Simplest way to make booze: Revisited... Again!

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Haigh ain't sure way plant I'm back with a follow-up video to a follow-up video um the first video I ever made on YouTube was a video called simplest way to make booze at home basically it was just homemade wine some people call it prison wine it was just a real easy way to make alcohol at home I've received almost 600,000 views on the video I got tons of comments questions I tried my best to answer all of them and about a year and a half or so ago I realized well why don't I just do a follow-up video I think I've been on some YouTube forums trying to learn how to make that hopefully make a better YouTube channel they said you know doing follow-up video so ever was it was a good way to again help your audience and and the other thing you probably better explain certain things it's just having a company or replying to comments so in that video I answered probably the biggest questions I'm getting at the time which was well what's the ABV in this how do we bump up the ABV how do we make it taste better so in the in the video called simplest way to make booze revisit it again I touched on those points we made a version of the original batch then I made another batch where we bumped up the ABV we used better East or sugar what-have-you and for the most part now when I get questions along those lines I refer people to that video but lately I've gotten a couple of comments about people saying wow we made it we drink it felt alone gassy little bloated and I got a little diarrhea and I look back at my comments a little bit further and I realized a while back I've gotten some similar comments so it seems like there are some people out there that had this experience in the past when I can't inside Basque well he'd be singing mold on there you know what temperature did you have it at you know what kind of us well yeah did you leave this thing wide open yeah I was thinking more of well something must've got in there maybe you you know sanitation might have been an issue I also asked again part of the crux of the original experiment was that we're gonna make something as fast as possible that within a week or week to ten days where you could drink and you aren't going to do any fancy winemaking techniques and a lot of people were going to drink out of that container which meant they might drink dead yeast now it's another question I had and some people say well you know I well I didn't do this or I did they bad but we never never really nailed it down and McGee am I didn't give him just whole ton of comments like this but it was about a few months ago that real that started realized I think I knew where the problem was uh you might remember about five six months back I got a home home made wider winemaking kit and I made a Pinot Noir now I've done plenty of beer also doesn't need and sign or soap I've never done wine in the classic sense of trying to make a Pinot Noir a cab or you know something like that and while I made that kit one of things I learned was the importance of something called degassing basically you're trying to release the co2 into a fermentation process is same for wine as this beer co2 gets created in beer we want that co2 because that's what gives us a head going for beer and wine oh we really don't want it unless maybe we're making a sparkling wine which there's a secondary fermentation in the bottle that creates that co2 it's not co2 from the original fermentation so I decided a video kind of cover this topic and kind of cover why we probably had this um it was probably because we we didn't eat gas that wine we left that co2 in there and people consume that co2 now going back to a beer example think about when you open the bottle of beer now if you're pouring a glass you let that head develop that co2 is releasing you know it adds to the smell to the experience of the beer but when you drink it you don't get quite as gassy but if you open a bottle beer and you don't pour it out you just kind of let it set and you open it slow or you don't kind of cause a little foam from the bottle and you just start swinging straight from there you'll notice that you kind of get bloated a little gas and you'll start to belch what have you and that's because you're consuming that co2 that co2 didn't get a chance to escape and so that's what's affecting you and I think that's what the issue is here so we need to talk about yes when do we do it why do we do it how do we do it when we want to do it after fermentation is done one thing we're trying to release the co2 no need to release co2 if we're still producing co2 makes sense and then I think it's part of the problem with the first video we were getting ready to consume it at 7 to 10 days a lot of times there's still fermentation going on at that point so the yeast is still producing co2 at the time we were consuming it but now that we want to perfect the process we would now wait let let our wine fully ferment then we could go and - gasps how do you guess easiest way the gas is just to stir it if I had a large five-gallon bucket they make these little like whisk that you put on drilling and he stirred around or you just stir by hand you don't want to shake it though you don't want to and you don't want splashing around when you stir which once for a minute if you introduce it to oxygen or allow oxygen and get get in there that's when it turns into vinegar and if you want to make vinegar that's how you make vinegar we're not wanting to turn our wine into vinegar so we wouldn't slosh around we would stir it without sloshing it and that would release the co2 you probably would hear it fizz like you open a bottle of soda what have you and that way we're releasing that co2 that's helping us boy hopefully the bubble gut and the gassy miss the belching what have you um besides degassing because there are some people because their mom if I open that fermenter I don't want to expose it I don't want to turn it into vinegar um is there another way yes sir couple other ways of giving that co2 out one of the ways is to do a secondary fermentation you can siphon off rack off a warm term you use to transfer the liquid from the original fermentation container into a secondary fermentation container during that process we'll release a lot of that co2 that will help that also allowing it to ferment longer let's say we knew 100% for sure that after 15 days or fermentation will be done if we waited out to about 21 days those days between days 15 and 21 we still might see the airlock or whatever you had to release the air it might still bubble up but it's not the co2 being actually produced now from the east it's the co2 that was left in that solution finally releasing so if we let it ferment out a little bit longer we just kind of naturally let that co2 work its way out so those are a couple of ways a good example of that is when I make Mead if you ever seen my Mead videos you know that I leave in the primary for a couple of months I may leave it secondary for two more months and that is plenty enough time to let that co2 release out again the first video the simplest way to make a booze video we're drinking on 7 to 10 days there are still a lot of that co2 in there and I think that's what's getting people well folks I hope you like this video if you did please subscribe down below also please leave any suggestions if there's any more questions you want me to follow up on this topic the simplest way to make booze or there's other videos that you just either have questions about or think I need to do a follow-up video on please leave it in the comment section and you can always kind of tag me on Twitter page til next time bottoms up
Channel: Platt R.
Views: 17,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simplest way to make booze: revisited, simplest way to make booze at home, homemade wine, home brewing, simplest way to make alcohol, the platt r channel, simplest way to make wine, beer, wine, how to make wine at home, how to make wine from grape juice, how to make wine
Id: 3I9Hgb556YM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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