Simply Understand the Different Types of SharePoint Sites

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hi in today's video I'm going to be talking to you about different types of SharePoint online sites it's going to be a couple of different PowerPoints I'm going to use um but as I'm kind of going through I'm also going to be showing live examples of SharePoint sites so let's take a look so there's actually three different types of SharePoint online sites and the first one to talk about is team sites now this is the one that most people seem to create when left to their own devices now on team sites they can actually be both accessed through SharePoint online as well as potentially Microsoft teams as in the communication tool now not every SharePoint team site will be connected to a Microsoft team but every Microsoft team that you create will automatically create a SharePoint team site now the team sites are generically used for kind of storage of day-to-day kind of files especially if you're using them for Microsoft teams and collaborating with your team members but you can also create news and Pages all related to that particular team that you're working with storing useful links and team sites have their own navigation across the left-hand page and actually it's one way that you can quickly identify a SharePoint team site is that the navigation bar is on the left hand side the other two sites that we're going to be talking about they have a navigation bar across the top instead usually there's one team site per department so for example like a marketing team sales team ID team and that's what you can tend to expect to see but as I say this is what a SharePoint team site would look like with access via SharePoint but often it would have a Microsoft Team Associated to it as well so potentially you could be accessing it through the SharePoint interface or you might go into Microsoft teams and you might have embedded that SharePoint page directly into your Microsoft team now the next type of Chef online site to discuss is a communication site now Communications is all about this of um well it's actually a replacement for what they usually called publishing sites which I thought was quite a good term because it's all about publishing content to the wide organization now again not every Department would necessarily have a communication site but you would have a sort of Team area for your day-to-day file sharing and things like that in collaboration and then you have a communication site for services and information that you're offering to The Wider organization to say for example like a finance department might be giving out information about expenses or HR giving policy information for example it's all about communicating information to the wider company it provides a single source of Truth for policies forms marketing materials things like that and it's in no way Associated to a Microsoft team so a communication design is a completely Standalone thing an example of a SharePoint online communication site would be like this crisis management portal where especially during the times like covert pandemic these were commonly used for people to share information um and kind of give the latest updates about what's going on so this might be sort of frequent asked questions links to use for resources as well as contacts uh company-wide policies and news upcoming events and all of that sort of stuff tied directly into the communication site so typically communication site is not just for um one particular Department to own it's typically got a purpose that it's giving information to the wider kind of business or organization another great example of a communication site is maybe something like CEO messages or messages from the management team or something like that typically it's sort of about giving information from the the senior leadership team to the rest of the organization again this might be around missions and goals a little information about the actual leadership or the new sort of CEO you might want to embed things like Yama feeds for posts and questions and surveys and things like that maybe upcoming events links off to other kind of leaders profile Pages maybe delve Pages as well as news and things like that which is coming from the leadership team so that's SharePoint communication sites then the third and final site is what we call a SharePoint Hub site now a SharePoint Hub site is actually typically a communication site that's then been sort of elevated into this Hub site uh status now anyone who's used SharePoint from a sort of Legacy maybe or even SharePoint on-premise kind of old days you'll know the concept of what we call SharePoint subsites where typically you'd have one SharePoint site like a home page of an Internet and then you'd have sub sites where it sit underneath it so maybe a hub site sorry a sub site per Department like a subside for HR subsafe for it things like that and subsites could have had sub sites underneath them the only problem with that is you make this fixed kind of pathway of where site lives and it can never relocate from that so to get around using these kind of sub sites Microsoft have created this concept of a hub site which is basically where you can create a single kind of Hub site and then you have instead of sub sites underneath that you have sites Associated to that so for example you'd have this Hub site and then you might have like a finance site which is connected and linked and you've got all these kind of Island sites linked together so that means if you ever did want to create a different site or a different association between the different sites you can easily move them around by the different links rather than being fixed in one place so the sites can easily associate to a different Hub and they're no longer locked to a parent site um in that same breath though I would say most small to medium-sized businesses would typically have one Hub site um so you would have your kind of home page to HUB site and then you might have different communication sites for different departments that then link into that now large Enterprises may have multiple though so a larger business might have say a hub site for different regions of the world because it's totally different content different things they want to put onto the home pages and things like that now the purpose of having a a hub site is that it can do things like make sure that the permissions are properly inherited draw the other sites so with the kind of traditional approach of having sub sites you would specify the permissions at the top site and they would then trickle down to all the sub sites until you told it to do something different and that same feature basically is available using uh Hub site so you can set up Hub site and then if you choose to you can inherit those same permissions to the site which have been inherited to that also branding so say for example if your company calls blue and you want that to run throughout all of your company you can set the theme once at the Hub site layer and then any sites between are associated that Hub site will inherit that branding as well as a hub navigation bar so we're going to take a look at a hub site in a moment but the navigation bar across the top of the Hub site will keep it consistent meaning it'll look the same um everywhere with inside the internet it can also roll up things like news articles documents and activities let's take a quick look at the Hub site so here's an example of a SharePoint Hub site it's a communication site which has then been elevated to this Hub site status so the first thing we can see across the top is we do have this Hub site um navigation mark across the top which I say will be consistent when you move between the different areas of the internet it'll always be the same across the top whereas this say site navigation on a shelter is specific to the current site you're looking at but typical then Hub kind of features would be things like slideshows of news articles quick links to help you navigate to areas at this particular template it's quite a modern very trendy kind of looking thing which has got news scrolling across the top which it'll link out to internal news external news but also we want some useful links the key things that people want to access things like raising support tickets training videos expense requests leave requests things like that we can also have some buttons so it might be things like linking to policies materials forms things like that maybe it's a mission statement or an overall kind of overarching message that you want to get over to your employees within your internet you have news articles pulling through here and again they can be internal they can be external upcoming events training webinars events parties things like that that you might want to be able to attend and they can choose to add them into their own calendar by clicking these little buttons here down the right hand side and say we've got some quick links some useful links we've also got things like charts that we can put onto here as well as latest tweets and embedding videos from either YouTube or stream or other kind of media platforms so this is just an example of a hub site you can change log and field doesn't have to look exactly like this you'll find tons of different examples of what Hub sites could potentially look like but the main kind of purpose is they're typically the starting point of an intro at the home page which is rolling up things like news events and all this type of content from all of the kind of Department areas or other communication sites which could be potentially feeding up into that I hope you found that video useful explaining all the different types of SharePoint online sites if you've got any questions feel free to post them below please like And subscribe to the channel as it really helps and there'll be plenty more content like this along the way thank you
Channel: Dougie Wood (MVP)
Views: 7,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Communication vs team site sharepoint, Intranet, Ms, SharePoint what type of site do i have, Sharepoint content type hub, Sharepoint types, Sharepoint uses what type of model, Types of sharepoint sites, create sharepoint online site collection, intranet, microsoft, microsoft lists, sharepoint, sharepoint document library, sharepoint modern intranet, sharepoint navigation, sharepoint office 365, sharepoint permissions, sharepoint template, sharepoint version control, site collection
Id: iHuIWwyIYLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2022
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