Single Souls: The One for You - Sheikh Yahya Ibrahim

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although the La Nina shape on your G bismillah a more money more here II alhamdulillah wa salat wa salam ala rasulillah sallallahu alayhi wa early he was sorry he would sell you more that 315 sharma uh always we begin with the praise of allah subhana wa ta'ala we send our prayers of peace upon anivia muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salem we remind one another of ta'ala as though genuine we prayed that allah subhana wa ta'ala makes it a central focus in our life you know seeking him inwardly and outwardly and all that we do it's important for us as believers to be very realistic in what we want in life and to have you know set goals that we want to attain and to recognize that if we don't achieve those goals the process of getting to where we wanted to be is just as important as where we eventually end up and I think many people they focus about more on the outcome and forget the processes that lead them there and inshallah in my discussion with you about you know the one for you I want to begin by talking to ourselves first and I want you to remember that I shadowed the allahu anhu the wife of the prophet sallallaahu adi wa salem and that Hadees out of the allahu and her and all of the other wives of the prophet sallallaahu he was seldom they were worthy of his companionship and i want you you know i want you to understand this our sisters who were sitting as great as you are you would you are not good enough to have been the wife of the prophet muhammad sallallaahu send him does that make sense and the Sahaba who were alive they were not fit to be the husband of any of those noble women the mothers of the believers and the evidence for this is OMA Salima ordeal on how hard aha she was married to a man she loved so much abou cinema that when he died she said there was no one who will ever meet my expectations after him who could ever be like Abu Salam ah to me was no one if Roma would have come she would have rejected him if Abu Bakr would have come she would have rejected him and they are the two after I wouldn't be a Muhammad SAW Allah what he was said but Muhammad sallallaahu he was seldom was the one who went her and therefore I want you to keep this in mind as a central focus that in what you look for you must see within yourself what you look for what you want in your outcome in life you want much Allah has been who's going to wake you up professor you need to be the wife now pre-marriage who's already waking up profession because nothing is going to be more difficult than facing someone each and every day knowing that you are disobeying Allah subhana WA Ta'ala it's truly terrible you know sometimes when you sit in counseling sessions and a sister or a brother that will come in the complaint and they say yeah chef you know my wife doesn't pray I thought you prayed I thought everyone prayed for you know what do what can I say to her what could I do help her wake up for Fechter listen to the hadith of the Prophet SAW I said limits and so here Muslim where he talks about not the federal prayer but voluntary prayers at night he says rahim allahu murat attend a law will show with grant will grant his mercy to a woman climate leader whom Elaine she woke up in the middle mitts of the night to pray Farah Adso Johanna him she sees her husband asleep five closeted who she tried to wake him up she tried to rouse him wake up wake up pray with me father he's a woman I got working a few I get away from me leave me alone final hot to be ma she took some water she didn't pour the water all right for the sisters make sure you don't bring a tumbler water a cup of water and throw it in his face no she took some water in her fingers one of the hot to sprinkled it in his face had to stay cover until he woke up woke him up he was refusing but she was persistent and this is for the night prayer not for value she was persistent false Allah they both stood up and worshiped allah subhanaw taala that woman who was going to bring his Lama upon her so we begin from the beginning the one for you what do you want let's talk with the brothers first you know it's the chef's yesterday they gave some advice al imam ahmed he said the advice before you ask about the Dean asked about beauty right before you asked she you know that she pray wrong see if you need to even ask about that because you don't even want to go and ask about other things if if that first step if there isn't any chemistry remember the along one who you know he set this beautiful precedent this beautiful Sunnah of how he got one of his sons married her mother used to have this habit or the allahu anhu at night a little bit before fed he would walk the streets of a medina when he was amir al mu'minin to make sure everyone was well and looked after and now as he was walking by one house he heard the lady of the house from her courtyard talking to her daughter there outside in the courtyard of their home behind their fence and he could hear them they're out in the open talking to each other she says to her bought daughter add water to the milk so we can profit more in the market tomorrow and her daughter said no Amir al-mumineen has said do not add water to the milk before sale the mother who had a little bit of filler she says the profits I seldom used to like water mixed with milk meaning any there's nothing wrong so the daughter says no but that's after the milk was his property so these two women of the Sahaba masha'Allah they're arguing almost listening to this he's impressed with a daughter that can stand up to her mother but can do it with humility and with love and with respect she didn't listen to her mother and this is an important lesson for you and I that LM teeth on doing what you are asked is not always good manners you know our parents with our parents I try to teach it want to ask you something you do it unless it's wrong then I don't for I don't do what you ask even Muhammad sallallaahu harder you were selling them some of the Sahaba did not do what he ordered in front of them like Ali or the allahu anhu on the day of hudaibiya it's not because Ali did not respect the order of the Prophet I seldom it's because he loved him more than the order the prophets I seldom told Ali when the people were making the treaty of hudaibiya and Ali wrote fraught with with muhammad rasool allah they said we don't recognize he is the messenger of allah so i seldom say muhammad abdullah say Muhammad the son of Abdullah don't say rasool ullah erase that Holly said never so the Prophet SAW I seldom says to him take it out Jana here Ali he said yah rasool allah i will not the prophet's ordering him and he looks in the prophet's wonderful beautiful houses and face and says la no I'm not going to erase it yet also I love you too much to erase your name and your cunha Rasul Allah says I'm not going to do it so the prophets I seldom takes the paper himself and erases it the Prophet erased rasoolallah from it and told him now right in Hamid nabbed Allah and in teeth al does not necessarily mean you obey sometimes for what is right you abstain so this daughter abstained from what her mother had instructed her Maher says to his helper his aide mark this house so that we can come back after Fez sure so I don't get lost tell me where this house is remember this house after fajar he brings his son with him he says come boy I found the one masha'Allah he doesn't know what she looks like doesn't know anything right but what impressed her mom she stood up for the hawk and loved her mother but rejected what she had said and did what was the order of the prophets I seldom and fulfilled the order of Abuna manin even to her own mother they come to the door and he used to have this when he would knock he would use his Dora his stick knock knock knock and when you heard that you knew it was Emil and many more the Elan there wasn't any doubt so the woman inside the mother she heard that naka very much is that I mean what happened the first thing he says God Samia to Tohoku mulberry huh I heard the both of you arguing about the milk yesterday Carla yeah Amir al-mumineen in Nakata ulema and then yeah I mean woman you know the Prophet sallallaahu Holly was I used to like milk in water and she's gonna go into the story he says I ordered something and your daughter explained it to you better than I will now so latter OD don't ever do it she said I will never do it again yeah I mean what meaning I never Natsuki where's your daughter she said she's inside now of course the lady of the house the mother got happy amirul mumineen is here asking for my daughter masha'Allah what's happening can you ask her to come the girl inside she hears this she comes out has she been spoken for no he says this is my son masha'Allah he warns the mother do and warns the girl if you think that by marrying the son of amirul mumineen you will be given more favor you are wrong because I will punish my son and you double the mistake of anyone else because he's my son so be careful make your choice well um Laurie Eli look at him now of course she's shy Oliver Eli look at her he's humble take some time it's important for us to put ethics as a central perspective in who we are and what we seek from others as Muslims at times you find that there is Liberty taken with other people if you were to hear some of the things that are broadcast about others on social media in the time or in a place where you can hold people accountable for their statements you would find that a lot of people would be restricted from what they say about others to be a man of substance and a woman of substance it requires that you reflect that in yourself so let's take important lessons in finding within ourself and within others the things that we need to look for first recognize that at the onset of your talent and what it is that you seek that the word of people can become the best of people and sometimes we focus too much on past indiscretions rather on future successes the worst of people can become the best of people number two in looking at others and looking for others don't forget that we as believers never give up on anyone the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never counted anyone completely off the list you never look at someone and say never ever ever ever ever and at the same time you never say it's the only one there's no one else sometimes you sit with a brother or a sister our family and they say chef listen to what my daughter said what is it your tea sure he's the only one only one I will marry really yeah any out of an Ummah of 1.9 billion people this is the only one ally chef in my heart there's no room for anyone else how were that this one you sit with a brother yeah yeah I mean there is nobody else one brother he came to me he said what what questions should I ask him going to meet the sister her family Yanni what should I said yeah you could ask about this and this and this the next day I see him at the matter about the Salah and the jammer I say huh did you how was it he goes I was wonderful yeah sure what did you ask everything he goes no I forgot every question got it all ah right keep that in mind don't give up on anyone the worst of us can become the best of us and this is a student of allah subhanahu wata'ala number three once worldly desire leaves your heart once you take away the dunya from you Iman replaces it faith is naturally the thing that fills that vacuum and you know when we talk about words like loss and sincerity the word loss is like you know you hear a lot of out of out of they'll say hot us yeah what does collosum een hollows it's enough this is really what the word of loss means I've had enough of the dunya and I'm going to see a la la la serena dunya I've left I've divorced this dunya and I'm going to seek allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala the favour with him so remove that worldly desire don't look at things just from that worldly perspective always link yourself to allah the the matters then the decisions you're going to take measure it by the successes that you will have with a loss of Hannah Montana is this pleasing to my or not number five repentance is open to everyone and the repentance that a person minke sincerely to Allah can be better than the one who has not sinned and has not repented and I want you to consider this for us as a part of our philosophy as a Muslim everyone has their capacity to make error but the best of us the best of those who make errors are those who recognize Allah and repent for it the one who knows Allah and is able to return to allah subhana wa ta'ala after misjudgment an error is preferred by allah subhana wa ta'ala and the messengers allah' I seldom says in the hadith narrated by Muslim level them to me bow if you did not make sins and ask Allah for forgiveness never have Allah who become Allah would remove you from this dunya remove you from the places that you are well a ja Abaco me you'd leave on offense stuff your own Allah and bring in your place those who do sin and ask him for his forgiveness it shows that you know Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala and therefore whenever allah talks to this to the those who repent he does not mention sinners he repents believers he mentions the believers yeahyou alladhina amanu - wa allama it's not yeah you had latina oh yeah you hell mutiny boon it's yeah you are latina amman or believers repent to allah subhanahu wata'ala recognize that being better than someone today does not guarantee the same tomorrow and many of us we forget this sometimes we think you know alhamdulillah I'm in this stage and the sister she's not you know there and or I'm I'm here and the brother is not you know sometimes you may perceive yourself a step above others or in a place that others have not yet arrived at but recognize that where you are today is not a capacity and a measure for you that you will always remain at that level of Iman or that place in life or that affluence and wealth that Allah you Hollywood a young changes the days and gives them to mankind in turn Iman cannot be separated from Amman someone who says I'm a believer but doesn't do and doesn't have Haman it is an indication that the man is weak and therefore we are asked by the prophets I said him when he talks about you know seeking people of marriage he talks about outward things her hisab her nessip her wealth her beauty and then the last of the things he mentioned the thing that's most important is the Deen the the thing that is kept from us that which is in the heart and when the Prophet talks about to women about what they should choose for a man he says either Joakim antardhana Dina who wahoo to outward things his Deen what you see in his worldly religious practice and also his character in his conduct of others we're going to talk about character shortly inshallah one of the major failings of Muslim brothers young Muslim men and it's not entirely their fault is that they did not ascend in stages of spiritual growth and this is you know when you talk about futa wa this word of photo a meaning chivalry manliness The Art of Manliness what it means to be a man the Arab for all of the faults that I mentioned that they were you know drunkard people nudity and sexuality and all these kind of things before the advent of Islam they used to have certain principles and I want you to understand that the structures that we have in our communities at times are failing us in the making of good future Muslim generations is entirely because we haven't had this tiered system of ascending in spiritual growth and growth of men to growth of mentorship and and knowledge and and and so forth at the time of the Prophet SAW I said lemon for many years after young children up until about the age of six or seven were raised up by women but once young men reached the age of seven eight years of age they were given to their home to the men of their people and there's the saying in ancient Arabia that says that women who raise men raise weak men now this isn't commentary on single mothers now the single mothers in our communities Joseph Wambaugh have they fight a battle that the single fathers don't know about single mothers their pathway to Jena is the love they provide for the children a lot more Allah Allah Sarat and Allah Jennifer them a pathogen what I'm talking about is a community process when you have young men who don't have positive male role models in their life you raise we men and it's not because the mother is not doing her job a single mother no it's because the community is not doing their job this concept of home is the concept that was indoctrinated into the people at the time of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu are us and therefore it becomes important for us to find strength in in our community and in our places of worship in our masajid in the thriving of community centers and places of learning and academia and places a fun and sport and entertainment becomes essential what is full - well whenever allah subhana wa ta'ala talks about you know young people he gives that discussion in surat al-kahf where he says in the home 50 attune for - were you know young people are maneuverable was it now hamada these young men they were fit here they gained in strength in their relationship to allah subhanahu wata'ala moosari salam all of the prophets of allah in their young age they demonstrated they thought about the creator the sustainer of the heavens and the earth in a way that was relevant to the society and the context that they lived in and that becomes very important in the spiritual process of our young Muslim brothers what are the five things that a Muslim man who is looking for a Muslim woman that he should consider at the time of the hot WA at the time of looking for the right person first most importantly look at the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam where he says Tozawa jew alwa dude taking marriage the first quality alwa dude the woman who you perceive is tender she has wood loving how do you how do you identify that well you see the upbringing that she had the kind of capacity what their home life was like what you know what what kind of tenderness does her mother display do the people in their household display what is known about them what qualities that she have that demonstrate this capacity Allah dude second alwa would who you perceive will be nurturing to young children she wants to have a family she wants to have children she wants to be motherly she has that motherly instinct alwa dude alwa lude third Allah would many married brothers we you know we complain about the third one and it's one of the reasons the Prophet said that there will be women who will enter Jahannam yakunin Ashera they're ungrateful to the life provided to them third is allah meaning - who double highly when men she's the kind of woman that if you give something you get double in return that's rare married brothers will tell you that's rare you say Salam alaikum she says wa alaikum Salam wa rahmatullah you say what a multiply she says wa barakatu you will not win she that old you will hide whatever good she will give back she has that capacity to overwhelm you with love you know she won to love you as much as you give she will give more and that's an amazing quality to seek that's the third number four it's a you know it's a disposition and a personality type the Prophet said a Lettie she's a kind of woman in Habiba so jaha when her husband and her are upset what about yet aha PID she put her hand in his hand whoa call it a vocal Hamdan hata toll on me she puts her hand in his hand and says I will not sleep until we've made up and were happy together again until you're happy with me again that's an amazing quality what you normally see and what you know is popular in culture is this silent treatment are you okay honey yes you sure yes you sure sure yes that's it one brother he said she'll I don't know what's wrong I said yeah AFE he goes share three weeks I don't know she hasn't said a word to me except waalaikumsalam that's it I said you have here what did you do sky he gotta you gotta you gotta ask her he said that's what's killing me a shot well like I don't know what I did don't know anything I hang not as another few weeks ago about he chef just come and ask her for me she's not even every time I say what's wrong she goes nothing is there anything like nothing what does that mean nothing finally I'm invited to their home sit together auntie Annie what what's wrong she goes chef he doesn't know I'm even more upset lalala Club sisters man he doesn't know I'm even more upset she said he knows so the brother goes wah lah he well liked a lot I don't know haha she says I don't know exactly what it was but I know how it made me feel he did something in front of his mother he made me feel you know sisters they it's not what you did is how you made them feel that's important for you on married brothers learn this Jonnie write it down save it put it in your wallet on your wedding day take it out yeah you said this is the rule of life it's not what you do is what you made her feel I can't remember exactly what it was but it's how he made me feel Allah so the brother he erupts he goes now it's not even what I did it's what she feels so she points him she go see that's what he did this is how we made me feel Allah Allah so the Prophet preempts that he says the quality of a woman that you want what you should see is the one who is proactive not the one who said nothing is the one who will put her hand in your hand because it's rare and we'll say la a vocal Hamelin I'm not gonna go to sleep until we talk about this solve this problem had that thought behind me until we're happy with each other and you're happy with me again so that's the fourth number fifth a Dean and when we talk about Dean wallahi my dear brothers Dean is not outward well ah Dean is not always the image of Dean Dean is more Amada how people deal with one another Dean is in Dean is taqwa Dean is hiya Dean as many things it's not just attire it's not just family name it's more and therefore when you look at the Dean be comprehensive in that concept mentioned by the Prophet Ison now quickly we just have ten minutes left for the sisters now brothers you shouldn't listen to this but for the sisters it's important to focus on also five essential qualities and these qualities are descriptions that you find in the on the first description the first two you take them from the life story of musa alayhis salaam musa kills a man leaves Egypt he's a fugitive he comes into a land where he doesn't know its language doesn't know its people and as he comes out of the desert he sees two women being abused they are forced to take their flocks away and the well that belongs to them is misappropriated and used by brigands Musa stands up to those men kicks them out misako allahumma and gives water to the flocks of these two women they're astounded it's the first time that they ever in their life saw a man they've seen males but they've never seen man Raju and then you know this concept of a vekar or Raju is important there's a difference between Vacarro male and Raju man men are described in the Quran in specific ways region Latin he him teacher Ottoman a Bayonne and Irina men are those who trade and property and buying and selling does not turn them away and dissuade them from the remembrance of Allah region Sadako maja doula Holly true men are those who fulfill the covenant that they have promised to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala Moosa was like that for the first time in their life they've been dealing with these males who treat them like the the second-class - in everything in life and he stands up for them doesn't even know them feeds their flock waters their flock and doesn't ask for payment sits out of the shade of the heat of the Sun doesn't even come back to talk to them the two of them run home to their father and it's almost as if you could hear the giggling the love that they saw they saw I want why I want to marry that guy that's the one he's the right one so the father tests Musa he sends one of the girls by herself let's see what moves is going to do is he going to come back walk with her what's he gonna do paja a to whom artemisia a listeria one of them came walking shyly to him in navy 800 kelly Isaiah Jeremiah Helena our Father asked you to come he wants to reward you for you helping us this morning you can tell from the whole Anne's language that moosa said okay you go home just leave for me a path and i'll follow you he didn't walk with her and when he finally came now this is the first quality phalam + la la he'll Casas when moosa narrated his complete story the man said to him the father of the girls nagaru terminal coma Volume II you are safe from the people of oppression why does Allah say Allah Allah Thoth Musa wants someone to help him and it's natural that when you need other people's help and you've done something wrong which he knows was wrong call to have them and I'm gonna shape on I killed that man that sometimes you might emit info but not Musa the first quality for the Muslim sister to look for is complete unfettered unadulterated truth the one who's gonna tell you everything cuts orale he'll toss us he left nothing except that he mentioned it I pushed the guy I killed the man I ran away I have no one I ran through the desert everything nothing left hidden truthfulness is the first quality of a Rajaraja Kamath a complete man a true man second quality also in this story call it the Houma one of the girls the one who loved him sir yeah a Batista my father I don't want to say I want to marry him she's too shy yeah but he maybe you can put him to work for us by giving me in marriage to him so he can you know work for you she's too shy to say it out you know straightaway in the higher our manager the best of those to have an hour service for me to marry has these two qualities so number one with truthfulness number two ELQ away I mean Hawaii strength powerful Musa was powerfully built he was powerful in mind powerful in thought powerful in heart powerful in love he had that capacity of power and and powah and therefore when powah is discussed in the quran in this context and other places as it relates to men it's about economic power intellectual power and power of influence all through the three Spears do people listen to his instruction yes that's power does he have finance that he can look after his affairs and others yes can he think clearly yes though three when they gather in one person it's over and the prophets I seldom said are a lot mineral Hawaii the believer who is endowed with strength ahead Boyden and the law in Allah meaning of life is more loved by Allah than the weak movement than a weak believer so alkaway that's number two third and I mean the one who is trustworthy Amana when you are going to give your heart and yourself to a man who's going to be a part of your life and the father of your children and a person you will turn to each and every day for assistance and help and comfort and passion when all of those things are going to come together you better be sure that you can trust him and therefore the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the greatest qualities he possessed before Islam before Islam was delivered to him the rosada and after was he was assad ik al al-amin so Allah Hari was a live when I talk about Amana it's one of the things that is missing in our community and I'm sorry to say this my dear brothers I'm not familiar with everything here but I can tell you that in the different places that I visit amana is one of the last things our neighbors think is in us when in fact at the time of the Prophet it was the first thing they held that the Muslims had can you imagine that the Prophet came to the people of Quraysh before his Islam before Islam came they trusted their Amana there their wealth their gold their property when they said I want to bank it with someone I want to give it to someone who will look after it better than I will in my absence or in my journey go to Muhammad did not delay they would give it to the Prophet when Islam was revealed the Prophet had their amana and he came and he stood on the mountain of Safa and he said to them in me lacunae veer I'm a Warner to you they disbelieved in him when they disbelieved in the Prophet SAW said and many of them he said well if they don't believe my word surely they shouldn't trust me so he took that amana back to eat everyone he knocks on their door and he said here's your property back they said what do you mean why are you giving it to us he said Yanni you you don't believe that I'm Rasul Allah so no no no if I take it with from you Who am I gonna give it to you want me to give it that Buju no no you keep it they disbelieved in him in the neighbor of the sama in what was delivered to him by Allah but they could not fault his honesty some lala hariniaina the prophet kept their amana for 13 years that on the day of his era when he left Mecca to Medina he left his amana with ali radiyaallahu anhu and he said to him when I make my hero go to this people this is their trust go to this people this is their trust go to this be an ally you're the Aloha I know the next day delivered the trust of the prophets like Selim to the people of Mecca and Quraysh is this how our neighbors how the people who know us and don't know us is this how the people who don't believe in what we believe is this their vested trust they have in us as Muslims does your neighbor trusts you like does the broader community believe in our trustworthiness in this capacity this is the Sunnah of the Prophet Solomon this is the command of respect that he had amongst those who were avowed enemies who would kill from his companions sallallahoalyhiwasallam trustworthiness becomes an essential element for us as Muslim men and something that our Muslim sisters and their families must look first look towards first when they're seeking a suitable bachelor number four and five are intertwined in the hadith of the Prophet SAW salem which we mentioned earlier the hadith of a limited media tossin Surya tor Dona Dena whoo-whoo-whoo a man comes and asks and you're happy with his Deen and you're happy with his whole of a flock the Prophet separates a flock and Dean although they are normally together whenever you talk about a man adeno all this up it's part of the Deen but here the Prophet separates it to show you that not because a person prays that that means he will have good manners and not because someone has good manners it means that he will be faithful there are two separate things there will be a lot of people who pray regularly who not may not be the most honest in their business dealings who may not be the most fair in their treatment of others who may not be able to restrict themselves from backbiting and slandering there are people who love Allah and who worship Allah but their Allah are not what Allah and His Messenger seek but they have deemed they have the outward manifest practices of faith you cannot say he doesn't come to the Juwanna or the Gemara you cannot say he does not stand in the torah Weah you cannot say that he is not a person of islam but is he a person of Locke the Makai Removal Allah and the answer could be no and therefore you have to think about that that not because a person has the outward aspects of faith that they would have the conduct that is becoming to it ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to bless us with those aspects of faithfulness to Allah in open and secret and that our character in our dealings with others is manifest in our conduct in our words and our statements and therefore this hadith of Deen and a flock Deen is between you and Allah but Allah is between you and society how a person what the reputation is amongst others and how they deal with other people is just as important in considerations of marriage as others I'm going to finish with a final advice you must test the prospective man or woman a groom or bride before marriage and it's important to don't you think it's important to know how that brother that you're considering for marriage is going to react when angry before you get married don't you think it's important to know how they're going to react when they're disappointed before they get married it's important so I'll share with you a funny story there was someone in my extended family who I got to I loved playing this role by the way Yanni a la has made it something I love to do to be the investigator you know the guy that just tears the brothers life apart no no I'm not that bad so there was a person who's interested in someone and I was you know given the duty the honor of looking into the matter now this particular brother would come from a great distance to visit the family home and I was there for you know one of the visits and I you know we wanted to test the brother how's this brother gonna react when disappointed and when dealt with unjustly so this brothers been traveling for like four hours he said just say he's coming from like up north somewhere and he's coming to visit the home you know have a little bit of time and he's visited two times before he's coming on his own not with his family and about 15 minutes before he's anticipated to arrive they say okay chef you can give him a ring pick up the phone said I Molly come on sit down who is that I'm uh you know one of the family I'm sorry I say there's been some changes we're not able to receive you today huh now the brother just goes quiet you know other people they might say why didn't you call earlier other people might put it in their mind how disrespectful who are these people to do that don't they know who I am the brother says head and shot long look I'm already almost there I'll stick around for a few hours in case you free up they free up if they do please call me I would love to come visit I said ma sha Allah that's good luck that's a that's a wonderful brother there man I was like mashallah hang up on my brother I say you know this is what this guy said hey I said okay let me call him back about ten minutes later I call the brother back okay we've changed our whole schedule just for you he was like really it was like you were giving you know little dog a puppy cookies good boy you're like really brother really mashallah I can come yes dad he comes mashallah mashallah when he comes I meet him at the door knocks on the door said Armani I don't set up I just hold on just I'm just gonna go out for a little bit he's looking inside what happened he goes where we going I said just drive so he gets in starts driving he goes so which way as a right turns right keep going down okay left he doesn't know where we're going we get to an empty parking spot empty parking lot it was a Sunday he's looking around like nervous like it's a mafia hit gonna happen to us oh the shells in there what's happening logic what what's going on say a key it's important you know where people of Islam it's important for me to let you know that there's a family we've known for a very long time they've shown interest in the you know the sister that and he just put his head down you could tell you know it was like upsetting news now of course there was no family or anything but you got a mess around with a brother right you got to investigate the brother what's his hook brother puts his head down he's like I don't shot LA you know sure it's almost leap if Allah means for it to be it will happen and if it's not then at hamdulillah I said masha'Allah well Don I said hold on yaki you didn't let me finish you interrupted it was all I said I was going to tell you that because we have full trust in you we rejected them he said really brother I was like there you go I had a boy well done little putty in your hand now I how a person reacts to stress to disappointment can they control their anger what will their response to be to someone who they don't know how they talk about money all of those are very very important things that need to have demonstrated proof before the seriousness of kabil - I accept the responsibility of marriage is proceeded into will continue more with that in la as the day progresses subhanak ilaha mohammed occasionally atlantis africa - boy although the lung mina shape on your mangy bismillah more money more Hey II you
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Keywords: conference, death, fawzan, arifi, asrar, rashid, murtaza, khan, alkauthar, mercy, mission, islamic, reminder, qadhi, hamza, yusuf, khutbah, iera, dawah, nasheed, sunnah, bidah, green, lane, masjid, mosque, salafi, publications, refutation, freemasons, dajjal, abu, khadeejah, salafis, quran, hadeeth, red, brick, media, bakr, umar, sufi, barelwi, zakir, naik, peace, makkah, madinah, live, sudais, huda, emotional, lecture, deobandi, al-maghrib, almaghrib, jihad, dispatches, debate, shia, shiah, sufism, hanafi, saudi, scholars, tawassul, islam, paradise, hell
Id: jOl9fgZipEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 47sec (2807 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 23 2014
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