Sims 4 Horse Ranch CC List ( english riding edition)

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[Music] what is up you guys welcome back to my channel if you are new here I'm tiny Mac and today we are going to be going through my CC list for The Sims 4 HSE Ranch expansion pack now these items are specifically tailored towards English writing I will be doing another video where I'm focusing more on Western writing but for now I just wanted to focus on like my English writing tack we're going to be going through cast items accessories in Tac and even some gameplay mods to enhance your horse experience in The Sims 4 so first up we're going to start in Cass I specifically love Cass options because they help expand your horse's tack from simple EA options like this to a more improved and realistic look like this in my opinion this tack is a little bit more realistic and it's a step up from the options that EA has created for us now I'm going to try to make this video as fast as possible because I know when I'm looking for cc I just want a quick video to show the overview of what the CC looks like in game I don't really like a lot of talking and explanations I just want to see what the CC looks like so that is kind of what I'm going to be doing in this video all of this cc is linked in my Tumblr which you can find the link for that in the description below so make sure to check that out if you want to find all of this CC so starting off with my writing tack this is a specific look that I created for this horse so this saddle pad is English writing specific and it has a lot of colors and it even has matching socks with it so if you want to match all of your colors together there's a lot of options and all of the leg wraps match with these specific colors I like the black on this horse I specifically like black on black I think it looks really clean and sleek and I'm so sorry if my explanations for these items are not very specific and good examples of what I'm trying to get across I'm not very good with like horse tack names this is a bridal that I downloaded and this is in my CC Tumblr list but there's lots of different colors and then if you come down here there's these little like pads or nose pads I don't really know how to explain them but they're made to keep your horse more comfortable in a bridal I really love these I love the black and the white specifically those are the ones that I use the most again I'm sorry if my descriptions are really Bland I don't really know how to I like talk about this and what these items are called I'm not going to name the creators who created them on this video it's all in my CC list so like I said if you want to go get a deeper dive into all of this CC make sure to go check out the list in my Tumblr this is another look that I created for this horse it's got a specific racing saddle and saddle pad which I really enjoy it's kind of higher up on the horse versus this one is more midback and it also has like these tendon leg wraps in the front for like running and bear racing and then we have this look as well like I said all of the colors come together really good and it looks really realistic in game I love how it all just matches and I love these little ear bonnets I use these quite a bit with my horses there is a little bit of clipping going on cuz I just got a retextured horse skin pack and the horse skin looks really good and realistic but it is clipping a little bit it won't clip on your horses if you don't have the skin retexture pack all right we're going to jump over to hair really quick because there is something specific that I want to show so in the feathers down here you have these regular horse feathers that came with EA so you can get like none or a lot this is the one that I downloaded Ed though it's just a little subtle Feathering around like the ankle area it's just it looks a little bit better than the plane on a couple of my horses I have the plain look but I kind of like like the little subtle Feathering I just think that it makes it look more realistic and then up in the mains I downloaded a couple different hairstyles so as you can see EA has like this Bland one where there's no man and then a couple where there's few and then this spiky one I really like the look of the shorter man but I don't like the spikes on that one so I downloaded this it's just a plain Mane and really short and clean but it's not as Bland as having no man it adds a little something there and then there's a matching four lock that goes with it as well and then there's this one which is a knot that goes with the Other M and as you can see in the EA one it's just a little darker it's not as bright so I like the brighter white look so that's why I downloaded it but I really love this plain basic Mane it just looks really clean and really good in game all right and now on to pasture looks so I am a big fan of having like show rugs and just rugs for like pasturing your horses so here's the first pasture look that I have it's just just a blanket that I put on my horse when they're not riding and when you want to keep them warm in the winter this one comes with a lot of different color options I really love how clean it looks and it matches the horses perfectly they have a lot of different options in color I specifically like this red one for my horse I think it compliments his color really well and then there's these matching travel leg wraps I just use them for pasture I think it looks really good so there's this red one and then there's a couple different colors all of them match the blanket colors that I just showed above but yeah they have a lot of different colors and I think it looks really good on my horse my second pasture look is just this Bridal and this lead rope wrapped around the horse if you actually work with horses in real life you know that this is a common thing that you rack the lead rope around your horse to kind of keep control when they have no saddle or Bridal or anything like that on this rope matches all of the halter colorings and padded Bridal colorings that come with this whole set so all of it can match I just like this white and black look specifically my next pasture look is this blanket with these little leg wraps this is the main one that I use for this of course I love the look of this and I love like the black coloring this blanket has a lot of different colors as well there's lots of different color and neutral options all of them look really good on your horse I just specifically like I said I like the black look on the black horse that is my specific look but definitely have a lot of color options if you are more into that and then this is the last one this is a fly mask and then those travel leg wraps that I just mentioned above like I said there's a little bit of clipping going on with the retexturing but if you do not have that this looks really good and clean and there's no clipping on it but I love the fly mask it makes it look really realistic when the horses are out in the pasture so I enjoy that a lot here's another blanket that I have this is a polo set blanket this looks really good and I love like the logo on it I think it makes it look really realistic and kind of like the horse belongs to a specific Farm I love like the little connections over here and the buckles and just everything about it and then this has like the padded Bridal as well these are just the EA leg reps that come with the Sims 4 Hors Ranch again we have the lead rope and the bridal and then a blanket I also really love this set so this is like a full thermos set I don't really know how to describe it it's just like a turnout set for when your horses are out in the pasture has the fly mask the neck thing I don't really know what these are called I'm sorry but it just looks really re realistic and I've seen them a lot on horses in real life I have a very high-end Equestrian Center that I'm running with this Sim specifically so this is the look that I go for I want my horses to look really clean and kind of put together kind of like that rich style so this is what I'm going for with that here's one of the other blankets that come with the set when you you download this blanket this is the Quilted blanket that comes with it so there's a plain blanket and then there's a quilted version and then this is the polo blanket in a different color so this is the green and these are the EA leg wraps and then this is like a nylon halter with stripes I just like the color with the white and green how it all kind of matches it just makes my horses look really clean and like they belong to a certain stable so yeah those are some of the cast items that I have you can find them all in my CC list in my Tumblr which is linked below like I said so make sure to go check that out out now we are going to move on to my build and buy CC list all right so first up we have this little pasture feeder which if you know about horses in real life you know that this is a very realistic look so I really love how this works this is a functional pasture feeder as well so your horses can actually eat out of it so I replace it with all of the regular ones that come with EA I just use these pasture feeders I think it looks really realistic and it makes your horse ranch look a little bit nicer and cleaner and kind of that rich look like I said it also shows like the remaining meals here is my horse eating out of it like I said it's fully functional it looks really good there's no clipping or anything next up we have these natural looking horse beds so they have no border in the regular EA options they have like a little square border around them and I just didn't really think that it looked realistic if you're just putting hay down so I really like these Alternatives they have no border and it kind of just looks like you just threw some hay in there this stable and pasture is specifically for my boarded horses which I will talk about here in a moment I just really like these natural hay bed looks rather than the regular ones that EA provides if you look into the Stalls there's actually a couple different feeders and a fan so the fan is not functional you can just view it but you can't really do anything about turning it on or off which is fine I still like the look of it and then we have these little hay feeders in the Stalls these are functional the horse can actually eat out of these and then we have like these little corner hay feeders which I really like both of these are functional and then there's this little hay mesh Nest bag over here this one is not functional but I just like the look of it in the horse dolls these are also really cool so these are functional troughs that your horse can drink out of but they are dual ended so you can stick them in between a fence and you can drink on either side of them so my horses can share this trough together when they're in their stalls and I love the look of it when two horses are drinking out of it from either side they look the exact same as the ones that came with EA but they can just fit in between fences so next up we have these invisible horse Jump Markers so if you have the regular horse jumps that come with EA there's like a little white Trace around them and I just don't like how it looks I don't really see a need for them I play like a more realistic game mode so I like it without you can actually download these and they have no markers around them as you can tell it's completely plain it just looks really nice if you're trying to build a really nice Ranch you don't have those little white markers to kind of distract from the actual view of what you're trying to create so that is all for build by as you can see I have a lot more build by options like this Hitching Post and a couple different ones like these hay bales so if you want those I can definitely link those as well there's also all of this these are like English saddle decor and then Bridal Decor which are both Linked In My CC list these are hanging blankets you can't do anything with them but you can put them in your inventory I guess here's a little like feeder if you want that I can link that in my CC list I don't think it's in there right now but I just like the look of this and it makes it look like it's actual functional I think EA might have its own version of these but I don't like like the western saddles I just want English saddles so that's why I downloaded these ones all right now on the gameplay mods that I really enjoy so the first one is be back writing if you're like me and you really enjoy like the realistic look of riding your horses I really love the bearback option they had it in The Sims 3 but they did did not include it in The Sims 4 horse ranch which I don't understand so I downloaded a mod for it which is linked and it allows you to ride your horse bearback there's this little option where you can just Mount your horse as is I didn't download the stirups not being visible so my stirups do look a little funky but there is a mod that takes away the stups in general when you're riding bear back I just haven't installed it yeah so it just gives a really realistic look if you want to ride your horse bear back you can and it looks really good when they are riding like I said I got to take away my stirrups but other than that it looks really good I might need to put a bridal on because obviously he's just you know going bridleless and the rains are just there but if you have a bridal on it still looks really realistic all right now moving on to Leading your horse so this one I really enjoyed having in The Sims 3 there's this lead horse option which is a mod and when you use it it allows you to lead your horse wherever there is no rope attached to it or I might not have downloaded it correctly but it allows you to walk your horse anywhere and it will follow you like it's being led as you can see as she walks the horse kind of follows behind there and I think that this mod will be updated soon where there is like a rope attached the Creator will probably fix that here in the near future I just really like it for when I'm wanting to set up my horses or take them out of pins so if you lock this and lock for all horses when you lead your horse it allows them to still go through the fence so if you want to lock all of your horses into a pasture and then you want to lead one out it will work and you won't have to unlock the fence and then just to stop you either Exit out or there is a stop leading option right here so the next one is a better Paddock gate so it looks exactly like the ones that come with EA but you only can go through the gate when you are mounted on your horse so for my Arena specifically I enjoy using this it won't let any horses that aren't being ridden go through the fence we'll just go ahead and walk in here to show you kind of how it works it's really nice so your horses don't come in here running randomly I it really bothers me how horses just will like run through here but then if you lock the gates you have to unlock it to get the horses through it's just a real pain for me sometimes so I really enjoy this gate because I don't have the lock a or anything so if you come over here and exit now the horse is not mounted and then if I try to call the horse over it won't be able to go through that gate so it has that little X like it can't go through usually your sim will not be allowed to go through here either unless it's mounted on a horse but you can always change it and allow special privilege to certain Sim so if you want your sim to be able to walk in and out of it you can definitely allow them that so the next one this is probably my favorite mod so it is a boarding stable mod what this means is it allows you to have a boarding stable so when you are creating traits and challenges for your horse ranch there is this boarding stable option which allows horses to live on this lot while their owners are busy or do not yet have their own stables and it's really realistic because the owners actually come to the stable and ride their horses so I really really love this mod this is the boarding stable in Paddock you can see the owner right here of this horse this is Ruan and this is the owner Kayla black she came to ride her horse she will ride it around the Farms it's just a really cool mod if you want to have like a more realistic boarding stable type field it's really cool and it allows you to have different types of horses that you don't really have to take care of genuinely never take care of these horses I'll just refill their feeders and do all that kind of stuff but the owner will always come and groom them and kind of take care of them for you so it's just really cool and I really enjoy how it kind of looks in game and it gives a more realistic feel which is awesome as you can see she's going for a ride and then she'll bring the horse back put it in this Paddock because they are locked out of this Paddock and then she will Dismount and clean the horse's Hooves and brush their coat which I just I really like and I enjoy the gameplay that it offers so this is definitely a great mod if you want to have kind of a boarding stable or you just want to have a couple random horses in your stable that you don't have to take care of all right the next mod is better horse breeding so if you are like me and you want to breed your horse with random horses and don't want them to have to be friends you can actually have a better horse breeding mod I'm not going to show how it works because I don't want any of my horses to breed right now so you can just come over here to your horses and then you can go into the normal area right now I don't know why I don't have the option to breed but usually there's an enage to breed with option and when you click that it will show all of the horses in the lot and you can click whatever one you want and then they will breed so it just allows a better aspect if you want to have your horses breed it's just a faster way of doing the breeding option which is awesome and it just speeds up gameplay a little bit all right we are almost done with the gameplay options so the next one is this functional trailer so there is actually a mod to make this a functional trailer not in the way that you put your horses in but the regular EA trailer doesn't have any options you can only view it this one works like the community board Center pretty much so you don't have to have the community board in your lot if you are in a different world besides Chestnut Ridge you just have to have this trailer you can come over here you can call the animal exchange travel horse training enter competitions Community jobs and the equestrian center so it makes it really realistic and it doesn't make that awkward community board kind of take away from the feel of your Ranch so if you want this this is the functional trailer it works great I love it and I always use it to enter my competitions and train my horses so these are just a few of my favorite C for English writing and just a more realistic branch in general I have so many more linked on my Tumblr page so make sure to go check them out now we're going to jump into horse riding for your Sims and like what they can wear for horse riding so we're going to come over here and plan the outfits this is like the little locker room for all the horse riders and everything like that coming into this CC list for Sims specifically I have a lot of different options so this helmet is CC all of this outfit is pretty much CC they have these little English writing boots these matching sets this is like a navy blue set they have a lot of different colors that you can choose from and they all look really really good and they match different tack for your horses as well so if you have a specific look that you're trying to go for where the Sim matches the H's tack there is so many options and you can definitely achieve that this is just a Sims outfit I don't think any of this is CC like I said this is a very prestigious Ranch so I want her to kind of give off that feel of like those people with the big hats at horse races and stuff like that so this is another CC option this hat is CC the shirt is CC pants all of it I think These Boots are the only thing that aren't CC and they came with Hors Ranch yeah but everything else is CC I really like this look it kind of gives like that relaxed riding SL trining look so this is what she wears when she is training her horses and not really going to a competition she'll just throw on this shirt and these pants and go out and ride this is more competition oriented outfits I really like this Blazer it gives like that professional look like she's about to go into a competition these pants are the same pants from earlier and then these are CC boots as well it looks a lot better than the writing options that EA provided I don't know why they even included them cuz they are so trash and they do not look good at all so I went ahead and got these and it just looks so much better and it just up levels the look of your Sims here's another one this is like a knitted Top This is CC all of this is CC this is just more of that preppy look like you're going out on a ride or something like that and you just want to give off that rich feel this is what I put her in and then this is the last one this is another training option this is specifically colored for one of my horses tack but again this is the same hat from before this little jacket is CC as well all of the this stuff is linked like I said and then there's these pant options that are the same from before and these boots that are the same from before if it's like a little bit colder out she puts this jacket on with the pants and then some Ugg boots and she'll just go out and ride in this it's just more for a relaxed look I like how the riding pants have kind of like the I don't know like colored blocking look that normal writing pants have versus just like leggings so these are just a few of my favorite CC for English writing and just better ranch style looks in general I have so many more linked on my Tumblr CC list so make sure to go check that out it has a lot of options for you if you want a video tailored towards Western writing and like barrel racing in general make sure to like this video and comment that you want that and I will create a video for that in the next coming week I just wanted to focus mostly on English writing if you are an English writer and you want like an English style Ranch if you want a western style Ranch and like that cowboy feel I have a lot of CC for that as well so make sure to comment and like this video to show me that you're enjoying this and that you want the other side the Western options for EA aren't terrible but I really like the option that they provide for Western writing in CC specifically there's a lot of amazing creators out there who create just amazing Tac and equipment in general so I can definitely make a follow-up video to this make sure to comment that you want that and I will go ahead and do that I hope you guys have a great rest of your day/ night and I'll see you in my next video [Music] peace
Channel: TinyMacPlays
Views: 32,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4 horse ranch cc, sims 4 horses, sims 4 horse ranch, the sims 4 horse ranch cc, the sims 4 mods for realistic gameplay, sims 4 horse cc, the sims 4 horse cc, ts4 horses, ts4 horse cc, the sims 4 horse custom content, horse cc sims 4, sims 4 cc, sims 4 realistic horse cc, horse ranch sims 4 realistic, sims 4 realistic horse skin, sims 4 realistic horses mod, sims 4 realistic horse eyes, the sims 4, sims 4 horse ranch cc shopping, sims 4 horse ranch cc cas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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