Yes Minister 3.5 - PM's Constituency

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all right Humphrey you win what do I win we must get out of our commitments clearly the title transports you primo miss one that's not worth having we must endeavor to change the Prime Minister's mind do you mean we plural or do supremo's now use the Royal pronoun I mean both of us Humphrey they see what the daa saddled up this run so what are you suggesting well let's see if you can find a map of the Prime Minister's constituency will you piss Humphrey I need some advice yes that's it do you suppose that the formulation of a national transport policy could have unfortunate local repercussions yes indeed Minister even at the constituency represented by a very senior member of the government in fact the most senior member becomes more embarrassing deeply embarrassing it's the street map minister and the directory splendid this is the Prime Minister's constituency isn't it oh look a park near the station you know Minister one requirement of a national transport policy is to bring bus stations nearer to railway stations but that would mean building on the park the less yes if somebody has to suffer in the national interests make a note would you Bennett bus station to be moved into Queen Charlotte's park minister there's a big bus repair shop would it be more economical to amalgamate the bus and train repair oh absolutely minister big saving bus repair shop to be closed Bernhard now this is commuter country isn't it you know what about that well commuter trains run at Sloss you know they're only really used at Russia so commuters are in effect subsidized isn't that rather unfair on the others oh it's a great injustice Minister computers to pay full economic fare double the price of the tickets Minister I'd make an omelet without breaking it quite a few railway stations in this area British Rail as well as underground yeah well one view is that areas with reasonable rail services don't really need an evening bus service as well I'm very persuasive you to my mind all bus services to ceased after 6:30 p.m. no they what are we going to do with this space when the bus station has been moved into the path where means to the area's very short of parking space for container lot is especially at night container lorry Park on bus station sack burner what that mean widening this access road oh yes indeed looks as though we'll have to take away the western half of the swimming baths of course these are just the local implications of a broad national policy on the broad national policy exactly menacing even so I think I ought to write a paper to the Prime Minister personally the PM would like to know about the constituency implications as a loyal cabinet member I think I owe that to the PM amongst other things yeah man you Minister it would be awful if the press got hold of this I mean with so many other boroughs threatened there'd be a national outcry do you think there's any danger with the press getting hold of it well press wafak Everett getting hold of things like this especially if they're lots of copies yeah I should have to make copies of my papers to all my cabinet colleagues what time because I mean their own constituencies are bound to be affected in due course and if it were leaked with so many copies no one would ever discover who leaked it it so happens I'm having lunch today with Peter Maxwell at the Times don't do anything I wouldn't do you can trust me Minister
Channel: Gregg Tomlinson-Bell
Views: 1,299,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yes Minister (TV Program)
Id: FOIs9wCuf-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 1sec (241 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 24 2015
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