BREEDING YOUR HORSES + Custom Foals | Sims 4

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hello everyone Welcome to The Sims 4 today I'm going to be breeding some of the horses that you guys created in the last Sims 4 breeding video we were actually in the game and playing the game and waiting the 3 days for the fos to develop and then be born well today I thought we would try it out in Cass creat a Sim this is a custom Background by the way I'll leave it in the description cuz I know everyone's going to ask about it also another disclaimer I have a Reade on my reshade or my gshade I was using gshade it's not working so then I installed re-shade and I feel like gshade just works better in my Sims 4 with my presets so this isn't the usual preset that I use but it's better than nothing like it's it's a little bit of something something it's not that bad but yeah so sorry if things look weird I hate this because I feel like in the last video as well my game was like super laggy for some reason and it wasn't laggy for me and I don't know why it was like that so I said to you guys in the last video that you should use the uh hasht pix horses and I had a look a few days ago weeks ago actually and um there was a few Little Creations so thank you guys so much if you once again if you want to create horses use the # pixel horses in the description like these lovely people have let me see if this pixel horse maybe some of you guys got confused no that's okay so I think we're going to start with this first like family of horses now if you guys don't know we're going to Bree these horses and then we're going to customize them so that they're a little bit more customed than what the Sims full breeding experience gives you right off the bat okay this reshade is very bright on the white this was made by rainy drops thank you so much we're going to go ahead and replace my household so our first horse we have I don't know if the Reet is it better off without it you guys maybe I'll turn it off okay our first horse is Firefly Halloween this is a gorgeous horse a shire and I should double check this one's a m my bad I I might have used he next up we have Rebel who is a stallion he is a beautiful cide stale third we have MoonPie who is an American Standard bread me I love the little bow and finally we have Smokey who is a stally in a pain horse and I love this paint pattern like look at this paint pattern on the face that is beautiful like look at the details here I feel like my game does this too it like pixelates it pixelates my face markings if I draw them on in the paint mode I don't know if there's a fix for that or whether my game like just my game's broken are your guys's game's broken too please please make them broken so it's not just me so I think we're just going to do Firefly with Rebel I'm so good at memory is on point and we'll do moon pie with Smokey so let's play with genetics here little baby okay we're going to make it like that technically in Crea a Sim we don't need a stallion in a m because as you can see we can just put it with whoever we want but we're going to keep it the same my I can't tell whether this horse looks funky with the with the custom mod that I have installed if you want to know more about the mods that I have installed and I made a video a few weeks ago about my must have Sims for horse mods and I have not added anymore because the Sims 4 has been giving me a little bit of grief recently it hasn't been super easy okay so I have a random number generator here okay I have my random number generator here do I have on manual focus or autofocus what have I been I filmed three videos prior to this one have I been out of focus this entire time hello my camera is glitching out stop focusing up there thank you anyways I have on Google a random number generator between one and two one is going to be a cult and two is going to be a Philly so let me generate we've got a Philly and we're going to randomize this three times one two and three let's go ahead and save I think is it going to be a mixed breed it is a mixed breed so it is a mix between the Shia and the Clyde stale let's go ahead and R go ahead and randomize the name we'll go one two three Unbound let's also randomize our traits we got independent fearful and defiant so basically how I go ahead and I customize my fos is for the main I leave the main and the eyes the same because they've already been and the Hooves they've already been I believe chosen between either the mother or the father but now we go into the coat and we can see that there's 1 2 3 4 five colors and we're basically going to do number one is the mother and number two is the father so let's generate the first one number one is the mother and the mother's first color is the darkest black it's a little bit finicky but we get there okay the second color oh already looking kind of fun is going to be the mother as well and the mother's coloring is black I saw a glimpse of it before I went away so the second color is also black that gets rid of some of the like white speckling we had I'm really good at speaking and now we have the father for the second one which I believe is just going to be the same this uh horse got this F Unbound got the father's coloring first and our next color is going to be the mother a lot of the mother's influence now so yeah we've got white already which I believe this horse has I believe that this white marking will be the socks and the underbelly marking and the very last color is the mother so I think I saw it was black so on our very last F yeah oh sorry on our first F little how very last who do I think I am what is my camera doing we have ended up getting a lot of the mother's influence but we have a little bit of the father there with the brown color I think the father has like grayish eyes and the mom has white eyes so we actually got the mom's eyes and they both have black mans and maybe the Hooves maybe they're not related to the mother because the parents didn't have these Hooves but maybe there's only one type of hoof for wait is there no there is more see this one got custom content Hooves so maybe they're randomized separately I think at the end it would be fun if we went back and we're going to age all the FES up into an adult to see what they look like as a big horse but let's go ahead and do our next pairing it's going to be moon pie and Smokey what's my game loads there we go moon pie and Smokey and once again number one is Colt number two is Philly and we got a Colt let's go one ooh two I'm actually really I hope we get the paint pattern and three yes we got the paint pet and I dropped my phone oh I feel like this could be turned out really cool okay let's give you a name 1 2 3 superlative how fun obviously a mixed breed and we have friendly free spirit and brave oh superlative isn't a superlative like a type of grammar thing or something okay we've got five colorings same again we're going to do number one is the mother number two is the father so let's generate number one is the mother okay so the mother's coloring we've got like a light ashy Brown I'm really nervous is going to get rid of the beautiful White markings we have but I don't think it will actually because we've got a specific paint mode on here so we've got this coloring o I'm really excited for this one the second color is going to stay the same it is the Father's I think yeah we're okay I apologize if I get anything wrong in this video the next one is going to also be the father okay next one is the mother and it's actually White I wonder what that changes the marking on the face I wonder what's going to change for our little baby here I think we're on this color oh it gets rid of oh it turns the star into a blaze kind of if you know what I mean and our last color is also going to be the mother so this one's pretty even it equal out quite nicely and we've got a weird like Bluey color I guess this is like a blue rone kind of horse right next to the yellow this one right there oh it changed the socks yeah the socks got a little bit lighter and this is our final horse from those two I actually really like this one cuz I feel like it's a nice little mix it's got that warmer tones of the mother whilst keeping the father's paint pattern which I love I feel like the blaze is a little bit funny but honestly slay and I think we got our mother's eyes as well and I think we got the dad's man I'm not sure I don't know if I have enough slots we've got six horses so I think I might unfortunately have to get rid of our adult horses so that I have enough space for all the folds and I will post these to the gallery if you guys want to download their FS there we go we got tiny little baby okay let's go back to the gallery let me know if you guys like this video and post more horses under pixel horses because then I can breed them so let's also download this horse here we have a beautiful black horse pop pop pixel wait that's so cute let's merge I almost clicked place that would have been bad get the human out of here we have a beautiful fan oh it's a paint Fran yes I absolutely love the little stars and moons that is so precious did you draw those on yourself oh gosh I cannot I'm not an artist at all I love the socks with like the black featherine as well so we have a me a stallion so let's get Crystal let's go ahead and merge Crystal cry in Crystal is made by quazi sorry and the other person was Optimus Primes girl so thank you so much for your Creations we have kazi's horse here a beautiful fian another fian that's so funny C Crystal who is our M it's actually a unicorn horse I have not played around with the unicorns there's not something too special about them actually I have like a custom content for my um horses and it's under unicorn but it's actually fake fluff and I love it but I love the pink unicorn horn that's adorable let's go Ahad and get another one wait how do I maths two and then we'll have 1 2 3 four and then we have two more fs and that'll be a full house I'm trying to decide what to do because this will be our last breeding because I don't think I'll have enough space for another one so I want to do like a different time type of horse oh but this this paint one is really coing to me obviously I want to use them all I really do maybe we'll do Roxy because we we haven't had an appaloosa yet beautiful mixed breed horse Roxy who is a mare maybe we do Rocky is Rocky a stallion yes this works perfectly we have an Arabian Rocky another Appaloosa I did not mean for that to happen but I like the coloring thank you so much for all of your horses I'm in a new game so and I think that I'm not sure that you can use mods in Creator Sim to expand how many horses or people you can have because we have two appal loes we might mix it up so we might put pop pop pixel the stallion with Roxy alare I wish that I could move them around so that I could organize my life a little bit but it's okay all right let's do Roxy and pop po pixel I guess it doesn't matter cuz as I said before you don't need a stallion but it's fine we'll just do it all right let's see Colt or Philly we're getting a Philly right yes second option is Philly and let's go one I kind of really want the star face marking okay two three three I feel like it's going to change yeah it changed I was like it's been a paint paint paint it's going to be the Appaloosa that's okay see I wish that I had I could just draw on the marking cuz I wanted to but this horse is white on the face anyways but like I just wish that there was more like in The Sims 3 we had layers so your horse could actually get a face marking that the mother had and then like a paint pattern that the father had oh it was just so much better but this is how breeding has worked since cats and dogs any anyway so I didn't see them changing it 1 2 3 this is malstrom malstrom I'm probably mispronouncing that and making someone cry I'm very sorry but we have a free spirit fearful friendly little fo who got the mother's patterns okay let's generate we're getting the father's POA pixel what color is and we actually have three colorings black all the way across so because this paint pattern must be painted on so I don't really know how to work around that so I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing and if you guys have any tips and tricks then let me know and wow that has instantly changed the vibe of this horse let's generate a second one it's got a no you're kidding me it's black again it doesn't it was far we got a pinto and then we got an apple looser sorry and then you can't see the marking that's a little bit sad that's actually made me a little bit sad B but we still have that like little appleoosa nose I guess a okay that's okay well make myself feel a little better and we got the green eyes so I think we got the mother's green eyes as well yeah we got the mother's green eyes all right let's do our very last breeding for this video I chose the wrong horse we need Crystal and can I remember the last horse's name Roxy or something rocky rocky I have a feeling that you guys you had it a vision you had it a vision you had a vision of doing Roxy and Rocky together and then I blows that okay and we're going to get another Philly okay one now I kind of want an Apper again two ooh that would be so fun a white man okay we don't have an apple Lo well we did but then we kind of don't it's like a hidden marking but this is pretty cool I want I loved the applea with the white M that was so cool okay 1 two 3 we have Speedway such fun names maybe you guys should drop some names for the foes in the future in the did I say that for the last breeding video and then just didn't use your names I apologize okay let's go one I don't think I did three last time I think I just read I don't even know but we have a defiant independent intelligent fo and mix braed of course but I can definitely see a think a bit of Arabian in the head let's get started okay mother is number one as always generate we got the father okay the father's coloring maybe we'll get a little bit of brown in there then okay the first one is white okay that's fine we're just getting we just got rid of a lot of the ran but that's okay I think it's a ran now we got the mothers we got the mothers again we got the fathers please be a brown I want to bring some brown into this horse yes okay the second Brown from the top and brown o that's pretty cool did I do it wrong oh no what were we up to was this one here meant to be brown I think this one was meant to I was not expecting that but I'll take it and the second one is also the Father the very last one I might have stuffed that up I'm sorry but it's fine okay this took a very different direction and honestly might be my favorite one of the video it kind of looks like dirt has been smeared onto the back of this horse this horse has been rolling in mud and obviously the brown for a marking is um an interesting choice I believe like Chima horses or however you say them they actually they were like twins in the womb and then they like merged together to be one horse and that's why they have black and brown markings which I thought was a fun fact hopefully I didn't butcher that fun fact for you guys otherwise I'm not not doing a good job at educating you guys don't trust anything that I say but I think we're going to go ahead and remove the other horses I feel like we have enough time to maybe do one more breeding and space I think we have enough space let's see what horses did we not use we didn't use Scout so maybe we can download Scout who is a stallion merge I get so scared every single time I do that that I'm accidentally accidentally going to click replace we've had a lot of RS so I kind of want to bring the pinto back and she's a m merge okay one day one day one of these videos are going to click the wrong button I'm calling it here and actually Scout is a mixed breed but this is bluebell and Bluebell is a Welsh car but I love the Little Flower CR let's go ahead and make our final F so we have five fos of the video that's kind of fun why is my Sims 4 so glitchy why is it like so bad I don't know I don't I don't know and we are getting another Philly let's go one o chunky two and three I think it's going to be the r we're not going to oh no we get to keep the paint oh yeah I love paints and this horse is going to be called tumble weed how cute and you're going to be energetic defiant and brave let's let's take a look I think is this the is this the same markings as the other one did I get the right did I get the ride horse I think I got a ride horse this might just be a stencil or something okay let's see number one is the May which I think yes is the mother okay number two this one here is going to be the farthest coloring why am I getting dizzy is like all the like slight lag between switch and between the two okay we've got black black oh love that okay J R the second one is also black the third or the fourth one it stays the same and this one is supposedly the father but the father actually only had four colorings but the last color was white so I kind of want to see what that looks like otherwise I don't know what to do whether I should just automatically be the mothers I think I'm going to make it white just cuz the last color of the father is white cuz then we get cute little socks socks it's fine now we can say goodbye to these two hores and we going to age all of the fs up to adults and see what they look like okay let's go ahead and level up out level up age up our very first horse Unbound into an adult this was a shire and a Clyde stale so I'm thinking a chunky this horse is pretty cool I love that man on you slay let's age up superlative to an adult oh so pretty I do not remember you might have been from an Arabian I'm not sure but very nice I love let's do our appala that's not quite an applea anymore mastom into an adult pretty standard pretty standard let's do our funky Horse Speedway were you from an Arabian maybe you from an Arabian o you know what I love that that like the contrast between the brown marking on the face and the Y Man pretty fun you know the little brown smudging on the back though not quite not quite what I would have gone for but Speedway rock it I guess and now we have tumble weed the little baby come on be n ah once again honestly it looks like a pretty standard bread horse to me well that is the end of this video I hope you guys did enjoy let me go ahead and upload these horses to the gallery and I will call them breeding your horses now this is going to be under the section so when you search for my username or anything after this video I might but I probably won't remove the mods the only I think the face some of the Hooves some of the Full locks and also just the fact that I have my custom skin detail for the horses makes these and also eyes it makes these horses automatically regarded as custom content but even if you don't have the custom content you can still download them you'll just have to replace say the main cuz it might be invisible but yeah this video isn't going up until Sunday but I think I'll just share it anyways if you are interested to watch more breeding videos then you can watch my rival Stars breeding video I recently made a Halloween breeding video because obviously Halloween season has just passed us so we bred some spooky horses together that video is on the screen right now for you guys to check out to see some breeding in another game I love you all so much and I'll see you all later bye
Channel: JustAnotherPixel
Views: 8,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: justanotherpixel, just another pixel, violet flowergarden, horses, abigail pinehaven, star stable online united, violet flower garden, the sims 4, sims 4, the sims 4 horses, sims 4 horses, the sims 4 horse ranch, sims 4 horse ranch, the sims 4 breeding horses, sims 4 breeding horses, sims 4 breeding, the sims 4 breeding, sims 4 foals, the sims 4 foals, sims 4 custom horses, sims 4 custom foals, sims 4 breeding foals, sims 4 breeding custom foals
Id: mivBMkk0jfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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