Ryan in Box Fort Maze and Pizza Truck Delivery

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[Music] hello is anybody here i'm supposed to get a job interview at seven years old yeah well to pass this job interview you have to uh careful don't step on the lava please thank you what do i do to pass this job interview you must hop on the memos to avoid the lava and make sure you dodge the ties and then dodge the sharpies to get to the door where you will have to enter in a secret password to get through next into the break room feed the boss three donuts to continue and then finally get in the chair and then wheel your way to the exit without knocking over any boxes of course oh no i hope i can do this careful watch out for those ties [Applause] oh no the floor is lava don't step on it ryan those sharpies look sharp that's one point deducted from your job interview that's three points deducted what is this i don't know the password i can't open it i think i know maybe the password is password [Music] [Music] is it right oh no it isn't right maybe the password is my name r y and [Music] oh the password isn't correct huh i wonder what the password is how about a hint what is your favorite color purple [Music] i hope it's the password i need to continue feed the yay [Music] whoa [Music] okay guys i need to feed the boss i need to get three donuts three two one three two one [Music] feed him more for extra bonus points okay [Music] oh no i have to avoid the boxes while being on this chair i think i can do it [Music] [Music] ryan with all the points added you got an a [Music] you start working tomorrow by cleaning up the entire supply room [Music] remember always stay happy and rise up bye i'm gonna get out of here hi kids welcome to ryan's pizza delivery check out my truck wow that looks cool ryan's pizza delivery you can even go inside this is where i get money from that's where i drive [Laughter] my first pizza delivery hello hi this is daddy hi daddy what do you want i'm out camping in the woods but i forgot to bring food do you deliver to the camping place yes okay i would like a pepperoni pizza with fruit and vegetable because i'm trying to be healthy okay how much will it cost one second let me check six hundred dollars six 600 for pizza daddy you're really far that's why it's gonna take away a lot yes so that's why it's a lot of money okay well this better be some yummy pizza ryan okay time to make daddy a pizza let's go make daddy a fruit and vegetable pizza wait this is not for pizza wait no chicken no chicken daddy's gonna like this a lot of fruits and corns and strawberry one pizza delivery coming up one pizza let's go to visit daddy at camping you go hi go live [Applause] [Music] we're here here's your pizza daddy thanks for the pizza ryan this whole camping thing is makes me really really hungry bye bye daddy i'm going to deliver another pizza bye we're waiting for the next pizza delivery something called hello hi is this ryan's pizza delivery service yes yay this is mommy hi mommy do you deliver pizza up into the cold cold mountain yes i i thought maybe i could take a hike in the mountain but then i dropped my food on the way i have no more food up here it is super cold and i would like some yum warm me pizza okay okay ryan um i would like a mushroom pepperoni and chicken pizza you got it yes mushroom pepperoni and chicken pizza that will be 1 000. one thousand dollars for a pizza because you're super far it'll take away a lot of gas ryan this better be some yummy dummy super delicious pizza you have here okay i'll be waiting up in the cold mountain okay now here's the pepperoni and here's the chicken and the mushroom just put the chicken the mushroom right here and some egg for a little surprise and some fish too here's salt and pepper and some sacred sauce it's gonna taste good one pizza for mommy coming right up [Music] we better hurry mommy's super hungry [Music] turn right [Applause] [Music] we're driving up the cold mountains [Music] we're here yay pizza is here i've been super freezing up here mommy here's your pizza mommy don't forget it cost thousand dollars yay thank you so much for this yummy pizza ryan i'll pay you next time okay i don't have a thousand dollars right now i'll pay you next time okay ryan okay bye bye that was cold up the mountain waiting for another pizza hello hi ryan this is gus oh my gosh i heard you were delivering pizza today is that right yes you're right ryan i would like a yummy gummy pizza okay and i would like some gummies on my pizza please okay and yeah maybe you can surprise me and you can give me a ryan special okay how much does debt cars 10 that's it yeah you're right well i'm at the beach and i finished all my food here so i'm really really hungry and i'd like another pizza is that okay yes you're right i'll see you at the beach bye let's make us a pizza here's some cheese and pepperoni and here's tomato because gosh needs to stay healthy [Music] and then some grapes and then some corn that's the ryan [Applause] [Music] let's bake this pizza for gus wow [Music] one two three four five it's a little bit hot let's go to the beach and deliver this together oops let's go to the beach [Music] let's go medium and turn [Music] right and turn left and go forward then turn and turn right thanks for the pizza ryan yeah me you can't wait to eat this and get back to the beach go swimming have some gummies maybe have some fruit punch bye guys have fun at the beach bye [Music] i'm back thank you for watching my pizza discovery service bye hi ryan and daddy hi molly what are we gonna do today you guys we're building a playhouse especially it only takes two minutes to build it okay go one two three whoa it's like a square look at that i don't know whoa oh something fell off oh no what's that on the floor oh wow it's like a giant box wait i'm not even looking at the instructions wow you know what to do daddy i don't know oh these look like windows look at that right window ryan already coming in hey you're not done yet ryan where's ryan where's ryan where's ryan uh oh where's ryan he's hiding you scared me ryan so are you are we almost done whoa what who's doing this what my house is okay so this goes here this way see nice see nice help me push this in ah thank you thank you ryan oh no he's counting still oh yeah do i make it i'm gonna make it yes did it it's our house wait i think there's peace missing we forgot the chimney how many seconds do we have my flying 59 [Music] so this is supposed to goes in here all right almost ready okay done all right oh no the house is did you do it i don't think so i'm joining me [Music] what do you have in here yeah oh like a camp ground tubing where'd daddy go let me out let me ah we're daddy let me out run you on open the door ryan open the door please oh wait [Music] where's ryan what he's inside now let's paint the house yeah we have paint here yellow blue red yeah we have red purple green and what's this neon orange neon orange let's put the colors in yeah [Music] all right i'm gonna do yellow whoa yeah your turn which color you want ryan now let's put red that's a lot of ketchup yeah and i'm gonna pick my most favorite color blue blue ready all right ryan which one you want next next let's do green all right so the last one orange orange wow looks so cool all right all the colors ready time to fade yeah you're using your hand like a brush the metal one's called a brush i don't want to shake your hand all right [Music] [Applause] yay it looks like ketchup versus mustard oh yeah it does my other hand i'm gonna use green hey purple oh it looks nice i don't like it i like mexican colors hey daddy look at ryan's hand oh i like that one i'm gonna do blue and mix it with purple yeah maybe a chimney and a roof power mix by red orange be on orange it's just like it works [Music] what to pizza birthday we're gonna continue painting but thank you for watching bye
Channel: Kaji Family
Views: 50,577,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan's World, Ryan ToysReview, box fort, pretend play box fort, box fort maze, pretend play, pretend play house, giant box fort, box fort house, Kaji Family, Ryan's Family Review, pretend play cook
Id: kD8IRxw3HEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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