10 Sims 4 Horse Gallery Creators you must follow!

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[Music] what is up you guys welcome back to my channel if you're new here I'm tinymac and today we are going to be going through more cash Force creators on the gallery in The Sims 4. I create these videos to give love to all of the gallery creators who create such awesome horse designs for us so if you like any of these horse designs make sure to check out these creators because they have a lot more horse designs than just the ones I'm showing so to start off we have three horses from Como rebi 2020. this first one is probably one of my favorites this horse is absolutely gorgeous I'm gonna show it in a blanket for paddocked and also tacked up a lot of my tack and equipment is CC so if you want to check out my CC list make sure to check out my Tumblr I'll be sure to link it in the description of this video so definitely check it out if you're looking for some cool CC for your horses [Music] thank you the second horse we have is kind of like a bay colored horse which I love this horse I'm a big fan of like bay horses and just brown horses in general I know they're super common but they are my favorite this is the last horse this is a paint colored horse I'm obsessed with paint colored horses just a really good design in general I love this horse [Music] the next horse we have is from Maiden Lily lace and again great job at the designs I don't know why but I love the little designs that creators make like the subtle touches of where she put the dots and then like the pink nose with the brown muzzle I love when people put in that extra little effort to make it look that much more realistic [Music] this horse is from Wicca Queens YouTube they have a lot of horse design so I highly recommend you go check them out this one I just specifically loved because of the little details once again that they did to make the color tones look really really good together I love like the black and tan and how it perfectly complements each other [Music] all right the next horse is for Mario pigeon 3 and I'm sorry if I'm going through these really fast I just really want to show you the horse designs and the coat colors I don't want to over Babble or talk a lot so I'm just trying to get you the basic information the Creator's name and the horse color so you can go check them out yourself again this creator has a lot of different designs for horses so make sure to go check them out in the gallery this is their second horse that I decided to show off I love this color tone that they chose with like the little gray in the face they just did a really good job with this horse design all of these subtle intricacies of color over here on the chest it just looks really really good [Music] all right the next horse we have is from lazy Daisy foot I hope I'm saying that correctly I don't know like the little Fade Out of color like it's not just like just Brown it's kind of like different tones of brown all mixed together looks super good [Music] all right now these next four horses are gonna be from coyote teeth they have a lot of horse options as well so definitely go check them out in the gallery they do a really good job not only with the horse color and Designs but also with the body styles which I really appreciate I love how it's all speckled and colored on the chest area and head and then all plain in the back I think it looks really pretty [Music] it's the next horse by coyote teeth again did a really good job with the color scheme I love how it's like white on this side but then Plain on this side looks really pretty with like the half paint [Music] all right this horse is by coyote teeth as well I love this horse first of all like this horse is so pretty and I play it in my actual game and it looks even better [Music] all right and this is the last one by coyote teeth again they have a lot of different horses so make sure to check them out this is just a couple examples of what they do I like this horse because it kind of has like brown and Gray in the paint along with the white and it's just a really cool color thank you all right the next Creator is dubstick cutie I hope I'm saying that correctly I don't know if I am but the next four horses are from dubsta cutie this one I thought was really pretty because I like like the tiger stripe on the stomach but I also love the subtle red design like they didn't overpower it and do too much they did a phenomenal job with the blending so it looks really really pretty and I just I don't know I really enjoy this horse [Music] all right and then this one I love this horse design they did a great job and I love like the white around the face like the little patches you know to make it not like perfectly Orange it's just so pretty they did such a good job with this one [Music] all right here's the next horse by dubsta cutie this I love this horse if you play Red Dead Redemption there's that tiger striped Mustang and it kind of reminds me of that with the little tiger stripes on the legs but I love like this little chess piece that they did it looks so pretty I I they just did an amazing job with this one the black muzzle everything about it it just complements very well with this horse [Music] oh [Music] all right and then this is the last horse again it kind of gave me Vibes of the tiger striped Mustang from Red Dead Redemption 2. I love how it's like the back this time not the chest they just got really creative with it and I really love it and like all the different color tones like you can see they Blended really well with their colors and it's so pretty and [Music] then these horses are from the Creator leosi I really hope I'm saying that correctly I don't know if I am maybe it's Leos I don't know but super cool color designs that they do I love that they kind of mix up the color of the mains I think that that's something that usually you just you know do black brown or white I love that they did kind of like an orange tone on this one it looks really pretty [Music] foreign again just really pretty I like how they did kind of like the shine effect I don't know how they did that but it's kind of like shiny and I really like that I like how they did like the half mask thing on the face and then yeah just like the color of the brown looks really really good [Music] this is a super pretty horse that they created they did a great job with like the gray and white color tones I love how there's like a subtle like polka dot thing going on but it's super pretty and it's like very very subtle so you almost can't notice it [Music] thank you okay this is one of my favorites for sure I love like the Appaloosa half back I forget what they call like the half Appaloosa color I don't know what they call it but super pretty and I love like the brindle color like they mixed brown in with the black it's so pretty I don't know how people are so good at creating these horses but it's amazing [Music] this is another one they created again they have like the subtle brown spots on the coat but it's mostly like brown and Chestnut I feel like the chestnuts always kind of look a little wonky in The Sims because the red is just like too unrealistic I don't know how to make that you know a more realistic chestnut color but I feel like this is a really good example of what Chestnut could kind of look like it's just like if you mix in the red and brown together and see what you can create but this one's supposed to be like a paint horse but I like how they didn't do any paint on the back it's just kind of like the stomach and the legs and the nose it's just really pretty how they did that [Music] okay here's another one that I really love like I said I love the bay color horses this is a great representation of like the kind of horse that I love they did a super pretty job and it almost looks like it's like a brindle horse and the next one oh my goodness I love this one it's like a messy Appaloosa that's like how I could best describe it but it's so pretty I love like the pink nose and the little dots on the nose as well so so pretty and I love like the orange and brown tone once again they did a great job at the color tones [Music] foreign horses I have a hard time finding in the gallery there's a couple really cool ones that I always kind of gravitate towards but I feel like gray horses are just you know maybe not the most popular so not a lot of creators create them so when I found this one I was so excited because this is such a pretty gray horse and they did once again an amazing job at the color markings the little dots like it's half Appaloosa is so pretty [Music] oh [Music] all right and then I just had to show this one off really quick too because it's really pretty this one was done by kixon DK I believe was the name but yeah again super pretty we'll put it in some tack really quick just to see how it looks there's it in a blanket and then we'll put a saddle on it as well just to see I just thought the color was super cool and I like like the size of the horse it's really pretty so I just wanted to show it off okay and really quick I just wanted to show off some of the horses that I've been playing with I love these horse coats I cannot for the life of me find the creators who made them I just found them on the gallery and downloaded them randomly I did not save them so if you know who created these make sure to comment so I can give them proper credit because they did an awesome job with these horses but yeah this is one of the horses that I'm playing with he's a super pretty horse he's a Dutch warmblood I believe but he is one of my main jumping horses this is the next horse that I've been playing a lot with this horse in game looks absolutely gorgeous it is such a pretty horse and the black is so shiny and I love it so much but yeah this is one of the few black horses that I like absolutely love the Creator did such a good job with the like black shine and you know not doing too much but also like the little pink nose and the white on the face just super pretty I love this horse and game and then this is another horse this was like one that I thought you know was gonna kind of represent chestnut horse it looks a little bit more Brown and game which is fine because I love the brown color but this I originally downloaded because it kind of looked Chestnut and I really like the color design and it still does it's not like it doesn't look chestnutty you know I just wanted to show off some of the ones that I've been playing with in game they're awesome and I'm definitely going to be adding some of these Creator sources into this game like I said these all kind of looks pretty straightforward you know so now that I have a couple more designs to spice things up I'm definitely going to be adding and changing horses around but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this list of creators definitely go show them some love they do an awesome job at creating horses for us because EA sucks so definitely go so definitely go give support to the people who actually try to put effort into their designs unlike a million dollar company billion sorry with a B these creators do a great job they could definitely use this support to you know give them that motivation to keep creating awesome horses for us and that's why I created this series get their names out there so you can go check out not only awesome horses but awesome Gallery creators but also you know help you out if you've been searching and you cannot find any cool horses for the life of you here you go here's your guide go check them out I hope you guys enjoyed this video please like and comment comment some other creators so I can continue this series and also comment which forces you'll be downloading as well I have a part one of this series as well so make sure to go check that out it has a lot of Red Dead Redemption horses if you are a big fan of Red Dead Redemption definitely go check out that first one they did an awesome job there's a lot of creators who replicated the horses from Red Dead and they look so good so definitely go check them out and if you want my CC list for all of these horse equipment and accessories that is in the description below definitely go check that out if there is something in there that you do not see that you want just leave me a friendly comment and I will upload that I'm pretty sure I got all of them but if I did somehow miss one or two things just leave a comment and I will make sure to update that so you can go find them I hope you guys enjoyed this video please like and comment if you are enjoying this and you want more videos like this I can definitely do that I hope you guys have a great rest of your day slash night and I will see you next time peace foreign [Music]
Channel: TinyMacPlays
Views: 10,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sims 4 horse gallery, sims 4 horse ranch gallery, sims 4 horse gallery poses, the sims 4, the sims 4 horse ranch, sims 4 horses, sims 4, sims 4 lets play, sims 4 gameplay, sims 4 gallery creators, sims 4 gallery, sims 4 creators, the sims 4 lets play
Id: ls-XZ-N4Pto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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