Simple Toon Shader in Blender [Eevee]

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[Music] all right let's make the deku shield with tune cell style shaders first off delete the default cube by by blender box in your render settings under color management view transform choose standard for a less filmic look in your output properties make sure to enable z pass realize that for once you need the default cube and bring it back in edit mode scale down the y until it's nice and thin scale down the x on the bottom of the shield add a couple of loop cuts with ctrl r and tease the cube into the general shape that you want [Music] add more loop cuts and position a few close together i'll left click the middle one and scale down to create these grooves repeat as necessary add a whole bunch of loop cups along the top and bottom segments of the shield these are for later right click shade smooth and we're looking good extrude and rotate a circle object until you get the top half of a handle under the modify properties add a mirror modifier on the y axis to save you half the work and pop it into place do the same thing again with the plane to create a leather strap add a subdivision surface modifier for a smoother look select the shield and add a displace modifier plus new texture under the texture properties tab change the type to voronoi under colors bring the contrast way down and play with that and the voronoi size until you like the result let's add those tune shaders under the shading tab add a new material press shift a and search for shader to rgb node then a color ramp node disconnect the principle bsdf node from material output then connect inner line esdf out to shade it in colour out back in colour out to surface in change the colour ramp type to constant and in rendered view mode you'll see your material change when you slide the gradient stops around add your colors going from light to dark right to left the more light that hits your object the further to the right it'll pick the color from so tweak the distance between stops to get the look that you're happy with repeat the process for any other elements like the handle and strap let's get chunky select the shield add a new material slot and choose plus new in the shading tab shift a and search emission delete the principal bsdf node and connect emission out to material surface in then choose a nice dark red for your border colour in the modifier properties add a solidify modifier under normals check flip under materials material offset set to 1 to choose the second material slot immaterial properties enable backface culling to subtract the object mesh from the modifier then play with the thickness in the modifier properties until you're happy [Music] alright the devil is in the details back in edit mode give the shield a bunch of loot cuts then alt click to loop select and move them slightly in z space repeat as necessary to add details to the wood in face select edit mode select a bunch of faces around the top and bottom of the shield then still in edit mode under the material properties tab add a new material slot and fill it with the wood material [Music] duplicate the material then click assign go through the materials colors and choose a lighter brown making your way down the shades now we've chipped away at the dark bark wood to reveal the lighter wood underneath lovely to fix the border colour move the border texture to the bottom of the stack in the materials window then tab to the modifier properties and increase the material offset to 2 to select the third material slot time for some grease pencil details shift plus right click the shield surface then shift a to add a new grease pencil blank increase pencil properties name your layer and uncheck use lights in the material properties tab click plus new and create a grease pencil material with a stroke and no fill eyedropper the colour of your border control tab the draw mode and set the stroke placement to surface and offset to 0 to draw directly on any object's surface up the strength to one turn off pressure sensitivity and choose a brush radius then go around your shield adding cracks and details to the wood making sure to choose places where the mesh protrudes or recedes from the average add a new layer on top for the painted symbol and uncheck use lights in the material properties add a new red stroke material and draw the symbol ctrl tab into edit mode to scale rotate or translate your logo as needed add details to the logo and change the blend mode of the paint layer to add to let the light through boom that's it cell shaded deku shield cheers [Music] thanks for watching please consider watching something else and i'll see you next time on blender box
Channel: Blender Box
Views: 215,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 3d, animation, 2d, grease, pencil, tutorial, simple, easy, beginners, beginner, tut, cel, toon, shading, shaders, 3.0, style, material, texture
Id: qs4QUGKm6XU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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