry you didn't guess with me already because I need to see it designated car you say you saying is caller number you've engaged me now I need to see this designated card and I haven't seen your : invariant marker number is 1/5 I need to see it koi hai koi 1 5 9 2 1 5 9 I do you got the details the designated card listen to me listen to you listen to you person you like that you need to keep space between us give space gives face [Music] keep the meter when you talk you need to keep a meter that's called the walk of shame by the way guys don't a--first people in that manner again just because you got cost you it doesn't mean that it doesn't he can tell me what to do and this year I will be complaining about you clowns
Channel: Auditing Britain
Views: 698,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xwe39geWPsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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