How to create a SharePoint Hub Site | SharePoint Tutorial | SharePoint Examples | Microsoft Training

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in this video I'm going to be talking to you about how to create a SharePoint Hub site so let's start off by talking a little bit about what is a SharePoint Hub site now a SharePoint Hub site is typically the home page of your intranet it can roll up content from all other areas of the internet it can provide a centralized place where you can create your colors your branding and that can then roll out all the other sites which are associated to the hub site and it could also share a navigation bar to all the other areas of the Intranet so let's say for example across the top up here you can see I've Got My Links my department sites now if I was to click on my it Department site oh just missed it there we go you can see the same navigation is across the top and it's using the same colors throughout now that literally means if I wanted to change the navigation I can change it at the Hub site and then the navigation across the top will be the same throughout the whole of the Intranet that makes it nice and easy for me to navigate around so the core kind of pieces of this is that we can roll up content from sites which are associated we can also use The Branding and the colors and we can also share the same navigation we can also share permissions as well from a hub site to any site which inherit it as well so basically it's this kind of top layer now if you're used to kind of classic or older versions of SharePoint you'll kind of understand the topic of having sub sites now basically hob sites completely replaces that kind of concept of having sites which sitting underneath each other so the reason being is that you can potentially have multiple Hub sites if you wanted to and then reassign sites to those different hubs so you might have Hub sites for all sorts of different things but typically most organizations would just have the one as their kind of main home page and then most their sites would inherit to that but there's all sorts of reasons why you might have other Hub sites other ones that you might see for example if you're in a very large organization or an Enterprise you might operate in the US but you also might operate in Europe and Asia and you might have different Hub sites for those different regions of the world because it's going to be completely different content there's going to be maybe different policies which apply in the US but not in Europe and vice versa there might be news articles specific there might be you might be using completely different languages for example so there's plenty of reasons why you might have multiple Hub sites um so let's take a little look at actually now um how do we create a new Hub site now the first thing I'm going to do is navigate to which is a home page of Microsoft 365. I want to then click on the admin button on the left hand side now I should say um as a bit of a prerequisite to this you'll only see this admin button you'll only be able to create a SharePoint Hub site if you've either got Global admin access to Microsoft 365 which is like the the master access to all of Microsoft 365 within your organization or if you've got the SharePoint admin role which again is a Microsoft 365 admin Center role once we're in the admin Center if I click on show all I can then see I've got the SharePoint admin Center option here again if you don't see that then you don't have the SharePoint admin role if I click on that that's then going to take me to the SharePoint admin Center and on the left hand side I'm going to click on active sites which is going to show me all the different SharePoint sites I have access to now I'm going to create a new site so I'm going to click on create and I'm going to create a communication site most Hub sites would typically be a communication site um and if you want a bit of a breakdown about the difference between a communication science team sites I do have a separate video which explains the different types of SharePoint sites so I'm going to click on communication site and I'm going to call this for example I could call it the Hub but I think I've already got one called the Hub so uh it's actually going to change the url here to say the Hub too you can have SharePoint sites with the same name you just can't share the same URL so now I'm then going to say who's a site owner going to be um so I'm going to say it's going to be myself and I can then set a language and also in advanced settings I can also change the time zone if I wanted to or give it a site description just to say this is going to be my internet home page now I'm going to click on finish and that's going to finish creating my new SharePoint site now at this point it is just a communication site it is not a hub site I have not created it or um made into a hub site at this point in time now I've got to be careful because I've already got one here so I'm just going to say for example this isn't the one I've just created here I can tell from a URL it's the hog too now if I select it you'll see across the top up here I've then got this Hub option now this is where you can either choose to register as a hub site or associate it to an existing Hub site I want to register as a new Hub site so I'm going to click on registrar's Hub site and the Hub name now I'm actually going to call this The Hub V2 because I've just realized as I've been talking is actually when I come to associate sites with this in the future I want to make it obvious between the two different types of Hub sites that I have although it's going to get very confusing when I associate a department site to it and I've got two The Hub options so give them different names I can then specify who can actually associate to this so I'm going to say just for now it's going to be me but I could list out a bunch of different people in here if I wanted to different people that can actually register Department sites against this particular Hub site then when I click on Save that's I'm going to now register my communication site as a hub site so if I then go to the site now you'll then see um I've now got the option up here as a hub site if I just quickly if I had created this as a communication site this option up here wouldn't exist it's only after you've registered it as a hub site this option across the top will then exist so let's say for example I'm going to quickly add a new link across the top so I'm just going to put a link to Google just to make it obvious when I associate this now to another site that they're sharing the same navigation so click on Save and I've got this link now at the top called Google I'm also going to change the color palette so it's obvious when I associate other sites to this what it's going to do so click on theme and I'm going to make this a red theme so it's really obvious click on Save and now it's got a red theme so now my Hub um is the Red theme so now I'm going to do is go back to the admin Center and create a new site so I'm going to create a new Department site so let's say for example I'm going to create a operations Department site so remember operations Department site and the site owner is just going to be me for now and I'm going to click on finish and that's then I'm going to create me my operations communication site so once that's created I could either register or sorry I could assign it to the hub site from inside the admin Center by clicking on the tick click on HUB and then click on associate with Hub and then that's when I could select from the drop down to either Hub V2 or you can do it from the actual site so if you're not an admin but maybe you're just a site owner of the operation site you can go into the site and it's important to see it before it's Associated to the hub just so we can see what that looks like so it's still got the default green colors it doesn't have a hub navigation bar but if I click on the Cog across the top and then click on site information and then select the Hub V2 which is the hubs that I've just created then click on Save watch as this will now transform I've now got the Hub navigation bar across the top with that Google link and it's changed the colors to the red on here other things we can do with Hub sites is we can also roll up news from the sites which are inheriting it so if I create a news article on this uh operations site I can then make it display on my Hub home page with a roll up so let's say for example I'm going to create a quick news article because I'm going to say this is uh new starter Joe blogs and um I'm going to say a bit of tax day this week oops this week we welcome Joe blogs to the operations Department we can set a background image so I'm just going to rush through this really quick because it's not really about the news article I just wanted to show you um what it would look like when we roll it up onto our home page so here you can be Joe blogs set him as a picture I'm going to click on post use so this is now created my news article on my operation site so now if I go back to my Hub site once a page is loaded you can now see that news article is automatically then rolled up onto the Hub home page and that's because if I go into the edit of the properties by default you can see the news web part is selecting its news source from all sites in the hub so all the sites which are connected to this Hub site it's going to pull the news articles out of and we can do very similar things as well um with the events web Parts as well where we can say all sites in this Hub and we can pull out all the events from any sites Associated to this Hub site as well I hope you found this video about how to create your own SharePoint Hub site really useful if you do please like And subscribe to the channel 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Channel: Dougie Wood
Views: 12,254
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Keywords: create a hub site in sharepoint online, creating a sharepoint hub site, how to create a sharepoint hub site | sharepoint tutorial | sharepoint examples | microsoft training, hub site, hub site in sharepoint online, hub site sharepoint online, hub sites, microsoft sharepoint, set up your sharepoint hub site, sharepoint, sharepoint hub site tutorial, sharepoint hub sites, sharepoint online, sharepoint online hub site, sharepoint site, what is a sharepoint hub site, Dougie Wood
Id: w4oOCBjhYz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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