American Reacts to Yes Minister Explains the EEC (EU)

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what is up everybody welcome back collected beard reactions this go around be taking a look at yes minister explains to eec or eu so if we're going to fire the life scrap notification bell i've still got to take and get the dvd player i still have yet to take a dvd player i i'm i'm surprised i've forgotten this far because i want to watch this show and like wreck the whole thing anyways let's get into it this directive comes from brussels saying that all eec members must conform to some niggling european word processing standards that we have to agree to the plans of masses of european word processing committees at the forthcoming european word processing conference in brussels well say something sounds like uh since all members would have to do stuff to something that everybody agrees to sounds like like a loss of national identity almost since you're having to take and conform your rules to other rules yes minister is that all you understand one minister i'm afraid that is the penalty we have to pay for trying to pretend that we're europeans believe me i fully understand your hostility to europe i'm not like you humphrey i'm pro-europe i'm just anti-brussels you sometimes think you're anti-europe and pro-brussels oh minister i'm neither pro nor anti-anything i'm merely a humble vessel into which ministers pour the fruits of their deliberations but it could well be argued that given the absurdity of the whole european idea that brussels is in fact doing its best to defend the individual and to make the unworkable work that is simply not true what great god it's a lot of big words on that one i get what he's saying though it's brussels is doing basically what brussels feels like as do you're taking in a whole continent basically and we're doing this because everybody's agreeing to it he's trying to take it the minister trying to keep the national identity basically is what it sounds like because he's disagreeing with it completely i don't sound pumpers but the european idea is our best hope of avoiding narrow national self-interest that doesn't sound pompous minister merely inaccurate oh no wait i don't understand pompous but the european ideas are best hope of avoiding narrow national self-interest that doesn't sound popular misminister merely inaccurate listen humble vessel europe is a community of nations dedicated towards one goal oh so maybe show the joke come on minister let's look at this objectively it is a game played for national interests and always was why'd you suppose we went into it to strengthen the brotherhood of free western nations really we wanted to screw the french by splitting them off from the oh jesus christ so it's a national against shared interest it just oh my god free western nations really we wanted to screw the french by splitting them off from the germans why did the french go into it then or to protect their inefficient farmers from commercial competition it certainly doesn't apply to the germans no no they went in to cleanse themselves of genocide and apply for readmission to the human race appalling cynicism well at least the small nations didn't go into it for selfish reasons really luxembourg's in it for the perks the capital of the eec all that foreign money pouring in very sensible central location with the administration in brussels and the parliament in strasbourg minister it's like having the house of commons in swindon and the civil service in kettering if this were true why would the other nations have been trying to get in such as well take the greeks actually i find it difficult to take the greeks open-minded as i am about foreigners as you both well know but what will they want out of it an olive mountain and a red cena lake i just don't accept any of this i'm so sorry minister i suppose some of your best friends are greeks the trouble with brussels is not internationalism it's too much bureaucracy but the bureaucracy is a consequence of the internationalism why else would there be an english commissioner with the french director general immediately below him and an italian chef to division reporting to the frenchman and so on down the line i agree it's like the tower of babel i agree no it's even worse it's like the united nations i agree there's perhaps if i may interject you are in fact an agreement no no we're not you know what they say about the average common market official he has the organizing ability of the italians the flexibility of the germans and the modesty of the french and that's topped up by the imagination of the belgian the generosity of the dutch and the intelligence of the irish it's all greatly gravy trained they live on champagne and caviar chauffeur-driven mercedes private aeroplanes every one of those officials has got his snout in the trough most of them got their two front trotters in as well i beg to differ brussels is full of busy hard-working public servants who have to enjoy a lot of exhausting travel and tedious entertainment tedious working their way through all that smoked salmon forcing back all that champagne well in any case minister i think you're blaming the wrong people all right so this this is funny this is funny i have to say but it's it's also very it seems like whenever countries take and join uh into unions with each other or agreements with each other someone is always going to take and it's always about self-interest on the one hand uh it seems like you know some countries have more to gain than others uh it's it seems like uh with this it's kind of hard to tell if they were for or against it other than the fact that their national interest wasn't being served with whatever was being you know whatever rule brussels had just made and that's the whole rub on all of it not not everything is going to serve your national interest but the interest of the whole and sometimes that's not the best for you so um yeah this is i i definitely i've got to take and get the dvd player finally so i can i've got the series of this and yes prime minister so i can react to the whole series um yeah i enjoyed this y'all be good to each other love yourselves peace [Music] you
Channel: The Eclectic Beard
Views: 79,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American Reacts to Yes Minister Explains the EEC (EU), Yes Minister, Yes Minister explains the EEC, British sitcom, british political satire, Paul Eddington, Nigel Hawthorne, Eclectic Beard Reactions, reaction channel, reactions
Id: 2HmU4_ASNj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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