Sink or Float with Blippi | Fun Science Experiment for Kids | Educational Videos For Kids

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[Music] what is this huh this is a tank and today we're gonna fill it up with water go around the park find items to see if they'll either sink or float but first we need water good thing i have a bunch of water let's fill it up [Music] one two [Music] three four [Music] five [Music] six seven all right this looks like the perfect amount of water now let's go to the park find items so then we can see if they'll either sink or float let's go [Music] okay now let's find some items at the playground and so then we can see if they'll sink or float oh come on whoa look at this how convenient it's a tote whoa so then we can put all the items in here let's go [Music] look some toys blue and orange okay watch me climb up the rock wall hello okay here i go whoa look a big red slide [Music] two more items these are oranges yum i love oranges and they're the color orange okay let's go come on oh look i found another item do you see it yeah see right here this is a dumbbell makes really big muscles yeah yeah yeah okay i wonder if it feels sink or float it's pretty heavy put it in there let's go come on [Music] whoa another slide look this is the same color as the last side it's big and red look yum some chips i wonder if these will sink or float let's put it in the tote so we can go [Music] see wow look at this area whoa hello oh look another item whoa it's a dog bone what's this doing on the playset it's the color green i wonder if this will sink or float put it in there so we can go find out whoa wow the color green and then also blue oh hey some stairs [Music] oh hey so high up here whoa whoa oh look over there a big red slide okay i'll go down okay here i come [Music] whoa that was awesome oh hey look at what we found four yo-yos one is the color green this one is the color orange this one is the color blue and this one is the color red let's go see what else we can find come over here what is this looks like a steering wheel [Music] i am so dizzy okay let's go see what else we can find look at this looks like a staircase hello another slide yeah and it's the color red all right here i come do you see what i see yeah another item these are colored pencils whoa there's so many colors in there wow okay let's put it in the tote so we can see if they'll sink or float come on [Music] couple more items then the tote will be nice and full come on oh do you see what i see look wow this is a magnifying glass watch this whoa whoa hello whoa whoa you can see things nice and close whoa is that an ant whoa a little flea so many cool insects okay let's put this in the tote so we can see if he'll sink or float what's over here whoa whoa a bridge be careful on this come on [Music] watch out look at these oh cute little toys hey hello one two three wow so many cool things oh even more [Music] bright yellow golf balls one [Music] two three yeah three golf balls okay here i go another slide there's another item down here oh glow sticks i'm excited to see if those will sink or float all right this looks like a full tote of items let's go see if they'll sink or float awesome all right now that we have all of these items now we can put them in the tank and see if they'll sink or float all right let's see what do we have here magnifying glass all right i wonder if this will sink or float i think i know ready yeah it went to the bottom so that means it sinks all right what else do we have here oh hey orange and blue yo-yos all right let's put them in yep they float all right wow so magnifying glass that's really heavy sinks and then the really light things that are full of air the yo-yos float all right let's see bright yellow golf balls hmm all right let's see if these golf balls sink or float oh look a yo-yo went to the bottom so now the yo-yo sinks all right back to the golf balls ready whoa yep golf ball sink all right let's see whoo some chips snacks all right let's see if the bag sinks or floats ready yep it floats but wait a second what if we take the bag open it up and see if the chips inside sink or float ready whoa all of those float as well let's put the bag in there too all right let's see oh the dog bone that's the color green do you think he'll sink or float pretty hard very dense ready whoa it just went to the bottom real quick so it sinks all right two more yoyos [Music] we already knew those those float and then eventually sink whoa i bet you know what this sinks yeah this is a weight it's full of metal in there and it's really heavy ready [Music] yeah that purple weight sinks look at the water it's getting really murky because all of the chips are disintegrating and going in the water all right we better hurry before it gets too dirty to see if they sink or float all right these rubber toys that are hollow ready yep dc they went to the top they float all right a couple more some of this orange uh nice soft dough clay stuff it sinks all right here we yeah go went to the bottom it stinks all right and then colored pencils whoa colored pencils float because they're made out of wood and a lot of the wood around the world sink or floats i mean yeah cause they're all on the top all right and last but not least the neon glow sticks whoa whoa look at them they're so bright whoa all right let's see if they sink or float [Music] they sink all alright that's all well oh i have a special surprise for you the magical vial this time whoa it has blue powder see whoa all right let's put the blue powder in here whoa [Music] all right now we have to stir it it's making it really blue it's so fun to see what sinks and what floats wow [Music] this blue water is like the water you see in the bahamas or thailand all right well this is the end of this video that was awesome doing the science experiment to see what sinks and what floats if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready [Music] b-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job see you again bye-bye [Music] hey it's me blippi and today we're at amy's playground in south pasadena california and i am so excited because i'm gonna get up and move my body and do some movements and exercise let's go [Music] this place is so cool and i am so excited to move let's go come on look it's a gate we have to take off our shoes in order to go past so there's one shoe two shoes i love wearing my shoes outside when i play but today i'm taking them off because i'm gonna play inside here we go come on in there's so much to do here but the first thing i'm gonna do is run around because it's really important to get warmed up so here i go [Music] whoa hey and if you're at home and you have a little space to run around in you could run around too let's do it this time i'll just use a little bit of a space ready wow good job whoa doesn't it feel good that your heart is pumping [Music] i am tired all right time to play look at me i'm bouncing whoa okay here let's stretch together all right let's go right here and at home now that we're all warmed up from our run and our balance we can stretch oh yep do you feel your legs stretching and your muscles are really tight then you can stretch them out that feels really good on my legs okay now my back whoa yeah are you oh you're doing this too good job whoa okay now we can keep on playing three [Music] here i come oh while i was back there i saw something great come on it's a big open area for us to try and do some push-ups together well you do some push-ups with me okay this is how you do a push-up first get on your knees and then we're gonna push off the ground with our hands and arms and it will help build a lot of muscle up here ready [Music] oh yeah yeah did you do that yeah good job okay this time let's do it again but we're gonna not rest on our knees okay ready and push up with your toes whoa [Applause] yeah whoa good job do you like exercising too i do too it's so much fun and it feels so good and it makes us live a very long happy life [Applause] hey do you see what i'm doing yeah i am dancing dancing is another great way to exercise do you like to dance oh to hear that music it's nice and slow will you dance with me [Music] the music just changed the fast music yeah good job dancing [Music] okay uh now that i'm all done dancing i see something really cool come on over here there's a slide and a bounce house and in bounce houses you jump do you want to jump with me okay let's turn it on [Music] once it's all up we can start jumping okay here we go yeah now we can go inside and jump like this so when i am inside jumping will you jump with me yeah okay here we go [Music] whoa it's like we're a frog ribbit ribbit ribbit ribbit what other animals jump that you can think of kangaroos i love acting like a kangaroo okay here i go whoa there's so many frogs antelope kangaroos look at them all hey whoa these are called lunges whoa see you take your front leg out here you should try it and then you dip down your back leg and touch the knee to the ground and then bring your back leg to the front like that we just did one lunge here we go two three four five do you feel the burn in your legs okay now let's take these fire trucks and lunge with them one two three four five i love lunging i love dancing and i love learning with you whoa do you know what else i love i love crawling yeah here we go crawling is another form of exercise and movement whoa whoa hello here i come whoa can you see me hey whoa hey i'm crawling like a bear [Music] what other animals crawl yeah a lot of them do um like anteaters [Music] do you know what they eat ants so silly [Music] hey have you ever wanted to pick something up off the ground before but you just couldn't reach it yeah hey i know we could do what's called a squat together it's where you bend your legs keep your back straight and then you can bend down to grab something okay let's see let me uh put this right here and then do a squat here we go yeah good job so now you can do them for exercise without even something in your hands like this yeah are you doing them okay let's do ten of them together okay we're at zero now that you know how to do a squat ready it's gonna burn here we go one two three four five six seven eight nine ten how do your legs hurt yeah good job let's go play some more that was so much fun playing at amy's playground in south pasadena california and it was such a good time learning about movement and exercising yeah we're so strong now good job well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready b-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job well see you later bye-bye look at where we're at we're at the fantastic platorium in bellevue washington let's go have some fun hey hey hello look at this look [Music] it's a trampoline what's this it's a piano [Music] [Music] wow [Music] let's go check out some more fun stuff at the fantastic platorium you put in balls right here what [Music] put it in there whoa okay let's stand right here ready okay what does this thing do a red button [Music] a blue ball an orange ball a purple ball [Music] four inch ball [Music] stay right there [Music] it's a little airsoft gun [Music] [Music] this is a big gun let's put a bunch of balls in here [Applause] [Music] okay are you ready count down three three two one okay come on come this way [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh it's so colorful keep [Music] this cube is the color blue this cube is the color yellow and this cube is the color red [Music] whoa look at this i'm gonna spin around whoa whoa [Music] [Applause] whoa i'm sure [Music] dizzy [Music] come over here you gotta stay on the logs [Music] there's alligators and crocodiles on the bottom wow i'll come back to you okay this cylinder has a couple colors on it it has blue green and orange blue green and orange [Music] whoa there's something really spiky over [Music] here wow [Music] red nose and the clown is blue just like me whoa that's kind of scary it's see-through [Music] whoa for these cylinders [Music] yellow and red yellow red yellow red oh and what's this in here whoa this is like a spider web [Music] [Music] i can't get out okay i'll try and get out real hard now oh [Music] whoa whoa whoa whoa oh i made it go that way i'll meet you over on the other side walk backwards again this is really colorful wow look another spiky ball whoa whoa it hit me okay look at this you want to go first yeah it's a tunnel you can go first [Music] good job okay here i come [Music] whoa whoa [Music] whoa we made it [Music] look there's a bunch of green straps right here and then a bunch of colorful lily pads stay on the green [Music] can't get out now okay you stay there and i'll take the lead to the slide [Music] there's a slide right here i'm gonna go first okay [Music] it's a big blue slide here i go [Music] yeah good job okay let's go back to the area with all the balls that was really fun [Music] see these are the guns right here okay so [Music] [Music] and then look up i'll push the balls on you come this way let the balls jump on your [Music] yeah wow that was sure fun whoa at the funtastic platorium in bellevue washington [Music] today we're at the las vegas mini grand prix and look at these these are go-karts and this is a green go-cart [Music] this is a red go-kart and this is a blue go-kart i am so excited [Music] look at these two go-karts they're my two favorite colors this go-kart is the color orange and this go-kart yeah is the color blue now it's time for me to teach you the parts of a go-cart oh hey and look at this yeah it's a go-cart so the first thing on go-karts are all of them have four wheels and tires see right here this is a wheel and tire and it's really small so cute so this is the first wheel and tire this is the second wheel and tire [Music] this right here is the third wheel and tire and this is the last wheel and tire it's the fourth wheel and tire whoa whoa and look at this yeah this that's the bumper guard it's there to keep you safe so then you don't run and drive into things like this whoa all right look at this back here this yeah this is the spoiler they put spoilers on go carts and super fast cars because it creates some downforce and it adds about 3 million horsepower to the vehicles wow that's fast look down here this is the engine of the go-kart it has an air filter spark plug muffler oil and so many other things well how the engine gets all of its power is it needs some fuel just like how you and i need food the go-kart needs food too and right here yeah right here is the gas tank whoa i think you and i should fill it up and put in some gas in the go-kart let's put our safety glove on here we go [Music] wow all right put this belt right here turn it up whoa all right i think it's nice and full now so let's put the cap back on oh yeah nice and tight then we turn on the on switch right there then all you have to do is pull the string three two one a little harder this time even a little harder this time yeah good job all right so this right here this is the seat of the go-kart this is where the driver yeah me you this is where we gonna sit today so let's take a seat whoa yeah i kind of like this okay but first things first when operating a go-kart yeah safety first let's put on our seat belt just like we're in a vehicle any vehicle you can wear a seat belt all right here we go oh and down here see this this brake pedal is what you push when you want to stop whoa whoa in this pedal right here that yeah is the gas pedal that's what makes you go forward and backward and this is the steering wheel whoa this is what turns the go-kart here we go [Music] [Music] so [Music] riding go-karts is so much fun the cool thing about go-karts are there so many different kinds like the ones we just rode and then also these ones come look look at this this go-kart is so small that's funny there's one up here for you and i to ride whoa yeah this green cart looks like a dandy all right we need to turn it on so you remember you put on your glove and then give it a pull yeah whoa the cool thing about these small go-karts are anyone that's 38 inches or above can ride and trust me i'm above 38 inches first things first yeah safe deeper gotta put on your seat belt nice and tight all right now the gas pedal here we go [Music] did you see that i just crashed but since go-karts only go forward you have to use this tool when you crash into something because you can't go forward anymore see it's like a piece of rebar with a hook on the end wow okay check this out hook it under there give it a little pull wow this is heavy all right now we can go to drive again here we go [Music] that was really fun writing this go-kart [Music] but i think now it's the perfect time to ride the big carts [Music] whoa look at what it is wow this is a big kids go-kart yeah it's so powerful it's so powerful it was even imported from the country of france and check that out down there yeah this go-kart has led headlights and go to the back [Music] and it even has tail lights do you see them and when you push on the brake yeah it even has working brake lights whoa this go-kart is so powerful you need to be 16 years old and have a valid driver's license lucky for me i'm full yeah so that means we can start it up so let's flip on the switch and give it a pull whoa this sounds like it has so much power too so let's take a seat in the seat and let's put on our seat belt because it has so much power whoa i'm a little nervous but it's gonna be so much fun all right are you ready here i go [Music] this go-kart is so fast [Music] [Music] yes that was so much fun learning about go-karts with you well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name yeah blippi let's spell it together ready b-l-i p-p-i flippy all right see you again bye-bye come on everyone [Music] so much to learn about it'll make you want to
Channel: Blippi - Educational Videos for Kids
Views: 10,837,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi videos, blippi sink or float, blippi sink and float, sink or float, sink and float, educational videos for kids, science experiments for kids, kids tv shows, learning for kids, blippi, blippi colors, blippi science, blippi sink, blippi learning, blippi dinosaur, blippi excavator, blippi fire truck, blippi toothbrush, blippi garbage truck, blippi halloween, blippi excavator song, blippi songs, blippi monster truck, blippi tractor
Id: OKixkEe1qwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 27sec (3147 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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