Sir David Attenborough Terrifies Idris Elba With 'Land Octopus' | The Jonathan Ross Show

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are there moments in animal behavior that you know happen but you haven't seen yet you haven't been involved with the capturing of that on film oh yes yes I mean that involves actually giant squid John squid have been filmed these are this is an enormous thing 100 foot long or something like that with its tentacles out they lived in the very deep water very seldom seen alive a Japanese team managed to film one a couple of years ago but we know that giant squid fight with whales with sperm whales the sperm whales have circular scars on their on their snouts we can only come from the huge suckers of the Giants fit now that's a Titanic but they're terrifying some of those creatures are you frightened by many of the animals come from because there's some footage in this that really gave me the creeps the octopus working on land yes in this is one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen the most ingenious and athletic did you know an octopus could walk on land like this no I never heard of that really yeah they can so say you were out walking your kids on the beach and you saw lots of us walking towards you Idris what would your reaction be I'd leave my kids with wild beasts I would this actually not much actually when I was in South Africa shooting in Cape Town you know in Cape Town Table Mountain then they've got the wild orangutan I think they are and there are those they come right up to you get your handbag get you at sangwich and move on they're like [Music] it wasn't probably a baboon sit next to when you tell a story without knowing some animals of course are even with precautions are dangerous to film there and they're not necessarily the ones you would necessarily expect to be so whenever I see a polar bear you maybe think wow what a gorgeous creature I'd love to be close to there but of course they are terrifying and they are lethal they are the only wild animal who actually deliberately hunt human beings whom they see a human being they think yum-yum breakfasts you know they are very very frightening animals and they're very very big and actually the team from hunt that was filming these filmed them just in the beginning of when the ice was beginning to melt in the spring in the spring and they discovered a new kind of behavior that what this the the polar bear was doing was coming up because in the spring holes developing all over the ice the ice cover so the polar bear would stick its head out and it would spot a seal just they were there and you could see that it was no single there was another little blowhole over there and then it would go down under the water and under the under the ice swim on through the water and try and come up next door to the that's where the seal was sitting so it could could grab it and this the team noticed for the think it was the first time and they decided to try and film it and they set out to do this sort of thing and it was quite difficult because the polar bear kept coming up in places they didn't expect that he would get lost under the ice that's right well they thought it scott los hadn't got lost it was actually hunting the cameraman Wow so it's quite it's quite tough the interesting about the hammer I think is is because when we watch nature shows I don't think I can speak for most of us sees you used to come to the cuteness of an animal and when you see a smaller animal being hunted by a larger animal your sympathies go with the with the price while them with the predator and of course here you go out of your way to show us the inevitability of the circle of life yes the fact of the matter is that most predators fail most of the time it's very very tough being a cheetah or alarm we don't show the kill what we are interested in is the tactics in which the the Predators and used to attack and the tactics that the prey used to escape yeah I mean hunting dogs for example I mean hunting dogs I have it have a hunt as a team and and because they if they're operating singly they could never bring these things down they wouldn't have the endurance but with a team you can change the leadership you can follow on and inexorably you can run down and you can eventually because you operate as a team prevent the prey from jinking yeah which is what they don't even dolphins are doing it as well I mean it's remind all fins sound getting started on dogs dolphins will in Florida they they they come into the into the swamps into the mud flats and they will herd they operate as a team and they heard the small fish so that they sweep them up with a bow wave sweep them up onto the mud and then they themselves follow them and line a next door to one another lie on their sides and scoop up the fish it's amazing to see and actually the the extraordinary thing is that of course if you've got eight dolphins that are going to do this as a team and they're going to and they're going to turn on their side to pick up the fish of their mouth they've all got to turn the same way yeah yes so that when you turn one there they would be awkward also they would only get half kiss the dolphin I've been kissed by a dolphin but chaps like me don't tell these monsters well his breath was his breath yes so that story about me - you and me would you go into space if they asked you because you know we're doing I'm not turned on by space I know it's lack of imagination or something but this planet we've got is so packed with excitement I didn't in your fight and I'm a great thousands of towns of energy burning away up your backside and shoot you over the space where you're going to turn around for weeks in darkness probably gone the batteries [Music] for Richard Branson I'm canceling my ticket like would you stay with us along this evening streaming that would be lovely I just want to show fighting off before we move on with the show because here's a picture of Sir David uh much earlier this was on blue peter service of 1958 and he's showing is that a power key or cockatoo what is this a cockatoo - and you're showing - two young people there yeah and could you tell us who those young people are well that's the Prince of Wales pretending I'm not worried that my cockatoo which I bought back from New Guinea wasn't gonna remove Princess Anne's little finger that's incredible that is a lovely picture well you've been helping all of us to understand enjoy animals in that way for so many years now how long may it continue to be the case the hunt is on right now and you can get the DVD and it is just sheer enjoyment from start to finish thanks in no small part to the conversation of this man Sir David [Applause]
Channel: The Jonathan Ross Show
Views: 2,996,394
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Keywords: The Jonathan Ross Show, chat show, jonathan ross chat show, hollywood, UK, bbc iplayer, british tv shows, watch uk tv online, watch british tv online, watch british tv shows online, animal babies, wildlife, documentary, gorilla, spy in the wild, conservation, environment, sustainability, idris elba baboo story, octopuses bbc, octopuses, octopuses on land, octopus on land, octopus walking on land, extraordinary, nature documentary, bbc earth, beasts
Id: _S7B18GqdY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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