How Many Rings in a Half Hour???

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foreign complex wire wrapping is beautiful and fun and amazing but you can make simple loops and simple designs that only take five minutes a piece and you can make things that people really want to wear and really want to buy and in a single day you can make 20 to 100 pieces and fill up your craft booth and it's kind of fun to see how much you can knock out in just a short amount of time it's almost like playing a video game or a sport and even if these simple things you're only selling for eight dollars to Fifteen dollars maybe twenty dollars maybe 25 and if you can get into some of the just slightly higher end shows which just means doing a little bit of research and talking to the local artists who've been doing this you can sell some of these same pieces for 30 or 40 or 50 that only took you like 5-10 minutes to make let's see how many we can knock out in a short amount of time engage copper based wire and a handful of bee Stones chips basic needle nose pliers Cutters and a ring mandrel let's see how many we can do in half an hour it's about a foot of wire [Music] halfway to the middle bend it make a little curlicue pressing really tightly against the stone [Music] put over bring the two ends together [Music] size I got to remark this this size is always rub off because I use it so much seven is the most common for women but anywhere between five and nine will get you most people [Music] fold it over [Music] leave yourself enough to make two little tabs a little less than a centimeter a little less than a half inch tuck them in tight make sure they're not sticking out in any way that would scratch someone test it make sure it lays flat in every possible way make any adjustments you need and we're done our first one [Music] takes it's a little tricky to make this curly keyword the wire doesn't touch itself it's a lot of pressure with your thumbs getting it to move the way you want but after you do 30 or 40 of them you start to get the hang of it you also want it to lay flat so sometimes you're wrestling with it because it wants to Bunch up and turn sideways and not do what you wanted to do and then sometimes you got to play with it to get the curlicue to go back because it moves in a way you don't want it to you don't want to scratch the wire so you gotta be careful how you grab it there we go I got that one back be careful not to lose it this time Bend It Like That there we go let's try it on an eight you can cross your wire too sometimes if you want you can cross it multiple times if you want there's no right or wrong in this just have fun you can also do little curly cues with these or you can do little leaf patterns but eventually you want to make sure the wire is tucked usually oh that was a little slip and you want to make everything lay as flat against the finger as possible so it looks good it doesn't look wonky always ask yourself which side of the stone looks prettier on top I'm going to stabilize this by coming around the top again and giving it one more wrap right there tuck it in right like this last wrap didn't kind of fell off I gotta get it back on the stone now this one I'm going to wrap around here to tighten the whole thing come around twice and then tuck it it's about a seven and a half I don't like that sharp end can come out still I'm going to make it tucked better if you have one of those files to file the sharp end that's even better that sharp end is poking right there that is always one double check for that tuck that sucker in where it will never ever come out again where can we put it put it right there there we go shoved in there it's not going to come out good find a nice Stone keep it neat put those back D copper goes great in Black it's only taking about somewhere between 10 inches and a foot for each of these so yeah the wires going separate ways I want to go in the same way so I'm going to turn this like that until they're laying flat going the same direction just takes a lot of pressure and practice to make the tiniest little Loops look smooth you want to focus on the tiniest amount and get it just right because then all your big stuff comes easily it's the little stuff if you let the little stuff get sloppy then your whole piece gets sloppier and sloppier but at the same time your first beginning pieces are automatically going to be a little wonkier a little sloppier you got to build up your finger strength so you might as well just make a bunch and not judge yourself [Music] that sharp end is popping right out right there I don't like that this is why I used to put a dollop of E6000 in here just to further cover up the sharp end I think I'm going to start doing that again and go back through all these put a dollop of the v6000 plus it just makes the whole Stone a little tighter on The Wire I explained this in every video and yet people still say in the comments why do you add the glue like didn't I say it in the video sometimes if a bead doesn't fit if you wiggle it and roll it you can get it to fit the size wire sometimes this hole is just big enough just barely doesn't make it but kind of almost does this one instead of doing a little swirl I'm going to do a little snake running back and forth and again I'm making these each of these super tight so I can fit a whole bunch on this tiny little bead that's like barely 10 millimeters I think that's what it is I think it's a 10 millimeter flat bead but you got like that nice snake look going on there you want to get those Loops really tight against each other so it looks good you gotta over over kill it and then bring it back foreign if you want to give it a wide frame you can wrap these use up as much wire as possible wrap these several times around until you run out of wire or cut more wire when you start sometimes it gives you more space to tuck if I can sometimes I like to tuck a sharp end into a little Loop and then flatten out that Loop and Tuck the loop then you're like even doubly sure you're not going to get a sharp end coming out to poke anybody if you do it right this one that one's not going to make it around there it's just not quite enough so we're gonna come back around this one again and do that same thing we'll make it a little tiny Loop and then we'll tuck that little tiny Loop there [Music] um I don't care if I scratch this bottom part nobody's going to see it I just want that sharp end tucked all right let's see that's kind of sticking up in the air I don't like that squeeze it onto the size we want push it down sometimes you just go straight down with this be careful you don't scratch the wire but if you're careful press it it's better not bad it's like a six now if I wasn't stopping to explain this and I speed this I keep the Rings really simple I can do an average of one ring about every minute and 45 seconds I don't know if you believe that but it's actually really relaxing even when I'm speeding foreign frame going around a square stone is a nice contrast put that around one more sometimes you want to stretch it to a higher size if it doesn't walk out your whole shape it's also cool to take a square and make it go corner to corner like a diamond on a diagonal if you can get it is malachite bead the beads are just the easiest of all I just start wrapping and I just start rolling so they have a nice little uh cop holding them and I make the ring make sure it's laying flat and back around finish it it's good to have one tab on each side locks in this side and this side sometimes I have two tabs on one side and sometimes I break them up put one on each side all right let's double check that see it once I get all wonky and go diagonal you gotta force it back the way you want I mean unless you want it diagonal that's kind of cool too so I just scratched it you gotta be careful it's a very small scratch no one's going to notice but anti-copper school because if you scratch it all you need is brown Sharpie and it totally fills it in fills in the scratch see I don't like that part sticking up there I'm gonna press that down better Can't Always Get It perfect you get as close as you can and you move on and each time you get better a little piece of rose quartz getting bored with these same colors grab some other color beads you could literally get a string of chips for like five dollars if you make every single chip into a ring to have like 40 rings or 50 rings and then you sell each ring for like 10 bucks 400 500 bucks out of just the cost of your wire and a five dollar string of chips the cost Effectiveness on this is out of control make sure the side you want is facing up because that will flip on you there we go I like to go diagonal come across one side come up the other whoop always keeping it laying flat much as possible nope still rolling on me hopefully when I put these tabs in it'll hold it in spot definitely if I put some glue it will no see I'm holding it like this like a stabbing motion get much more strength that way you don't want to go like this you're going to like give yourself carpal tunnel always move from a place of strength when you're bending the wire move from your bigger muscles try to push from your shoulder not from your fingers and your wrist it's a great way to like give your wrist inflammation in a very short time I had a friend who started wire wrapping without asking me for any help she tried to start with 14 gauge Copper from the electric store from the like electrician's wire 14 gauge and she tried muscling it in and she was a petite little female and she tried to make a whole bunch of pieces over the course of one weekend she ended up with both wrists and wrist braces should I go to the doctor and she had to keep them like that for two weeks all because she just overdid it herself and used poor body mechanics foreign foreign twisting is kind of cool it doesn't always feel good on the finger it doesn't feel as smooth it doesn't feel terrible but also that one's kind of wonky which I don't care it's handmade it's funky but I could have made it smoother if I wasn't in such a rush and I don't care that whole I don't like this too close to the edge do that one don't use a chip where the hole is really close to the edge because you'll just break the stone while you're trying to bend the wire I don't like that one either try to find one where the hole is close to the middle plus it just looks better in general it's easier to make it look better I should say let's make ourselves a little baby five that came out nice and tight it's nice noise foreign Ty copper is always my favorite I'd make everything an antique copper if I had a choice silver is the easiest to sell I'm doing these Earth Tones but I didn't have any 18 gauge silver in the studio at the moment or if I do I don't know where it is so that's why I'm using the Earth Tones but silver can be good depends on the batch sometimes it's harder to bend it's weird I don't know why they can't get it straight but every time you buy it from the art store it's different sometimes it's really soft and smooth and makes really smooth bends and other times it's wonky and hard and it makes sharp right angles when you don't want it to foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: Matt's Crazy Art
Views: 46,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wire wrap, copper wire, bronze, handmade, mandrel, do it yourself, tutorial, wire wrapping, ring making, hobby, fun, cheap, easy, simple, fast
Id: yywhcg2x5w0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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