i built an excellent house in The Sims 4

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today we're having a very interesting hair day so we're gonna cover it up with a hood and pretend it's not happening today is an exciting day because we are building in The Sims 4. we are building new crafts I think we're one-fifth of the way which makes it sound a lot better than saying I've only done three builds so basically new Crest the idea for this new crust is that like a whole new suburb is being built and everything's brand new and it's all got like stage Furniture in it and that's what new Crest is going to be it's like a development we've built a gorgeous Rec Center this is like one of my favorite builds thus far like ever I love this build so much so if you want a rec center in your game it's just I don't know it just works really well and it's just like really simple and coherent it just seems to make sense and I'm just really happy with how this turned out it's got a library music rooms it's got gym stuff upstairs meditation yoga room bathrooms it's got everything you need so that's that and then we've done two houses these are like a couple of more modern houses I think we should build maybe next to this one next um so yeah this house is pretty cool it's got a bit of a Scandinavian influence which a lot of the new houses in Australia have and another really popular architecture style at the moment for new houses is a Hampton Style so I'm seeing a lot of those pop up at the moment especially in areas that are near the beach we also have a mix of one story and two-story houses I don't know maybe we should just have some fun with that I went to a friend's house today and I'm gonna kind of be inspired by their house I think they had us they have a staircase about about here I'm just gonna kind of draw that in there's like a corridor and this is a they have a bedroom here that's actually really big if that's the bedroom I mean look it's not exactly like this but I'm gonna have a little bit of fun here and then there's a small bath room here powder room and this is actually a laundry so we can use that as a laundry and then like many houses in Australia the living areas are at the back so you enter through a corridor that leads to the back of the house where there's usually a small courtyard oh and you know the thing that they have that I'm like oh I wish that was mine so badly they have a Butler's Pantry sorry I've got an adjustment it's got my period and I've been eating so much food you know how it is but we also want this to make sense in The Sims like the builds I'm doing I talk about this a lot but I'm at a stage now in the game with the game's been around for a long time there is a bit of lag and I like to reduce the lag and make it as playable as possible so we're also working on creating simple floor plans that flow really nicely and furnish them in such a way that it's not gonna like use up all of your computer's memory and lag out even looks the more items you place that can contribute to lag in your game so that's another reason why we're kind of going with these more clean newer houses and the idea of it being a new development to sell off to your Sims and I just got rid of my beautiful Butler's Pantry didn't know yes I did okay so kitchen will be here this will be car door in real life there's actually a garage right here so I'm gonna think about what to do we could actually do like a cute little Courtyard moment in here potentially or just have like an office room or something uh and then back here this is where the Courtyard area is which is nice I think it's just a straight back of a house I have to say the Hampton style of house I really like to go visit but it's not my personal style but it is a style I feel like so many people really love like it's probably one of the most overall popular Styles I wonder if you did a survey of like the most popular interior design Styles or architecture what would be the most widespread in popularity hey winda now ceiling height do we want to do mid ceiling or lower ceiling I also think we should go with a darker wood in this house like a Midwood I always should go like a mid-size just because we have so much room for a staircase why not why not live our best life okay we'll put some spa day stairs in here the other thing that's happening a lot in Australia that I just would assume is happening all over the world but I don't really know is there's heaps of subdividing like blocks are becoming small learn smaller in people's backyards are getting smaller because they're putting bigger houses on smaller Lots so oh my gosh away emo today I don't know what's happening um so that's a big thing too like if you buy a new house if probably often not going to get a backyard or if you do it's just like a very small courtyard so yeah it's an interesting time I don't actually go upstairs in my friend's house very often so I don't really know what it looks like oh I actually found their house I mean this isn't their house but this is almost exactly the same because it it's probably the company that built it so yeah this is the style that's pretty nice and I think it appeals to a lot of people so we can actually look at the floor plan oh they don't so they have their bedroom down here oh and their staircase is different oh my gosh this one's really different but upstairs we can get a couple of ideas oh so you can see all the different floor plans right oh my gosh that's so fun I think this is the one they have but the staircase is on this side oh no that's not the one they have at dinner it's what I was trying to do is show you the general look so you'd be like oh that's the vibe she's going for this is the vibe I think we should put in built-in wardrobes for sure into bedrooms and for a two-story house you'd want to have three bedrooms I think at least or four so we could kind of mirror these two across the hallway because you want to be able to turn this into a family room if need be this would be a lovely living area like upstairs living area or do we want to bring this in and then have a shared bathroom here and then have this as a study Nook but that does look like a really long kind of awkward room so I don't really like that idea well if we take a look at the exterior maybe we'll work a little bit with the roofing and see what could actually look good out here we also want the whole thing to look good from the outside too you could just do a roof like this which really not usually my style but that's good because we want to push ourselves we want to come up with different houses and you don't get to do different things unless you do things differently what is this look like with two pitched roofs at the back okay I like this from the front like I think that looks good but the question is okay the side looks decent although we're gonna have to do something with this maybe pull that back but the issue we're having is at the back of the house this is definitely not working for us but what we could do is bring this back and have an extra room upstairs maybe or maybe it's better if we put a bedroom here and like a bathroom in the middle but then that's a weird long room as well this is really hard you guys it's always well I always find it harder when you're working from the exterior inwards like you do an exterior and then you're trying to work with a nice floor plan okay I think this might be our best option so these two rooms would use this bathroom at the end and then this room would get its own ensuite like the main bedroom downstairs I think this front door from The Sims 4 Seasons is perfect I mean it looks a little Craftsman on this section of the door but overall it's a pretty good front door for this house and then these windows from the greenhouse kit really really handy definitely recommend if you guys are interested in that kit or building these windows are like my new favorite thing they're just so good you can make that room really sunny then this is the main bedroom here so we'll put a nice generous row of Windows although that's not actually not sure if I'm happy with the orientation of this main bedroom because originally how I was gonna do this was put the bed here and then have Windows on either side then that's not even that nice either I think we need like a full wall of Windows like that kind of makes me think well where are we gonna put that wardrobe I could do the Wardrobe here yes that will be better I say this every single video that I use a wardrobe in which is almost every single video I really really want to get more of these wardrobes not just the ones from get together okay so we've got those this is a laundry and a bathroom we don't need a window in that bathroom this is a Butler's Pantry so we could just have a light source at the end here but this is gonna going to be our kitchen dining and living room so I want there to be lots of lovely light in here I'm not fully sold on this bi-fold door I just put that there because in real life there are bi-fold doors I wonder if we could use the matching doors to these remember they have gold handles which not ideal oh it's actually not that bad I mean we could do that and lower these windows to the floor as well it's actually quite nice and that's going to be the kitchen so we don't could put Windows like that maybe and then we'll also have Windows oh I was gonna say windows along this side but we also need a spot for the TV to go so maybe we'll do like two of those we have our potential office here and I know these windows are different heights which might bug some people or some people might say that's gonna look weird but to make the most of it being asymmetrical you can do things like put different bushes along there and then it might not look as strange okay it looks pretty weird okay okay I hear you I hear you okay we'll move the windows down oh but they looked so good halfway up the wall okay what if we go like this where the windows are higher but the door is on the ground or we could do something like this or we can just use a completely different door like that and then it doesn't look as strange so I feel like we could do with some support columns that's pretty pretty good now upstairs is a little bit more tricky because we have a roof line that intersects a lot of the Wall height so while we could lower this part of the roof a lot the flatter it is kind of the worse it looks I think these windows from Snowy Escape will work up here because they're a bit shorter than these but they're the same color swatch you know what I think this is going to have to remain flat even though I mean look it's still got a little bit of incline I mean alternatively we could just lift these up ourselves just manually holding the ALT key then it means I have to do it to everyone and I'm gonna do it because I'm gonna do it for you guys that's right I'm doing this for you and then around winter like this one from cats and dogs could be cool just here that could be cool I think there's a base game one as well oh but that one's got stronger Shadows not as big fan of it okay and I will say this doll looks a little skew might have to do a little Landscaping work here maybe the letterbox can go here and that'll be a nice way to just make it all work and look pretty thank you never be afraid of asymmetry because asymmetry will save us I also think this is a really good spot to put the outdoor bin and pop that there all right I do like the idea of this season's column but the stonework on the bottom just isn't quite right what about this stonework this Stone Works better but again it's more that Craftsman look which I don't think really fits oh maybe it does we'll see how we go using different wallpapers but we're gonna do a lot of white edges white trims it's going to have a bit of a gray and white beachy Vibe Coastal I like these thinner ones because they're bright or white than see these thicker ones that look more gray and shattered that these new ones from growing together are definitely the brightest and the whitest as you can see here it's a tough choice nice but we do want to go for that really newly built look like buying off the plan or buying from a display Village we do also have a seam line here which is a little bit annoying but I think we're going to get that with every roof tile I think there's going to be much of a way around it one thing that I think is is quite clever that they do but also kind of surprising as they go for like a neutral brownie earthy color on the lower level of the house actually that's too too Brown that's too much I'm gonna find the right shade actually to be honest some of them are more of a dark brown like this I guess it depends on what the person chooses dang it I can't find the right shade this is when I wish I had a color wheel maybe it's like this you know what I don't think it exists in The Sims 4 so we're just gonna go with this one actually it looks quite nice good job mattress on just put that down my whole face I'm really not happy with this door I know I said I was earlier but it's sir Craftsman all I can see is Craftsman I know I tried to tell you guys otherwise before we might have to go this door or this store could work I think this is the best front door I mean I would have liked something a little bit more traditional but the other ones just don't really work in my opinion and otherwise it's this this doesn't look quite right the other thing is we could lower it all down and then do what we were originally gonna do and put all the windows on the floor like this because I don't know in some ways I feel like that does look better and we have this teeny tiny staircase inside let's do it and then we can have the matching the matching windows and doors over on this side which is nicer part of me quite likes this but we could also go this style too again it's a little more Craftsman Hamptons and cross Craftsmen do they overlap well there's this one which is our base game option this Century it's probably closer than this to what's originally on the there on the original house we need more of these venti things um but like newer ones without big Shadows that are less I don't think we have any of those the other funny thing about Australia is that you can have like a palm tree grow where other palm trees aren't growing I mean I guess I guess that would be the same in a lot of places in the world so you know your neighbor might have a random palm tree and I feel like this Sim in this house they they want the palm tree look they definitely definitely need lavender oh I love lavender it is or it has such a beautiful smell I also really love romantic garden stuff I feel like it's a really under appreciated pack it's really great for landscaping look at that such a handy hedge oh my gosh for a second I was like Yay we're finished but we have the whole interior to do I will say the interior is going to be pretty simple like all of our builds in this new Crest going back to the whole thing about reducing lag and just being able to move a family in and it just kind of suiting the vibe of any family you move in with just minor tweaks that's what we're going for no fuss Simplicity is a landscaping and terrain paint so yeah I would say this is like australiana Hamptons this is the Australian version I think for the walls just a really soft and light gray is perfect and then this dark flooring I really like the cats and dogs well actually this is the cats and dogs flooring but the other cats and dogs flooring this one has a little bit more variation in it which I really like but I feel like between this color and this color they're missing something just in the middle because this one's a little bit more like ready ready purpley looking and I just really want like a true true Brown and then this one kind of an icky Brown I mean it works for the black but yeah it's just not quite right so go with this and in terms of the kitchen I would love to have like this bench in white with black handles that would be ideal I mean we have this one which is okay but then I don't like this island cabinet the handles on it are a lot and then I just don't think we really have quite the right option for this how us so we may have to go for this more modern looking one and then behind here is going to be the really big Butler's Pantry it's kind of bigger than the kitchen it is bigger than the kitchen maybe we should push this wall back because I think I got a little too excited with the butler's Pantry I mean can you blame me it would be a dream to have a Butler's Pantry there we'll just have like one row of these okay do a double window there that's actually quite nice looking down the hallway I suppose it I know some people put their fridge behind there in a Butler's Pantry but I actually think that would get annoying having to walk around all the time I mean I know it would frustrate me after a while so it'll probably frustrate me even just playing with Sims and then I was looking at these lights which ones suit their house the best maybe this one with the black like there's a lot of black and white with Hampton inspired Australian places well that's a lot maybe we just go to it's interesting because there's no Hamptons style I don't think unless I'm unaware of what it can fit into like I feel like they should have Coastal maybe they have Islands shabby but they don't really have the cats and dogs items in there the coastal one could be good I'm not sure if we're gonna have enough room to have a double a double bench like this I'm guessing not and don't worry I haven't forgotten the sink I will put the sink in there before I forget put a fire thing in we'll get the heater cooler thing the AC get a bin there too you know I don't know if I've lived in a place without a dishwasher before actually no that's not true when I was at Uni I did live in like dorms and sharehouses without dishwashers but dishwashers it's very helpful to have a dishwasher our dishwasher is a free standing dishwasher it's like basically oh on the outside of the kitchen which does not make any sense but it's the only place it can be plugged in and hey it does it does a good job and that's the main thing well it would actually make more sense to have nice pendants over the dining table or a nice pendant over the dining table but if we have pendants pen and pendants it's kind of too much I'm gonna want to overdo it I do feel like we need something here though cottage living things not quite right well we might just have to do the down lights in here not many people use this chair but this is the jungle Adventure chair with the blue Swatch and they look really nice in the white and gray for just like a basic dining chair oh my God we could do like a whole window wall here okay that's a lot I think I I think I got a little too excited part of me likes the idea of having a darker dining table with the lighter chairs some Bakery items up there maybe just three stools here do we need curtains I mean I think the room does look nice with curtains but I'm just going to add two more items in the house I mean we could though we'll have a think about it we'll have a think like a thank you dink TV can go up here as low as possible and then you can have a couch so Hampton's inspired Lounge room would be linen beige gray white maybe a hint of wicker or neutrals we don't really have like a classic linen Coastal looking couch in The Sims 4. that is something that's really missing in the game that would be a great addition just doesn't look that good I want to use this for the outdoor furniture I actually don't mind this like I know it's not typical Hamptons look but I think it works with the house I should really say australiana Hamptons because I know it's not I know it's different to the US or there's just this this is just like a nice plain expensive looking couch I really wish we had some different couch watches I mean I think it works it works maybe you have a few too many plants never can never have too many plants what about a nice wine glass reminds me of restaurants too much there's actually two packs in The Sims 4 that I am afraid of one is my wedding stories and the other one is dine out fear I tell you I actually think we can repeat the Lights I've changed my mind I don't think it's too much I think it's too much having this light here we'll just put another kind of painting there that goes with the one on the other wall and here looks like a nice space for an office it can be a nice little office does this look like a wedding chair or does this look like a nice desk chair I feel like a lot of people are gonna think it's a wedding chair and then a lot of people are gonna be like no it can be a desktop I'm kind of thinking about swapping this to the gray rug I don't mind it or we could go back to the black which looks a little bit more finished or what if we had black chairs like that and maybe actually centering the rug would be helpful I think I prefer that I think that looks good like this is one of those builds where I'm just finding that I'm going back and changing everything again and again and I'm just like not satisfied with any of it oh yeah these stools are better okay I think it's it's coming together now there's a lot of monochromatic I always find it harder when I'm trying to do styles that also aren't personal preference like I want to do different styles it's a lot it's a lot easier doing stuff that you're like yeah I love that I want to buy that for my own house let's just do the mirror moment a little stool okay so that's our living area is this your style let me know in the comments down below let me know if you like it we have our office in here not entirely sure what this is going to be just yet that is another room that could actually be a bedroom the only thing is I was gonna make this a half bathroom but that could make this house one two three four five bedrooms actually that is really cool because usually I have to put in quite a conscious effort to try and get a build up to five bedrooms so that's awesome I'm gonna add to these bathrooms like I usually do I just go around and kind of place all the objects that will be the same in every bathroom into every bathroom it's one of these bathrooms to be modern enough to be like fresh and new I think we should have at least one bathtub it'd be cool if they added some sinks that like sit on top of the benches like made the benches lower with the sinks on top so it still fits the Sims current animation with the bench height because I feel like the kitchen sinks look more like well the bathroom sinks look more like kitchen sinks I guess could you use them for both we might need a curtain in this bathroom just say you're not like pooping and people could see in from the side you know whenever I hear the word pooping I think about a song that would go my poop scooting babies driving me crazy this could actually be another bathroom a room for another purpose like there's so much room in this house but what I had in mind was this was a laundry room although I could put another door there so you can like go through both ways is that too much or do we love it I wonder if we'll ever get a stuffed pack again or other stuff back days over I just realized because we have a laundry we're gonna need laundry baskets look at these baskets probably suit the Hamptons feel a bit more poop up some kitty litter in the laundry beautiful okay main bedroom we want a crystal looking bed honestly this is kind of coastal looking to me anyway it is should we do a purple wallpaper it's very purple I have like a more muted purpley color that's pretty good one bedroom done this can be our second TV room maybe more where the kids hang out the other one's a little more formal sometimes let's go for a softer and more modern couch up here I love this couch oh this looks so Crystal what is that from that's from high school years that's a really good one to remember for Coastal builds it's amazing how much a Swatch can just change the entire look of an item in the game this is just asking to be a desk the reading kit has these great modular Nook shelves that look really good in a study Nook I'm just looking a little squishy there move a few things around let's turn this room into kid's room a little bit of a nautical theme I love this little Lighthouse it's so cute some pillars on the rug as well actually this bed will look nicer let's go with that one I just realized I've get it given the other kids bedroom the ensuite and the bigger bedroom doesn't have the ensuite so this this kid must be the favorite we fit a craft table in here as we can actually maybe this season's craft table actually no the Eco lifestyle craft table is probably my favorite we have some good craft tables okay I ripped the carpet out of the bedrooms I could I just I don't like carpeting bedrooms you guys can't do it oh we're finished oh wait no we still have this one room downstairs I mean honestly this should be a skill building room or a guest room the question is what kind of skill building room a bar because every Sim wants a bar you know what because we've got Sims that can move move into your house or come and visit now I think we should do a guest room with a Murphy bed as the existing thing in this room and then obviously it's easy to turn it into whatever you'd like use this nice creamy rug can't get enough of that Italy food you know what I met someone the other day who has 10 TVs in their house so we're gonna put another TV in the house kind of put it to the side here so hopefully there's enough room to still pull out the Murphy bed but you could also use this as like a lounge room hey here you are with Bob and Eliza pancakes in I think a heat wave interesting outfits Eliza is going on here so again for new crafts we're keeping it really simple with the Furnishing and the idea is you are oh interesting outfit uh the idea is you add to this house if you move into it to kind of suit the family otherwise it's just ready to move townies into and visit if you want to without learning issues the main bedrooms here nice purple color the window out to the bin actually and then in here the bathrooms are really simple there's so much room for Action in this house you guys we've got the guest room for when Kyle comes to stay to help you look after your kids with a chess set very handy to have for upping a logic skill if we walk down here there is a bathroom in here not particularly exciting but what is exciting is the dog goes straight through to our laundry room if you're into laundry gameplay or cat gameplay then that door actually leads us to the kitchen slash Butler's Pantry behind it I wish I had a Butler's Pantry one day girl can dream there's the kitchen very nice and then our dining and Lounge area lots of black and white accents beautiful fireplace perfect house for entertaining or watching TV as Bob likes to do just through here we have our study this good probably be a sixth bedroom actually a patio area you could put it on a bigger light but this has barbecue oh there's lots of barbecues across there that we have a private one in here a nice seating area let's go upstairs they're up here we've got a smaller TV area maybe a kids area playroom study Nook back here is an upstairs bathroom this has a full bath so if you're gonna have toddlers or infants they can be bathed here or a dog then we've got three bedrooms this is our nautical bedroom simple but cute nice colors can't go wrong with nautical can you then down here is more of maybe a teen room pretty blue room lots of natural light I mean the thing is with this room you got a really nice study Nook and like two awesome Windows although this room you do get your own ensuite but it's only got one window and it doesn't have the same kind of study Nook but this is cute too this is the Cloud bedroom and yes it does have its own ensuite love it so let me know what you think of this floor plan do you like it oh hello Welcome Wagon I guess we can invite you in and if you're on Console or if you're on PC whatever uh if you want to take any screenshots of the floor plan and Roofing feel free to do so and rebuild it if you like I know if you guys like to do that and that's it another house done for our new Crest build I also want to say a massive thank you to my members you guys are legends thank you for supporting this channel especially when I haven't been posting as much I really really appreciate it and for all of you guys let me know when I mean not when what kind of video you would like to see when would you like to see another video in a few weeks tomorrow let me know in the comments down below as always I hope you're having a lovely morning afternoon not evening wherever you are in the world and I cannot wait to speak to you all soon have peace duck duck
Channel: Deligracy
Views: 120,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deligracy, deli, australian, english, funny, deligracy youtube, deligracy vids, sims 4, the sims 4, the sims, sims 4 gameplay, sims 4 build, sims 4 cheats, sims 4 series, sims 4 lp, deli sims, deligracy sims, sims 4 deligracy, how to play sims 4, thesims build, the sims 4 build, sims house, house building, newcrest save, deligracy build, house, speed build, sims speed build, sims 4 build challenge, how to build in sims 4, how to build house in sims 4, making sims 4 houses
Id: Kc-v0eWt8g4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 32sec (1832 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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