Simplest way to make booze: Revisited

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picking its plant and today we're gonna revisit my most popular video is something called simplest way to make boobs and that's really was the intent of it if you haven't seen the video I'll throw a link in somewhere up here for you to catch and if you have then you know we're going to review what we did I took a half gallon of 100% grape juice poured a little bit out through a cup of sugar in there and then threw some red yeast in there and we let that ferment for about seven days and then we had alcoholic beverage we had basically something called you know prison wine or but we had an alcoholic beverage that we can drink we made alcohol the quickly review one actually happens in the process is these this yeast in here is actually living organism right now it's dormant when we throw it in there it rehydrates and it comes back alive why didn't wants to do is it wants to eat sugar thing there's like a little Pacman just eating sugar and in the process it pees out alcohol and it farts out co2 that's basic fermentation and that's what we did basically we had a basic fermentation experiment and we created alcoholic beverage so now I want to kind of go over questions comments concerns I got about about because I got hundreds of comments on the video people asking different things so I'm gonna kind of go over some of the major points first and foremost I know this will funnel I call it a strainer video it's a funnel man mistake uh second people question me hey this is not booze its wine booze is hard alcohol if you look under the Webster's dictionary if booze is kind of an all-encompassing term for alcoholic beverages beer wine would normally choose some hard spirits like five kids you and stuff like that yes books we're making this I usually turn their that through people off I used I said we were gonna do that you could decant this what that means is if you did the experiment on the very bottom we had a lot of dead yeast sales well you don't want to drink for that so if you carefully pour off the liquid and make sure to pour in a way that you leave the yeast on bottom it's called the candy they do this sometimes in fancy restaurants that have old balls of wine that have had some settlement settle they'll go ahead open it and decant it for you at the table and let you drink it say not worried about drinking sediment and that's a what I meant by decanting yeast wise I was slightly confusing in the video I want to review yeast in the notes on video I said some about using one pack you don't want to use a whole pack of this yeast that's a little too much in the video I think I said they use half to a third of a package that's still too much a quarter of fifth will get this time we're only doing about two quarts half gallon so you don't need that much east but it got the job done if you put too much yeast it's just too many yeast cells competing for a few sugar cells that kind of affects the yeast so use a little less yeast if you try this another thing I have people I see a lot of times well I have can't blow off for them bottles get tied or this that the other um what I did in the video was after I put the yeast and the sugar everything I put the cap back on but I didn't tighten it I left it loose enough where air could come out remember where the yeast is producing co2 and that co2 needs to escape or again you'd have this ball blow up I just left the cap on just loose enough and you kind of squeeze the ball no the dirt if air could come out or not if you don't want to do it don't trust that or whatever you can use a balloon so we will use condoms and you put it on either poking a hole on the end of it that allows air out or you come by one side here so kind of open up that balloon lift the air out and then let that balloon re-inflate that's up to you if you know homebrewer happen to be homebrew shop where you can't get one of these airlocks you'll fill it with a little bit water what it does is make sure that co2 comes out but nothing gets in you don't leave this open and the fly in there or some kind of dust or atmosphere something like that hurt the yeast to the micro organisms whatever so that's why we do that another point some people brought out was they're like hey you don't need to use yeast use raisins in the fields grapes or have wild yeast coated autumn and classic way to make grape grape so so they would pick them will lay them out the Sun will and shrivel up what had in modern agriculture with the spring of certain chemicals and certain treatments and this that and the other I I'm not gonna gamble I'm realities I got a grocery store near me or however I've got access to bread you will use that but if you want to try the great thing the raisin thing feel free and there's some theory out there that the raisins also provide each nutrient reward or so you know feel free that is an option uh one of probably most popular question was a be how much booze them is when I did this experiment I did not take an AP degree however I've used the bread yeast and several other experiments and I generally got a six to eight percent alcohol by volume range in those experiments so that's probably about what you would get on something like this not guaranteed but that's about the range and one last thing people commented on was hey I tried Hawaiian fruit punch or I tried a juice juice light drink or you know whatever fruit punch kind of thing and it didn't work if you don't use a hundred percent fruit juice if you use one of these fruit juice drinks over a lot of times they have a lot of preservatives and the yeast don't like those services are not gonna work well so if you want to do this experiment please use a hundred percent juice these juice drinks just most of the time won't work some may may not again it depends on the ratio of juice and this an hour but just to be safe stick to 100% juice so now I want to go over how can we make this better that's that's question is well how can you more alcohol can taste better we'll do a couple simple things the easiest thing really is the yeast instead of like sit bread yeast works but it's not designed for this so if you know a homebrewer water you can use a beer yeast you're not going to get much higher ABV cuz most most beers are under 10% and the yeast to produce more kind of design for that but you might get some of the cleaner fermentation you might get less of that kind of off taste of the brig East produces naturally we're producing basically a poor man's wine use a wine east or a champagne east and those make a lot of sense a because again they're kind of created for this purpose and B they can hit higher alcohols you know if you look at a bottle of wine you get in the low teens a lot of times when alcohol by vine and so they're designed to have a little higher hit a little higher alcohol and last but not least you can try something I found a batch of this that I had from an old experiment however it's something called turbo East this is something your spirits producer people that make bourbon scotch and rum knowledge stuff you use this yeast is designed to get as high as possible alcohol by volume in their permanent product because that helps me get a higher yield out of the still not necessarily this one necessarily make the best wine but it would hit higher ABV so if you somehow you want to go online and again you had access to this this is something you could try and you could hit some really high ad these almost close to 20% alcohol by volume using something like this another thing I got asking something you could do if you wanted to tweak the a B a little bit is we can increase the sugar actually great juices you get it stored has a lot less sugar than wine grapes and the juice that's produced at a vineyard is a lot higher in sugar this and the video we have a little bit of just regular cane sugar we added a cup if you want to add just a little bit more you don't go over the top because the yeast can't handle too much sugar kind of like we eat too much it's not good for us same thing with the yeast you can also if you want to add like use like a cup of regular sugar they maybe throw in some honey or an agave nectar or a liquid fructose on top of that you can do that too and you know just you know if you have the right yeast if you're using the wine of champagne nice or this turbo juice feel free to add them a little bit more sugar and you can push your ABV a little bit more last but not least my suggestions on how to prove this is we're gonna let firm it longer in our experiment we did seven days and again we got an alcoholic beverage won the best tasting but it did if we let this Fuhrman out a little bit longer we let the yeast little little bit more hopefully finish eating all the sugar they can we can also do what's called a secondary fermentation this has done a lot of home brewing where we would let this go for seven days and those seven days that's where the bulk of the timbi and you get a lot of bubbling armor and around seven phases start to simmer down but what we do is after that happens we would decant it off that old did yeast because we don't want that sitting around cuz it'll affect the taste and then we'll put it in a new fermenter one of these fermenter one gallons fermenters and we'll let it go for a couple more weeks and we'll let those still active yeast cells will still come over in that new batch and we'll let them finish out completely maybe produce a little bit more alcohol and more importantly kind of limit mellow out and complete the fermentation a lot of times of beers they'll do a primary fermentation for a week but then in the secondary they may let go to three weeks month plus and they the that they they seen where then proves the flavor so that's something you might do on this in fact we are going to do this we're gonna do a little experiment now what we're gonna do is I'm going to be one batch regular like we did but this summer we're doing alcohol reading so we could figure finally get an official answer on that first video and then we're going to a second batch where I use from these one gallons for members and I'm going to use a wine yeast and landlord sugar we're gonna do a secondary fermentation we're gonna let this Foreman out and so we're gonna test the alcohol on both and then we're gonna do a taste test and see how that works out so let's get started or experiment okay gang so our little experiment is we're going to do two different batches the one on the right is kind of like the original one I did we just poured out a little of the juice in a 2-2 core or 1/2 gallon juice container I threw in a cup of sugar and I used the bread yeast this time I only use even less than a quarter of a pack of the bread yeast also this time I did a what's called a gravity reading that will help us determine how much alcohol is in there that gravity reading came in at one point Oh 95 and on the left here we have we're doing a gallon batch this time though I'm using wine east we're going to let it ferment a little longer remember the original one we did about seven days and that's what we're going to do with the one on the right one on the left that we're going to do a primary fermentation for seven days then we're gonna siphon it off leave the old yeast in the bottom and let it do a secondary formation in another container for another two weeks we also added additional sugar on the right we put one cup for half gallon here on the Left we had a gallon here but I put it into putting three cups in so cup and a half per half gallon so we got extra sugar we're using Y nice we let it ferment longer so we're going to let these go and then I'm gonna come back when they're both finished fermenting and then do or another gravity reading cement how much alcohol we got and also taste the difference or see what kind of if we can make it taste any better about the same so I will see you guys in about three weeks all righty we're gonna wrap up our simplest way to make booze revisited video where we kind of go back over this experiment before we get going I want to go over at a term I used earlier in the video it's decanting and the in earlier in the video that I said that you would decant to get the wine off the yeast and that is true but you also if you can't like a real high-end bottle of old wine of a nice day castle Arbor you also do that to open up the wine you expose it to air let it open up let rest a little bit for you drink it so that's another reason why you had to camp wine as far as our experiment goes we did too bad just one like we did in the first video and another one where we used a little more sugar well we used whiny system bread yeast and we let ferment longer we loud this one to firm it for one week allow this ferment for three weeks also I did a gravity reading to see how much alcohol we got this time um this batch started off at 1.09 five and had a final gravity of 1.00 five that get us to around Lim percent alcohol by volume which is higher than what I said the start of the video and I got to thinking why that is in the earlier in the video I said that I didn't do a gravity ring the first time we tried this experiment and that I just was basing it off other times I've used bread yeast well I got thinking I'd use bread yeast and like making --side or some other stuff well in those videos I didn't add additional sugar so that's probably why we got a little bit higher a BP I want to say just as a general guess anytime anybody does this spirit with the sugar you're probably going to be around 10% plus just in that 10 range as far as second batch where you use the wine east and that add additional sugar an additional time our original gravity was 1.15 and her final gravity came out with one 1.03 and that gave us an ABB a fifteen point seven five percent so we can see the extra sugar the yeast and the extra time works we get a higher gravity and it's something that it's very close to wine you'd find a store which runs 13 to 16 percent for most of your your wines out there so you can see that early for it now the other part experiments we want to see if we could taste a difference so I've got a example of both the let's give her a try well I'm gonna say that's not too well the first taste I got a little sweetness started off nice it's the aftertaste so did you you definitely taste that bread yeast and it kind of lingers that being said I could see where especially is for prison wine that would do in a pinch [Music] let's give this another try but I was doing a proper wine taste they have a little bucket maybe some water but we'll skip that oh wow no this is different a lot of you still get a lot of that sweetness a lot of fruit on there but there's no aftertaste very drinkable the viscosity drag yeah yes this makes a difference so I'm going to say if you want to do this experiment or if you want some equality and you have access get a wine east get lets us ferment out a little bit longer actually try that again say not too bad if I say so myself as far as ramping this experiment up or what else you can do maybe throw some fruit in there for it but basically I'm gonna say it's yeast it's really the big difference because then because in the bass experiment it's the yeast after tasted so kind of tough if you got any more questions if there's something I haven't covered as far as this experiment or if you've got another idea please feel free to leave in the comments section or you can always contact me on the Twitter page and I hope you like this video so please subscribe down below well until next time bottoms up
Channel: Platt R.
Views: 131,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simplest way to make alcohol, Simplest way to make booze, Simplest way to make wine, How to make wine, How to make booze, How to make alcohol, homebrewing, wine, alcohol, winemaking, أبسط طريقة لجعل الكحول في المنزل, घर पर शराब बनाने का सबसे सरल तरीका, homemade wine, homemade booze, homemade alcohol, wine made simple, booze made simple, alcohol made simple, how to make alcohol at home, easy way to make alcohol
Id: wlWJl6ige2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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